Day in the life of a first ge...

By carebearxXx

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Honestly, I just want to write about my days here. Consider it like my dairy. Just very public lol. I will (*... More

Day #1 (12/14)

4 0 0
By carebearxXx

     Where do I even start? I woke up 20 minutes late! But I still had time. I woke up, brushed my teeth, and got dressed in a hoodie and jeans (no shirt under of course lol). My dad walked my sister and into the bus stop and lord can I just say. My ass was FREEZING! Her bus comes about 10 minutes before mine so after that. I just stand with my dad in the cold. Yea I know. Not fun. Once the bus came, I got on with a few others and plugged myself into my world of music. Ugh how I love being there. What should I listen to? Mmmm I ended going with some calibre 50 music. I mean, what could go wrong with that :). 10 minutes later and we have arrived to our least favorite destination. High school 🤮. It's not that I have bad grades or anything. I actually have straight A's (not trying to brag people). But I really just dislike school. I could be at home, reading in-front of a fire place with some hot chocolate! But no. Here I am. I walk myself to the band hall to put my instrument away. There is one of my favorite people ever:). My boyfriend. We have been dating for quite a while now but honestly, I was just not feeling good at that time. I was sleepy. My head hurt. And I was SUPER unmotivated. His sister and I talked for a bit before heading to first period. Chemistry. I love chemistry! We were finishing a lab and starting on our final exam review! (Im so nervous for it). Nothing really exciting happened then. 
       My school does this thing where if you don't have time to get breakfast in the morning. You can get some after first period and certain locations. But today was pop tarts (no offense to anyone who like them but to me. I despise them). Well there went my chance at any breakfast. Second period was world history. We were just wrapping up unit 4 and once again nothing fun or interesting. The only thing I was spooking forward to was seeing 'him' ;) after this class and onto third. Which was my most bipolar class ever! Algebra 2. See we have this love hate relationship and by we I mean the course and I. Some units I will MASTER and others will master RUINING me! You know I've heard that you get long eyelashes for crying. WELL THATS MY ONLY GOOD FEATURE! :( anyways lol. There is one more topic to learn before the final and it just so happens to be one I DONT UNDERSTAND. LORD JESUS HOW I WANTED TO YELL AND CRY!!!!!!!!! But you know what. I told myself "don't worry. You will watch khan academy tonight" (did I? Yes. Did it help? No 😒). Next was band and of course nothing new. We played our instruments and blah blah blah. Next was lunch. Where I didn't eat today because I had to tackle some homework. Wooo! We are almost done with the day! Next was English 2. I love to read!!!!! But for some reason. English is just not easy for me lol. Yea Ik. How ironic. We did some peer reviewing and I got good numbers 😎 I was proud. Then not only that. My teacher COMPLIMENTED my intro to one of my essays. He said it was one of the best ones he had ever read. I just answered with thank you but in my head I was GOING CRAZYYYSBSJSNSJ.
    Any wayssssss next was my Spanish class. I'm in Spanish 4 so it's pretty easy. (I'm fluent) everything is online too so I really just ran through some stuff and called it a day. Nothing too cool. LAST PERIOD! It's honestly a free period (even though sophomores aren't suppose to have any). It's my endorsement. I want to be a lawyer but it's stereotyped at my school that studying law means wanting to be a police officer so I guess that's what we are learning. But today my teacher didn't feel like doing anything so guess what I did?! I READ THE WHOLE TIME! I WAS SO HAPPY BECAUSE MY BOOK GOT EXCITING! After that, I picked up my flute, rode the bus and came home. Now this is where everything goes down hill. I made me lunch whole nobody was home. Thirty minutes later and my mom comes home. Ugh it's okay. She makes me do a bunch of cleaning tasks (which I didn't want to do ofc) but what can I say. She's a Mexican mom. She talks and I obey. No complaints. Lol even though it's finals week and I have a lot to study. So I ended up doing homework and studying for longer than expected. Next I showered and my boyfriend got all mad because...honestly I don't even know why. There go some years. Then my mom starts yelling at me (I'm SUPER sensitive). There go even more tears. Next thing I know. I'm sitting infront of my mirror judging my hideous appearance and why I'm such a disappointment. Honestly, everything I do to get the good grades, get into a good university with good scholarships. ITS ALL FOR MY PARENTS! Not that I don't want that but it's more for them than for me. Well that was day one people. Bye!

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