Nothings Gonna Hurt You Baby...

By cherubkookie

89.1K 3.6K 1.7K

Namjoon brought over another tray of drinks for the table, Seokjin and Taehyung taking theirs happily. Jungko... More



4.7K 234 117
By cherubkookie

warning for bondage, impact play and knife use(but no knife injury)

Jungkook hurried down the hall to his apartment, keys trapped between his teeth as he tried to shift his gym bag and laptop bag in his arms. He clumsily got the door open, kicking his shoes off and strolling through the kitchen into the living room.

He startled at the sight of Namjoon and Seokjin on the couch. Taehyung was in the beanie bag that Jungkook stole from his older brother when he was sixteen and cleaned out his room after he went to college. Matching controllers sat in Taehyung and Namjoon's hands, Jungkook clearing his throat to gather attention.

"Hey, I didn't know you guys were coming over," He greeted awkwardly. Seokjin sat up from where he was lounging against Namjoon's chest, the only one not occupied by the video game.

"I made jajangmyeon, I ended up with way more than I thought so I figured I would come feed the babies."

"The babies?" Jungkook questioned, brows furrowed.

" Us, Jungkook-ah," Taehyung said, an annoyed tone in his voice which was credited to clearly losing in the game.

"Oh," The younger voiced, his stomach already rumbling at the mention of noodles.

"Come sit next to Joon and Hyung will get you some," Seokjin said, not bothering to wait for a response as he brushed past him to go to the kitchen.

Jungkook sat his gym bag and laptop by the doorway, discomfort squirming inside him at the idea of not getting it cleaned up right away. He shuffled over shyly, feeling out of place despite being in his own apartment and sat down on the edge of the couch. He was pressed as far as he could be to the end away from Namjoon, his back not even touching the cushion.

Namjoon seemed to notice his hesitancy and lifted one arm up to motion for him to come closer, making the space between his legs wider.

"Wanna steal his spot?"

"No thank you!" Jungkook rushed out, the older shrugging in response and he refocused on the screen. He still found Namjoon mildly intimidating. He had been nothing but friendly to him but like Yoongi and even Jimin, he had this aura of respect that followed him everywhere. Maybe it is a dom thing, or just a hot guy thing. He was still weighing the options for that one.

Seokjin walked back in, setting the bowl of jajangmyeon in Jungkook's lap before he sat between him and his boyfriend. It only took a moment before Seokjin pulled Jungkook's muscular figure against his chest, resting his arms around the younger's tiny waist.

"Joon is never fun to cuddle when he's busy. A pretty thing like me deserves attention, don't you think?" Seokjin questioned, Waiting for an answer despite Jungkook's cheeks bulging with noodles.

He nodded quickly, his black hair bobbing before he swallowed his food and forced himself to relax in the older man's arms.

"Of course, Hyung."

The older man simply squeezed him tightly and rested his narrow chin on Jungkook's shoulder.

"What are your bags for Jungkook-ah?"

"One is for my tech work, the other is just my gym bag."

"Oh you work out?"

Jungkook offered a shy shrug, his cheeks tinting pink as he took another bite of noodles.

"It's a good hobby. I spend a lot of my time at a desk so I like to get moving, it helps me get out of my head a lot too. I get stressed out so sometimes it's nice to break myself down so I can rest."

Seokjin perked up at that significantly.

"That's exactly why I joined the BDSM community. When I first entered the culinary world I was so stressed out. I started to train as a sub and then a dom under Namjoon and then we got together. Great stress reliever."

Considering how good the jajangmyeon was, he wasn't surprised that Seokjin worked in culinary. It could be the fact that he lived off of takeout and anything Taehyung had, but he would say it was easily the best food he had ever had.

He hadn't ever considered how the two met however. The idea that Namjoon, a dom, fell in love with Seokjin while he had been training to be a dom seemed unusual. But in a sweet, nothing can stop us, kind of way.

"Do you miss domming?"

"Sometimes," Seokjin admits, not looking shy at all despite his boyfriend sitting only a few feet away. "Like any fun thing, I miss it occasionally. But it's nothing I can't live without. I'd rather sub for the rest of my life with Namjoon, even if I never got to dom again. But as a couple we've made compromises, so I'm still perfectly satisfied."

