Two Sides of the Same Coin β”‚...

By ZuitheRedfox

89.2K 2.4K 2.1K

Der Mensch ist bΓΆse. Der Mensch muss besser und bΓΆser werden So lehre ich. The human is evil. The human must... More

[The Twin Devils of the Rhine]
[Deus Vult]
[Campus Life]
[My First Battalion]
[Beginning of Madness]
[The Battle of Fjord]
[Trial by Fire]
[Preparations for Advance]
[Path to Victory]
[How To Use A Victory]
[The Devil's War Tale] - [Part Two]
[The Devil's War Tale] - [Part Three]
Special: [Restaurant] - I1I
Special: [Restaurant ] - I2I
Special: [Operation: Desert Pasta]
Special: [Sweet as Chocolate and Wine]

[The Devil's War Tale]

3.2K 93 68
By ZuitheRedfox

 [Y/N] - Your Name
[M/N] - Middle Name
[L/N] - Last Name
[E/C] - Eye Color
[H/C] - Hair Color

Chibi Y/N: ["Everyone attention, please!"]

Chibi Tanya: ["Now then, sit back and relax, comrades-in-arms, military officers, and reasonable people - today is your day! That said, it would seem cautionary signs have suddenly appeared. Pay attention to those signs. However, there are rules that you must follow! It shouldn't be too hard to follow these rules, anyway"]

Chibi Y/N: ["Number one! Remember to fix your position and relax. These next chapters are VERY long, so remember to be comfortable! Sitting and laying down is nice, yes, but it may cause permanent damage to your spine if you do it wrongly! So remember to keep your posture in check!"] He said, keeping a small smirk on his face and the hands behind his back

Chibi Viktoriya: ["Please remember to take breaks. Drink some water and eat something"] The brown-haired girl said with a small smile on her face ["Also remember to stretch a bit before and during the chapters!"]

Chibi Tanya: ["Lights! Don't sit in a dark place with the light of your computer/cellphone so close to your face! With chapters these long, exposing your eyes to the light for such long periods isn't healthy!"] Serious as always, Tanya said while keeping her hands behind her back and a small smile on her face.

Chibi Y/N: ["They are simple, easy to follow and good for you, so remember to do all of that"] He said, fixing the hat in his head and giving a thumbs up ["The author cares about you, champ. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy!"] Soon, he puts both arms on the side of his body ["Detachment! Salute!"] And like that, everyone saluted at the same time, with Y/N giving a small wink in the end ["But please excuse any grammar/typing mistakes. Afterall, we're talking about 8K+ words per chapter here. No way that the author could make this 500% perfect"]

[One Day in the Unified Year of 1966]
->[A Suburb in the Allied Kingdom]<-

In the streets, many people lived comfortable lives. Girls walked around with their friends, lovers, or even parents. Different styles of cars moved on the roads, and many also ate in peace, either alone or with company. People enjoyed the calmness of having no conflicts. It was a perfect year. And inside a local church, many people stood.

Man: ["In those days, the Empire was an unstoppable superpower. First, the Entente Alliance fell, then Dakia, and then it even defeated the Republic. And while they let some survivors escape to the South, they'd manage to establish dominance over the entire continent"]

[WTN Special Correspondent]

A man with short dark brown hair with a small fringe on the middle spoke. He wore a typical-looking brown suit and had light-brown eyes.

Andrew: ["Those were the Empire's best days, when its territory was at its largest"] He spoke while looking down before glancing at a familiar-looking old man ["And yet..."]

[Former Imperial Military Development Chief Engineer]
->[Adelheid von Schugel]<-

Adelheid: ["The goddess of fate did not smile on the Empire"] The man who wore a dark-colored priest clothing said, closing his eyes ["How cruel she can be..."] From far, three men in black suits and wearing fedoras watched as the two talked.

Andrew: ["Why was the Empire forced to fight a protracted battle against the entire world?"] He questioned, opening a small red-colored notebook ["Where did they go wrong?"]

Adelheid: ["I wish I could answer your question, but I'm just another lost sheep myself"] He said while gently caressing a bible in his lap.

Andrew: ["I see"] He replied, looking away from Adelheid.

Adelheid: ["However,"] He started, getting the man's attention ["If I were to turn my thoughts towards the will of God.."] Adelheid slowly stands up, closing his eyes ["Perhaps what drove the entire world to war against the Empire was their terrible fear of it"] He said while walking forward.

Andrew: ["Terrible fear?"] He questioned while Adelheid stopped walking.

Adelheid: ["Yes..."] He slowly turns around ["In the end, it was all about feelings!"] He said, opening both of his eyes. ["Some felt terror! Some felt hatred! Some trusted it! Some were obsessed with it!"] Behind Adelheid was a statue of an angel, and behind that statue was a wall of painted glasses, showing many figures of soldiers fighting with spears and swords.

Adelheid: ["The feelings in the hearts of mankind is what drove them to follow the path of destruction!"]

But on the many drawings on the windows, a specific area stood out. In the middle, it showed two figures. One of them had golden blonde hair and blue eyes. The other had [E/C] eyes and [H/C] hair. They were flying down, holding a sword each. Four figures stood around them, too. One of them was a girl wearing white. She had long dark-brown hair, she had her hands together, praying.

One of the other figures was a tall, bulky knight. He wore a dark cape and had light armor while wielding a sword. The one on the other side had long hair with the back was tied into a ponytail. Below them was another knight. This one wore heavy armor and had black hair. He kneels before the two figures of the flying angels mentioned before.

Adelheid: ["Just as all who live by the sword must die by it as well..."]

[Southern Continent]
->[Unified Year of 1926]<-

Matheus: ["This is 03, no enemies in sight!"]

On the blue skies of a desert, the 203rd Mage Battalion flew on separate companies, lead by their leader, Major Degurechaff, and Vice-Leader, Captain L/N. Everyone wore a pair of protective glasses, protecting them from the sand in the air.

Viktoriya: ["This is 04! There are no enemies anywhere!"] He replied, causing Y/N to narrow his remaining eye.

