Nothings Gonna Hurt You Baby...

By cherubkookie

85K 3.5K 1.7K

Namjoon brought over another tray of drinks for the table, Seokjin and Taehyung taking theirs happily. Jungko... More



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By cherubkookie

Jungkook's hands were steady as ever as he closed his tool kit, setting the fixed laptop inside his bag with the others he'd completed the past couple of days. Tech repairs were an easy way for him to make money in school, especially when the repair shops were charging people far more than he was. The only downside was having to drop them back off to people who were too busy to come get them.

He reached his long arms above his head, stretching far until he heard the satisfied pop of his back. Standing he walked down the hall, scratching his stomach over his T-shirt before he nearly jumped at the sight of Taehyung in the kitchen frosting cookies.

"I didn't know you were home."

"Probably because you've been holed away in your room for the past three days."

His tone was teasing, as it often was but Jungkook still looked down in guilt before he started to pour himself a bowl of cereal. His stomach rumbled at the sound. Shit, did he even eat while he was working?

"Why are you making cookies?" He asked around a mouthful of cheerios.

"Persona is having a fundraiser, I'm about to head out! All the proceeds go to the health clinic and safety and consent classes."

That was actually heartwarming, not many resources for people were available to people even today. Jungkook had never experienced any sort of sex-positive atmosphere until he went to Persona, it was nice that they were doing things for people even outside of their community.

"You know," Taehyung began, his tone gentle in a way that instantly made Jungkook question what he was about to say. "Everyone keeps asking when you're gonna come back."

He highly doubted that was true, he hadn't interacted with any of them much. They seemed friendly enough that they'd probably say yes to Taehyung inviting him to events again, but he doubted they would initiate it. Especially considering they all probably know about his minor freakout from that night now. That night had haunted his memories, consumed every spare thought he had for the past two weeks.

It had been so embarrassing, shame ate him up from his head to his toes at the memory of Jimin seeing him cry. He probably thought Jungkook was so childish to get upset when no one did anything to make him uncomfortable. He had been so caring towards Jungkook that night. He knows that he was just doing his job, but it still filled his cheeks with a flush when he remembered Jimin's hands curled around that glass of water, or his unwavering gaze or the self satisfied smirk when he called Jungkook baby. That was a name he hadn't ever been called before, most people didn't see a guy like him and thought to call him baby. It unleashed a feeling of craving in Jungkook, something he only let himself acknowledge late at night, in the safety of his solitude. He knew he couldn't ever have that again.

"I'm sorry, I'm just busy. Classes have been kicking my ass, and I've had so many things to fix."

The look on Taehyung's face made it clear he didn't believe him, the downward twitch of his lip only highlighting how disappointed he was. Jungkook couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt eat away at his chest, reaching out to grab his car keys from the table.

"I gotta go, I left some takeout for you in the fridge," He said quietly, wanting to end the conversation as quickly as possible.

Jungkook didn't play any music in the car, choosing instead to roll down his window and listen to the cars rolling down the wet pavement. It had been an unusually rainy September this year but he didn't mind it. He always preferred colder weather, he loved any excuse to pack on layers and sit by the window.

He didn't have many fond memories of his childhood, but he could recall the rare ones. He remembered a rainy day when his mother had been stressed when she came home from work. His older brother Junghyun had just turned 14, wanting little to do with his entire family which led to Jungkook being attached to his mom's hip. He could recall her yelling at him for dirtying his clothes in the mud, tears rolling down her face. Jungkook didn't know what else he could do but to say he was just having fun. It had felt silent for so long until she lifted her head, taking his hand and they went out into the rain together.

They danced and jumped around, rain soaked her dress and she didn't seem so bothered with her makeup smearing like she always had. Their ankles were caked in mud and his mom knew the real reason she was upset with him for dirtying his clothes was because they couldn't afford new ones if the stains didn't come out. But Jungkook was twelve and far too smart for his age, she saw how he started to work harder at school and heard him tell her that he would buy her a new house, one that wasn't falling apart. So she decided to let him let go, and under the raindrops, she let go with him.

Jungkook rolled up the window, shutting his car off in the parking lot outside of the dance studio and clutched the handle of his repair bag as he walked in. He ignored stares of teenage girls in pointe shoes and the giggles that followed as he walked past them.

It was a small studio off campus that partnered with the university. They offered internships and jobs to new graduates, something that made it a hub for kids to learn dance and alumni to become teachers.

The room number he was given was found easily, the space empty except for the familiar woman. Sunjin was stretching on the floor, her head shooting up at the echoed sound of footsteps.

