X-Men (Male Reader)

By IvanBullock

138K 4.3K 2.6K

Their world was destroyed, turned to ruin by the arrival of Apocalypse. With no other option, Charles Xavier... More

The Day The World Ended
New Bonds
The Teachers and Students
First Class
Our Youth
Night of the Sentinel
Weapon X Pt. 1
Weapon X Pt. 2
A Thief's Heart
Reunions and Investigations
Burying the Past Pt.1
Burying the Past Pt. 2
Burying the Past Pt. 3
Our Friendships
The Choices We Make
The Brotherhood Pt. 1
The Brotherhood Pt. 2
The Brotherhood Pt. 3
A New Day

Our New World

10.8K 289 253
By IvanBullock

You sat on the couch, now wrapped up in bandages, beside Scott and Jean. The others were behind you standing as these new X-Men sat across from you. It was merely an hour ago since you entered Project Olympus and ended up here. Where? You had no idea.

???: Now, I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Ororo Munroe. I serve as field leader of the X-Men. I am also a teacher here. My power is weather manipulation thus my name is Storm.

Y/N: Weather manipulation?

Ororo nodded. You slowly grinned and held out your hand.

Y/N: Nice to meet you.

Jean slapped your hand down, which honestly hurt, and you retracted your hand and held it.

Y/N: Ow.

The next one was the shorter man.

???: My name is James but most people call me Logan. Or Wolverine, for some god forsaken reason.

Bobby leaned forward and whispered in your ear.

Bobby: Is it cause he's small?

Logan responded to the question by holding up his fist and popping out three metal claws. Bobby flinched while your eyes just lit up. You slowly reached your hand out again but Jean grabbed your wrist and forced it back down. She held it down while forcing a smile.

Jean: It's nice to meet you all. I'm...

Logan: We know who you are. It's just...not possible.

Scott: You keep saying that. You mentioned that we had died? Was it during the attack?

Ororo and Logan looked at each other confused. Looks like they were just as lost as you were.

Ororo: You gave your lives during a mission against the Brotherhood. This was last month.

The Brotherhood? The hell were the Brotherhood? And last month? Things weren't adding up like you had hoped.

Jean: I'm sorry, but what year is it?

Logan: 2021.

2021? But....it was just 1982. You woke up and read the newspaper. It was 1982.

Y/N: Oh. Oh no. Were we sent to the future?!

You all looked at Hank who simply stood there in shock.

Hank: He did it. He actually did it.

Scott: Hank? Who did what? What's going on?

Hank rubbed his chin and sighed.

Hank: The Professor had once talked about this possibility. The possibility of another world. Another dimension.

You all sat in silence for a moment before Logan and Ororo looked at each other and nodded. They then turned back to you.

Logan: Alright. We notified the Professor. He'll be here in a bit.

Y/N: The Professor? He's alive?!

Logan nodded as he leaned back in his seat. The Professor was alive. He survived somehow. Or, if what Hank said was true, this was a whole different world. One where the Professor didn't die. Or, the attack never happened.

The door suddenly opened and you all looked over. Your eyes grew wide when you saw the familiar wheelchair enter the room.

???: I apologize for my late arrival. I was tending to other matters but this appears to be more important.

Scott: Professor...

???: Indeed. My name is Charles Xavier. I am the headmaster of this school. I also see that my counterpart has activated Project Olympus.

You stood up and rushed over to the man. You suddenly hugged him which caught him and the other two off guard. You held him tightly as tears threatened to fall from your eyes.

Y/N: I'm sorry. I know you're not him but...I'm sorry.

Xavier simply smiled and hugged you back. The two of you stayed like that for a moment before you pulled away and sniffed. Jean walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder before guiding you back to the couch.

Professor: I am terribly sorry. If you are here then that means you activated the failsafe.

Warren: You know about the failsafe?

The Professor nodded.

Professor: It was some time ago when I had connected to myself by some odd occurrence. I still do not know the origin of this meeting but I had spoken to myself, from a different world.

Hank listened intensely while the rest of you stayed silent. This was a lot to take in.

