The TNT Brothers

By SparksSparky

423 30 5

(Teaser for the story currently being written on Patreon. Will eventually be uploaded to wattpad, but here is... More

Chapter One

Chapter Two

177 14 3
By SparksSparky

I was sneaking down my driveway, ready to head over to the house next door. What did I really expect to happen? I felt like an idiot out in my nightdress. Was I expecting to knock on and instantly know if my brother had left? Wasn't the whole point of tonight the fact that he wouldn't be leaving alone? I'd just climbed the fence to their garden when I started to regret my decision. I had no idea what time it was, I had no idea where anyone could be and here I was sneaking into my neighbor's garden. Yes, it was to look for my brother, but he was the Alpha... and that meant that he didn't need his little sister gatecrashing his harvest moon night.

I looked around the huge garden, I'd been here so many times and for so many parties. A soft breeze blew over the water in the pool in front of me and the ripples waved towards me. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I relished in the cooling phantom wind. I wanted to leave, I wanted to go back home to try to sleep some more, but I knew that it was pointless. There was no way I'd be getting any sleep tonight. I had to find my brother. I had to work out what was wrong with me.

I closed my eyes as I let the breeze wash over me. It eased my nerves and cooled the burning that was running through my veins. "It's past your bedtime.." a warm, comforting voice suddenly whispered into my ear. I was in some kind of trance, usually I'd care about being snuck up on and would've been ready to attack, but this time I didn't and I wasn't.

"I think someone wandered out into the wrong garden tonight" another voice whispered into my other ear. They sounded so familiar, yet so strange and foreign at the same time. I'd heard these voices before, but I'd never heard these voices like this before. I dipped my head to the left as soft lips brushed across my shoulder and up my neck. "She definitely made a mistake coming here." A third voice groaned. The two voices that were in my ears now had lips too and were kissing my arms and my shoulders.

I felt utterly spoilt to be able to feel like this. "Now trespasser, what do we do with you?" The deepest voice questioned. I looked towards the glimmering surface of the pool and suddenly my legs were walking straight towards it. I couldn't slow down, I couldn't stop. I wanted to be wet, to be cold and to be free. I could hear the voices mumbling behind me, but everything other than the slight splashing in the pool was drowned out.

I dipped my feet in and felt instant relief as it filled the scorching of my body. It felt as calming and peaceful and the kisses had. I sat on the edge of the pool and moments later, I was joined once again by the voices, only this time the voices had bodies. Big muscular bodies that could snap me in half in a second.

The more I watched them, the more their faces became handsomer and their lips tempting. "Feeling hot?" One of them asked me, brushing his fingers up and down my arm. "I think she could probably do with cooling off." Another suggested with a wicked glint in his eyes. I heard a splash and a minute later one of them was treading water at my feet. He gripped into my calves and dragged me a little further towards the water. My legs were almost submerged all the way to my knees, but my ass was still perched on the tiles at the edge of the pool. "I think we could help with cooling her down."

The cool water splashing against my legs seemed to wake me up slightly and I registered the faces that were around me. Tommy Harrison was positioned between my legs and his brothers Nick and Taylor were kneeling on either side of my body. I still didn't feel bothered by it, I was relaxed and passive. They might be complete idiots and they might be ass's to me most of the time, but they wouldn't hurt me. My brother was the Alpha, they couldn't risk stepping a single foot wrong. I suddenly remembered why I'd come down in the first place, "why am I hot?" I asked them.

"That's subject to someone's personal opinion I think," Nick laughed, the others joined in and I rolled my eyes. "I mean physically, I feel like I'm burning up." Taylor traced a line from the bottom of my wrist all the way up my arm and to my neck, it made me shiver and I leaned in to the touch. "That would explain why we seem so drawn to you." Drawn to me? The Harrison brothers? "Explain." I commanded them, but it was Tommy who spoke this time. "You know about the harvest moon? About what it does to people who have attended the ceremony..." Nick cut in, "usually we have some kind of choice, but it appears on this occasion the decision was made for us."

What decision? What were they talking about? "Well, I think I should probably go and find my brother" I told them, starting to retract my legs from the gentle stroking of the water. Nick's hand travelled down my back and looped around to follow the hem of my nightdress, "your brother is busy, but we'll look after you." I couldn't deny the way that having their hands on me made me feel. I tried so hard to push away the thoughts. These guys were assholes. Assholes that I shouldn't want anywhere near me, never mind touching me.

It didn't work, my mind was still hazy with heat and the only thing that really seemed to be cooling me was their skin on mine. "Doesn't this feel good?" Nick asked, pulling up the hem of my nightdress. His fingers were drawing circles around the top of my thigh. He nodded to Taylor who mimicked his actions on the other side. I took a deep breath in and a shuddering breath out. "Yes, it feels good." I confirmed.

Tommy dipped his head under the water and when he emerged the twinkling droplets ran down his perfectly sculpted face and fell from the lashes on his eyes. His dark eyes met mine and I read the intent there. My mind turned to mush as he waded through the water over to me and positioned his head between my knees. "We can help with cooling you down Chloe... do you trust us?" My head was screaming at me not to, to just go back home and go to bed. But as I looked at each of them, the need and the want to stay was stronger than anything else.

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