"Jungkook-ah! Is it finished already?"

He nodded quickly, opening his bag and holding out the laptop. She took it with wonder in her brown eyes, as if it was brand new with a bow on it and not just repaired. Before he could prepare himself she threw an arm around his neck to pull him into a hug. He patted her back briefly before stumbling back, a red flush covering his face.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed, oblivious to his behavior. They'd know each other for a few months, often chatting as they waited for Taehyung to wake up with his shirt missing and on her back.

She dug through her dance back to pull out her wallet, stuffing the money into Jungkook's hand.

"You're the best, I'm sending anyone who needs a repair your way."

He didn't reply, simply smiled shyly and bowed as he backed his way out. She appeared unbothered, used to Jungkook's shy nature as he turned back to the mirrored wall and began to stretch again.

A door opened as he walked down the hall, a flood of young kids pouring out around him, grabbing their backpacks from the cubbies. Jungkook's eyes grew wide, trying to get out of the space with children running around him and his path. So focused on not stepping on any tiny feet that he didn't even notice he was stumbling until he fell against the cement floor.

A few of the children giggled, others thankfully distracted by hurrying downstairs to their parents. In front of him a hand was held out to him, the familiar glint of a silver ring on the middle finger.

"We really have to stop meeting like this Jungkook-ssi."

Christ, let the floor swallow him whole, now.

He took the hand, allowing himself to be pulled up and met with a wide grin and crescent shaped brown eyes. Jimin was free of all makeup he had on the other night, instead his skin glowed even under the fluorescent lights. He was wearing white again, forcing Jungkook to try not to look at what was showing through the sheer fabric.

He shook himself out of the daze, retracting his hand as he held his bag tighter. He must have been staring for a full minute, not a single child left in sight. By the looks of Jimin's face, if that was true he clearly hadn't minded the attention.

"I didn't- I didn't know that you came here," He stammered, knuckles now white from gripping.

There was something mischievous in the other's gaze, clearly wanting to tease him for his behavior but instead he shrugged, running his fingers through his blonde hair.

"I teach kids a few days a week. I started doing it my second year in university. I've done dance since I could walk so they figured I had a good amount of experience, I guess."

"Are you still in school?"

Jimin seemed more impressed by Jungkook actually being able to hold a conversation and leaned his shoulder against the hallway wall.

"No, I graduated in the spring. I actually graduated a year early."

"Oh, you're Taehyung's age! I thought you were older. I'm a sophomore."

"I know," He said through his grin. "Your Taehyungie told me all about you the night he and I met."

There was fondness in his tone when he said it, as if Taehyung went on and on about him. He probably did, he had a habit of hyping him up to everyone who Jungkook met. Taehyung's parents were already half in love with him when he met them purely on the praises that were sung for him.

"He talks a lot about you guys too. Especially since- you know."

"That reminds me!" Jimin replied with enthusiasm. "When are you coming back to see us?"

Jungkook knew it was probably just a formality, but he couldn't help the way his chest fluttered slightly at the words.

"I'm not really sure," He confessed, even lying by saying he was busy felt wrong.

"You know you don't have to be in the kink community to come right? For some it's just a place for people to be around other open minded people and enjoy a sex-positive space. Just because you aren't curious-"

"It's not that I'm not curious," He rushed out, unable to pin-point why he had to make it clear that he wasn't not into the kink world. "I think just after last time, it's not really the place for me."

Jimin hadn't looked pleased at being interrupted but his slight annoyance turned into an expression of concern as he moved closer, his voice lowered to nearly a whisper despite them being alone.

"Jungkook, if anything happened that night to make you uncomfortable you can tell me. There is no room for predators in our community, and I need to know who it was."

"Nothing happened," He sighed, sinking back into the wall. "I just don't fit in there. Everyone has their kinks and their titles and their labels and I don't have any of that. I know you said some people come to hangout or whatever but I know a pity invite when I see one."

The words hung in the air between them and Jungkook could feel the familiarity of embarrassment coursing through his veins. Here he was revealing too much about himself to Jimin, something he never did with people he had known years even. He didn't understand why he had a hard time filtering himself with the man.

"I can promise you it's not a pity invite. Taehyung is still navigating this world too, you know? I think he appreciates having his friend there, and he doesn't have all that stuff figured out," He reassured the younger. Leaning in closer, he lifted his hand to brush a piece of his long hair behind his ear. Jungkook could feel his heart racing in his chest, too nervous to move.

"Besides, maybe some of us want you around for our own selfish reasons too."

