Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie...

By FiftyShadesDakota_x

178K 5.5K 1K

Hi!! So, I started writing this story when I was going through a hard time, it really helped me distract myse... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108
Part 109
Part 110
Part 111
Part 112
Part 113
Part 114
Part 115
Part 116
Part 117
Part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122
Part 123
Part 124

Part 103

736 39 9
By FiftyShadesDakota_x

Hello everyone!
I'm hoping you are all well and healthy ready for Christmas. Here's my next update, I hope you enjoy x

*Dakota's POV*

I wake with a cloudy head. The clock on the bedside table says it's 7:59 AM. I sigh and roll over; Jamie isn't there. I sigh again heavily recalling the argument we head early hours this morning. I sit up slowly, stroking my achy bump. Everything feels different. I stand slowly and stretch before heading to the bathroom; I do my business on the toilet and as I wipe I notice blood on the tissue. Not much but there's enough to make me panic.

I take a deep breath and sort myself out, flushing the toilet and washing my hands. Me and Jamie aren't exactly talking right now but I need to find him. I stroke my achy bump as I head to check on the girls, they're fast asleep so I go downstairs. Sam and Jim are talking quietly in the kitchen. They're discussing what happened with me and Jamie. I head straight in, my hand placed on my bump; my other hand clutches the side as I get a sharp pain in my stomach and curl over in pain.

Jim and Sam are straight on their feet, each taking one of my arms to help me sit down. "Where's Jamie?" I sigh heavily and they look to each other. "He wasn't here when we woke.. I'm not sure" Jim shrugs and I let out a cry. "I have to go to the hospital." I whisper, my bottom lip shaking as I try to hold in my tears.

"I'll take you, Jim can stay with the girls" Sam stands and rushes to get her coat on and then she brings mine over to me. "What does the pain feel like?" Jim asks me, stroking my back as he hands me a glass of water. "It's just like a sharp pain.. near the bottom. I'm bleeding too" my voice is barely even a whisper as I talk. Jim and Sam exchange a look and Sam helps me put my coat on. Luckily I changed into a pair of jogging bottoms because it's a lot colder outside today.

"Come on darling.. everything will be okay; Jim will get a hold of Jamie for you" Sam rubs my shoulders and then takes my hand to steady me as I stand. "I really need him by my side.." I whisper nodding. I share one last look with Jim and he nods slowly, giving me a reassuring smile before me and Sam leave for the hospital. 

On our journey there I call Jamie.. He doesn't answer and soon enough I get sent to answer machine. "Jamie it's me... I know that whatever happened last night, you're probably still mad with me but I'm on my way to the hospital.." my bottom lip begins trembling again  and I feel Sam reach across and give my hand a gentle squeeze as she drives. "I think there's something wrong with the baby" I cry, covering my mouth to stop myself from sobbing.

"Please call me.." I say before hanging up. "Where could he be?" I look to Sam, my voice small. "I'm not sure sweetheart.. but for now let's focus on getting you and this baby checked over." She smiles sadly, parking at the hospital and getting out; coming round to my door and helping me out.

We head into the hospital and there's a woman, she must be in her 40s, stood at the desk. "Dakota?" She approaches us and I nod slowly, looking to Sam as she directs us to a private room with a bed. "Sorry, Jim called.. He trained me when I qualified here quite a few years ago; he asked me to take care of you" she smiles warmly, closing the door behind us. "I thought I recognised you!" Sam grins, and the nurse, her name badge says Michelle, grins back.

"Yes, I started just before you left" she chuckles and hands me a hospital gown. "How is your pain Ms Johnson?" She smiles sadly at me whilst I stroke my bump. "It's just every so often.." I say, taking the gown. "Please, call me Dakota" I smile a bit, taking my coat off slowly and hanging it over the back of a chair by the bed. "I'll get you some tests and scans sorted, if you don't mind changing into the gown and getting yourself comfy in the bed, I'll just be a few minutes getting some equipment."

I smile and thank her, heading to the en-suite bathroom I have and changing slowly. I groan and curl over when I get a sharp pain, gasping through it. "Do you need me to come through?" Sam is standing outside the door and I jump a bit. "I'm naked" I half chuckle half sob and she giggles a bit. "Oh dear..." she says and I giggle a little more; standing up straight again and sliding my arms through the gown sleeves.

"Could you fasten it for me please..?" I open the door and turn around, not feeling quite as conscious because I still have my underwear on. She fastens it for me carefully and helps me over to the bed; pulling the covers back and helping me sit down. "You're in good hands, Michelle is one of the best" she reassures me and I smile. "I'm glad.. please thank Jim for me" I well up slightly, stroking my bump.