[A/N - Just a reminder that Y/N lost his eye and now wears an eyepatch, if you'd like to, you can imagine a scar crossing it]

Tanya: ["Shit! We fell for a trap!"] She said, causing Y/N to glance at her.

Y/N: ["Major? What's the problem?"] He asked, also gripping his MG 34.

Tanya: ["The report said that they'd split their forces was false!"] She said, still flying with her soldiers ["The enemy has concentrated themselves!"] Y/N narrows his eye, glancing at the blonde once again ["They prepared a trap of sweet honey for us, and we let it lure us out!"] Tanya continues, and Y/N remembers their mission, destroy the three companies of enemies one by one ["If they're not here with us, the enemy must be concentrating in our main force!"]

Y/N: ["Which means we're just flying toward nothing!"] He thought, widening his eye.

[The Desert]
->[Enemy HQ]<-

Severin: ["As planned, we were able to lure the enemy out of their holes with false information"] The young man said, moving a few pieces on top of a map ["Now all that remains is to wipe them out"]

[Free Republic Military]
->[Lt. Colonel Severin Bientot]<-

Pierre: ["We've won!"] He said, narrowing his eyes at the map.

[Free Republic Military]
->[General Pierre Michelaud du Lugo]<-

[The Desert]
->[Open Area]<-

Viktoriya: ["It's no good! I can't get through HQ!"] The brown-haired girl said, flying forward with her team.

Y/N: ["Your orders, major?"] He asked, glancing at Tanya and narrowing his eye.

Tanya: ["Everyone, form up!"] She said, pressing an area of her neck ["We turn around and go as fast as we can!"]

Matheus: ["We have the options of taking out their mages!"] Matheus replied in the comms, causing Tanya to grit her teeth in anger.

Tanya: ["Forget the small targets! We're going to blow the shit out of the bastard's HQ!"] She instantly replied. Y/N looked at her with a large smirk on his face.

Wilibald: ["We're breaking through their center?!"] He asked, turning around with his company of soldiers.

Matheus: ["Major, are you serious?!"] Doubting the blonde's decision, Matheus questioned.

Y/N: ["Think about our numerical inferiority!"] The boy with [H/C] said ["If we just go support the main force, we'll only delay the inevitable! Which means..."]

Y/N/Tanya: ["We flip the chessboard and change the rules of the game!"]

Everyone: ["Right!"] The soldiers replied in synch while the other three companies rejoice to form the 203rd.

[The Desert]
->[Enemy HQ]<-

Soldier: ["A warning?"] A soldier with spiky brown hair questioned, watching the light on one of his machines beeping and glowing red ["It says an enemy mage unit is approaching rapidly..."] He said, turning around.

Severin: ["What?! From where?!"] The man asked, looking down at the soldier.

[The Desert]
->[Open Area]<-

Back in the open area, chaos reigned in the skies. Soldiers flew back and forth, aiming their guns and opening fire at their enemies. A sizeable explosion occurred after Y/N's shot. From the smoke came him, Tanya, and Viktoriya.

Tanya: ["Advance!"] The girl said, turning around and aiming her gun ["Show them no fear!"]

Viktoriya, Tanya, and Y/N stand with their backs turned to each other but staying close. They start firing their guns, Viktoriya with her rifle, Tanya with her submachine-gun, and Y/N with his MG 34. Tanya leaned forward, allowing Y/N to roll over her, extending his leg and kicking an enemy soldier away. Y/N quickly turned around while Viktoriya dodges to the side. A knife flew past her, stabbing into a soldier's chest and making him fall off his mount.

Tanya: ["These failures abandoned their homeland!"] Tanya smashed another magazine in her sub-machine gun while Y/N rapidly substitutes the belt on his gun ["Slaughter them to the last man!"]

Two soldiers behind Matheus aim their guns at him, ready to pull the trigger. However, Warren aims his gun at them, and with a single fire, the shot created an explosion enough to deal with both. He quickly flew past the smoke, going back into combat.

[The Desert]
->[Enemy HQ]<-

Back in the enemy HQ, they watch as their machines show the 203rd breaking through their defenses like a glass thrown into a brick wall. Their eyes widen as they watch the Imperial Mages approaching.

Soldier: ["They're about to break through the 12th Mage Battalion!"] He said with trembling eyes.

Severin: ["D - Don't tell me!"] Finally realizing the enemy's plan, Severin's and Pierre's eyes widen in shock.

Pierre: ["Their goal is... US?!"] He asked, turning around toward the entrance of their HQ.

Far away from the Enemy HQ, but still, in the open areas of the desert, the 203rd Mage Battalion stopped in the air. Y/N stood a bit behind Tanya on her right side, keeping his gun ready. Tanya groans, reaching up and putting a hand on her neck.

Tanya: ["I can't believe I have to do this every damn time"] She muttered, earning a small chuckle from Y/N. In a moment, all the memories of Being X messing with them flash in her mind ["Being X... You piece of shit!"] She groans, clenching her teeth ["But right now, survival is our priority. And since I needed to do what I needed to do"]

At that moment, the Elenium Type-95 on Tanya's neck and Y/N's fingers began to glow. Countless magic circles appeared inside them, transferring their magic to gears that boost it, soon reuniting all of it at once, buffing the soldiers who use them. A rainbow-colored glow manifested in Tanya's hand while she grasped her necklace and her eyes became pure gold. A pentagram appeared on Y/N's remaining eye, while a dark-purple aura appears on his hand.

Tanya: ["Holy apostles, do not forget the power of God"] She wipes her hand to the side, allowing the glow to continue on her chest-area ["Gather beneath his light and submit to the fate he gave you"] She said, aiming her golden-colored gun forward.

Y/N: ["Aeternum enim est amare productions temporis"]

He mutters, slowly aiming his hand forward, where a dark-purple pentagram with many magic circles appeared in front of the muzzle of his MG 34.

["A occupatus apis non habet temporis ad laborem"]

He slowly aims his MG 34 forward, and his ammo belt also glows purple.