Jungkook's wide eyes darted all over his face looking for some hint of mockery or cruelty. Instead all he found was honesty with a hint of curiosity. Despite the internal freakout he was having himself, the other appeared calm as ever. Jungkook could smell the minty scent of Jimin's gum from how close he was standing.

"Jiminie~ I'm done with my last class! We better get a move on if we don't want to be- oh hello!"

Jimin stayed put as Jungkook jumped back at the voice, turning his head with wide eyes as he was met with the sight of another man. An extremely attractive one at that. Orange hair was tucked under a bucket hat and his face was pulled into a wide grin.

"Who is this?"

"This is Jungkook, Taehyungie's friend," Jimin said, finally pulled away. "Jungkook-ah, this is Hoseok-Hyung."

"Oh you are cute." The eldest nearly purred before he wrapped his arm around Jimin's neck, pulling the dancer into him. "Are you coming to the fundraiser tonight? When the event ends then the real party starts."

"I don't know..Taehyung invited me but I have stuff to get done," Jungkook mumbled, the idea of parting ways with the group once again making him even more hesitant.

"You can get it done later, I'm sure! I was so upset that everyone got to meet you last time, won't you come?"

"Hyung, stop it," Jimin said, hitting his friend's chest lightly. "You'll turn him into a brat like you. If Jungkook-ah says he's busy then let him be responsible."

It was odd to see someone as polite as Jimin scolding someone older than him, even playfully. It reminded him of the minor shock he felt when he said he would handle Yoongi and Seokjin at the club, maybe Jungkook had underestimated his authority.

"He's obviously shy! Maybe he needs to be pushed into the brat direction."

"Taehyung calls me a brat," Jungkook stammered out unhelpfully. Both men looked at him with surprise at his response, as if they hadn't expected him to speak at all.

"Does he?" Jimin asked, though the question sounded pensive rather than something he needed answered. He shrugged and pulled out from his friend's grip and walked past him.

"In that case, you're coming. You can follow us in your car."

Despite the event being at Persona, it hardly looked like it. The club had moved out a lot of their more 'hardcore' equipment for the evening, instead having booths for different charities and lectures being taught. Only a few people were dressed out of the ordinary, and still nowhere near the blatant kink gear and nudity he had seen the other night.

Jimin enlisted the help of Jungkook and Hoseok to carry in boxes of supplies, choosing the role of 'manager' who of course had to make sure they were being carried correctly.

"Jimin-ah! Why are you making them do all the work?!" Namjoon admonished him, rushing over.

He appeared unbothered by the words, brushing his fingers through his blonde hair.

"I like watching boys do manual labor for me, Hyung. You know this. Besides, Jungkookie offered."

Jungkook couldn't help but stumble at the words he heard. Jungkookie. Watching boys. Manual labor. Jungkook had never felt more thankfully for a gym membership.

"Here, let me help," Namjoon offered, his arms held out to take the box. The youngest shook his head, only his brows visible over the box as he regained his balance.

"I can do it, Hyung."

"Yeah, he can do it," Jimin echoed, a smug look on his face.

Warmth covered Jungkook's cheeks as he quickly walked into the back door, setting the last box down by a booth.

"You came!" Taehyung cheered, throwing himself into his friend's arms. "Hobi said you ran into them at the studio?"

"Yeah, I was dropping off Sunjin's laptop to her."

"I'm happy you're here," He said earnestly as he pulled his best friend by the hand.

"Why did you call Jimin-ssi Hyung when we were here last time? He's the same age as you," Jungkook questioned.

"Oh!" Taehyung blushed slightly. "That's his title he uses at the club most of the time, like Namjoon-hyung. I don't have to use it, but since I've subbed for him before and he was upset with me, I thought it would help. I'm surprised he didn't have you call him that."

Jungkook didn't know how to say that they didn't have time to go over formalities when he was on the brink of a panic attack, so he didn't.

"Do you still sub for him?"

"Not really." Taehyung shrugged, putting pamphlets from a box into neat piles on the table. "He had a lot of references and was super welcoming when I first went to the club so I thought he would be a good person to have my first scene with, especially because it wouldn't be sexual. It was great, he was great. But Jimin- he's very..particular. As a dom. Also I wanted to explore sexual submission and being a dom, which are two things I like much better. I think when it comes to subbing, it's best in a sexual sense for me."

"So.. you're really a switch?"

"With dom-leaning, yes!" Taehyung grinned, setting out cookies beside each pamphlet because you might as well enjoy a snack while learning about STDs.

"What about Hoseok-hyung? Him and Jimin seem like a nice pair."