"I wish someone loved me that much," Taehyung griped from where he was staring intently at the screen.

"TaeTae, I promise you that the beautiful switch girlfriend of your dreams will come along," Seokjin reassured with a sugar sweet tone.

"Jungkook is going to watch Jimin and Hoseok tonight." Taehyung changed the subject.

"That's so exciting! Joonie is going to be bartending tonight. I wish I could go with you. Have you done any research on scenes or impact play?" The eldest responded, squeezing Jungkook like he was his own personal teddy bear.

"Oh trust me, I sent him all the links," Taehyung reassured him.

Jungkook shifted nervously, his hands absently tugging at the sleeve to his black sweater. He had dressed a little more casual for the munch, all black but this time he was aiming for being comfortable. He would need it, Taehyung had other plans. Which meant Jungkook was about to watch Jimin hurt an attractive man, alone.

"I'm on the guest list," Jungkook mumbled, handing his ID to Mistress Kitty. Her talon like nails had tiny spider webs painted on them this time, catching the boy's attention.

"Jimin mentioned you were coming,"She replied, catching Jungkook off guard.

"He did?"

She rolled her eyes with a kind smile and shooed him away once he signed the waiver once again. "Have a good night, Bunny. You know where to find me."

Jungkook walked through the second door, his feet automatically carrying him to the safety of the bar.

Namjoon waved to him, pointing out an empty seat in front of him. Surprisingly, Persona wasn't very busy. It was a weekend and from what he knew, munches made the club far more lively. He sat down in the seat and a sprite instantly sat in front of him.

"Hyung, Can I have something..stronger?"

"Nope," Namjoon said with obvious pity. "Jimin gave me strict orders to keep you completely sober."

The words instantly caused the younger's expression to sour. How was he supposed to get through tonight drink-free? Who was Jimin to decide whether or not he drank?

"Don't take it personally," The bartender insisted, obviously picking up on Jungkook's mood change from anxious to grumpy and anxious. "It's your first time watching a scene, it can be overwhelming. He just wanted to make sure you were safe since he can' over you."

He phrased the last sentence very carefully, as if he was nervous to upset him. Namjoon had a point though, the last thing Jimin should be worrying about was Jungkook's habit of getting upset by something. With how much of a lightweight he was, it really was inevitable.

He grumpily took his soda, his pink lips latching around the straw. The older man laughed, his dimples popping out and threw his rag back to land on his shoulder. His biceps bulged as he crossed his arms, Seokjin really was a lucky man. Jungkook had seen more attractive people the past month than he had in his entire life.

"C'mon, his set should be starting soon. He despises tardiness, even if he's late to everything."

Jungkook stood up, following behind Namjoon to the play area. The last time he had been there he spiraled into an anxiety attack, Jungkook was praying he wouldn't embarrass himself like that again. He was led to the largest stage, many of the chairs already full with people. In the second row he was met with an empty chair, a reserved sign on the seat being snatched up by Namjoon.

"Jungkook-ah," He began, expression serious as ever. "This scene is going to be kind of violent. It's important that you know Jimin is not doing anything he and Hoseok didn't negotiate and agree on beforehand."

"Hyung, I know-"

"I know that you know but seeing it is something completely different. If you feel uncomfortable, out of control or unsafe at any point then you have to come find me."

His tone of voice left no room for argument, even despite the one Jungkook wanted to give him. His shoulders sagged slightly as he gaved a defeated nod and Namjoon patted his back gently before he began to make his way back to the bar. Jungkook resisted the urge to roll his eyes even if he was alone now. Namjoon was a bit too protective for his own good but it was nice to have someone looking out for him.

It was a few moments before the show began, the nerves starting to settle in as two brawny men carried equipment up to the stage. Even with the lights of the club being on in the play area, they still lit a few lamps, making the space seem warmer, cozier.

The air was pulled right out of Jungkook's lungs as he saw Jimin walk out. He was dressed head to toe in white. His dangling earring glittered even in the soft lighting of the lamps and his eyes scanned the guests. He held eye contact with Jungkook for a fraction of a second before he pulled his focus to the equipment. The expression he held on his face was one Jungkook hadn't recognized. He looked serious, but not in the sweet, caring way Jungkook was now used to. His hands were once again decorated with rings and Jungkook had to hold back a sad sigh when he saw them get pulled off and set aside on a table.

