RWBY x OC fanfiction: The (no...

By Claptions

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The sound of the flames crackle in his ears. The smell of the smoke fill his nostrils. The screams of everyon... More

Chapter 1- The boy who was left alone...
Chapter 2- A new friend?
Chapter 3- That's a stick
Chapter 4- Fight for your life!
Chapter 5- So....I get to stay?
Chapter 6- Memories
Chapter 7- Silence is my friend
Chapter 8- I guess she's kinda cute.....
Chapter 9- Don't make me laugh....
Chapter 10- Haha, I surrender.....
Chapter 11- Alone again.....
Chapter 12- It's a promise
Chapter 13- Who...are you again?
Chapter 14- Event Horizon
Chapter 15- My weapon
Chapter 16- Its good to see you too, but who are you again?
Chapter 17- This...isn't good..
Chapter 18- What the hell is that?!
Chapter 19- I think I love you!
Chapter 20- I...don't remember...
Author Note
Chapter 21- First kiss
Chapter 22- Who's the new guy?
Chapter 23- I wont lose you too...
Chapter 24- The Glowing Crystlas
Chapter 25- A training session
Chapter 26- Secrets
Just some info
Made some changes
Chapter 27- A sudden letter
Chapter 28- Close your eyes
Chapter 29- I'm gonna....KILL YOU!
Chapter 30- I'm taking you down with me!
Chapter 31- Thank you, again
Chapter 32- Take me to your home
Chapter 33- Keep it a secret
Chapter 34- None of your damn buisness
Chapter 35- It's her fault...
Chapter 36- Oh, I got a story for you
Chapter 37- The boy who could shape Aura to his desire
Chapter 38- It is only the begining
Chapter 39- Why are you so warm?
Chapter 40- Dont leave
Chapter 41- Cat and Mouse
Chapter 42- This world...must burn
Chapter 43- I don't even know how I got here
Chapter 44- Be my eyes
Chapter 45- Thank you, Your Highness
Chapter 46- I promise you
Chapter 47- Kneel....or die!
Chapter 48-You think I'm scared of you?
Chapter 49- What are you?!
Chapter 50-Grimm Reaper
Chapter 51- Hello there
Chapter 52- Die
Chapter 53-Magic
Chapter 54-Rest in Peace
Chapter 55- Another Letter
Chapter 57-Shadow
Chapter 58-Goodbye
Chapter 59-Rest
Chapter 60- Door to Darkness
Christmas Special
Chapter 61- Reinvigorating Death
Chapter 62- Im listening
Chapter 63- Burn to nothing!
Chapter 64-You're a murderer
Chapter 65- My goal? Its to Kill Salem
Authors note
Chapter 66-All things that live, must surely one day die
Chapter 67- Now, and always
Chapter 68- If anything happens, I'll save them all
Chapter 69- This is war
Chapter 70-Now....Begone
Chapter 71- You wish for death
Chapter 72- The dance of death
Chapter 73- Save this world
Authors note
Chapter 74

Chapter 56- A Kiss

534 9 1
By Claptions

  "So you're telling me that the Grimm can only mimic what they see?" George asked as he scratched his beard.
  "Yep," Zakai replied as he drank the coffee Julia had made for him.
  "Huh. That is good to know," he nodded. "How did you find this out so fast?"
  " of the Grimm was disguised as me, and when he got here he meet it. I ended up killing it because he didn't know it wasn't me, and when I killed it and told him about the Grimm, he started to undress my dead body." She hugged her body as she said that.
  "Shut up!" He said to her before raising his hands in surrender. "And that's not how it went down. I asked her if you had seen it's full body before and stated it may only be able to mimic what is sees."
  "Mmm. Smart indeed," George smiled. "I wouldn't mind you marrying my daughter."
  Why was this family so obsessed with him? They wanted him to marry their daughter, and their daughter was already in love with him. It was weird.
    "Well, We're all so glad you came as fast as you could." Julia began. "When your bird came pecking on Silvias window, she got so excited. She knew that if she wrote you that you would come."
  "And here I am," he smiled softly. "Anytime you need me, just give me a ring. Or write me. My bird tends to fly around and check in on the people in my life." 
  "It's a very smart and well trained bird."
  They talked amongst each other for a while, drinking their drinks, talking about what had happened sense Zakai left.
  Julia got up, stating that she was tired and was going to sleep, and George followed not long after, leaving Silva and Zakai alone.
  Silvia was sitting across from him, playing with her hands as she looked at the ground.
  "You don't have to be so nervous," he stated. "I'm not going to do anything to you."
  "I know." She muttered. " just make me nervous."
  "'re, kind, smart...strong." She said the last part quietly.
  "And all of that scares you?" He raised and eyebrow and smiled softly.
  "Well, seeing as how I like you," she looked him in the eyes. "They're all dangerous qualities."
  He blushed softly but said nothing as he looked away.
  "There's someone else, right?" She asked. "That's why won't make a move."
"There is, and I think it's more than that," he laughed softly.
"So your saying if you weren't seeing someone right now, you wouldn't kiss me?"
"....I can't say for sure. I don't have the same feelings for you that I would if I was single. But if I was...I think your cute, cool, funny, smart, and strong as well." He scratched the back of his head. "So I guess I could see myself with you if I was single." He smiled softly at her.
Her face was red as a tomato as she stood up and walked over to him. "Can I...kiss you." She said after a moment of silence.
"I'm sorry?" He had heard what she said, but he didn't register it.
"I want to kiss you...can I?"
"No," he answered.
"Even if it's on the cheek?" She looked at him. He saw the sadness in eyes. The desperation.
"I...guess you can kiss me then." He said. After all, the cheek is t a bad place to be kissed. It would satisfy her and he would be left alone about it. A win win.
"Really?" She brightened up. He nodded. "Okay." She played with her hair for a second before looking at him.
"Just hurry and get it o-" mid-sentence she kissed him on the lips. And not just a peck, but a full kiss.
His face went red as he looked at her. Her eyes were closed and her face red. He shot up and covered his mouth with his hand.
"I'm sorry, I can't." He said.
"I-I-I...I'm so sorry...." her face was red and her eyes started tearing up.
"Don't cry," he reached one hand out to her. "It's not you, it's me."
"I...liked the kiss, but I can't keep going. You're a good kisser though. Don't let anyone say you're not." He wanted to say one kind thing to her so as to not make her cry.
"You...liked the kiss..." she smiled softly to herself.
"Yes, now can we move on from that." He mumbled as he cracked his finger with his thumb. "I want to get some hunting done. You can go get some rest. I don't need any."
"I'm not tired," she stated.
"It's almost midnight. I'm sure you are tired. So go to sleep."
"Oh my, it's almost midnight? I didn't know," she said sarcastically. "Did you know that at midnight these Grimm become stronger? And seeing as how stupid you are, I'm sure you'd get into some kind of danger."
"Yes, I probably will. But I can handle it, you can't. Plus, it would be safer to go alone. Because that means anyone or thing I run into I know is a Grimm."
"Then we stick together." She stated.
"What if we get separated?"
"We won't."
"But what if we do? What if we get separated and you're all alone. You could die, and I wouldn't be able to do a thing. I won't let that happen. So stay!"
She frowned but before she got a word in he walked out the door. He was going to end this. Tonight

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