He Stole My Heart ✅

By _RamiJones_

174K 11.5K 18.2K

Amelia Jones, Amy's good life turned upside down when she lost both her parents in a car accident. Now she go... More

1 - Cool the Dracula
2 - Rides and milkshake
3 - Lazy river is the best therapy
4 - Need to Set a Score
5 - Giant sparkly Peach and Fattest Panda
6 - Unending Darkness
7 - Need my Punching Bag
8 - Blood is thicker than Water
9 - A new Family
10 - Someone is choking me
11 - Kristina's cold treatment
12 - A pang of Jealousy hit me
13 - I'm here now
14 - I know deep down he cares
15 - I'm coming to India
16 - Druggie with drug overdose
17 - He is pure Devil Reincarnation
18 - Sameer, never heard about him
19 - Chandni Chowk and Jalebi
20 - Twisted in my own way
21 - I need my guards high
22 - Please I'm begging you
23 - Unleashed the wild beast
24 - Nightmare
25 - Guilt rose by tenfold
26 - It's not your fault
27 - Madwoman and Axe murderer
28 - Jason was fascinated by me
29 - PROMising Night
30 - I missed you
31- Paparazzi and tabloids
32 - I wont let you fall
33 - Skating Rink
34 - Crazy Drunken Ass
35 - Homeless Hobo
36 - 1001 ways to infuriate Amelia
37 - Will you marry me?
38 - Comfortable around him
40 - May change into Zombie
41 - Emotional Blackmail
42 - Search for a boyfriend
43 - Picture-Perfect Together
44 - You are so dead
45 - Blame the alcohol
46 - Vodka or the Kiss
47 - Sarcasm as coping mechanism
48 - Dig a hole and hide
49 - Tear him limb by limb
50 - Freaking Red Diamond Ring
51 - We need to leave
52 - These people are gone insane
53 - I'm sorry for leaving you
54 - He left for New York
55 - I'm so scared
56 - Do you mind if I kiss you?
57 - Vodka is fun water
58 - I love you?
59 - I was so Jealous
60 - This is Romantic
61 - Honeymoon Expedition Starts
62 - Where is your ring?
63 - This is a suicide mission.
64 - Beach, fireflies and ???
65 - Your body will float in this beach
66 - This is all Greek to me
67 - Patch-up with ex
68. Temper Tantrums
69 - Together in life and death
70 - I needed a break
71 - Coldness took over me
Thank You ❤
72 - Dont kitty me!
73 - You lied to me
74 - Make way for my wild cat
75 - You married your crush?
76 - Never have i ever
77 - Rainbow and Glitter
78 - Irony called my life
79 - Pro tip: Sell the same story
80- Breaking you and Jason
81 - Planning the unplanned
82 - Divorce Him
83 - He doesn't deserve you
84 - A little glimmer of hope
85 - Fight for her
86 - Zack Confessed
87 - Do you have a death wish?
88 - Comforting him
89 - Mysterious Mrs.Brown
90 - Dissipation is alluring
91 - Heartless Idiot
92 - All the Single Ladies
93 - Grow old with you
94 - I do
95 - Zack is back.

39 - Project and Inneundos

1K 91 43
By _RamiJones_

"We just met at McD yesterday. Let's go to the new cafe that opened down the street." Zack groaned while we are on the way to McD to plan the group assignment.

"We aren't going to stuff our faces with food Zacky! We are going to work on the assignment." Reeva retorted.

"Oh come on aren't you bored of eating the same hamburgers the last 2days?" Zack whined.

"Tell me what wrong I did in my past life to earn you as my groupmate?" I grunted at Zack.

With Zack my patience is running thin there is only so little left in me. Off lately all he does is getting on my nerves.

"Oh not past life Amelia, in high school... you ignored this 6ft hunkiness," Zack replied wriggling his eyebrows at me.

I so want to grab the fork and stab him in the eyes but I'm not too keen on making this bohemian playhouse in jail so we will save the idea for later.

Deep breathes you can't stab Zack!

"After the CAD class, when we go to my place, I will ask Stella to be your official chef and you can request her all your cravings. Now please let us concentrate on the presentation. If we finalize it now. We can go start working with your dream house." I pleaded him.