["Cuius oris lux non est stella"]


[Translation: Eternity is in love with the productions of time. The busy bee has no time for sorrow, he whose face gives no light shall never become a star"]


Y/N: ["Target: Enemy HQ!"] He said while everyone else also aims their magic-infused guns at the enemy.

Tanya: ["Fire!"]

When she and Y/N pull the trigger, and their bullet goes through their respective aims, it grows at least three times its own size, radiating a golden and dark-purple aura, respectively.

[The Desert]
->[Enemy HQ]<-

Soldier: ["Evacuate! Evacuate!"] The soldiers scramble to run from the approaching death. Pierre, however, smashes his fist on the table and groans.

Pierre: ["Damn it! So it's the Rhine all over again?!"] He said, narrowing his eyes at the table.

Severin: ["I'm sorry, sir!"] He said, approaching the man, who turned around to look at him.

Suddenly, Severin grabbed Pierre and threw him out of the window, causing him to fall into a trench along with two other soldiers. On the skies, one could only see many blueish-green shots flying through the skies. And the moment they made contact with the enemy HQ, they created a massive explosion. 

[A/N - 0:53]

Back with the Imperial Mages, they all cheered while raising their guns and fists, bragging about the explosion.

Warren: ["Did you see that?!"] He laughed, looking at the smoke in the distance.

[Imperial Army]
->[203rd Aerial Mage Battalion]<-

Wilibald: ["That was easier than expected"] The brown-haired guy said, pushing a strand of hair out of his face.

[3rd Company Commander]
->[First Lieutenant Wilibald Koenig]<-

Viktoriya: ["They're too slow"] She comments with a small giggle and eyes closed.

[4th Company Commander]
->[First Lieutenant Viktoriya Ivanova Serebryakov]<-

Matheus: ["I'm ashamed I was unable to escort the Major and the Captain properly"] He said, holding his glasses down.

[2nd Company Commander]
->[First Lieutenant Matheus Johann Weiss]<-

Warren: ["For all their talk of class, those escargots were pretty crude"] He comments with a small giggle.

[2nd Company]
->[First Lieutenant Warren Grantz]<-

Viktoriya: ["Escargot's so yummy, though"] She comments, closing her eyes and smiling.

Y/N: ["Oya Oya"] He called, turning around and smiling ["I know that you're all feeling pretty good, but knock it off"] He said with a smirk, gently giggling ["This is, in theory, a battlefield"]

[203rd Aerial Mage Battalion Second in Command - First Company Vice-Comamnder]
->[Captain Y/N M/N L/N]<-

Matheus: ["Of course!"] Matheus said while saluting ["My apologies, sir!"] He said, catching everyone off guard. Soon, the entire 203rd started laughing, except for Tanya.

Tanya: ["But they ordered us to return to the fatherland, didn't they?"] She chirps out, smiling ["Let's let our allies handle the rest of this and get the hell out of this sandy shithole!"] Soon, everyone started cheering, once again raising their guns and fists while Tanya watched with a smile, taking her glasses off.

[A/N - I love her eyes]

["Let's take some drinks and presents from the Southern Continent and enjoy our first vacation in ages!"] She said while glancing at Y/N, who offered her a small smirk. She replied with a smile of her own ["We can wash the sand off our bodies, and finally get a good night's rest..."]

Y/N: ["I knew it was too good to be true..."] He whines with a trembling eye.

Y/N and Tanya watched as the Company Leaders hugged themselves and wore heavy coats. Visha even gave a few short jumps from side to side to try and keep herself warm. Everyone inside the plane was close to each other to try and conserve as much heat as possible.

Tanya: ["H - How...?"] Her trembling voice made Y/N glance at her with his remaining eye ["How did this happen?!"]

[Youjo Senki]
->[Saga of Tanya the Evil]<-
[The Movie - The Devil's War Tale]

[Hours Before - Imperial Capital Berun]
->[Imperial Military Airbase]<-

Five small white planes with two red stripes each and golden decorations flew through the Empire's skies. When three of them landed, the 203rd left them, having satisfaction and relief present in their faces.

Y/N: ["Finally home!"] He said while stretching with his right fist up, holding his elbow, and gently getting on his tip-toes ["I feel like I could sleep forever~..."] He said with a small yawn, smirking right after.

Soldier 1: ["We're home!"] One of them said, looking around ["Okay! Let's drink until we drop dead!"] Many of the soldiers carried boxes containing either food, liquor, or cigars ["Let's go to Zolka Cafeteria. Or maybe head outside town?"]

From the soldiers, two figures stood out for being smaller than most. Those two were Tanya and Y/N. Tanya, of course, being the shortest of the whole battalion, and Y/N being 1.75 - 5 FT 7 -. Both continued walking until a familiar figure stepped in front of them.

Erich: ["So you two are home, after all"] He said, causing Tanya and Y/N to put their briefcases on the floor and salute.

[Imperial Military Strategic Headquarters - Strategy and Operations Bureau]
->[Lt. Colonel Erich Von Rerugen]<-

Tanya: ["Tanya Von Degurechaff and Y/N M/N L/N, with the 203rd Aerial Mage Battalion, reporting directly to Imperial Strategic Headquarters, have returned"] She said while both still salute. Erich kept his head a bit down and the arms behind his back, holding both hands.

Erich: ["Well done"] He praised, smiling down at both ["You two accomplished great things down on the South. I was extremely impressed when I read the reports"]

Y/N: ["You honor us too highly, sir"] He said, slowly lowering his hand.

Erich: ["I'm sure there were many unique difficulties you faced in the desert. By the way"] When he said that, Major Uger that was standing right at his side, squirmed ["How is your unit?"] He asked while Y/N glances at Uger, raising an eyebrow.

Tanya: ["Minimal casualties!"] She said, raising her head ["We returned home with no serious losses"] 

Erich: ["What about morale? You two have been in a long series of battles"] At this moment, Uger shook his head from side to side.

Tanya: ["Morale is high! The men are in great spirit"] She said.