Professor: I had sent my counterpart plans for an interdimensional machine in an event of certain doom. One that Professor McCoy had created.

You all looked at Hank who was just as confused.

Hank: Me?

Logan: Our Hank, apparently. Makes senses. That brute was always locked in his lab doing something.

So some things just didn't change.

Professor: You are all welcome to stay here with us. We will provide food, board, and education just as I did in your world. Though, I must warn you all that things here may be vastly different than what you are used to.

Scott: We appreciate the offer, Professor. This is just...a lot to take in.

The Professor nodded and turned to his associates. Logan and Ororo stood up, Logan with a sigh, and turned to you.

Professor: Ororo will show the girls where they will be staying while James will show the boys. In the morning, we will talk more. For now, you need your rest. I assume you had a long day.

You all nodded and stood up. Everyone began to file out with you being the last to leave. You stopped when you felt your mind shift ever so slightly. You looked back at the Professor who seemed surpised.

Y/N: Did you need something?

Professor: I apologize. I was trying to speak to you but it appears you have a smiled around your mind.

You smiled slightly and nodded.

Y/N: Yeah. I don't like people in my head. Goodnight, Professor.

You left without another word.
As you walked through the empty halls, you let out a yawn that you had been holding back for the last few hours. The fight and all this talk of different dimensions was really taking it's toll.

You followed the two teachers and ended up looking over at Emma. It was true that she was once your enemy, but she was just as lost as you were. You felt for her. You had the others but Emma had no one left.

Y/N: Hey, Frost.

The blonde looked at you over her shoulder.

Y/N: Thanks. For helping me out.

She didn't say anything. She just nodded and turned back to the others. She had been pretty quiet the entire time you were speaking to the adults. Made sense. She probably felt even more uncomfortable than the rest of you.

You reached a point in the hall where Logan went left and Ororo went right. You all hesitated to follow and instead looked at each other.

Logan: Boys sleep on the left, girls on the right. Simple stuff.

Ororo: You will be sharing rooms for the time being, however. Jean and Emma will be together.

That was a recipe for disaster.

Ororo: The rest of you will also be boarding together. Y/N and Scott, Warren and Bobby, Hank will be set up in his lab.

Logan: Or, our Hank's lab.

You all hesitated a bit longer before you finally separated. You all needed your sleep, just like the Professor said.

It had been a long day.


You slowly opened your eyes to the sounds of birds chirping and people outside. Not the usual protesters or angry mobs, either. It sounds like whoever was outside was having...fun. That was weird.

You sat yourself up and groan at your injuries before you looked around the mostly empty dorm room. Your eyes eventually landed on the sleeping figure of your friend. His glasses were on the nightstand next to him. Or, this world's Scott's glasses. That was going to take some getting used to.

You pulled the blankets off of you and got out of bed. You pulled on your cap and headed for the door. You were dressed modestly so there wouldn't be any lectures about not being the only one living here. Actually, you had no idea how many people lived here. This was a full blown school now.

As you walked down the halls, you came across a few students who were either lounging around or heading to class. Every single one of them looked at you. Was it the way you were dressed or the fact that you were dead in this world? You placed your hands in your pockets as you made your way over to the main room. Or at least where you thought the main room was.

As you walked, you could hear the whispers of every passing student that looked at you.

Boy 1: Isn't that Mr. L/N?

Girl 1: No way. He's alive?!

Boy 2: He looks younger.

Boy 3: Maybe the Brotherhood just turned them into teens.

Girl 2: Woah, he was hot before but now, he's kinda cute.

Girl 3: Oh my gosh, really?

You lowered your head and eventually spotted Storm. She stopped in her tracks and looked over at you. Directly at you. She smiled before she walked over to you.

Storm: Where do you think you're going?

You shrugged.

Y/N: I dunno. I just wanted to look around. Everything here is so, different.

Storm Get used to it, Kid. The Professor is going to talk to Scott about what's going to happen.

You nodded and looked around the room again. Everyone was looking at you. Storm noticed how uncomfortable you seemed to be and looked down at her books.