"And now we are talking," Zack replied. After that, he didn't disturb us but even helped. So it's settled Mandy will do the introduction, Reeva will say about the brief history and characteristics of the boho style.

I will explain the design, color palette, patterns. Kevin about the use of natural light, greenery, and furniture. Zack is given the last  2slides conclusion and a  thank you.

After satisfied with the presentation. We grabbed our hamburgers and fries and quickly shoved them in our mouth

After our lunch at McD, we rushed a bit late to the CAD class and settled in the last rows of the tiered seating.

As we sat with our laptops practicing the L-shaped 3D stairs. Mrs.Vance helping the students and going around the class. I heard light snores and saw the guy beside me sleeping with his head on the keyboard.

"Zack Mrs.Smith is coming this way." I jabbed him.

"Zack wake up" I shoved him again.

"Not tonight baby. I'm tired." He mumbled.

"My bad. I tried waking him up." I hissed irritated.

"He stayed out last night. Let him be." Kevin whispered beside me.

Mrs.Smith came to our aisle checking how we are doing. Shot an indignant look at sleeping Zack and crossed her arms. Kevin jumped to his defense immediately.

"Mrs. Smith, Zack is suffering from insomnia he didn't sleep for the last 2days. I just couldn't wake him up. But I will make sure this doesn't happen next time." 

Mrs. Smith nodded her head uncrossed her hands and left.

"Zack has insomnia?" Mandy asked Kevin the same thing in my mind.

"who knows"  Kevin winked in response, earning giggles from me and Mandy.

I didn't know that Kevin the goody two shoes could lie.


After the class, Mandy and Reeva hopped into my car. Zack and Kevin are coming by Zack's bike. They are going to stop by and get all the art supplies we might need to make our Bohemian-styled miniature house.

After settling on the couch in the living room. I went to the kitchen to grab a plate of peanut butter cookies that Stella baked.

I caught Mandy and Reeva looking at the whole place with wide eyes and mouths open.

"Guys stop staring and have these," I said placing the snacks on the center table.

"Your house is just so beautiful Amy. I envy you so much." Reeva said still eyeing the place.

"For starters, this isn't mine. And what are you looking at? You've already been here." I reminded her.

"I was occupied with my hangover and your handsome housemate that I didn't appreciate this place," Reeva replied shoving a whole cookie in her mouth.

"At what time Jason will arrive? So that we can leave before,"  mandy asked me nervously.

"He comes back around 6:30 or 7. And there is no need to go because of him. I'm sure he doesn't mind."

"That guy intimidates me," Mandy replied. I guess she got scared of Jason when he kinda domineered on us after our drunk escapade.

"And I am fascinated by him. Did you looked at his sharp jaw and that light stubble, not to forget his eyes. He is so damn hot and that body I'm sure he workouts daily." Reeva said her face mimicking Jason's fans from school.

I rolled my eyes at her but her next sentence caught me off guard. "No wonder you want to kiss him all the time Amy. I feel you"

"Eww shut up"

Stella entered the living room and beamed looking at Reeva and Mandy.

"Amy you didn't tell your friends were coming over. I would have arrived earlier and prepared delicious food for you and your friends."

"We just arrived. And two other guys are joining us.  One of them may ask you to prepare extra dishes. If you need any groceries I will ask Logan to drive you to the store."

"Sure in the meantime, I will get some drinks for you guys." Saying Stella disappeared into the kitchen.

I sat with Mandy and Reeva discussing the house layout. We decided it to be a 2floor house with a living room, dining, and kitchen on the ground level and a small foyer with 2bedrooms on the first floor.

After Zack and Kevin arrived. We shifted to my room and sat on the floor around the center table and started joining the cardboard to get the house layout and glued the different printed papers on the floor and walls.

Stella served us blackberry Virgin Mojito and went off to the kitchen to prepare for dinner.

We got busy making the model. I don't know if we are getting in the good book or bad book of Mr.Payne but this sure is fun taking me back the memory lane to the time I made a dollhouse with Sophie with Mama's help.

Zack seemed to be the type of guy who doesn't care about his studies, just wants to have fun in life. I thought we are all getting a D on this presentation because of him. But, I'm mistaken. He is very much involved in the project as the rest of us.