Everyone in the seats was already enraptured with him, as if he held them under a spell. By the quirk of his lip when he clapped his hands together, he knew it too.

"Hello everyone. My name is Jimin, I ask that you address me with the proper honorific should you speak to me after this. I don't always give these introductions but since I'm seeing some new faces here tonight, I think it's necessary. The scene I will be performing tonight will include impact play, humiliation, and bondage. I'm sure everyone here knew that already but this is your opportunity to leave the area if you find any of those things triggering. Other than that, I hope you all enjoy it. I will be addressing the crowd but please refrain from speaking to or distracting either of us."

He waited for any indication that someone was leaving, but the crowd stayed put. He gave a natural bow and spun around to walk towards the back of the stage. Pulling back a curtain he pulled Hoseok out. He was shirtless and without pants, leaving him in underwear and rope pulling his hands behind his back.

Jimin pulled him until he was center stage, dropping his hands instantly before he took a slow walk around the boy, his dark eyes criticizing.

Hoseok's eyes traveled over the crowd, his expression completely at ease until Jimin pinched the skin of his ribs harshly.

"Don't look at them. Eyes down unless I say otherwise."

Oh, so it was really starting then. That was quick.

Hoseok's eyes instantly fell to the ground, not even wincing at the pinch. "Yes, Hyung."

It was odd seeing someone older than Jimin address him with the term but as Jungkook watched, he began to understand. This Jimin seemed wise beyond his years, in complete power. To call him by his name seemed disrespectful, even despite age.

"Hope," Jimin addressed him, Jungkook's brows furrowing in confusion. Maybe that was his name here. "Do you consent to this scene with all the practices we negotiated prior?"

"Yes, Hyung."

"What are your safewords?"

"Green for keep going, Yellow for slow down or not this toy, Red is for stop."

"What is your color?" Jimin asked, rounding him to stand right in front of him. Hoseok's eyes still were trained on the floor.

"Green." He replied.

Jungkook felt himself go stock still when he saw Jimin raise a flat palm before it landed with a loud smack onto the submissive's cheek. Hoseok's head would have flown to the side had Jimin's other hand not been holding it in place. He aimed his sight back onto the ground. Jungkook felt like he might combust. He shifted his body in his seat uncomfortably, his hands gripping the sides with white knuckles.

"Green, who?"

"Green, Hyung. I'm sorry, Hyung."

"You're forgiven," Jimin replied, sounding like he was very much not in a forgiving mood.

The way he looked at Hoseok made him seem like prey. As if Jimin was some sort of white wolf waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Jungkook couldn't help but picture that look being directed his way. His kind demeanor and welcoming attitude always made Jungkook feel at ease but there was something about the way this Jimin carried himself. He was in complete control and it suited him.

"Are you gonna be a good boy for hyung?" Jimin asked with a devilish grin.

"Yes, Hyung," Hoseok said, nodding quickly.

The dominant landed another slap across his cheek, this time on the other side.

"Do you like it when I hit you?"

"Yes, Hyung. I love it when you slap my face."

His tone showed nothing but honesty, taking the third slap Jimin gave him with a smile on his face. His cheeks were already blooming pink on either side but he looked completely at peace.

"Do you know what I'm going to do to you today?"

"Hyung is gonna hurt me," Hoseok replied with a happy sigh.

Jimin's grin only grew wider, stroking the side of his partner's face with the back of his hand. His thumb trailed over his bottom lip before he smacked him for the fourth and last time. His hand didn't part from his cheek after.

"That's right, Hope. Hyung is gonna hurt you so good. "

Jungkook couldn't hold back the shiver that ran up his spine at the words.

Jimin grabbed Hoseok by the arm and pulled him harshly over to what looked like some sort of small massage table. The submissive instantly laid over it, and Jungkook watched in silent fascination as he untied his wrists, instead strapping each arm and leg to the bench, his knees bent and legs spread. Hoseok's face was hanging off the end, his orange hair creating a curtain around his face. Jungkook could see his eyes close between the gaps.