Storm: What classes did you have in your world?

You gave it some thought.

Y/N: Just the core classes. And then training in the afternoon.

Storm grinned a bit.

Storm: You wanna join mine?
After witnessing Storm's "How to Beat A Ninja" class, you made your way over to the cafeteria to eat some breakfast. Jean had mentally told you that everyone was already there waiting, so you didn't waste any time. You headed to the mess hall, still in your pajamas, and found everyone at the table farthest away from everyone else. As you sat down, you noticed one person absent.

Y/N: Where's One Eye?

Jean: He was still talking to the Professor. Looks like we're staying here until we have a better plan.

You sighed. As much as you liked being in a familiar place, it wasn't all that familiar. Honestly, you felt a bit lost at this point. Sure, Storm's class was a nice distraction but you still couldn't forget what brought you here in the first place.

The Professor was still dead. Your world was still gone.

Bobby: Dude, the chicks here are a lot cuter. I'm definitely gonna make the most out of a bad situation.

He checked out some of the girls passing by while you leaned forward.

Y/N: This is rough. Have you guys noticed that...

Emma: Everyone is staring at us? Yeah. All morning. Apparently we were like heroes in this world.

Hank: That appears to be the case. It also appears that we were teachers.

Bobby: The hell did I teach?

Warren: Physical education.

Bobby: Huh.

You shook your head just as Scott walked in. He looked around the room while everyone looked at him. He awkwardly walked over to the table and sat down next to you.

Scott: This is, weird. I'm not used to being seen as an idol.

Warren: Me neither. I guess people actually like Mutants in this world?

As the others talked, you began to slowly tune out of the conversation. You looked around the room and noticed just how many people were looking at you. Finally, you stood up.

Hank: What's the matter?

Y/N: I need air.

You left without another word and headed towards your room. Once you were there, you changed into your uniform and pulled your hat on. You left the cowl off and headed back into the hall.

You could faintly hear Jean try to talk to you but you still blocked her out. You wanted to be alone for a moment to process everything going on. You eventually reached a silent room and entered without anyone seeing you.

You took a deep breath and turned on the lights. This was the garage. There were definitely more vehicles in here than before.

What really caught your eye was the nice motorcycle that was just sitting there.
Scott sat at the table lost in his own mind. Jean noticed and reached out a hand to rest on his back.

Jean: You alright?

Scott: It's just, yesterday I was the leader of the X-Men. That was yesterday. At least for us. I get why Y/N left.

Warren: This has to be rough for him. The Professor was like a father to him. He did practically raise him.

Hank: And we should do well to remember that. Despite Y/N's front of jokes and sarcasm, he is hurting just as much as we are. If not, more.

Bobby and Jean nodded in agreement. Their moment was interrupted when Logan burst through the door and rushed to the window.

Logan: That's my bike!

The group all looked out the window to see you riding off with a leather jacket on.

Hank: Perhaps, we should suggest a healthier way of coping.
You rode the motorcycle through town with wide eyes and amused at the world around you. People held small devices and were talking into them like phones, the way people dressed was odd, even the cars looked so futuristic.

You pulled up to a shop and got off the bike. You walked forward but the doors opened automatically for you.

Y/N: Woah.

You stepped back and they closed. You then stepped forward again and they opened. You grinned and entered the store. The lady at the register looked at you oddly before she turned back to her device. You shrugged and walked over to her.

Y/N: Excuse me, do you have a map of the United States? Or of the world?

The woman looked at you before she held up her device.

Woman: Doesn't your phone have a map?

Phone? So that small thing really was a phone? You looked around and noticed the assortment of water on the wall. The whole setup looked odd.

Y/N: Why is the water in bottles?

Woman: Cause it's bottled water.

You were confused.

Y/N: Why is the water bottled now?

Woman: As opposed to when?

Y/N: Is there something wrong with the water?

The woman rolled her eyes.

Woman: Are you gonna buy something or.....

She stopped mid sentence and looked at you closer. You felt a bit nervous.

