Home At Last

By Percasokeefe

4.4K 170 26

Harry Potter has never truly felt at home except with his godfather, Sirius Black. Now, Sirius is gone and he... More

An Interesting Birthday
Inheritance and Gringotts
Seeking Answers
A Much Needed Conversation
Chapter 7 (Because Making Chapter Names is Overrated)

The Real Harry

741 31 6
By Percasokeefe

          Harry let out a shaky breath, he squared his shoulders and let his eyes drift across the name plates on each goblin's desk. He finally found on labeled "Yurgus" at the back of the large hall. As he made his way to "Yurgus" - an elderly goblin with a rather grumpy looking face(though I suppose all goblins come off grumpy.) - he absentmindedly wondered why such small creatures required a hall so big. he directed his focus back to the matter at hand when he reached the end of the hall.

          Suddenly nervous, he cleared his throat, hoping to get the goblin's attention. If the goblin heard him, he didn't let it show as he continued with his - rather boring(at least it looked boring) - paperwork. Harry swung his arms, hoping to cool off the sweat that had gathered on his palms.

          "Mr-uh-Yurgus-sir, um" Harry stuttered out. He wasn't sure why he was nervous, but his insides seemed to twist and dance in a bundle of nerves. Thankfully, the goblin looked up, taking his mind off of his nervousness a bit. He cleared his throat once more. "I hope I'm not disturbing, but, I-er- am wondering why you've sent for me."

          "Ah, Mr. Potter, we've been waiting for you. It seems you've finally decided to comply t our requests." Harry was confused. What did he mean finally?

          "I'm sorry, but, what do you mean, finally?" Harry inquired, feeling like he was missing something.

          Yurgus's brows furrowed. "We have been sending you monthly letters for a year now, Mr.Potter, asking for an audience."

          Baffled by this new discovery, Harry was quick to reply. "Sir, I have never gotten any letters from Gringotts until now."

          The elderly goblin seemed to have drawn a conclusion to the discrepancy as his eyes widened and he muttered under his breath. The goblin had whispered very quietly, but Harry heard him, "They were intercepted..."

          Yurgus sighed heavily, "Come along then Mr. Potter, we have much to discuss and not much time to discuss it." Yurgus twisted in his seat and jumped from his - very tall - chair.

          As Harry was lead to one of the many private discussion chambers, he let his mind wander back to what the goblin had said. Why would someone intercept his letters from Gringotts? Surely it couldn't be something too interesting. What use would one have with such a letter?

          Harry settled himself in the lavishly decorated chair and faced the goblin, "Why have you called me here, sir?"

          The goblin smiled at Harry - something he had seen no goblin ever do before - "We are here to speak of your inheritance! You see, when a wizard or witch reaches 15 years, they receive a form of official claim to the position they hold in their family. They also receive valuable artifacts set aside for them by family members. This is a crucial part of the wixen's life."

          Harry was intrigued, does this mean his parents set something aside for him? "What must I do Mr. Yurgus?"

          "Please, just Yurgus and all I need is a drop of your blood on this parchment." He slid a clean piece of parchment over the polished wood of the table along with a ornate silver dagger with rubies embedded to the hilt.

          Harry took the dagger and pricked his nimble finger on it, wincing only slightly as he let a drop drip out of the puncture and plop onto the parchment. Immediately, the blood sunk into the parchment and a blood-red script started to scrawl it's way elegantly across the once bare platform of the parchment. Harry watched in fascination as the parchment was suddenly full of information, but as he started to read it, he felt his face twist in confusion and horror.

          Scribbled neatly onto the parchment was his parents' names, but it wasn't what he expected. He expected to see James and Lily Potter's names to be staring back at him, but no. On the parchment was the names of two people he would have never guessed to be his parents, but alas, he knew the parchment didn't lie - his blood didn't lie. He was horrified and he was confused because the names on the parchment belonged to none other than Tom Marvolo Riddle and his wife Cassiopeia Riddle.


Name: Harry Corvus Riddle

Gender: Male

Eye color: Sapphire Blue (From Mother)

Hair: Raven black (From Father)

Height: 5 feet, 7 inches

Mother: Cassiopeia Riddle

Mother's Maiden Name: Cassiopeia Potter

Father: Tom Marvolo Riddle

Creature: Vampire

Heir To:

Riddle (Father)

Peverell (Mother)

Slytherin (Father)


Spells cast:

Appearance altering spell   - Albus Dumbledore

Intelligence restricting spell   - Albus Dumbledore

Compulsion spell   - Albus Dumbledore

Ability restricting spell   - Albus Dumbledore

(All are renewed yearly)

Blocks on:

Parsletounge (Broken)

Wandless Magic (60%)

Parslemagic (100%)

Magic (50%)

Intelligence (80%)

Free will (70%)

Animagus (12%)


          Harry could only stare as tears slowly sneaked their way out of his eyes and down his cheeks. His whole life was a lie. He had parents all along and he couldn't be with them all because of Dumbledore. He cleared his face and put on a mask of determination. He looked back at Yurgus as he straightened in his seat.

          "Is there any way to remove these blocks and spells?" Harry questioned, inwardly wincing at the demanding note found in his words. If Yurgus heard the demand in his voice, he didn't question it as he nodded silently and led Harry out of the room.

          Harry was led into a blindingly white room and seated on a clean white bed.

         "Close your eyes and rest, this is a process better conducted without an alert mind." Yurgus said to the boy softly.

          Harry closed his eyes and let his body relax. He hardly felt sleep take over him and he hardly felt the multiple blocks and spells being removed from his person. He acknowledged absentmindedly, that the process must definitely be a painful one, yet he felt nothing as he floated in a dark, black abyss.

          When Harry woke up half an hour later, he felt different, he felt knew, he felt free. He pushed himself off the bed and made his way to the mirror he had just noticed on the far side of the room. Once he was in front of the mirror, he froze. He didn't recognize himself, for a second, he even thought that the person staring back at him was a whole different person. But it wasn't, and he knew that too.

          His facial features were softer. He was still quite lithe and tall enough. His body had a light layer of muscle from the labor he had to do back at the Dursley's. His eyes were a striking shade of blue, the likes of which he had never laid eyes on any other person before. His dark hair was the same as ever, but slightly less messy, a little longer and had a touch of waviness to it. He knew that this new look was different and slightly unreal, but it felt right. This is who he was supposed to be. This is who he is. This......is the real Harry.


          Look at that, a new chapter finished and it took just a couple minutes before two hours. I believe this is a long overdue chapter and I hope you enjoy. I will update more throughout the week. Also, I think I may have forgot the disclaimer at the first chapter, so I'll do it now. Harry Potter does not belong to me, it's all J.K. Rowling's, I only own Cassiopeia.

Word Count - 1198 words

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