He could feel his heart racing out of his chest as Jimin dug in his pocket, bringing out a pocket knife with a white handle. He wasn't about to cut him was he? Part of Jungkook relaxed when he heard the sound of fabric ripping when Jimin used the knife to cut Hoseok's underwear from the back. But the other part of him suddenly felt a million times hotter than before. He squeezed his thighs together with an ache.

With the submissive's ass bared to the crowd, black fabric hanging down on either side, Jimin put away his knife. Jungkook got the urge to look away, to give Hoseok some sense of privacy. After all, how many people wanted someone they just met to see themselves so exposed. But he knew that Jungkook was coming, he also agreed to be on a public stage. The younger man admired his confidence. Jimin picked up a white paddle, landing a few slaps in his own hand, the sound causing Hoseok to jolt slightly over the bench, his hips wiggling.

"Poor thing, did I scare you?" Jimin asked rhetorically, his tone was full of mocking.

At the words Hoseok let out the breathiest of whines, shaking his head. "I want it, Hyung."

"Oh I know," He replied, his hand rubbing the paddle over his partner's ass. "All a dumb bitch like you thinks about is getting hit. Stupid painslut."

Jungkook let out a silent gasp, his hands going to grab at his own thighs, fingers digging into the black jeans that covered them. Hoseok seemed to feel just as affected, groaning as he balled his own hands into fists.

Jimin's lips turned into a smirk, his expression looking downright sinister.

"You want me to hurt you? Then beg for it, bitch."

The command was instantaneous. Hoseok wiggled his hips on purpose this time, pleas dropping from his lips like honey.

"Hyung please hurt me. I want you to make me feel it, I need it." He said, sounding frantic.

"Oh you need it? Why?" He asked, agging him on.

"Because I'm a dumb painslut. I'm only good for fucking and beating," He hissed out.

Jimin looked satisfied by his answer. He gave him a smack to the ass with his free hand.

"That's right. I'm not letting you fuck me and you're still asking me to hurt you."

His words were just for show, knowing he didn't want to have sex with Jimin but they still held the same effect. Hoseok nodded quickly, another round of begging about to fall from his lips before the paddle was raised, a harsh smack hitting his ass.

He moaned in surprise and Jungkook couldn't tear his focus from the sight. The grip Jimin held on the paddle was tight, the muscles in his arms showing even under the white button up he wore. Jungkook always considered Jimin slight, petite like Yoongi. But like this he looked larger than life, as if he could bring a kingdom to its knees. Jungkook was willing to bet money that he could.

Jimin rained down what must have been forty hits of the paddle, his words becoming more and more degrading by the minute.

"You like being watched don't you? You're just a stupid attention whore. You want everyone to see how easy it is to get you crying." Was what he said when he saw the first tear hit the ground.

"You're so fucking pathetic." That one earned him another moan.

"You're so loud, maybe I should go find a whore that can keep their mouth shut since you clearly can't." Hoseok had full on shuddered at that, his mouth hanging open and Jungkook could see the twitch of his hips as he resisted the urge to thrust against the bench.

Jungkook could feel his entire body covered in goosebumps as he watched the sight unfold. The words had unlocked something dark within him. Something that made him feel so embarrassed but turned on beyond belief. It would be a miracle if he left without a boner.

He dropped the paddle onto the ground with a loud thud, causing Hoseok and Jungkook to both jump. The young voyeur could feel himself sweating during the scene, it made him feel almost lightheaded.

"What is your color, Hope?" He asked, his chest moving with each breath. He seemed unaffected but Jungkook knew that had to be quite the workout.

"Green, Hyung," He breathed.

"Very good." The dominant rewarded him, going back over to the table and grabbing a long stick. He trailed it over Hoseok's cherry red ass with a smirk. "Do you know what this is?"

"A cane," He choked out. "It's a cane, Hyung."

"It is a cane, good boy."

The submissive melted under the compliment, clearly preening before a swift hit with the cane landed on the meaty part of his ass. The sound it made through the air made it far more intimidating to Jungkook, and the reaction Hoseok gave solidified that intimidation.

