The Night Pride: Season 1

By ChristopherTLGFan

18.3K 135 26

Kion is now King of the Tree of Life ruling alongside Rani. A year later, the Murder of Rani's parents return... More

Chapter 1: The Vengeance of Ork
Chapter 2: Save Rani
Chapter 3: The Royal Visit
Chapter 4: Cheetah Stalker
Chapter 5: What's Going on in the Pridelands?
Chapter 6: The Great Rainfall
Chapter 7: Kovu's Sickness
Chapter 8: A Stuck Brother
Chapter 9: Hunerd's Revenge (Part 1)
Chapter 10: Hunerd's Revenge (Part 2)
Chapter 12: Kion's Day Off
Chapter 13: Power of the Fire Stone (Part 1)
Chapter 14: Power of the Fire Stones (Part 2)
Chapter 15: Power of the Fire Stones (Part 3) (Finale)

Chapter 11: The Lightning Roar

840 7 1
By ChristopherTLGFan

Kion and Rani wake up

Kion: Ah, morning Rani. 

Rani: Morning Kion. 

Makini: Morning your majesties. 

Kion: Oh, good morning Makini. 

Rani: Ready to start the day? 

Kion: Yeah. I know one I'm doing today. 

Rani: Let me guess, You're going to Cikha Escarpment? 

Kion: Yeah, the new Lightning Roar training taking a lot longer than I thought. 

Rani: I understand. 

They both go outside to great rest of the Night Pride. 

Bunga: Good morning Kion. 

Kion: Morning Bunga. Where's Kiara? 

Kiara: Right here. 

She, Vitani, Kovu and Nirmala approach them

Kovu: Good morning. 

Nirmala: I have some good. Kovu is finally healed. 

Kion: That's great. 

Kiara: Yup, it sure is. 

Vitani: They're planning on leaving at night, but I'm not. 

Kovu: She just wants to help you defeat Hunerd. 

Kion: It's very nice of you Vitani. 

Rani: Yeah, we could use all the help we can get. 

Kion: Well, I'm gonna go now. 

Rani: Okay. Be careful. 

Kion: I will. 

He nuzzles Rani before he heads up to Cikha Escarpment. Kiara also wishes her brother good luck. Fuli decides to take the lead of the Guard and Surak, Baliyo and Nirmala go to rest. Later, at Cikha Escarpment

Kion: I'm here Askari. 

Askari: Welcome Kion! Ready for more of you're training? 

Kion: Yes I am. 

Askari: Alright, let's begin on that rock. 

Kion: Okay. 

Kion uses his roar on the rock

Askari: Good work Kion! Now, let's try something else. 

Kion: Okay. 

Later, with Vitani and Kiara, they were both talking how worried they are for Kion. However, Kiara appreciates Vitani staying in the Tree of Life for a while. But they're still worried. Then, Rani approach them

Vitani: Oh, hey Rani. 

Kiara: What's up? 

Rani: Nothing, just checking on you 2. 

Vitani: You know, I gotta say, you and Kion do a pretty great job running this place. 

Rani: You know us. We make a pretty good team. 

Kiara: You sure do. (chuckles

Vitani: Yeah, the best! 

Kiara: Like she said. 

Rani: Yup. 

At Hunerd's lair 

Ork: So, you're suggesting that we use these Fire Stones to conquer the Tree of Life? 

Hunerd: Yes, and when the time comes, we'll take over. 

Mapigano: I am pretty excited about this. 

Kenge: This World Domination thing might work. 

Hunerd: It will. Now we've got a team, we Predator Pride will have to do whatever it takes to take over the Tree of Life. 

Ork: You know, I'm honestly having second thoughts on taking over the Tree of Life. Maybe I should leave. 

Mayilo: If you think about leaving! I'd posion you! 

Ork: Look, I like being evil, but not too much. I mean, sure I miss my brother, but maybe I'm going too far, like you know. 

Hunerd: (Sigh) Ork, you're brother loved you more than anything, but he wants you to get revenge on The Night Pride. I know that because Fahari and Jiona told me that. 

Ork: Are you sure? Siblings would be more protective of each other. 

Hunerd: But remember Rani? 

Ork: Yeah, you're right. (smirks

Later at Chika Escarpment

Askari: Good work again Kion! 

Kion: Thanks Askari. 

Askari: Now, let's use you're roar on that bush. 

Kion: Wouldn't it burn it? I don't wanna cause a fire. 

Askari: Oh, but this doesn't cause fires. 

Kion: Okay. 

Kion uses his roar on those bushes and the bush is gone

Kion: Wow, the roar must have gotten rid of it. 

Askari: It sure did. 

Kion: Whew, I'm tired. 

Askari: We'll continue tomorrow. 

Kion: Thanks Askari. 

Askari disappears from the clouds as Kion heads back to the Tree, in the Tree. Later at night, Kion and Kiara were saying their goodbyes to each other as Kiara and Kovu are heading home. Kiara is still worried but Kion tells her that he'll be fine. Jasiri and Janja decides to stay along with Vitani to help stop Hunerd. Janja wants Ook safe in the Outlands where he can be safe. Janja does often worry about his younger brother

Kiara (Sigh) Be safe Kion, okay? 

Kion: I will. You may visit once this is over. 

Kiara: Thank you Kion. (She nuzzles him)

Kovu: Don't hurt yourself Vitani, okay?

Vitani: I won't. I'm in the Tree of Life anyway, so I can be healed. Wish it was closer to the Pridelands, though. 

Kiara: C'mon guys, let's go. 

Ook: I'll miss you Janjy. 

Janja: I'll be fine Ook, I'll come back when this is all done, I promise. 

Janja hugs his brother and then Kiara, Kovu and Ook leave the Tree of Life

Kion: C'mon Rani, let's get some rest. 

Rani: Yeah, night guys.

Vitani: Night lovebirds. (Smirks)

Kion: Oh, boy... (chuckles)

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