Watch and Learn

By Cat1825

231K 4.2K 2.8K

After hearing Queen Leah's attack of the daughter of Maleficent, the Blue Fairy has had it. These were childr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 6

11.9K 237 193
By Cat1825

"Okay," Ben sighed as everyone got comfortable once more. The Blue Fairy waved her wand and the footage resumed.

The Villain Kids arrived at the museum, sneaking along the path.

"Come on, check your mirror," Mal whispered to Evie. Evie took out the mirror upon request.

"Is my mascara smudged?" Evie gasped.

"Seriously?" A small girl with light brown hair sighed and rolled her eyes. "Is that really the time to be thinking about that."

"Yeah, and hey, while you're at it, why don't you see if you can find us the wand?" Mal said sarcastically, fighting the urge to roll her eyes.

"You know, I may be against stealing Fairy Godmother's wand, but I do appreciate wanting to get a job done right," Cinderella said, causing Chad to look at her in shock.


"Did you forget what my step-mother had me do before I met your father?" Cinderella asked her son, giving him a sad smile. "If I had done a job poorly, that would have just meant more work for me later on."

"Sure. This way." Evie looked into her mirror and pointed to the right, leading the other three to the museum entrance.

The four stopped in front of the museum doors and looked inside. In the room, a security guard sat watching the monitors before him. In the center of the room sat Maleficent's spinning wheel.

" not as intimidating as I remember," Aurora said with a frown. "Maybe it's the lack of green glow around it."

"Seems kinda dorky," Audrey whispered to Chad, who bit back a laugh.

"That's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jay laughed.

"Yeah, it's kind of dorky," Carlos told Mal, the laughter evident in his own voice.

Audrey tried her hardest to make sure a disgusted look didn't show on her face. She didn't want to give her mother an excuse to extend her grounding to three weeks.

"It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary," Mal shot back and dug out her mother's spell book. Opening it to the right page, she looked back at the guard. "Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger."

"You know, I'm beginning to wish your mother wasn't brought with us," Phillip whispered to Aurora as Leah once again grabbed hold of Audrey.

"Well it's better than when she used to do it with me," Aurora whispered back. "We could barely spend our wedding night alone."

The four watched in anticipation before the moment was ruined by the security guard's yawn.

"Impressive," Jay snarked.

"I got chills," Carlos deadpanned, causing both boys to smirk.

"You two are the only ones who could snark like that in front of Mal," Evie said with a chuckle.

"Okay, you know what?" Mal growled and looked back at the book. "Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep."

The guard got up from his chair and walked over to the spinning wheel. With no control over his actions, or any idea as to what he was doing, he touched the tip of the needle. Instantly, he was put to sleep.

"Whoa." Evan gasped, amazed at how simple a thing could be so powerful.

"Not so dorky now, huh?" Mal smirked. She went to open the door but frowned as she found it was locked.

"We never lock our doors because we never really see the point," Evie said with a shrug. "Most of our stuff ends up at Jafar's shop anyway."

"Stand back," Jay said with a smirk, backing up but not realizing no one had listened to what he had said. Mal realized what Jay had planned. Knowing that such an action would be a surefire way for them to get caught, Mal looked back at her mother's spell book for a solution.

"Did you not think about possible alarms?" Aladdin asked Jay, causing the boy to almost jump in shock.

"Honestly, the chance to use force was all I thought about," Jay told him. "We don't have electricity on the Isle."

"Makes sense," Aladdin said with a nod. It felt weird talking to the son of the man who tried to kill him and Jasmine but at the same time, Aladdin had been a thief. It was rare that he could compare notes with someone.

"Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick," Mal whispered. As soon as the last word left her lips, the doors opened. Jay ran right at the opened doors.

"This won't end well," Jane said with a wince.

"Ahh!" Jay came flying through the museum entrance in an attempt to kick open the already unlocked doors. He landed on the floor with a thud.

Everyone tried avoiding eye contact with each other, as if to ward off the laugher that everyone was dying to let loose. But Jay was their Tourney star—it wouldn't be right to laugh at him.

Mal and Evie laughed at the sight and Mal playfully kicked Jay's leg as the girls walked on. "Coming?"

