Fall Of The Dragons (OLD VERS...

By He4rt_B3at

97 2 0

The day the dragons were struck from the sky, was the day the peace they had with humans ended. The humans sl... More

Prolouge: Part 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Prolouge: Part 1

36 0 0
By He4rt_B3at

Back when the Mountains were hill and the oceans were puddles. Humans and dragons have coexisted with one another, although they did not live in harmony, some Dragons burned villages to the ground while some humans poached Dragons in retaliation. They kept at this small conflict for thousands of years until one fateful day that the ignorant kingdoms decided that they would be better off without the dragons.

The kingdoms filled balloons with a powder that could turn air into fire, a force so deadly that it could kill groups of men at once. These balloons filled with powder were released into the skies where the dragons flew freely. The naive dragons saw these strange inventions as a threat and attempted to burn them with their flames.

Oh how foolish these creatures were. It only took one flame to touch the powder to release flames that struck the dragons down from the sky. These dragons continued to shower their embers upon these balloons, one by one these dragons' scales were blown away as if it were leaves on a windy day.

Once the Beasts realized that their efforts to destroy these balloons were futile. They retreated back to safety. The kingdoms had already been waiting in the trees of the forest the creatures resided in, they fired harpoons from turrets that killed the dragons upon impact, if not, the harpoon would pull the dragon in and the soldiers of the kingdoms would slay the poor creatures.

This genocide went on for half a decade. Until the blood moon rose, the time where the dragons were at their strongest. And the last of its kind, swore vengeance, using that last bit of power it had left in it's old soul, the dragon flew up into the heavens and entered the realm of the dragon's sworn enemy.

The Phoenix was the protector of humanity, it guarded the kingdoms with its holy light it radiated from its wings. Once the dragon invaded the team of the Phoenix, it was a battle that shook the heavens, it was an unstoppable force versus immovable object. No one knows who was victorious in that battle, but the Phoenix's ember's disappeared and the last dragon fell from the heavens and died.

Once the last dragon was gone, an ancient force was reawakened. 4 beasts emerged from a temple that was sealed by the dragons, and if all the dragons were gone, those 4 beasts would be released from their prison. Those 4 beasts were so horrifying that the gods above feared them. The names of those beasts were:
Cerberus, a triplet of lycanthropes that could harness the power of ice fire and electricity, they never separate and thus are considered as one entity

Ouroboros, the serpent that once could wrap itself around the entire world, it's fangs would spread disease and could even leave entire forests infected

Kraken, a water beast so big that it could topple an entire fleet of ships in just one swipe of it's tentacle, it could create walls of water that were higher than mountains.

Behemoth, a bull whose horns were strong enough to shake mountains, a body that was made of iron. It toppled many cities and villages. It's strength was so immense it could split apart the earth with a simple stomp of its hoof.

Seraph, the most powerful of them all, a six winged entity, who's wings were sharp enough to cut through almost anything as if it were warm butter. It could generate winds that would scrap entire mountains and leave valleys. It is said that if it's body was revealed that the world would end

Soon after those 4 beasts were unleashed, they took a human form, as they were in a weakened state and could not use their full power. The beasts reigned terror on the kingdoms, wiping out entire civilizations with their power. No corner of the world was safe. Armies were useless against them.

The beasts continued their destruction for a year, leaving most of the world in shambles and either submerged in water, an endless storm, winds that would cut through anything, or land that was breaking apart. After this was done, Behemoth had raised up a new piece of land, an new continent that the beasts had made their lairs in.

With the rise of the new continent also gave birth to monsters, creatures that were filled by wrath, greed, and hunger. With the new land, adventures seeking to slay the beasts ventured into the land, only to never return.

The last four kingdoms had gathered their kings, the most intelligent strategistst, and their strongest magicians to gather in the place the gods would help them. And there they worked on ideas to help get rid of these beasts and stop their terror...

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