He let out a long string of whines, hissing each time that the stick came down on his sensitive skin. It wasn't long before the cane was dropped down as well, with twenty hits Hoseok's skin that had been a blossom red had welts over it.

"You took that so well, Darling. I'm so proud of you. We're done for today, okay?"

"Yes, Hyung," Hoseok replied absently, drool falling from his lips onto the floor.

Jimin ran a gentle hand over his skin, keeping steady even when the submissive flinched before relaxing. The hand trailed up his back, massaging into the tensed muscles before he knelt down in front of him, whispering something into his ear.

When Hoseok replied with a nod Jimin began to undo the cuffs, his hands rubbing over each wrist and ankle. Raising his hand into the air he gave three quick snaps and immediately a man came over with an orange satin robe, much like Hoseok's hair. He wrapped it around the boy's shoulders, his gaze soft and careful as he helped him off of the bench. Jimin tied the robe with a bow and grabbed the ripped underwear off of the bench.

He lifted Hoseok's chin with his thumb and tilted his head to the audience.

"What do you say?"

"Thank you everyone!" Hoseok replied, cheery as ever even given the fact that he was leaning in to the short male for support with standing.

Jimin's eyes met Jungkook's as he guided his sub off stage, pointing to the hall where his office was. The younger nodded quickly, and Jimin looked away, dipping behind the curtain.

When Jungkook found his way to the office he knocked softly on the door before he heard a voice telling him to come in.

He was met with the sight of Hoseok laying on his stomach on the couch, the robe replaced by a T-shirt and sweatpants. A knit blanket hung around him and he was munching on chocolate. Jimin was sitting in the comfy chair beside him, face lit up as he laughed.

"I'm just saying! Hi Jungkookie," Hoseok greeted, looking very much more with the land of the living.

"Hi," He replied, stepping in and closing the door behind him. "Jimin-ssi, did you want something?"

The dominant trailed his dark eyes over Jungkook's body, something that the younger man wondered when he was ever going to get used to.

"Yeah, I wanted to see you," He said, easy as ever. He reached a hand out and Jungkook hesitantly placed his hand in his only to be pulled abruptly over to him. He stood between Jimin's parted thighs, his hand still clasped in his.

"How are you feeling?" He questioned, his eyes seemingly analyzing Jungkook's face for any detection of a lie.

"I'm good," He mumbled, eyes darting back and forth from the floor to the man in front of him.

It was silent for a moment before Jimin got up and slipped out the narrow space between Jungkook and the chair.

"Take my seat," He said, going to get a cup of water from his fountain and pulled a drawer on his desk, taking a baggie of snacks from it.

He handed them both to the boy silently and stepped back to lean against the edge of his desk.

"Did anything upset you? Or make you uncomfortable or make you question things?"

"Jimin-ssi, I'm fine," He responded in confusion, opening the salty snacks and taking a couple into his mouth. Instantly the recognition hit him, looking down to his own state of being cared for and then looking to Hoseok.

"Wait, are you giving me aftercare? I wasn't a part of the scene."

"Voyeurism is a passive role but it's still a role in a scene," Jimin explained.

"It was also your first time watching a scene. Even though ours wasn't very long, it was pretty intense for someone who hasn't ever seen BDSM with any focus," Hoseok reasoned.

He began to sit up from how he was laying, causing Jimin to jump up and help him instantly.

"You should still be laying down-"

"Oh stop it, I can take a beating. Besides, you went pretty easy on me today and gave me excellent aftercare. The pain meds are already kicking in."

Jimin was obviously overruled and instead made sure the blanket was wrapped around Hoseok's shoulders. He sat beside him, throwing an arm over the back of the couch where Hoseok was pressed into his side. It made something akin to jealousy stir in Jungkook at the sight of how attentive Jimin was to him. Part of him wilted in guilt, he had no reason to be jealous. He wasn't even involved in the scene and here he was still going out of his way to take care of Jungkook, it was greedy of him to want anything more.

"Jiminie is big on aftercare. I wouldn't question it. He's a great example of how you should be treated and how you should treat your partner."

The dom flushed at that, smiling brightly as he kissed Hoseok's cheek.

"Thank you, Hyung."