Y/N looked at Uger and his eye widened for a moment. Y/N glared at Tanya with a quite scared look that went unnoticed by the blonde girl.

Erich: ["You two really are our ace battalion"] He said with a small smile ["Let's talk about your next mission, then"]

Y/N: ["Fuck, I knew it..."] He thought, closing his eye and sighing.

Tanya: ["Eh?"] A really short squirm of surprise was the only thing that left Tanya's mouth.

Erich: ["About your transport..."] He starts, glancing at Uger, who saluted ["Oh, you two know Major Uger, with our railroads division"]

Tanya: ["Aah..."] Her eyes widened, and her mouth opened.

Erich: ["And this is Captain Rudolph, with Strategic Recon"] He said while looking to the other side, looking at a soldier with brown-shaved hair.

Tanya: ["Aha- ha - ah..."] The only thing that left Tanya's mouth were sounds of slight fear, surprise, and a bit of anger while her eye trembled ["R - Recon...?"]

Y/N: ["I'll go notify the troops..."] He said with a short sigh. He looks at Erich and salutes ["Sir"] He dismisses before walking away. A bit after, he cleared his throat, causing Wilibald, Viktoriya, Matheus, and Warren to stop in their tracks and look at him ["We got a mission, soldiers"] He said, causing their eyes to widen ["There ain't no rest for the wicked. Take the bags back and let's get going"]

And short moments later, the soldiers found themselves locked inside a massive plane that took off in the distance, leaving the Empire capital in just a few moments.

[Early Morning - March 15 - Unified Year 1926]
->[Airspace Above the Empire's Eastern Border]<-

Amidst the dark skies and the falling snow, higher than the mountains itself, the plane flew while carrying the 203rd. Tanya still looked at the window while Y/N behind her simply rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance while closing his eye.

Tanya: ["How could I have been so stupid...?"] Tanya asked herself, leaning against the window. Y/N felt something hit his chest. He looks down, noticing Viktoriya hugging him and pressing her left cheek against his chest, trembling ["I should've just said the unit had suffered heavy losses, even if it was a lie!"] Tanya thought. Y/N looked down at Visha and gently hugged her, allowing their warmth to connect. Suddenly, Tanya turns around and nods at Y/N, who looks down at Visha and then sighs.

->[A few moments later]<-

Y/N: ["Attention!"] In a short amount of time, the 203rd time reunited, standing ready in front of Tanya.

Tanya: ["Men, early this morning, the Eastern Theater Forces' 437th Tactical Special Recon Platoon sent out an emergency report!"] As always, Tanya stood with Y/N at her right side and Viktoriya at her left. She stood on top of a box, which made her slightly taller than Viktoriya. Indeed something cursed ["They spotted Federation Units actively moving along Warning Line 1"] Tanya said, causing everyone except Visha and Y/N gasp ["Thus, due to an accidental error during training exercises, our forces will be crossing into Federation territory to conduct reconnaissance"]

Everyone wore a dark-blue button-up coat. The coat also had a dark-colored green material around the neck to provide extra warmth. Alongside that, Y/N, Tanya, and Viktoriya wore their hats.

Tanya: ["We will observe their forces' activities, and if necessary, issue a warning"] She continued, glancing around the room ["We are not, however, to open hostilities. If they force a conflict, we have to withdraw immediately"]

Y/N narrowed his eye forward but kept his posture with the hands behind his back. He tightly clenched one of his hands, also grunting on the inside.

Tanya: ["Of course, until war is declared, this is a violation of the neutrality treaty"] Tanya continues, once again, looking around ["You are to be extremely careful. That's all from me"]

Viktoriya: ["Major, may I ask a question?"] She requested while raising a hand, causing Tanya to look at Viktoriya over her shoulder.

Tanya: ["Of course, Lieutenant Serebryakov"] She said, turning toward Viktoriya.

Viktoriya: ["If combat proves to be inevitable, are we permitted to use force to defend ourselves?"] She asked. Y/N continued glancing at the brown-haired girl.

Tanya: ["They're commies. Blow the shit out of them..."] She laidly back said, smugly smiling at Viktoriya ["Or so I'd like to say, but we need the federation to fire the first shot"] She replied, turning around and facing her troops ["Until that happens, you're not permitted to fire under any circumstances"]

Warren: ["That puts us in a pretty bad position"] He said while sweatdropping.

Viktoriya: ["I agree with Lieutenant Grantz..."] She said, and Y/N nodded while sighing. Tanya lowered her head, listening to the groan of her troops and closing her eyes.

Tanya: ["The plane is taking us to the mission area at top speed"] She said, opening her eyes ["Nobody's here dumb enough to pass up an adventure in the kingdom of secrets, right?"] Y/N glanced at Tanya with a small smirk forming on his face ["My battalion's gone through hell itself, so I know you all are better than that! So don't let me down, soldiers!"] With a smirk, Tanya said, causing Wilibald to chuckle and whistle.

Soldier: ["Okay, let's do this, just like we do every time!"] A soldier in the battalion cheered while the others laugh and smile ["First the desert, then the snow, huh? Fine with me!"]

Tanya watched with a small smirk on her face. Y/N's chuckles get her attention. She glances up at the mal,e who looks down at her with a small smile. His response came as a smirk from Tanya.

Tanya: ["I expect you all to handle this mission as you do with every other!"] She said, raising her head a bit. Y/N nodded ["Do your utmost for the Fatherland and the Imperial Family!"]

["Glory to the Empire!"]

Everyone: ["Glory to the Empire!"] Everyone present in the plane loudly said while saluting.

A bit after, everyone stood gathered around the plane's door. Y/N crouched down near Tanya, who looked at and waved her hand down before jumping. Y/N smirked and followed suit, swan-diving forward. And soon, everyone started jumping one after the other.

After landing, Tanya turns around and nods to her battalion. Everyone breaks into groups of six people and then start walking to their respective positions. Tanya and her group consisting of Y/N, Viktoriya, Warren, and two other soldiers moved to their point with guns ready. They stood near a cliff with Tanya kneeling down and observing an enemy outpost while Visha and Warren stood guard. Y/N stood on top of a little hill near Tanya.