"Come on, Jay," Carlos offered his hand to his friend.

"I'm good," Jay said, hopping back up on his own.

"Just trying to help," Carlos said with a shrug. The villain kids walked past the guard and looked around the room at all the different items on display. Quickly realizing that the wand wasn't there, they left the room in search of it; Carlos bringing up the rear.

"The guard's leg almost hit me," Carols said when everyone looked over him. "I didn't want to be the one to wake him up. Plus, I was a little curious about the spinning wheel since it's so outdated."

Anita noted that and made a point to see what technology they could afford; as upkeep for 101 Dalmatians was more expensive than one would have thought.

"Carlos!" Mal hissed, motioning for Carlos to follow them.


"So close. Upstairs," Evie said, the other three following close behind.

"Come on. Go, go, go, go. Up, up, up, up, up," Mal ushered the boys to follow Evie, not realizing that they were heading straight for the Villains gallery.

"We should have realized that," Mal whispered to the other three, hoping that her song of doubt wouldn't be shown.

"Why would we think there would be statues of our parents?" Evie whispered back.

"Why are we all whispering?" Ben chimed in with a small chuckle as the girls jumped, forgetting he was there.

"Come on, guys. Almost there," Evie said as they reached the top of the stairs.

Upon entering the first room, the four paused in shock and bewilderment. Before their eyes were four, almost life like statues of their parents.

"Mommy?" Evie whispered.

"Oh dear," Snow gasped. Seeing how her mother would have looked like from their perspective would certainly shock a girl like Evie. "Why weren't those put somewhere else when those four came in? That museum is open to the public after all."

"Killer," Jay muttered.

Aladdin shuddered as the memories of the final fight came into his head and he fought the urge to embrace his son once more.

"I will never forget Mother's Day again," Carlos vowed, staring at the statue of his mother.

"A son shouldn't feel fear at forgetting Mother's Day," Anita whispered to Rodger.

"Considering how he's treated, I don't think Cruella should be considered a mother," Rodger whispered back, looking at the boy and, unknowingly to his wife, got on board with the idea of keeping Carlos as far away from Cruella as possible.

"Well, the wand's not here. Let's bounce," Jay said, clapping his hands together. "Let's go!"

Aladdin frowned upon hearing the fear in the younger boy's voice. Looking over at Jasmine, he wondered if she would be willing to have Jay stay with least for a week or two.

Maybe it was a risky move but a child should never be in an area where they fear the person taking care of them.

Jay left the room, quickly followed by Evie and Carlos—none of them realizing that Mal trailed behind. Mal looked fixedly at the statue of her mother and slowly walked closer to it. Music began to play in the background, but Mal gave no sign that she noticed it.

"Why is there music?" A smallish boy with the same light brown hair as the girl before asked.

"Daniel!" The girl from before shushed him.

"It's an honest question!"

"The future of the free world rests on your shoulders. Don't blow it."

Maleficent's voice rang out, as if echoing in Mal's head.

"No pressure," Jasmine muttered.


Look at you, look at me

I don't know who to be, Mother.

All of the married-into-royals looked at each other with knowing looks. While it wasn't the same as what Mal was feeling, they could sympathize with the dual feelings of being pulled into two separate directions.

Is it wrong? Is it right? Be a thief in the night, Mother.

"Wrong. Definitely wrong."

"Harper, shut up," Doug groaned and fought the urge to put his head in his hands. He had eyes—he could see that, as much as Mal wanted to hide it, she really didn't want the rest of the room hearing her inner thoughts.

Tell me what to do....

"But that would require that Maleficent be in that room," Audrey said.

Evie appeared in the doorway, as if realizing Mal hadn't been with them. "Mal, come on!" Evie motioned for Mal to follow before disappearing once more. Mal went to follow before the statue of her mother came to life, with a terrifying laugh filling the room.

Total silence ran through the room. No one knew how to react—the adults were resisting the urge to run screaming and the kids were looking to their parents.


"Lonnie!" Mulan shouted, a little shocked at her daughter's language.

"I'm sorry mother, but what is an appropriate reaction to that?" Lonnie asked, pointing at the screen.

Mulan paused, and realized her daughter had a point. "Fair enough, but watch the language. There are little kids here who don't need to hear that."

