Saving The Bad Boy

By novelistwannabexox

19.6K 542 287

"I'm officer Benson, what's your name ma'am?" One of the officers questioned as the fireman went back inside... More

Authors Note
Character Aesthetics
•1• ZOEY
•2• ZOEY
•3• ZOEY
•4• ZOEY
•6• ZOEY
•7• ZOEY
•8• ZOEY

•5• ZOEY

1K 33 19
By novelistwannabexox


"No, I don't want to interview." I groaned into the phone before hanging up.

It was around 3:30 the next day and news people kept calling me and wanting an interview, some even showed up and knocked. I turned them all down though, of course. I'm sure Owen wouldn't appreciate me talking about him on TV like he's dead or something.

Speaking of Owen and the news though, they released that he was in a stable condition finally and that he'd be okay and out in a few days.

Macy also came over and asked me for every little detail. Considering she is my best friend, I told her. I trusted her to not tell the whole world.

Toby was still here with me at home too, and he assured me he wasn't leaving until our parents got back.  Part of me was thankful for that, but another part of me was still a little upset that Macy and I's week long sleepover would no longer be a thing. 

"I still can't believe that happened."  Macy muttered from the kitchen table as she chowed down on a bag of Cheetos.  "Do you think he recognized you, or even knew who you were?  I mean it's not like you guys have ever talked." 

"That's what I thought!"  I exclaimed, a tiny grin tugging at my lips that I quickly pushed away, knowing it wasn't an appropriate time to fan girl over him.  "But then he was all like 'omg aren't you that Tucker chick?' And I was like omg yes!"

That's when Toby decided to chime in as he skipped down the stepped from upstairs. 

"He just got stabbed and was totally helpless, I very highly doubt he used the phrase 'omg.'  And I also doubt he knew who you were." My brother rolled his eyes as he walked up to us and grabbed a handful of Cheetos from Macy.

I scoffed. Whenever Toby was home, his main hobbies included patronizing me every chance he gets. Although, I will admit, he was right about some of that.  Owen never said 'omg,' but I don't think it was that big of a deal. 

"What would you know anyways?"  I rolled my eyes as I marched to the couch and slumped down into it. 

I kept my eyes forward as he plopped himself down beside me, ignoring his presence.

"Enough." He stated, his devious grin laced in his voice. "Mrs. Zoey Price."

I could hear Macy choke in shock as I glanced over to see what on earth Toby was talking about when I saw the notebook in his hands. Where the hell did he get that, and why does he have it?!

"Give me that!" I spat as I reached for the notebook. 

Before I could grab it, Toby jumped up from his seat and ran to the kitchen behind Macy on the other side of the table. 

"Not until you promise to never talk to him again."  He teased as he held the notebook behind his back. 

"I'm not promising that, you pig, now stay out of my room!"  We were now circling around the kitchen table, Macy in the middle just enjoying herself and the Cheetos. 

"I didn't get it from your room, you left it on the counter."  Toby spat back before getting serious.  "Now I mean it, anyone that gets themself into that kind of trouble is obviously trouble to begin with.  Stay away from him." 

I shot my brother an innocent smile before crossing my fingers behind my back and responding with a simple, 'okay.'

I watched as he nodded in agreement and set the book back on the counter where he found it. He was a pain in the ass most of the time, but he meant well, so I'd give him that much.

"I really just cannot believe something this crazy happened in Mildred, let alone my best friends house."  Macy gushed, as if all of this chaos excited her. "Your parents should really go out of town more often."

As much as I hated to admit it, it was kind of exciting that something was actually happening in this town for once. However, I wasn't sure I'd ever want to go through something like that again. It was horrifying and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. And I especially hoped everything worked out for Owen.

My thoughts were then interrupted by my phone ringing. I groaned out of annoyance, knowing it was yet another news caster wanting to interview. So far I'd managed to have none call my cell phone, only the home phone. Guess that luxury was over now.

I grabbed my phone off the counter and answered the call.

"Hello?" I greeted the caller, annoyance laced in my voice.

They said nothing, annoying me even more. These calls were getting old already.

"Hello?" I called out again, waiting for a response. "I don't want to interview." I groaned after still getting nothing.

I was about to hang up when they finally spoke.

"They're coming." A deep voice whispered just before the line went dead.

My mouth dropped open and my eyes grew wide. What the hell.

"Excuse me?" I questioned, even though I knew they hung up. "Hello?!"

I slowly pulled my phone away from my ear and stared at Toby who seemed to be paying no attention to me and instead to the TV.

"Another person wanting an interview?" Macy questioned as she popped a Cheeto in her mouth.

I gulped, not sure what to say. All I knew is that I was scared and I needed to just relax. After briefly contemplating whether or not I should tell them what the call said, I decided against it. Toby would freak and never leave, and Macy probably wouldn't even take it serious because she'd find it exciting.

"Yeah." Was all I said before going to my recent calls and examining the number that called me.

Great, they called under restricted.

Part of me wanted to believe it was just a prank call, while another part of me remembered what Owen warned me about.

Was I actually in danger?

Hey everyone, it's been FOREVERRRR! I'm so sorry for the long delayed update, it's been a crazy year. As my time in beauty school is wrapping up though, I've been writing like crazy haha. So definitely expect more updates.

Thank you all so much for being patient with me though, I have great things in store for this story, along with others.

What'd you think of this chapter and the story so far overall?

How are you all holding up during these crazy times?

Don't forget to check out my newest story, 'Little Miss Popular' and if you came here from 'Daydreams' & 'Night Terrors' you can definitely expect an update on 'Daydreams' soon!

I appreciate you all so much and thank you for the support❤️ don't forgot to vote & comment (:

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