Tanya: ["Armored Trains, AA guns, heavy machine guns, and tanks"] She mutters, clicking her tongue in slight annoyance. Tanya used binoculars to look forward, scanning the area ["And stacks of live ammo and vehicle fuel?"]

Y/N: ["Major"] He called, causing Tanya to look up at him ["You may want to take a look at this"] He said, and Tanya gave a short magic-infused jump near him. She crouched, taking the binoculars and looking forward.

As Tanya looks forward, her eyes widen, and a small drop of sweat runs down her face when her sights meet a Krupp K5. Three soldiers carried a stack of the weapon's ammo while other three struggled to move a giant wrench to tighten one of the equally-gigantic screws.

Tanya: ["Look at the size of that thing"] She said, putting her binoculars down ["They brought a railway gun?"]

Y/N: ["Sure seems like it"] He comments, narrowing his eye ["They pretty much declared war just by putting this thing here"] He said with an audible sigh before turning around ["First Lieutenant Warren!"] He called, looking down from the hill he stood at ["Remind all the troops on standby that we are not to open fire first"] He said, flying down along with Tanya.

Warren: ["Roger"] He replied with a simple salute.

Warren took a lantern and lit it up. He put his hand on top of the glass that shined the light, blinking the lantern in a pattern, passing on Y/N's message.

Tanya: ["Sooner or later, we're not going to be able to avoid the worst-case scenario"] She comments while Y/N turns around, looking at the railway gun ["Do everything you can to remain hidden, check your mid-range radios again"] Y/N takes his binocular, looking down at the K5 again ["But maintain radio silence until the absolute last minute"] Y/N's eye widen when he sees the gun aiming up ["Don't screw up and hit the keys by accident"]

Y/N: ["Major! The barrel is moving!"] He said, but Tanya didn't hear him due to her talking to the other soldiers.

Tanya: ["As soon as we confirm them firing on Imperial territory, report. If they open fire-"]

A loud boom echoed in the area due to the massive gun firing a shot against Imperial territory. Everyone's eyes widen in shock, and sweat run down their faces due to the surprise of the sudden attack and declaration of war. Even the ones that weren't present with Tanya heard the attack.

Y/N: ["They fired, huh?"] He questioned himself, having a nervous smile on his face.

The massive barrel of the gun had smoke coming from its end. Far away, multiple birds flew in the dark sky, disturbed by the sudden loud noise from the gun.

Warren: ["The Federation is attacking on all fronts!"] Warren said on the radio, kneeling down and having his headphones on ["This is a declaration of war! The Federation has declared war on the Empire!"]

Tanya: ["What does the Empire say?!"] She questioned, taking a short step forward.

Warren: ["All units, regardless of designation, are to begin attack immediately!"] He passed on the message, and Y/N rapidly cocked his MG 34. Tanya grits her teeth and activates her radio.

Tanya: ["Switch to battle response plan! Release magical sealing!"] She said on her radio while Y/N's [E/C] eye glow for a moment ["All troops, prepare for the assault!"] And in a second, with their magic powered up, Tanya's company flew up before shooting forward towards the enemy ["Any mages sighted in their troops?"] She asked, glancing at Y/N at her left side.

Y/N: ["Not at the moment"] He replied, shaking his head.

Tanya: ["Very good. We can assume the Federation is already in combat with our eastern theater forces"] She said while the other companies rejoice them into their bird-like formation ["We will attack the enemy's infantry as well as their rear lines"] She said, causing Y/N to nod at her ["Be watchful for enemy reinforcements"]

Y/N: ["All troops formed up, Major!"] He informed with a narrowed eye.

Tanya: ["Men, don't let these Communists spread their filthy plague another inch!"] She informed on her radio ["Take up your guns and fight! Grab them by the family jewels!"]

Everyone: ["Right!"] In a single word, everyone replied at the same time.

Tanya: ["Begin the mission!"]

And just like that, all the other companies shot forward, aiming their powered-up guns at the enemy outpost and firing artillery spells.

Federation Soldier (FS): ["An enemy attack?!"] A soldier questioned while he runned from the explosions ["That's impossible! We're not in the front lines-"] Before he could finish, an artillery spell right him dead-on.

Wilibald: ["Armor-piercing explosive spells ready..."] He informed while flying forward, aiming with his rifle ["Fire!"] At his command, every single soldier on his company pulled their trigger, hitting a fuel-tank, causing a sizeable burst of flames.

FS: ["The railway gun!"] A higher-ranked Federation Soldier said while pointing forward ["Protect the railway gun!"]

One after the other, The Federation artillery canons took aim, following the mages of the Empire. And in a sequence, they all started firing. However, due to the difference in height between them and the mages, their explosions couldn't even reach them.

FS: ["Hurry, hurry!"] The same higher-up from before said while motioning towards him ["Load it up to capacity!"] He said while two other soldiers carried a shell of the railway gun.

Matheus: ["Aim for the shells before they're loaded!"] He ordered.

Warren: ["Roger!"]

The younger one replied, and both started flying down, aiming with their guns. The Federation Soldiers could only see a brief greenish-blue light in the skies before the ammo shell their carried exploded. With each individual shot, a small explosion occurred in the railway gun. Soon, the explosions started getting bigger and bigger, and in just a moment...

Y/N: ["Doesn't look like there's much for us to do..."] He comments, standing still in the air alongside Tanya ["Such a shame, I was looking for at least a bit of action"],

Viktoriya: ["Big. Fragile. Highly Flammable. It's the ideal target!"] She comments with her usual cute smile, turning to look at Tanya along with Y/N.

