Julie And The Phantoms - seas...

By hcpelesslywriting

13K 278 376

(This is my version to the second season of JATP) Luke, Reggie and Alex are still ghosts but now Julie can to... More

Against The Heart
For Hope To Come
Running Out
Slow Dance
Little Melodies
I Belong With You
The Very First Time
Going Up

I Have Found You

1K 29 55
By hcpelesslywriting

Willie looked shocked at Violet. "Is it really you?", he asked in disbelief as she nodded. He ran over to her, embracing her and picking her up as she wrapped her arms around him as well. He spun her around. "Ugh, it feels so good to see you!", he put her down onto the ground and they looked at each other. "I can't believe it's you, what took you so long?".

"What took me so long? What about you? You have clearly been around longer than me, I became a ghost just some weeks back.".

"I have missed you so much.", he smiled brightly.

"I have missed you too.".

Willie looked at Alex and then looked back at Violet. "Was this who you meant?", he asked Alex and he nodded. "But how do you tow know each other?", Alex walked towards them as they looked at him.

"We met yesterday through Luke and Reggie, and when she told me your name, I recognized it and thought I would reunite you two.".

"But why didn't you tell me?".

"I wanted to surprise you.".

Willie smiled at Alex and hugged him, having his arms surrounded around his back and he returned the hug. Violet watched them hug and smiled as she kinda realized what slightly was going on between them. They released each other and looked at Violet.

"When Alex told me he knew you, I became so happy, but also sad since you are dead.", she said as she looked at Willie. "How did you die?".

"Two years after you died, I was diagnosed with cancer which made my family say that I will have to give up on my skateboard for a while, but I didn't take it seriously. So one day, I took my skateboard and went on a ride, then I suddenly felt dizzy and... and I hit my head pretty heard which made my brain bleed. I died in the hospital after that.".

Violet and Alex's faces were turned to sad as they looked each other before they looked back at Willie. "I'm so sorry, Wills.", she said and placed her hand at his shoulder.

"It's fine, now I can skate around without bumping into anyone.", he smiled a little. "And if I wasn't a ghost here I wouldn't have met you again and I wouldn't have met Alex.", his eyes turned to Alex who chuckled while smiling, looking down.

"Yeah, Alex told me that you two met by that you actually skated into him.", she giggled lightly. "So I guess you actually do bump into people when you skate, ghost people.".

"Yeah, but it was worth getting on the ground for him.", Alex said as he lifted up his head at Willie. "Even if it did hurt a bit.".

"Falling because of Willie is never a bad thing.", she shook her head.

Willie and Alex exchanged looks at each other and smiled as they chuckled.

"You wanna join the skate lesson?", Willie asked.

"Sure, but I will just watch. You know I don't skate.", she shook her head while smiling.

He laughed softly. "Oh yeah, I remember your first time at my board.".

"I still see that as fully your fault.".

"Of course you do.", he smiled brightly. "Okay, let's get started then.

Alex, Willie and Violet walked back to the skatepark together.

Reggie and Luke was in the garage playing "Slow Dance" on their guitars, and Luke smiled the whole time he was playing it. Reggie noticed it and looked suspicious at him, Luke looked up at him and furrowed his eyebrows at him.

"What?", he asked curiously.

"What you thinking about?".

"The song.".

"You sure? There isn't anything else you are thinking about? Or someone?".

Luke sighed annoyed. "Okay, spill it. What do you really wanna say?".

"You know when you said that you have chemistry with everyone you sing with, including me and Alex. But it is different with Julie, and you know that, we all know that... but yesterday, something like that happen again.".

"Something like what?".

"You and Violet did not take your eyes of each other during the whole song, and maybe it was because it was a duet between you two.".

"You think I like Violet?".

"Honestly, what's not to like?".

"We have just started to get to know each other, but I know one thing for sure when it comes to her.".

"What's that?".

"Violet is not Julie.", he stated.

Reggie nodded before looking down at his guitar, and Alex appeared looking at them.

"Hey, how did it go with Violet and Wille?", Luke asked as he looked at Alex, and Reggie looked at Luke before turning his attention to Alex.

"It went well, we three had a great time. I got to know a lot about them both, especially about their friendship.".

"Great, I'm glad it worked out.".

"Hey, where is Julie?".

"She said she would have time for us all day, but she haven't arrived yet.", Reggie said. "I hope she's okay.".

Julie came into the garage and looked at the guys, Reggie sighed relived at her. Luke looked at her and smiled softly, she smiled back. "Hey, so sorry I made you wait. I just told Carlos about you.".

"You did what now? Without telling us?", Alex asked upset.

"It's fine, he said he wouldn't tell anyone and he wouldn't lie to me, plus he likes you guys... from the very first start, he was onto you being ghosts.".

"Hmm, I wonder why that is.", Alex said sarcastically while looking at Reggie.

"He found a cd cover of you as Sunset Curve, and figured the whole thing out. I couldn't lie to him, so I told him.".

"Well, as long as he doesn't tell your father or your aunt, I guess that's okay.", Luke said. "Should we start the rehearsal? You said you had a song for us.".

"Yeah, here.", she said and gave them her songbook, Luke grabbed it and read the lyrics of a song together with Alex and Reggie.

Willie and Violet were walking at the streets of Hollywood together. "Okay, now when we are alone, there is something I should tell you.", he said.

"Is something wrong?".

"I believe so.", he nodded. "It's about your uncle.".