He tried to keep his tone light and casual but if the look he received in response was any indication, it was futile.

"Switch, prefers subbing I'm pretty sure," He replied, eyes looking down at the table but his lips still pulled into a smirk. "Also the group's second token straight guy."

"Straight?!" Jungkook hissed in surprise, a few heads turning their way. Taehyung laughed and hit his friend on the arm.

"Don't stereotype! Just because he dances and is colorful doesn't mean he's gay."

"But he hangs all over Jimin! Plus he called me cute!"

His friend raised a brow before he reached up and pinched his cheek, cooing in a baby voice.

"That's because you are cute Jungkookie. The cutest baby boy."

"Am I interrupting something?" Yoongi questioned from behind them, an iced coffee in one hand and a bundle of rope in another.

"Just telling Jungkook about Hoseok."

"You are cute Jungkook-ah but unless you have a change of heart about your gender, I don't think you'll be Hoseok's type."

"He isn't Jungkook's type either. He only falls for video game characters."

Jungkook's face twisted in annoyance and he began to rain slaps down on his friend's chest and arms. "Stop making me sound pathetic!"

"I'm not!"

"Taehyung, come here and tell me if this rope is too rough," Yoongi gruffed out, lifting himself to sit on one of the tables. He took a sip of his coffee before Taehyung slid between his open legs with his wrists pressed together.

"Why me?"

"I have a scene with a new client later. She's new and based on our conversations, you have similar pain tolerances. I want to have an idea of what options I should bring."

Jungkook watched in fascination as Yoongi expertly tied the brown rope around Taehyung's wrists. His slim fingers worked quickly as they were knotted up to his elbows, leaving his arms immobile. He felt heat gather in his stomach at the sight of Taehyung squirming and pulling at the rope to test the material and give.

"It feels a little too rough unless she is wanting some sort of punishment or if she won't have her arms like this for very long."

The eldest nodded, his brown hair falling into his eyes until he swept it away and began to untie Taehyung. Once free, he rolled his wrists around.

"Can I see?" Jungkook blurted out, two pairs of eyes instantly shifting to him.

"You want me to tie your arms?" Yoongi questioned, very slowly. His expression was as serious as always but it held a hint of surprise.

"Yeah- I just- you said she's a beginner right?" He breathed out.

The other seemed to mull it over, choosing not to question him further before he motioned for him to move closer. Jungkook tried not to think about all the people at the booths around him as he shuffled by Yoongi's leg, holding his arms out.

"Jungkook-ah it's important that you know that you don't let anyone tie you up without consent, and full negotiation okay? Especially if they don't have references or some sort of mentor. Bondage sounds simple but it's nothing to be careless with. I'm going to tie you up and then I'm going to untie it." His words were full of care, his eyes boring into Jungkook's before he got a nod in response.

He pulled up the sleeves of Jungkook's shirt past his elbows and began to wrap the rope around his wrists.

"I'm just going to do a simple two coloumn on you," He informed him, as if Jungkook had any idea what that meant.

The rope scratched against his wrists, irritating the skin slightly and causing him to feel more flustered. It didn't hurt, but he could definitely see how someone could find it uncomfortable. He absently wondered if anyone else could hear his heartbeat racing.

It took less than a minute to get the tie finished, only two bands actually going over each wrist and locking them together. Jungkook felt dizzy when he saw Yoongi playfully finish it off in a decorative bow with the slack.

"This type of rope is more rough, not as bad as sisal but if you struggle you're probably going to have some rope burn." he explained.

Jungkook pulled experimentally and resisted the urge to hiss at the feeling against his skin.

"It's..not that bad."

Yoongi raised a brow before he reached out and undid the ties, wrapping the rope back up into a loop before he held his hands out to inspect Jungkook's wrists.

"You have sensitive skin, you're a little pink after all that tugging. Are you sure it doesn't hurt?"

Jungkook shook his head. "It stung a little bit when I pulled but I didn't mind it."

"You should see when he works out, he tortures himself." Taehyung grinned.

"Maybe he's more Jimin's type than Hoseok's then," Yoongi mused, the two clearly enjoying some sort of inside joke.

Jungkook was suddenly reminded of Jimin's attendance, going unnoticed once again as he went to go find him. He wandered until he came across him being invested in a conversation with Mistress Kitty, his eyes instantly finding Jungkook once he realized he was being watched. He excused himself quickly before he walked over to the younger.

"Are you having a good time Jungkook-ssi?"