Tanya: ["...Yeah"] After a bit of silence, she said. They all watch from the air as an injured soldier holding his half-missing arm struggles to move through the destroyed area ["Honestly, I hate war. I think humans killing each other is the worst part of human history"] Tanya comments in her thoughts, looking straight forward as she does so ["He didn't seem to mind at first, but it's easy to tell that this thing is slowly getting to him"] She continues, glancing at her side to the [H/C] haired boy ["It's nothing but a waste of materials and human resources"]

Y/N: ["Normally, I could at least have some respect for my enemies"] He thought, looking down ["Like I usually do, but we're fighting Commies"] Y/N and Tanya watched as two soldiers argued with a higher-up ["Totalitarians who infringe upon the freedom of the individual. There's no getting along with them"] He continues watching as the higher-up soldier reaches into his coat, taking a pistol and shooting both soldiers in front of him ["If I want a good, safe life in the rear along with Tanya, I need to take up my gun"] For a moment, his [E/C] took a purple-ish color ["And for that, I'll take my weapon with no hesitation!"]

Matheus: ["The 2nd Company completed the destruction of the enemy railway gun"] The black-haired soldier informed, flying near Tanya, Visha, and Y/N.

Tanya: ["Well done"] She shortly praises with an even shorter smile on her face ["Still, it's weird that we haven't seen any mages yet"] She praised while looking toward the horizon. A static noise rang on Y/N's ear, getting his attention. He raised his hand, gently touching it.

Y/N: ["Major"] He called, causing Tanya to look up at him ["We received orders to reinforce the eastern forces. They've given us full discretion on how"]

Tanya: ["Hmph"] She scoffed, still looking forward ["What's the situation on the front lines?"]

Y/N: ["I believe they're facing a delaying action"] He comments, still keeping a hand on his ear ["Waiting for forces from the continent. They're holding on strong, but they lack the forces to hold them back"] He continues, imagining as the enemy continues pushing the Empire border back.

Viktoriya: ["How shall we help?"] She asked, glancing at her superior.

Tanya: ["Hmm..."] With a short humming, Tanya narrows her eyes ["If we want to return to the border, we need to break through the enemy's rear lines. Let's take the easy way this time"] She replied with a little smile.

Viktoriya: ["We take the long way back, huh?"] She questioned, looking down at Tanya ["So we head for..."]

Y/N/Tanya: ["We burn their capital!"] Both instantly perked up, glancing at each other with their signature smirks ["Call it a strategic diversion"]

Matheus: ["T - Their capital?!"] Needles to comment that the First Lieutenant was taken back by their plan ["We're not on Dakia anymore!"] He comments, causing Y/N to laugh and gently pat Matheu's shoulder.

Y/N: ["You're a funny guy, First Lieutenant"] He said, still holding his shoulder until his grip tightens a bit and his eye sharpens ["Everybody knows the Commies have shit for AA Defense. I guarantee you could land a Cessna in Red Square"] He jokes with a small laugh.

Matheus/Viktoriya: ["Red Square? / A Cessna?"] They questioned, causing Y/N to sweatdrop.

Y/N: ["Uh, forget that"] He deadpans, still having a small smirk ["History for another time!"]

[A/N - If you don't get the joke. In 1987 a West German teenager flew through Soviet air defenses to land a Cessna plane in Red Square. He was 19 years old and traveled 700 KM (Over 500 Miles) through EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE AERIAL DEFENSES they had. Fucking madlad]

Tanya: ["But Captain L/N is right, even an average teenager could break through their AA defenses"] She comments, tilting her head and closing her eyes.

Matheus: ["Then you're serious?"] He asked, leaning a bit forward.

Y/N: ["Of course we are"] He comments, glancing at him with a smug smile ["It's a diversion. That's why we really target their capital. I'll just have to run it through HQ first to see if there are no political considerations"] He said with a short giggle ["What a drag"]

Tanya: ["We get to survive, we get to keep ourselves safe, and we get to fuck with the Commies! And hopefully earn our position in the rear so we can live together, in peace"] She thought, glancing at Y/N ["Four birds with one stone! What an incredible plan!"] She continues in her mind, narrowing one eye ["It's great!"] Soon, her other eye also closes a bit ["I love it! I can't wait for HQ to give permission"]

[Same Day]
->[ Imperial Strategic HQ]

Inside the place, many superiors walked side to side, having headaches over the possible new member in the war.

Higher Up (HU): ["So the federation's joining the war?"] One of them asked.

HU - 2: ["What's going on?!"] A man questioned.

HU - 3: ["Send out more recon planes from command!"] One ordered.

HU - 4: ["Send all our forces from the center to the eastern front!"] Once again, one orders.

HU - 5: ["Is the retreat still orderly? Do we know what's going on at the rear?"] A man questioned once again.

HU - 6: ["Are we mobilizing our strategic reserves?"] Another one asked while pacing around.

HU - 7: ["Are the trains on time?"]

Everyone talked at the same time, causing an enormous tumult inside the place along with incoherent noises of people talking over each other until someone decided to put an end to it.

Hans: ["Men!"] He said, smashing both hands against a table with his head lowered ["Major Tanya von Degurechaff and Captain Y/N M/N L/N from the 203rd Aerial Mage Battalion suggested a plan, which I would like to discuss"] He said while raising his head once more.

[Vice Director of Strategy and Opeartions]
->[Brigadier General Hans von Zettour]<-

A familiar brown-haired burly man takes a drag from his cigar, exhaling the smoke right after before he turns to the other staff members and begins to speak.

Kurt: ["What's your opinion, Lieutenant Colonel Rerugen?"]

[Deputy of Strategy and Opeartions]
->[Brigadier General Kurt von Rudersdorf]<-

On the far back of the room stood Erich. He looked at a clipboard in his hand before speaking.

Erich: ["A strike in their capital"] Everyone in the room turned to look at Erich, some raising their eyebrows ["It's the perfect diversion"] He said, looking up from the clipboard ["I think it's worth letting them try"]

HU: ["What, are you serious?!"] One of them questioned, lowering his cigar.

HU - 2: ["You're kidding!"] Another one said, leaning forward ["That's ridiculous!"]

Erich calmly puts the clipboard down on the table, turning around and walking to a massive board on the wall that contained a map.