"I will darling.. do you want any water?" She asks and I nod a bit. "Please.." I watch her head to the water dispenser in my room near the sink, she brings me back a plastic cup of water and I take a welcomed sip. It's cold and I have to stop myself from downing the whole cup. "Thank you.. and thank you for being here" I smile sadly, resting my head back on the bed.

"I wouldn't let you be here alone.. especially when that boy is being an ass" she giggles, meaning Jamie. "It was my fault we argued.. I didn't speak with him about no more babies after this one." I let a few tears fall and she squeezes my hand. "Hey don't go getting upset.. men will be men. From what we heard he shouldn't have reacted like that" she smiles sadly.

"It got so heated and things were said that shouldn't have been.. I just hope he.." I stutter, choking on my tears "he comes back" I finish my sentence off. "Hey don't think like that; he loves you no matter how much you argue or what you argue about" she hands me a tissue and I dab my cheeks dry. "I hope so.. has Jim heard from him yet?" I ask as Michelle comes back through, pushing in a ultrasound machine with her.

"I'll message him and ask." Sam smiles kindly at me, using her phone quickly. "I think we'll start with a ultrasound to check the baby over, I'll need a urine sample from you so let me know when you need to use the bathroom next" she smiles warmly, folding my bed sheets down to the bottom of my bump and instructing me to lift my hospital gown over my bump. I do as she asks and she squirts the gel over my bump.

I shiver and giggle a bit, watching the screen and silently saying a prayer to anyone above who may be listening, asking and pleading them to make my baby be okay. We hear the strong thud of a heartbeat and I look to Michelle as she smiles warmly, moving the probe around so the screen moves up and down the length of the baby a few times.

"Everything looks fine with regards to the baby, heart is beating strong." She smiles warmly at me and Sam grins. "Thank god" she squeezes my hand as I wipe my bump. "What could be wrong?" I frown a bit, knowing that something still isn't right. "I'm not sure one hundred percent yet, can you see here?" She points to the screen at a white lining between my baby and my womb. I nod. "I'm not sure what that could be. I'd like to keep you for the day and do a few more major tests" she looks to me and I nod slightly. "That's fine" I smile slightly and watch her leave.

A silence falls around Sam and I, she checks her phone that must vibrate in her hands and she sighs. "He hasn't been able to contact Jamie yet" she says quietly and I sigh. "Thank you for checking with Jim anyway.." I say quietly, looking out the window at the blue cloudy sky. "I'm going to grab a coffee, did you want anything?" She grabs her purse and I nod a bit "maybe a hot chocolate please?" I ask and she chuckles, nodding before heading out to find the cafe.

I reach for my phone and dial Jamie's number. It rings for what feels like forever and then I get his answer machine again. "Jamie please" I cry "I can't do this without you.. you're my rock" I ramble "I was so stupid I'm so sorry. Please let me know you're okay.. I'm scared" I whisper and then I hang up, throwing my phone to the bedside table and curling up in the bed on my side.


*Jamie's POV*

I wake with a cloudy head. The aftertaste of whisky stuck to my tongue. How much did I drink last night?! I'm on the sofa of a old college mate, who I called last night and ranted to. We ended up drinking a bit and I must have crashed here. I rub my eyes and let out a big sigh, remembering the harsh argument with Dakota.

I roll over and reach for my phone. I sit upright straight away. Wide awake and alert when I see that it's 10:57 AM. Another thing that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up is the fact that my father has called five times, Dakota has tried me six times, Jess and Liesa have each tried to call three times and Sam has tried twice. I've also got four voice notes from my father and two from Dakota.

I call my father and he answers on the second ring "oh Jamie thank god!" He exhales loudly. "Where the hell have you been!?" He shouts and I roll my eyes. "I crashed at Tom's. What's going on dad?" I ask. "Dakota's at the hospital. I'm not sure what's going on there but you need to get there. Now" he states firmly and I bolt to my feet. "Is she.. is she okay? The baby?" I ask and my dad sighs. "She's got bleeding. And really bad cramps... just hurry Jamie" he says and his voice is filled with uncertainty.

"I'm going dad" I say and I hang up, running the stairs two at a time and having the quickest shower known to man. I change and dart back downstairs, grabbing my car keys and wallet before running out to my car. I climb in and I speed off to the hospital. It's 11:35 AM when I pull up outside the hospital. I rush to the main reception and ask the male receptionist to help locate my wife. He gives me directions and I don't wait for him to finish explaining before I'm running to the private rooms ward. I burst through the doors to the corridor and Sam is sat outside a room.