He turned back to Jungkook with a soft expression, pushing his blonde hair back.

"I just really wanted to make sure that this was a positive experience for you."

"It was, you don't have to worry about that."

Another knock came on the door before it was opened to reveal Namjoon.

"Hope, I'm all checked out to leave if you still wanna spend the night tonight."

The man stood up, giving Jimin a kiss on the cheek.

"Post-scene lunch at mine tomorrow?"

"You got it." Jimin grinned.

The switch grabbed his chocolate and blanket, holding it tightly before he leaned down to press a kiss to Jungkook's head, startling him.

"Thank you for coming, Jungkookie," He said before he slipped out with Namjoon, the youngest receiving a squeeze to his shoulder from the bartender.

The door falling shut behind them left the two in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable but it made Jungkook that much more aware of the fact that they were alone. Jimin picked up around the office, before he relaxed into the couch.

"Do you usually stay after a scene?" Jungkook asked quietly.

"No, not usually. But I still think you and I should talk about how tonight made you feel."

"Jimin-ssi, I told you I'm okay," He attempted to reassure him. The last thing he wanted was to make Jimin feel like he did anything wrong, especially when Jungkook actually did have a good experience.

"And I trust you on that. But tonight was about exploring for you, I want to talk about what you liked about it."

Oh. That was a completely different conversation. One that made Jungkook a little nervous.

"C'mere," Jimin requested with a wave of his hand.

Hesitantly Jungkook got up from the chair, setting the forgotten snacks and the glass of water on the coffee table before he sat down beside Jimin. The older man was facing his side and reached out to pull him in closer.

"Is this okay?"

"Yeah," He breathed out, unable to verbalize anything else.

After he received the go-ahead Jimin pulled him in close until he was laying on his side on the couch, his head rested on the older man's chest.

"Let's start with an easy one, did you have anything you didn't understand?"

Jungkook shook his head but stopped when he heard the sound of Jimin tutting.

"I don't like nonverbal responses, I need you to talk to me."

"Sorry," The younger replied sheepishly. "No, I don't have anything I'm confused about. If i think of any questions later I'll ask Taehyung."

He seemed satisfied with that reply, his fingers, which were once again decorated with rings, began to trail up and down Jungkook's arm.

"Okay, was there anything you saw that you think you liked?"

The entire scene replayed in Jungkook's mind instantaneously, his thighs pressing against each other once again. Jimin's eyes flickered down to them and threw his head back briefly before he cleared his throat.

"I think- I liked the paddle. And when you called him a good boy." He whispered, just a decimal over silent.

"Okay.." Jimin replied, gently as ever. His hands took one of Jungkook's larger ones and he rubbed over his palm in a massaging manner.

"What about when I called him other things? Did you dislike that?"

The physical attention and the reminders of earlier swirling through Jungkook's mind as he could feel his heartbeat beginning to race once again.

Painslut. Bitch. Attention Whore.


"No, I liked it," Jungkook wheezed out, heat gathering in the lower region of his tummy. "Fuck, I really liked it."

The massaging of his palm stopped briefly before it began again, Jimin resting his chin on Jungkook's head.

"I don't want to assume, but I think you're definitely interested enough to be open to wanting something like that. In that scenario.. Do you think you'd want to be me? Or Hoseok?"

He phrased the question carefully, not using the titles to probably make the younger feel more comfortable and less intimidated by his impending sexual revelation. It sounded silly even to Jungkook's own ear but he appreciated it all the more.

"Him," Jungkook replied.

The thoughts flooded to him, the idea of being strapped down to a bench. Trying to pull on the restraints but being unable to do so. The feeling of someone taking out all their frustration on him. His body being pushed to its limits and allowing himself to let go. He could practically hear those same words being thrown his way, someone breaking him down as far as he could go before building him back up again. He could clearly picture the print of rings on his ass like Hoseok's welt.

The thought made him feel dizzy, his breathing hard as he pulled back abruptly. Jimin's gaze became concerned as he sat up, arms going to bring him in closer or help him up. As if he couldn't decide what to do.

"Jungkook-ssi are you-"

"Train me," Jungkook pleaded, his round eyes large with want. "Train me to be a submissive."

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