before the pain | luke (JATP)

By crystal_mei

504K 17.4K 28.5K

what's your biggest dream? to become a famous rock star of course oh yea original Okay okay... what's your bi... More

After The Pain
thank you
a.n - q/a


5.4K 235 354
By crystal_mei

Love, it's crazy... silly, stupid and can hurt. In our lifetime our hearts will break from many things. Friendship, loved ones and ourselves. Yes, we can break our own hearts. There was a quietness over Patterson's home.

No melody was made for the first time that saturday morning, not even a single strum. He laid in his bed, hiding himself under his duvet as he felt like something had left, something that he could not get back.

A quiet knock was heard on the bedroom door, with no answer to answer it, causing Mr. Patterson opening it himself, he sighed looking at his seventeen year old son.

"Your mother told me you had girl problems" Luke bit his lip as he stared into his wall, his eyes being red and puffy. Luke normally didn't cry, but the idea of having Mila hate him, caused him to bowl his eyes out.

"Is it the detention girl?" Mitch asked as he placed himself on his son's bed, which caused him to sit up a little, he nodded as he sniffled and wiped away the tears with his long sleeved hoodie, which he still hadn't returned to Alex, from their break up.

"Well, you must like her a lot to not even play music on your day off" His dad said as he looked at the untouched guitar hanging on the wall.

"I like her a lot dad" Luke's voice was almost a whisper, as it was dry from having cried. "She is just... I wanna hold her and tell her how much I care for her, but I feel like everytime I try, I screw it up. I'm just confused at this point, about her and me..." Mitch laughed gently nodding.

"You have never been good with emotions my son, but... I will give you that you are good with music, maybe try and write down how you feel and tell her like that" Mitch suggested, which Luke of course already knew would be the right choice.

"She doesn't wanna look at me or even listen to me" Luke answered as he hugged his knees, Mitch nodded as he thought for a bit. "Well you have detention tomorrow, your last one as well, maybe you need to tell her how you feel there. I'm sorry that you are feeling like this my son" Mitch ruffled Luke's hair like when he was a child before walking over and handing him his guitar.

"Music is your emotions, then write it Luke" Mitch smiled, even though he did not approve of the path his son was going down, he hated to see him like a heartbroken mess again. As Mitch left Luke sighed biting his lip, he looked at his nightstand where his broken down black notebook laid, he took it and opened to a new page.

He started slowly playing a melody, he whispered the chords as he played drumming the beat with every second strum. "Am ...If you just want to be friends F ...It's cool with me ... G..There are people who wait their whole life . D to feel like you....C and me" He sang in a quiet voice before sighing, he took a deep breath as he began writing lyrics down in the notebook.

You are not like most people
and I ain't too normal too
I can't understand why we are so busy
we just wants to be right
in this fight

If you just want to be friends
It's cool with me
There are people who waits their whole life
to feel like you and me
But why be happy
It's almost a waste of time
even though I could spend the rest of my life
with you on my mind

I wish our lives were a dance on red roses
But love is not like on film
And you can make me happy,
you can make me crazy too
I don't know if we were meant to be
but honestly
you and me
we're more than this

"But if you just wants to be friends" He strummed as his voice cracked. "It's cool with" A tear rolled down his cheek as he sniffled. "There are people who waits their whole life, to feel like you and me" He shook his head as he took a breath. "So why be happy, is it a waste of time" He sang in a crancky high note as he finished the last lyrics. "I'm not happy.... without you in my life"

"Come on Mila! You have to get out of that bed! " Aera almost yelled as she pulled the covers off Mila's bed which she had been laying in since Friday afternoon. "No I have decided no longer to leave this room, as I ruin everything good!" She yelled back as she threw a pillow after her friend.

Aera catched the pillow before it hit her face which now had turned red, she jumped on the bed and began hitting Mila with the pillow. "Get. yourself. together!" She yelled as she placed herself beside her.

"Millianna Garcia! Will you get your lousy ass up!" Mila sighed and sat up from the bed, her eyes were red, as she had cried all night not getting any sleep. Aera sighed as she saw her best friend with big red puffy eyes. " I will kill that boy" She whispered as she sat down beside Mila and hugged her tightly, Mila not moving an inch.