"Sam... sam" i pant, out of breath from running and rushing around. "Oh Jamie thank god! Where have you been!" She gasps, slapping me across the arm as she stands. "I'm here now. Where is she?" I open the door but the rooms empty. "She's gone for scans. They could be a while" she taps the seat next to me as I sit next to her. We sit in silent for a while and I decide to listen to the voicemails from her.

The first one she's crying and she sounds terrified. My stomach does a somersault at the thought of her being alone and terrified. In the second one she's crying again, she says that she's scared and I can hear it in her voice. I sigh and rest my head back. "I fucked up sam" I sigh, tears down my cheek. "The only thing that should matter right now is Dakota's health and your baby boys health too. Forget about the argument for now. She needs to rest" Sam looks to me, taking my hand and giving it a slight squeeze.

"You're right.. I know I know" I rub my head with my hands, taking a deep breath and sighing out loud. "Have they done any tests yet?" I ask after more silence falls between me and Sam. "They gave her an ultrasound. His heartbeat seems okay" she smiles a bit and I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god" I cover my face with my hand. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if..." I trail off and Sam look to me. "If something happens to either of them.." I whisper and Sam pouts, we both turn as we hear the corridor doors open. Dakota is being wheeled through.

"Jamie.." she calls and I stand, immediately going over to her and taking her hand as she begins to cry again. "I'm here.. I'm right here" I reassure her as they wheel her into her hospital room. "I'll get your results back to you as soon as possible" her nurse, Michelle, says; giving us both a smile before leaving the room. I gaze at Dakota in the bed, she looks so small and fragile; her face pale and her eyes red and strained.

"Sam, did anyone contact my mom?..." she asks Sam and I look to Sam. "Jim tried but time difference was a struggle,  I'll see if I can try now" she smiles warmly and I smile slightly back. "Thank you..." Dakota whispers, closing her eyes slowly. "I'm going to head to the cafe for some food, did either of you want anything?" She asks us. "I'm not sure if I can eat, but I'm starving" Dakota chuckles a bit and Sam laughs; all the while I'm just staring at Dakota's manicured hand that's wrapped around mine.

"I'll find Michelle and ask her.. Jamie?" She looks to me and I look to her. "A coffee please" I smile slightly and Sam nods, leaving us and shutting the door behind her. A silence falls around me and Dakota, it's slightly awkward at first but she closes her eyes, dosing in and out of sleep. Around 20 minutes passes and she looks at me. Her big bright eyes showing her hurt and upset as well as her tiredness.

"Hey.." I whisper and she smiles sleepily, closing her eyes. "Hey..." she whispers back, looking out the window as it's beginning to rain. "I wonder what the girls are doing.." she says aloud, and I chuckle. "Probably running wild around my dad" I chuckle more and she giggles, smiling. "That wouldn't surprise me" she opens her eyes again to look at me. We're silent for a few seconds. Staring at each other. "I'm sorry.." we both say at the same time, causing us both to laugh a bit.

"You don't need to be sorry.. I should be... I shouldn't have been harsh to you last night, I shouldn't have walked out like that... I'm more sorry than ever that I wasn't here when.. when you needed me the most." I say, softly stroking her hand. I look up at her and she's crying quietly. "Jamie we both said things last night that we shouldn't have.. it got too heated" she cries and I stand up, leaning over to gently wipe her tears away from her cheek.

"Please don't cry. It kills me to see you crying because I was a dick" I whisper, welling up at the thought of hurting the most important person to me. She clutches her bump suddenly and takes a deep breath, tensing for a few seconds before un-tensing. "Are you okay?" I panic and she nods slowly, tears still falling from her eyes. "I'm so scared Jamie." She sobs and I pull her into my arms.

"You don't need to be anymore baby. I'm right here. I've got you... I've got the both of you" I whisper against her hair, softly kissing her head a few times. She soon calms down and I help her rest back against the bed. "Let's just focus on getting yours and baby J's health back to a hundred percent baby.. we can talk after" I rest my hand on her bump and she puts hers over mine, nodding and closing her eyes; I watch as a few more tears continue to fall from her eyes.

We stay in silent for what feels like ages, until Sam and Michelle walk back through. They both smile at us as Michelle closes the door. "I managed to contact your mother.. she sends her love and wants you to call her as soon as you get news.." Sam says and Dakota nods a bit. "But she said they've just been hit with a big snow storm in Aspen and all flights have been stopped.. she's sorry she can't come and be with you" She sighs a bit and Dakota frowns, looking down.