Woman: Wait, you look just like that guy! You look just like him.

Y/N: Uh, who?

The woman pulled out a magazine and held it out to you. You took it and read the title. Rolling Stone. It was a photo of, you. Or, this world's version of you. You had your arms crossed in a X formation and you had a smirk on your face. Your hair was shorter and you weren't wearing your ball cap. You were wearing a bowler hat.

Y/N: How much is this? I'll take it.

Woman: $4.99.

You groaned as you reached into the jacket's pocket.

Y/N: $5 for a magazine?

Woman: Plus tax.

Y/N: Jeez. This place is a nightmare. How do you expect me to...

You pulled out a wad of cash and looked at it with wide eyes. You've never seen so much money before.

Woman: Why do you care, Bill Gates?

You looked at the money.

Y/N: Why does he have this much?

Logan: Because it's none of your damn business.

You jumped at his voice but he grabbed your ear and pulled you down to look you in the eye.

Logan: Get your butt back on my bike and get back to the school.

Y/N: Let go.

Logan: You've been here for less than 24 hours and you're already annoying me more than your older self. Quite the accomplishment.

You broke lose of his grip.

Y/N: I don't know who you think you are...

You pushed him away, but immediately felt your hands hit a steel wall.

Y/N: Ah!

Logan: Unbreakable bones, so why don't you take it down a notch? As for who I am...

He leaned in closer.

Logan: I'm the guy who's in charge of making sure you kids don't do anything stupid.

You shook your head and placed one hand on the bike handle. Logan looked at you for a moment before he sighed.

Logan: Look, kid, I know you're going through some stuff. Maybe after you sleep it off you'll be better. Cooler heads and all that.

Y/N: Yeah.

You kneeled down and started to tie your shoes.

Y/N: You're right.

Logan: Yep.

Y/N: So, unbreakable bones?

Logan: Yep.

Y/N: Healing factor?

Logan: Yep.

Y/N: Good.

You looked back at him just as your eyes began to glow red. Before Logan could react, you blasted him across the street and hopped on the bike.

Y/N: Ha! Classic!

You rode off before Logan could recover. He watched your for a moment before he growled.

Logan: I'm gonna kill him.
Scott walked down the hall with his hands in his pockets. Things around the school were so weird. There was twice the bubbles as before. Different kinds of mutants. He was honestly surpised that you weren't running around trying to get as many powers as you could get.

Jean: Scott?

Scott turned around and found Jean and Hank walking towards him.

Hank: Professor Xavier has assigned us someone to show us around the school. I believe her name is Marie-Anne.

Jean: Anna Marie. She's waiting for us over in the library. Warren and Bobby are already there.

Scott gave it some thought. Having a second tour around the place he called home was beyond weird to him. Then again, it did seem like a lot of things have changed.

Scott: Okay. Let's go.

Hank nodded and lead the way. This world was vastly different from theirs in some very obvious ways. For starters, Hank had theorized that this world was a few years ahead of your last one. Seeing as you were all adults, he guessed about 30 years or so.

Technology has improved, mutants aren't hated as much, and the world seemed kinda cleaner. No clue why but, this was your new reality.

Once the trio made it to the library, Scott spotted his other two friends already talking to someone. Must be the Anna Marie girl.

Warren: So you're the new field leader. This is interesting. Congratulations.

???: Thank you, sugar. Although, I still wish you were all here to help me out.

Jean: I found him.

The girl turned around and smiled at Scott.

???: Wow. Seeing you all so young is, baffling. Hello. My name is Anna Marie. But you can just call me Rogue.

Scott shook her hand but he immediately took note of her attire. The only skin exposed was her head. Even then, she wore a headband.

Scott: So, what can you do?

Rogue: Absorption of life force, abilities, memories, personality, and physical characteristics of others via skin-to-skin contact. Superhuman strength, speed, durability, and flight permanently as well.

Bobby: Y/N would have a field day for sure. Its just like his powers minus the coma part.

Rogue nodded and headed towards the door.

Rogue: Let's get this party started, shall we?

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