I was a Demon and she was An...

By Kraven_Kai

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This is a WinRina (Aespa ship) Fanfic book,The Book 2 of Maid of a Spoiled Brat "I know we can't be together... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
New Book!

Chapter 3

682 42 8
By Kraven_Kai

‡Winter's POV‡

She didn't come today......I looked at the sun,it was slowly going down as the moon rises up

"Princess? What are you doing there? It's dangerous in the border of the forest at night"I looked behind me to see my dad,worried

"I was just.....waiting for someone...."I said as I knew I couldn't lie

"Who were you waiting for in the forest?"my dad asked and sat next to me

"This girl......Karina was her name,she came from the human realm and became an angel"I said and looked at him

"Oh....but why would she be at the forest though?"he asked again

"Her Bunny is really cheeky and I always see it running into the forest,maybe she chases after it every morning"I said and looked at the forest

"I see......but you should go to the castle now princess,it's cold out here and maybe she's home already"my dad said as he stood up

"I'll be in there in a minute dad,I'll just get some fresh air for now"I said and he hugged me before going back to the castle


What is that? A snake?

I looked around and saw no one nor anything........what is going on?

"Hey winter!"

"Who are you!"I yelled at the person calling me

A shadow emerged from the forest,it was a girl wearing a dark cloak......wait a minute.....there's only one person who has that cloak....

"Karina?"I asked and she removed her hood as she made her way towards me

"Hey! I thought you couldn't recognize me"she said and smiled a bit

"Yeah I kinda didn't......but why were you at the forest at this time? Isn't it dangerous?"I asked as I stood up and look at her eyes

"Huh?.....uhm.....I was looking for my keys that I dropped yesterday"She said and scratched her head lightly

I stared into her eyes,they were glowing underneath the moon,beautifully along with her white skin

"S-stop staring...."She said and I immediately looked down as I had gotten embarrassed of what I did

"I-i'm sorry...you just had beautiful eyes...."I blurted out and I covered my mouth instantly

"H-hey wanna know a s-secret?"She asked

I looked up at her and she was staring at me

"What secret?"I asked

She removed something from her eye,is that contact lenses?

I looked at her eyes again as she opened them.......one was red and the other was blue

"You have 2 different colored eyes?"I asked and she nodded shyly

"That's awesome! It's like you're a cat"I said and she lightly chuckled

Her laugh......it's cute and amusing.....I want to hear it more.....it's soothing

"Uh...hey why are you still out here? Didn't you say it was dangerous?"she suddenly asked

I fidgetted my fingers as I didn't know what to say......should I say that I was waiting for her?

"W-were you? Waiting for me?"she asked

I was shocked on how she knew but I nodded slightly and she chuckled again

"That's cute,you waited out here just for me?"She asked and she came closer

I looked at the ground again as i feel my cheeks burning up

"Hey don't be embarrassed,it's not that big of a deal"she said and lifted my head up

I felt so small.....(a/n:YOU ARE smol Winnie XD) embarrassed but......her hands are so soft.....

She took her hand down immediately and looked to the left

"Uh...sorry about that"she said and I smiled

She got embarrassed too......cute

The wind blew against us....it was so cold,I forgot that it was winter

Karina looked at me like she wanted to say something

"What is it?"I asked her

She suddenly took her cloak off and put it on top of my shoulders.....it was so warm.....it's like a comforter

"It's cold,you might get sick"She said and smiled

"What about you though? Aren't you cold?"I asked her but she shook her head

"No way you're not cold,come here"I said and pulled her towards me

"What are you----"her words got cut off as I pulled her into a hug covering her and me with her cloak

"Don't complain anymore,I know you're cold too"I said

I was feeling so embarrassed but I knew she was cold too.......she feels.....warm.....

She suddenly looked at me,our faces were only a few inches apart but she came closer,I can feel her breath on my face

She rested her head on my shoulder and hugged me,I felt warmer because of her body heat and because of my burning cheeks

"I did feel cold.....thank you"she said and snuggled her head into my neck

Her breath touched my skin and tingled me a little....

"What the? WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!?!?!"

I heard my dad's voice,I looked at him shyly as Karina pulled away,she was shocked that she even stumbled down.I immediately helped her to stand up as my dad made his way to us.....oh no

"Minjeong! What are you doing still out here? I thought you were going inside? And you,young lady who are you and what were you two doing?"my dad bombarded us with questions

"Can we go in first dad?.....it's cold out here"I said and he looked at me a bit furious but he sighed and nodded

We walked inside the castle and I immediately saw my five sisters looking at me with teasing smiles on their faces

"We saw that"Irene unnie said which made me look down of embrassment

"You two were so cute out there"Joy unnie also spoke and I can see Karina beside me looking down as well

"I wish I had someone to hug in the middle of a cold night"Wendy unnie said which made my other sisters chuckle including my dad

"I thought they were bears out there,all I could see was black then suddenly I saw eyes,it creeped me honestly"Seulgi unnie said that made everyone burst into laughter except me and Karina

"Yah unnies stop teasing the two,look at them they look so shy"Yeri unnie said and everyone stopped

"Okay,now answer my questions"my dad spoke as we sat down in front of the fireplace inside the castle

"Dad I told you I was grabbing some fresh air outside,that was why I didn't come in yet"I answered and he looked at Karina

"Uhhh.....sir I...was looking for my keys that I dropped yesterday near the forest and saw Winter there.....and I went to talk to her.....I gave her my cloak because it was too cold outside.....she thought I was cold too so she pulled me to h-hug and c-covered me with the cloak too"Karina nervously explained and I can see my sister's chuckling and pointing at me

"Right.......but what's your name young lady?"My dad asked

"I'm Yoo Jimin sir.....I mean Karina"Karina answered and she looked at my father

"Ah! So you're the girl that winter was talking about earlier"my dad suddenly beamed a smile and I face palmed

"You were talking about me with your dad?"Karina asked,shocked looking at me

"Kinda?....well he asked who I was waiting for earlier"I said and she chuckled

"Aww adorable"my sister's exclaimed as they see Karina chuckling

I raised my eyebrow at them and they all looked at each other then looked at me again

"Don't be jealous Minjeong-ah we won't steal her from you"they all said in unison

My eyes widen as I looked at my dad who looked calm but was staring at me,Karina also looked at me looking shy and confused

"WHAT ARE YOU UNNIES SAYING!?!" I yelled and they laughed

"I----- if you don't mind sir,winter? I need to go home now,my mother might be looking for me"Karina said and my dad nodded as he smiled

"Come visit us any time Karina,it was a pleasure meeting a friend of my daughter"he said and I stood up and guided Karina out

"Hey....sorry about that...."we both said at the same time

We looked at each other and smiled

"No it was fine,it was fun meeting your family"she said

"They're really dorky sometimes,oh! Hey your cloak!"I screamed as she was already near the gate of the castle

"Oh it's fine,you can keep it so if I don't get to visit you,you'll still remember me and think that I'm there with you"she said and waved her hand as she kept walking

"So......why didn't you tell me you had a thing for girls?"my dad suddenly popped right beside me

I jumped from shock as my dad laughed at my reaction

"You could've told me you know? I wouldn't get mad at you,I love you for who you are my princess,I won't judge you for what you do or say because you're my daughter and I care about you"he added as he looked at the sky

"Thank you dad........but how did you know?"I asked him

"I heard you talk yesterday......with Yeri and I asked what that was about and she told me"he said

I immediately ran to the hall and screamed


A/n:Got caught flirting with each other XD now let me ask you..........Karina top or bottom XD LOL JK we already know the answer to that XD

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