"Who taught you that?" Shang asked.

"Uncle Yao," Lonnie shrugged. Shang sighed but figured that would be the answer.

Queen Leah was shouting that she had said that this would happen, that they needed to be wary of the villains.

"Mother!" Aurora shouted, shocking everyone. "Enough! If Maleficent had truly left the Isle, I don't think she would have stayed in the museum."

"Don't be so serious, darling! I'm sorry!" Maleficent bent over laughing and then started to sing.

"I hear music. Is your mother going to sing?" Ben asked.



"Because the universe hates me."


I was once like you, my child. Slightly insecure.

My father taking her wings probably would have made her insecure, Aurora thought with an inward sigh at the thought of her fairy godmother going through that.

Argued with my mother too, thought I was mature.

But I put my heart aside, and I used my head.

"Woah, good reflexes Mal!" Rachel exclaimed. "That probably would have hit me in the head!"

"Mom's pulled that move a few times," Mal said with a slight chuckle.

Now I think it's time you learned what dear old momma said!

Don't you want to be evil like me?

"Uh, no." Chad said, though he was unknowingly giving the same look of shock and confusion the Mal on the screen was.

Don't you wanna be mean?

"Audrey has that down pat," Rachel muttered to Lonnie, who bit back a chuckle out of fear of being overheard.

Don't you wanna make mischief your daily routine?

Well you can spend your life attending to the poor.

But when you're evil, doing less is doing more!

"But helping others who need it is one of the best things someone can do!" Carter LeBouf said with a grin.

Don't you want to be ruthless, and rotten, and mad?

Don't you want to be very, very, good at being bad?

"Mal's none of those thing!" An older teen with dark blonde hair said with a smile toward the younger girl.

"Kiara," a red-haired man whispered.

"What, dad? It's the truth!"

I have tried my whole life long, to do the worst I can.

"And you have," Jay nodded.

"Succeed masterfully!" Carlos added.

Clawed my way to victory, built my master plan.

Now the time has come, my dear, for you to take your place.

Belle frowned as Mal jumped at the scepter being put down next to her. She had grown to like her son's girlfriend over the course of this film and, despite the wand stealing, she was glad the four of them were there.

Seeing someone like Mal, who was always so confident, look scared seemed to raise Belle's parent alarm, as corny as that sounded. Looking over at her husband, and seeing the same frown on his face, Belle knew the same thoughts were running through his head.

Promise me you'll try to be an an absolute disgrace!

"Who would want to be a disgrace?" A girl with dark brown hair asked, looking over at a man who, by resemblance, must have been her father.

"Remember Annabel. Being a disgrace is good for a villain," Michael Banks told his daughter in a whisper, hoping the four children from the Isle wouldn't be offended that he was answering for them.

Don't you wanna be evil like me?

Don't you wanna be cruel?

"What is she doing?" One of the girls in the audience asked, looking slightly disturbed.

"You're better off not knowing," Mal told her.

Don't you wanna be nasty, and brutal, and cool?

And when you grab that wand, that's when your reign begins.

"Well, that proves this is fake," Evie said with a sigh. "No way would Maleficent let anyone touch her scepter."

"Even her daughter?" Rachel asked causing Mal to laugh.

"I have to prove I deserve my name! How the flying frick could I prove I deserve to look at, let alone touch, her scepter?"

Who wants an evil queen without a sack of sins?

Don't you want to be heartless, and hardened as stone?

Ben looked over at his girlfriend and realized that it wasn't her—Mal could never be heartless. If she was, people like Evie and Lonnie and heck even himself wouldn't want to be around her.

"Did she just lick her scepter?" Rowyn Fitzherbert asked, looking slightly disturbed.

Don't you want to be finger lickin' evil to the bone?

This is not for us to ponder, this was pre-ordained.

"She's got a good voice," Ariel muttered. Despite Maleficent being a villain, Ariel could still recognize a good singer when she heard one.

You and I shall rule together, freedom soon regained.

All the heroes looked at each other, knowing that a freed Maleficent would be a terrifying thing.

Mistress of the universe, powerful and strong.

Daughter, hear me, help me, join me, won't you sing along?