Oh yes because this isn't studying we are making a dollhouse and this is a play for him.

Zack has a split personality. One minute he was so engrossed in the work that he didn't even see the pancakes Stella served us before dinner. The other minute, he kept splashing the paint with a brush on Kevin.

"Stop it Zack" Kevin hissed.

But Zack being Zack emptied the whole 50ml red acrylic paint on Kevin's head.

Everyone burst out laughing except Kevin. Kevin took the neon green bottle next to him and splashed it on Zack, covering his face, hair, and navy blue sweatshirt.

That is not very Kevin like... Kevin is sweet calm and always in check. But I think Zack can bring the worst in Kevin, who am I kidding... Zack could bring the worst in anyone.

Reeva took her phone out and shouted "say cheers guys" and started clicking pictures of the paint-spattered boys.

Zack in one swift move grabbed Reeva by her neck, locked her in one hand, and unloaded the orange paint on her purple hair.

"Serves you right" Mandy cracked up looking at Reeva's annoyed face.

Next, it was Mandy's turn to get turquoise blue paint on her t-shirt. I tried holding my laughter because I don't want to provoke them and get paint on my head. They looked like a bunch of preschoolers, not college-goers.

"Why are you hiding your laugh, Amelia? Don't be sad. You won't be left alone." Zack smirked picking the mustard yellow paint in his hands.

Oh, God! No! Getting paint out of my wild curls will be hard. I started running for my life...no running for my hair. And Zack followed me. Kevin left for the washroom to clean himself. And one glare to Mandy and Reeva was enough to stop them from helping Zack.

I dashed out of the bedroom door and sprinted down the steps only to trip on the third last step, making my heart jump to my stomach. I closed my eyes in fear anticipating the fall. But before my head could touch the ground and crack like a coconut a pair of strong hands caught me by my waist.

I slowly opened my eyes to see the dark green eyes staring at mine. Before I could get lost in those enchanting orbs and engulfing woody scent, Zack's voice in the background brought me back to my senses.

"You okay?" Jason asked steadying me on my floor.

Zack stopped a few steps above us with a confused face. Mandy and Reeva stood on the top of the spiral staircase. Jason glanced at top of the staircase and my two paint-adorned friends fled to my bedroom.

''You are the other brown right?" Zack came down smiling to stand opposite Jason.

I stood behind Jason hiding from Zack. I tiptoed and watched Zack over  Jason's wide shoulders.

"And you are Zack. Mind explaining what you are doing with paint in your hand and running around my house." Jason bit back rather coldly.

Oh no! I forgot that for some strange reason Jason dislikes Zack.

Shit shit shit!

"We are doing a project. And paint fight made its way in between." I replied shyly.

I turned around to face Zack and said, "use the bathroom in the room next to mine."

Zack nodded his head and left.

"Let's have dinner together if you are okay with it?" I asked Jason.

"Sure" Jason shrugged and walked up the stairs. I followed him silently to my room.

Kevin is cleaning the mess on the floor in his wet plaid sweater and hair dripping water. Mandy is helping him while Reeva is in the bathroom.

"Where is Zack?" Mandy asked me.

"The next room.. cleaning up."

I grabbed a couple of Ryan's t-shirts which I stole from him because they are comfortable,  from my closet and handed them to Kevin. Asked him to give one to Zack.

Dinner is awkward no AWKWARD.

Jason ate with a scowling face. Reeva kept gaping at Jason's face. Kevin fidgeted in his seat the whole while. Mandy stayed silent. Zack kept flirting and passing innuendos.

While Mandy didn't raise her head, Reeva kept ignoring him and continued fascinating over Jason's facial features, and as usual, I kept glaring in response. I tried making small talk about weather and project to make the dinner less awkward. But it made the dinner a whole lot awkward when none responded to me.

Hello people
Hope you all are fine.
December is my favorite part of the year but also the time I usually fall sick.
Anyway, I tried updating. I wrote this chapter for 5days. Sleep kept kicking in whenever I tried to type.
Hope you all like it.
Please vote and comment. I love reading all those comments :)
Love Rami ❤

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