Erich: ["In a sense, we succeed by even making this attempt"] He said while still walking to the map, keeping his back turned to the staff members ["If the Federation needs to divert forces to the rear to protect their capital, that limits the forces they can bring to bear on our lines"]

HU: ["Easier said than done. Who knows if they'll even get the chance"] One of them said.

HU - 2: ["It's the sort of insane adventurism front line officers are prone to do..."] Another one comments while everyone talks over the other.

HU - 3: ["It's impossible. Not even worth discussing"] Erich calmly turns around, pushing his glasses up.

Erich: ["Think about it. It's Degurechaff and L/N we're talking about here"] He gently said, silencing the room for a moment.

HU: ["Degurechaff? The one with the silver wings?"] A bald man comments, keeping a hand on his chin.

HU - 2: ["Isn't L/N the one kid who beat all of the other mages at the academy on the combat training?"] Another short-haired man questioned, looking at a fellow staff member.

Erich: ["They're talented warfighters"] He said, silencing the room once again ["And as hunting dogs, they're combat officers of the highest classes. The only people I saw who could match them are each other"] He continues, keeping both hands behind his back and a calm expression and tone ["Their attack on the Dakian capital, their decapitation strike at the Rhine. They also destroyed the enemy HQ in the South"] He lists, remembering all of their achievements ["This is coming from people with experience. They must believe they'll succeed and is only confirming whether the politics allow it"]

HU: ["You seem to trust them an awful lot"] The same short-haired man from before comments.

HU - 2: ["I cannot agree to this, regardless"] Another one said, closing his eyes and lowering his head ["We're talking about the enemy capital! It's obviously impossible! Don't think they're just mistaken?"]

Kurt: ["Enough"] With a simple word, the highest soldier in the room silenced the entire place ["We don't have enough time to enjoy a lengthy debate!"]

Hans: ["Indeed"] The only one who could match Kurt's rank inside the room said, raising a hand to his chin ["We're wasting time here. I judge that it's okay to give permission"]

HU - 3: ["Sir, are you sure?!"] One of them comments with sweat running down his face ["This is reckless!"]

Kurt: ["If they think they can do it, let them try"] He calmly said, keeping his eyes closed ["I bet a bottle of my personal collection that they succeed"] Kurt proposes, looking at Hans and raising an eyebrow. However, Hans simply groans, lowering his hand.

[March 16]
->[Somewhere in the Federation]<-

Through the rails, a train traveled, and around the train was dead and live trees all around the road. The snow on the ground barely melted, leaving a few incoherent patches of white and a brownish color. Inside this train stood many blue-wearing soldiers with green computation jewels and a patch on their shoulder with a different flag each. Among them was a familiar face.

[A/N - Before we continue, I'd just like to point out that the critics - for some reason - praised Mary as a good villain, think about that, but while I do dislike Mary, Haruka Tomatsu, her voice actor, is pretty cool, Zero Two and Yuuki Asuna are the two most famous characters she voiced, and while I don't like Darling or SAO, I have to admit she's good at what she does]

Mary: ["Dear mother and Grandmother, how are you doing?"] Mary writes in a small notebook, calmly reciting the words that she wrote ["I've joined a certain unit as part of an overseas volunteer force. The military rules mean I can't write down any details, but I'm doing well"] Mary peacefully writes, remembering her time at the training ["I've finally figured out how to use a gun"]

[Unified States Volunteer]
->[Warrant Officer Mary Sue]<-

Mary remembers a time when she was struggling with a part of a weapon, trying to assemble her rifle. A young man nearby said something to her, causing her to sweatdrop and everyone to share a small chuckle at Mary.

Mary: ["And I have friends who I can call comrades-in-arms. But honestly, the only thing I can't handle is the food. It's quantity over quality"] Mary remembers when she had to eat, it was a weird white blob with barely any meat on top of it and a cup of water ["I miss the pies I used to bake with you. Lately, I've been dreaming of them"] The memories continue. This time, Mary is in training, running along with her team ["I'm sorry for being weak! I need to grow up to be a great soldier like Dad, don't I?"]

In her memories, a man wearing a red-colored hat walks behind the soldiers, watching them practice their aim. The soldiers laid down, aiming forward.

Mary: ["To bring about God's justice"] Once again, a memory flashes in her head. This time, Mary was in a church, kneeling and praying ["And destroy the Empire that is the enemy of the world, I'll keep doing my very best!"] She pauses for a moment, looking down at the pencil in her hand for a second ["P.S: I did something that was kind of a big deal when I joined the military, but I did it to show I was serious about being a soldier. Don't worry!"] What Mary think it's a big deal flashes in her head, the memory of her cutting her hair short.

Soldier: ["Get ready, Mary"] A female soldier said, leaning down close to the girl ["We're almost at Moscow"] She informed, causing Mary to gasp.

Mary: ["It's that time already?!"] She asked, surprised ["Oh no!"] She stands up, reaching with her arms raised to grab her luggage.

[Federation Capital Moscow]
->[Moscow Station]<-

As the train stops, a familiar figure leans against a light post, awaiting near the doors.

Isaac: ["So it's finally begun, huh, William?"] The familiar man with black hair asked, holding a cigar in his hand ["Welcome to "Allied" soil"]

[Allied Kingdom Military Intelligence Service]
->[Colonel Sir Isaac Drake]<-

William: ["It's been a long time, uncle"] A man said. He wore the dark-blue uniform from the soldiers mentioned before. 

He had dark-blue eyes and dark-brown hair that were shorter on one side with three shaved stripes running on the shorter side. On the opposite side, a sharp fringe fell to the left, reaching down to his chin. He also had a small unshaved area of beard below his lower lip.