Now we're gonna be evil, it's true, never gonna think twice!


And we're gonna be spiteful!

Ben couldn't help but lean forward slightly as Mal sang. Yeah, he knew she had a good voice from the song at the beginning but this was something different. The little growl in her voice as she said spiteful made him feel things...things he had only felt when he ate that cookie.


Yes, spiteful. That's nice!

"Oh god, your mom's 'nice' voice is disturbing," Carlos shuddered.

In just an hour or two, our future's safe and sure!

This mother-daughter act is going out on tour!

If you wanna be evil, and awful, and free!

Then you should thank your lucky stars, that you were born the girl you are!

Mal would never say it out loud but sitting there, surrounded by her friends, she was thanking her lucky stars. Now, if this thing would end and she could get back to the plan, that would be great!

The daughter of an evilicious queen like me!

"Evilicious?" Belle asked, looking as if the word pained her to say.

"Mom's a fan of making up words," Mal told her. "Most of the people on the Isle are."

Evie came back into the door frame. "Hey, I found the wand. Let's go!"

Mal looked at Evie and then back at her mother's seemingly still statue, staring at it for a moment as if not believing it had come to life. She shakes it off and joins the others, who stare at the wand, that's being protected by some sort of spell.

"So....that happened," Emir said with a slightly disturbed look on his face.

"Can we all agree to never speak of that again?" Kiara asked and everyone muttered in agreement.

"Whoo!" Jay cheered and ran downstairs.

They all stared at the wand in awe and relief that they had completed part of their mission. Jay stepped forward, looking to grab the wand.

"Jay, don't!" Mal warned.

"Too eager," Aladdin muttered.

"He's a kid," Eugene muttered back. "Like he said, there's no power on the Isle. How would he know?"

Jay smirked and ignored Mal's warning, going in for the wand.

"Wait, no! No! Don't! Ah!" Mal continued to try and persuade the boy to stop but only the force field surrounding the wand was able to make him pause. Jay's slight touch of the force field was enough to trigger the alarm to go off, waking the guard in the process.

Most of the adults let out a sigh of relief at the idea that the wand was still safe in the museum.

"A force field and a siren?" Carlos asked, covering his ears.

"That's just a little excessive," Jay called back.

"Just a tad," Lonnie said with a chuckle.

"Let's go!" Mal ordered, and the four ran from the room.

"Hurry!" Evie urged.

"Come on!"

They rushed through the museum to the entrance and made a break for the front door. However, the phone at the guard's desk started to ring. Carlos, the last one out, stopped and answered.

"No!" Daniel Darling shouted, hoping Carlos didn't get caught.

"Hello? Uh, uh, just give me one second. One second," Carlos typed something in on the keypad that was next to the phone, which turned the alarm off. "Uh, yeah, yeah. No, false alarm. It was a malfunction in the, uh, in the 714 chip in the breadboard circuit," Carlos said quickly, looking at the clipboard on the table to come up with his excuse on the fly. "Yeah, okay. Say hi to the missus."

"Who were you talking to?" Ben asked, looking at the younger boy.

"That would be me," King Beast said, shooting a smile to the shocked boy. "I honestly thought you were the best security guard we've hired in a long time."

"To be fair, your highness, you did hire Sleepy's nephew," Snow told him. "Falling asleep on the job probably would have been a risk."

"Nice tech lingo," an older girl with brown hair that was pulled back into a pony tail said, giving Carlos a nod.


"What dad? You were pretty tech savvy as a kid," Jamie Hawkins said, turning to her dad.


"You're welcome!" Carlos shrugged before running after the others.

The four of them ran quickly away from the museum, hoping to avoid being caught.

"Way to go, Jay! Now we have to go to school tomorrow!" Mal scolded as the four of them ran into the cover of the dark of night.

"That would be your concern," Evie shook her head.

"Oh really? Ms. Magic Mirror?" Mal shot back. Evie made to respond but the Blue Fairy stopped her.

"Are we ready for another or would we like to stop?" She asked. After that scene at the museum, the last thing she wanted was to make it worse for the four kids.

"Let's keep this moving," Mal said, hoping that the fewer breaks they took, the faster it would be done with.

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