"Okay... thank you for calling her for me, I really appreciate you being here with me too sam.." she smiles a bit and Sam smiles shyly, taking a seat next to me and handing me my coffee. "I got your results back and we're really concerned about how high your blood pressure currently is. We think you may have something called pre-eclampsia.." Michelle says and we just stare at her dumbfounded. "It's a condition that causes the high blood pressure and in your urine we detected a tiny bit of protein." She says and I catch Dakota out the corner of my eye; she's wiping her eye.

"We're unsure why you're bleeding, as you saw earlier the baby is doing fine.. one of the risks of having Pre-eclampsia is placental abruption.." she relies back to us, looking at the notes on the clipboard that she has. "We're going to keep you tonight if you're okay with that. We've got medication that's safe for you and your baby, that will help with lowering your blood pressure. Once that is done we can check for placental abruption after that" she says, Glancing at Sam.

"If... if the abruption has happened... will the baby be hurt?" Dakota stutters, wiping her eyes softly. "It can stop the flow of oxygen and cause a premature birth" she answers honestly. Dakota let's out a sob and I stand, pulling her into my arms. It's a bit difficult to hug her over the bed but I try, stroking
Her back as I hug her tightly for comfort.

"I'll leave you for a few minutes to take in all the information I've given you..." she checks her watch. "I'll be back around six or half past six to give you some of the medication I spoke about at first" Michelle smiles sadly and then leaves. "You both are going to be absolutely fine" Sam comes over to the bed, stroking Dakota's back softly.

"I hope so" she whispers and my heart breaks, tears falling from my eyes. "It's going to be okay baby" I whisper, kissing her head as I sit back down. I take her hand and give it a gentle squeeze. "I'll just go inform Jim.. he's been asking about you" Sam smiles sadly at us both, I think she's using it as an excuse to leave us for a few minutes.

"You are without a doubt the strongest woman I know. You and our boy are going to be absolutely fine daks..." I kiss her hand softly, gazing at her when Sam leaves. "I'm so sorry" she mumbles, her bottom lip trembling. "No don't. You have nothing to be sorry for beautiful" I sigh, stroking her hair from her face, her tearful eyes watch me, softly gazing at my face as I lean to kiss her softly.

She kisses me back and my heart beats a bit faster. "I'm so sorry we fought.." I whisper. "I'll make it up to you I promise." I kiss her softly again and she smiles sadly. "it was such a silly argument.. I still love you just as much" she whispers looking at me. "I love you too.. more than you'll ever know." I smile, stroking her cheek softly, watching her close her eyes slowly. "You're not in any pain at all are you?" I ask her.

"No.. it's stopped now.. which I'm glad about because it felt like labour pains." She sighs a bit and I pout. Soon enough we're joined by Sam and then a few moments later Michelle enters the room. "I called your mother too, she will call you later" Sam says and Dakota nods. "Thank you so much Sam" she looks to Michelle, and she smiles at us reassuringly.

"I'll give you a shot of the medication and then my shift is over" she explains as she lifts the hospital gown sleeve over Dakota's arm to clean a spot for the injection to be put in to. "The night doctor that will cover me has been requested by Jim too, so you'll still be in great hands.." she smiles reassuringly again as she gives Dakota the injection. She winces when it enters her arm but it's soon over with and she smiles.

"Thank you, you've really been great to me today" Dakota smiles and Michelle thanks her. "I'm sorry to say, but visitors are going to have to leave now though..." she pouts a bit and Dakota looks to me. Sam stands us. "Michelle, I'll leave with you" she smiles, hugging Dakota tightly over the bed.

"You get yourself some rest sweetheart" she whispers into her ear and I smile; their bond is amazing. "I will, thank you so much for everything today" Dakota whispers back, closing her eyes as they Hug. "Jamie I'll see you at home okay?" She says to me once they've pulled away.

"Of course.. I'll be leaving now" I smile a bit and Sam nods, waving goodbye before leaving with Michelle. "Tell the girls I love them please" she wells up and I frown a bit. "Of course I will, I'll be back up here straight away first thing tomorrow morning." I kiss her softly a few times and she smiles sadly.

"I love you.. you get some rest my beautiful.." I stroke her hair a few times and kiss her again before pulling away and getting my coat on. "Please give the girls a cuddle from me too. I miss them" she sighs a bit, yawning. "They love you.. they'll understand" I kiss her head softly. She waves to me as I open the door and i wave back, blowing her kisses before letting the doors close shut behind him. And I'm all on my own.

Comments are appreciated as always❤️

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