[Multinational Volunteer Force - Battalion Commander - Allied Kingdom]
->[Lt. Colonel William Douglas Drake]<-

[A/N - Fun fact time! Morikawa Toshiyuki, the man behind William's voice, also voiced other famous characters. Sephiroth in Final Fantasy VII, Tyki Mikk in D.Gray-Man, Yoshikage Kira in JoJo's, Minato from Naruto, Boros from One Punch, and Bondrewd in Made In Abyss are a few examples of his work]

William: ["How are you finding Moscow?"] He asked, stepping down the train's ladders and closing the door behind him ["Enjoying spending time with wonderful new friends?"] He steps closer to his uncle, putting his briefcase down ["I see you got a new mark to show off"]

Isaac: ["The enemy of my enemy is my friend, you know?"] He replied without facing his nephew ["I'm friendly like the politicians back home wanted me to be"] He said, lowering his head and closing his eyes. Soon, raising a hand, gliding it through the two scars in his face ["Regarding this, blame The Demonic Gargoyle for that"]

William: ["Well... I'm sorry to hear that"] He said, turning away from his uncle and closing the eyes ["The Demonic Gargoyle. So that's what they're calling him?"] He questioned himself in his thoughts.

Soldier: ["So that's Moscow, huh?"] One of the volunteer soldiers asked, stepping out of the train ["It's freezing!"]

Soldier 2: ["Think they got good food?"] Another one asked.

Isaac: ["Looks like you have some wonderful friends too"] He said, glancing at the soldiers walking away ["How was your multinational force's first journey together?"]

William: ["It went fine"] He simply replied, taking a pack of cigars from his pocket and taking one, soon putting it back and taking a package of matches ["Everybody from the 42nd Flying Division is safe"] He informed after lighting his cigar and exhaling some smoke ["For now, that is"]

He finished after taking his cigar out of his mouth for a moment, lowering it and talking with his eyes closed before putting the cigar back in his lips once more. Isaac simply chuckled before responding.

Isaac: ["Sheesh... The brass always gets the stupidest ideas"] He said while William opened his eyes ["A unit that symbolizes the progress and universality of mankind, was that it?"]

William: ["Yeah"] He calmly replied ["To defeat the singular evil that is the Empire, people of different races come together like a rainbow stretching across the world"] He recites, glancing at his soldiers a bit away ["That's the slogan, anyway"]

Isaac: ["Sounds like something a politician would like"] He comments with a small smile.

William: ["As you can see, it's an excellent unit"] He said, turning to look at the older man ["If you want, I can let you take over"] Said William while moving his open hand up and down.

Isaac: ["I'll admit I'd prefer not to shake hands with wolves"] The black-haired man said, holding the cigar between his fingers still ["But I'd rather do that than lead sheep into a battle against a lion"]

William: ["Any interests in being a sheepdog?"] He joked, glancing at the other while the train ringed on the back.

Isaac: ["The world's a stage"] The man comments, with a small smirk ["Everybody has to play some role. But it doesn't need to be me"] He finishes after taking a drag from his cigar, leaning back against the light post and looking up.

William: ["You're right"] He comments, lowering his head and closing his eyes while Isaac exhales more smoke from his cigar.

Isaac: ["Allow me to give you two last warnings"] He said, closing his eyes, lowering his head, and gently tapping the top of his cigar with his index ["The Federation purged every one of its own mages. They all got sent to the camps"]

William: ["So the rumors were true?"] He asked with visible confusion and discomfort on his face.

Isaac: ["Communists have no room for X-factors like mages, it seems"] He said, staring at his nephew's eyes before dropping his cigar ["And remember"] He said after William took his briefcase, starting to walk away ["If you ever come across The Twin Devils, run"]

William: ["My my"] He comments, still walking away ["What a wonderful "ally" we've got"] He said while putting on his red-colored hat. Isaac and William went in opposite directions, with the latter rejoicing with his soldiers ["Men! We're moving to a Federation facility. This place is no ally"] He said, putting his luggage down ["Be very careful"]

Everyone: ["Yes, sir!"] All of them replied at once, gently tapping their arms on their tights.

[Somewhere in Moscow]
->[People's Party Meeting Hall]<-

Man: ["That concludes the report from the front"] One of the men in the room said while standing up. Soon, another man raised his hand.

Loria: ["Comrade Secretary, if I may speak"] Loria is a short, fat man. He wears oversized glasses and doesn't have hair on top of his head, where a scar is.

[Internal Affairs Committee]
->[Comrade Loria]<-

Josef: ["Go ahead"]

[Party Leader]
->[Comrade Josef]<-

Josef was a man in his middle thirties. He had short dark-grey hair and an equally-colored mustache.

Loria: ["Thank you so much for that report from the front lines"] He said while standing up ["I cannot thank those comrades who have brought us this wonderful news enough"] Another man in the room sweatdrops, exhaling some air through his mouth and avoiding eye contact with Loria ["But it's unacceptable that the Empire was ready for us to begin our attack!"] Soon, he turns to look at the man who's sweating ["Why do you think that is, comrade?"]

Man: ["I - I haven't she slightest..."] The man replied, sweat still running down his face.

Loria: ["Oh, you can't even come up with an idea or two?"] He asked, tilting his head to the side ["Afterall, Comrade Nicolai, weren't you on quite the terms with the Imperial Ambassador?"]

Nicolai: ["I...I only interacted with the Imperialists in an official capacity"] Nicolai replied, downing a whole cup of water.

Loria: ["You had dinner with him about a week ago, and now you downplay the relationship?"] Laid back, he snitches ["How was that 20-year old wine he served you?"]

Nicolai: ["No!"] He simply said, causing Loria to look at Josef.

Loria: ["Comrade Secretary, why don't we ask our comrade here for more details?"] He asked, while Josef simply replied.

Josef: ["Go ahead"] He said, taking a drag from his smoking pipe.

Nicolai: ["W - Wait!"] He watched in horror as two bulkier and stronger men grabbed him by each arm, dragging him away ["Listen to me! I can explain everything! I've never worked with the Empire! Hey, let me go!"] Everyone else in the room stood silent as they dragged Nicolai away.

Josef: ["Comrades, I expect each of you to continue to give your utmost for the Motherland"] Still with the same nonsmiling face, Josef said. 


And boom! The first part of the movie is finished! I hope you enjoyed it so far because we have much more to come~...

[Published in - 12/20/2020]

[Word Count - 8.660]

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