"Mistress Kitty is nice," He said instead, wincing at his own mistake until he caught sight of Jimin's smile. "She called me bunny when I met her."

His smile only grew, his eyes forming into that familiar crescent shape. "I'm sure she did, you kind of look like one."

"I didn't really mind it but I like being called baby more, I think."

He hadn't meant to say it out loud, hadn't meant to be that forward. Maybe Jimin called people that so often that he wouldn't remember calling Jungkook it that night. After all, it'd been teasing, all in good fun.

But the look on Jimin's face was indescribable, he still wore that same smile but it faded from lighthearted happiness to something with intrigue. He began to walk towards the bar, seemingly confident that Jungkook would follow. Of course, he did.

He took a beer out of the fridge, holding up a second to Jungkook with a questioning brow before he received a shake of the head and put it back. Jungkook sat in silent adoration as Jimin opened the bottle and enjoyed a sip, leaning over the empty bartop as Jungkook took a seat across in a stool.

"I'm a little offended that you chose for Yoongi to tie you up, instead of me. You know, your knight in shining armor."

"You saw?" Jungkook breathed out.

"Mhm," Jimin said, taking another swig of alcohol. "I was watching you the whole time."

Jungkook recognized the familiar lightheaded sensation he felt earlier at the idea of Jimin watching him from across the room. Watching someone tie him up, watching him struggle against the bonds without him knowing.

"I'm sorry I didn't come to you, Yoongi-Hyung was just there with Taehyung-"

"Jungkookie, I'm not actually upset. I was just teasing. Yoongi is a great rigger."

His tone was soft, a handful of tease in his smile and he patted Jungkook's hand gently.

"What did you think?"

"I liked when I pulled against it."

Jimin nodded slowly, his eyes darting back and forth from the boy's wrists to his face.

"So you liked it when it hurt? Is that something you've known or do you think that's something you'd want to explore?"

It felt odd to Jungkook to have a conversation about what he could possibly be into in the bedroom, especially with someone he hasn't had sex with. Jimin sounded like he was talking about the weather with his tone so casual. He knew it was probably good that this was an easy conversation to have in a setting like this but it didn't make it feel any less taboo.

"I haven't ever received any pain. I've smacked their asses and stuff but that's all. I think.. maybe it could be something I'm into."

Jimin pulled back immediately and reached below the bar to grab a clipboard, writing on it quickly.

"What are you doing?"

"I have an impact play scene for our munch this weekend, I'm putting you on the guest list for the night."

Anxiety soared through Jungkook's body, reaching out to grab the clipboard from the other. However, he was too slow for Jimin, the man jumping back with shock. His brows were furrowed in confusion and Jungkook shook his head rapidly.

"Jimin-ssi I don't want to get hurt in front of people-"

"Jungkook, I'm not going to do a scene with you," He scolded, expression unreadable but clearly unhappy. "I'm doing one with Hoseok. I made you a guest to come see it for free if you wanted, which I could have explained had you asked me instead of trying to grab it from my hand."

Jungkook felt his hands drop to the bar absentmindedly, guilt eating away at him.

"Oh. I'm sorry."

They both sat there in silence until the older finally relaxed, finished writing on the sheet and tucked it under the bar once again. His lips were still pursed but he let out a quiet sigh.

"I would never do anything to put your safety at risk. Let alone sign you up for a public scene with no negotiation, consent or experience on your part."

Jungkook suddenly felt very foolish, of course he wouldn't put him in harm's way like that. This was the same man that gave him the key to his office so he would feel safe enough to be there with him. Taehyung wouldn't allow him to be around anyone he considered dangerous. Hot tears pricked at his eyes and before he knew it Jimin was on his side of the bar and pulling his face into his chest from where he sat.

"I'm sorry, I swear I don't think that low of you," He choked out only to be met with shushes.

"Don't be sorry, Jungkook-ah. You got scared, it's understandable."

Distantly Jungkook wondered what Jimin must think of him, constantly shy around others and ending up in tears the two times he'd met him. Jungkook knew he wasn't strong, not in the way he was told a man should be at least.

"You should be upset with me, I offended your character," He sniffed.

"Oh Baby," He said, fondness in his tone. Jungkook could already feel his chest thump faster.

"Hyung could never be upset with you."


so I ended up finishing this entire fic!!!! you can expect an update every couple days until its finished!

I PROMISE Jungkook won't cry every chapter lol I'm just a sucker for hurt/comfort

anyways! I appreciate all kudos/bookmarks/shares etc and I reply to every comment! they are great motivation to me!!!

follow/chat with me on Tumblr @cherubkookie


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