"I thought I knew them... " She whispered as she looked at Aera, she sighed and nodded. "I know but Mila, listen maybe there was a reason they beat Liam and Oliver up, not that beating up had any good excuse, but you told me yourself that they said something about you, about the kiss"

Aera's reaction to hearing her best friend and her ex boyfriend had kissed, was not a moment of butterflies and roses, however, she knew that Mila's heart belonged to someone who right now, did not do anything to keep it.

"What about you and I have a girl night, no boys, no girlfriend, just you and me like old times?" Aera asked as she nodged Mila gently, she sniffed and nodded slowly. "I would like that" She whispered as fiddled with her sweater.

"Can I ask you something?" Aera asked as she looked at her best friend, Mila nodded slowly as she looked back into her eyes. "Why do you like Luke?" She asked bluntly, causing Mila to be taken back a little in shock.

"I mean, he is great and all, but if he has confused you and your feelings so much, I mean I could see you liked him since the beginning of school year, but ... why do you like him?" Aera asked, of course she had noticed as soon as she noticed their friendship, she could see the chemistry, the smile that Aera had only seen Mila flash Oliver Young.

"I don't know... I just do" She whispered as she hugged her legs, Aera sighed as she bit her lip. "You know, it's absurd, crazy and was never something I thought I would do, but I fell in love with Caroline Black... and I fell for her because it was okay to do so, I feel in love with her because she made everything okay"

Aera gently patted Mila's back before standing up. "Even when I wanted to stay away I couldn't, I needed to know she was okay and she kept being on my mind" Aera continued before sighing. "I'll go down and make some tea... "

With this was Mila left alone in the big room, she took a deep breath as she looked up on the ceiling. She closed her eyes as she thought about every memory she had with Luke. Every lunch they ate, every basement cleaning, every bad joke he made. She couldn't help but smile.

"Need help?" Luke asked, yet Mila hadn't heard anyone come down the stairs, so with his sudden question, she freezed in shock, causing her foot to slide and soon her back and head landed on the floor. Luke widened his eyes and almost threw his guitar running to her.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you? Are you okay?" He asked, putting out his hand helping her stand up.

Mila looked up and took the hand. She brushed off the dust that had now made a home on her pants before looking up at the guy who made her fall. Luke smiled gently looking at the curly haired girl. Their eyes met and as corny as it sounds, a calmness went over them. They had never seen each other before and if they would have, they wouldn't have noticed each other.

"I'm okay" Mila finally answered, her face red from embarrassment. Luke smiled back before shaking her hand gently.

"I'm Luke" He said, his voice was almost a whisper as they both couldn't stop looking at each other. "Mila" She answered him quietly

She took out the new notebook Luke had given her for her birthday, she smiled as she looked at the elegant leather covered notebook, with engravings of leafs and a compass, closed by a leather string. It was beautiful, she giggled remembering everything.

She opened the notebook slowly, to find a small paragraph on the inside she had yet to read.

for every story you may write, I am thankful to be your first reader.

A tear fell down upon the notebook pages, causing Mila to close it in a hurry. She sat up as she took a deep breath, wiping away the tear from her cheek as she put her dark curly-hair in a bun, putting on some new comfy clothes and walking down the stairs, finding Aera talking with her father, who looked at Mila with almost a pity smile.

"I found some movies we could watch, and I made dad buy ice cream, your favorite flavour" Mila smiled as she nodded, saying a word. Which was enough, Aera took the tea and the cups walking with Mila to the couch where they placed themselves.

Aera took out 'the princess bride' and placed it in the VHS. Soon after her dad came and gave the two girls the ice cream. "The princess bride huh?" Aera nodded with a bright smile. "It's Mila's feel good movie" Which was correct.

As the two of them watched the movie, the phone began ringing loudly. Aera paused the movie to go up and take the phone, however, her face went almost pale. "Yes, she is here" There was a long pause before Aera looked at Mila. "It's your mom"

Mila lifted your eyebrows confused, she walked over taking the phone and putting it to her ear. "Hello?" She asked, you could hear the rain in the background, meaning her mother was calling from a telephone box.

"Mija... '' Mila bit her lip hearing her mother's worried voice. "What's happening Mama?"

"Your father was in an accident"

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