"Caleb? What's up with him? Is he here too?".

"Yes, and have been for a while. I knew he was your uncle when I mentioned you in front of him, and he told me that you were his niece. His powers is still in him, and he have done some really bad things, especially to the guys. And now he's gone.".

"What do you mean with gone?".

"I mean that he haven't been seen since like a week, when the band played at the orpheum, Caleb wanted them so much to be a part of his house band. He owns a ghost club called Hollywood Ghost Club.".

"I have heard of that, but he just disappeared?".

"Yeah, and I have no idea where he could be. You know how dangerous he can be, we have to look out for him. He have always had a soft spot for you.".

"Did he tell you that?".

He nodded smiling. "Yeah, he talked about you a lot, it was one of the things we had in common. But that's not the point, he is out the world and he can do so many bad things to people without them knowing it. I think you can somehow get to him.".

"I don't know for sure, but I can try. Will you help me?".

"Of course, I wanna find him too. He can be planning a revenge on Alex and the guys, and I don't want anything to happen to them.".

"Especially Alex, huh?".

"What do you mean?", he asked nervously.

"Wills, we knew each other for a year before we died. I know how you are when you likes someone, you feel something for Alex, don't you?".

"I...", he sighed. "I do, I like him.".

"Yes, I knew it!".

"Do you think he likes me?".

She nodded smiling softly. "Yeah, I mean, he does like guys, and so do you... I have seen how he looks at you, Willie. I know that look, I have given that look and seen that look.".

"You mean with Midge?".

"Yeah.", she looks down.

"I'm sorry you didn't get to say goodbye to her.".

"It's okay, she is sure just better without me.".

He placed his hand on her shoulder supportably which made her look up at him. "I highly doubt that, you are the best friend I have ever had.". She smiled at him and he smiled back.

At the garage, Julie, Luke, Reggie and Alex were standing at their instruments. Julie looked down at her keyboard and started to play "I Have Found You".

I Have Found You


Are you with me? I'm seeing you there

Up in the sky across the bright blue heaven

Give me a sign, ooh, can't you see that I'm trying?

I can see you in my dreams

I can feel your touch from a distant

I keep you with me in my heart

Makes it easer when it's hard

(Julie & Luke)

But now I have found you

Now I believe it is true

Now there's you and me

Making you come free


They don't know what we have

We have been waiting

For someone like this

Every time we touch

I wish people could see what we have

(Julie & Luke)

But now I have found you

Now I believe it is true

Now there's you and me

Making you come free

But now we all are here

Now we won't disappear

Now there's you and us

Making all the fuss

(Alex & Reggie)

And so we are coming down to ground

To a place where we are found

You'll hear us through the notes

And see us through the quotes

(Luke, Alex & Reggie)

We will always be here

No reason to fear

As the world keeps spinning round

You are here with us right now

(Julie & Luke)

But now I have found you

Now I believe it is true

Now there's you and me

Making you come free

But now we all are here

Now we won't disappear

Now there's you and us

Making all the fuss

After the song, they all looked at each other and smiled softly.

"That was about us, wasn't it?", Reggie asked.

Julie chuckled and nodded as her eyes were at Reggie. "What can I say? You guys inspire me. You did make me find the music that was deep hidden in my heart, if it weren't for you... all this wouldn't be here.".

"You made us find the music in us too.", Luke walked closer to her. "In a new way.".

"A better way.", Reggie said, pointing at her.

"I think your mom was in on this a lot.", Alex said as he stood up from his chair. "What did you say her name was again?".

"Rose, Rose Molina. She used to have a band called Rose & The Petal Pushers".

Alex looked up in the sky as he was thinking about it, slapping Luke's chest gently as he recognized the name. "The night we died, that british girl who working at the orpheum, her name was Rose.".

"Dude, how do you even remember that?", Reggie asked.

Alex looked at Reggie. "Doesn't matter. Her name was Rose and she did mention that have been in a band, we gave her one of our t-shirts.", he looked at Julie.

"I found that shirt in my mother's trunk, so you did meet her?".

"Yeah, I guess she was a fan of ours before and after our death. Maybe that's why she sent us down here, to make her talented daughter find herself again.".

Julie smiled at them softly. "Well, she succeeded.".

"Your mother was a smart beautiful woman, and you got that from her.", Reggie said.

"Thanks, Reg. So how do you like the song?".

"I like it.", Luke nodded. "Makes us feel special.".

Julie smiled at Luke. "You all are special to me... all of you are.". Luke, Alex and Reggie exchanged looks and smiles before they turned their eyes back to her.

Later that day, Violet and Willie was at HGC and it was completely empty, they stood in front of the stage. Violet's eyes wondered around the space and smiled.

"It's quite amazing, huh?", Willie asked as he smiled at her.

"Yeah.", she nodded and walked towards the stage. "I can't believe he owns this, and actual people is coming here to see ghosts?".

"It's the whole purpose by it, Vills.".

"If I knew more about this, I would have come and then I would've met you and Caleb.".

"Yeah, but then you also maybe would get in trouble.".

"What did he exactly do to Luke, Alex and Reggie?".

Willie folded his arms against his chest. "He gave them these stamps that made them get jolts, and it hurt them more and more until they took the decision to join him.".

"But they didn't.".

"They played at the orpheum and then they got to touch Julie which magically made them stronger, I assume that's why they are still here. We all thought that the orpheum was their unfinished business, but since they are still here.", he shook his head.

"I know, Luke told me. What do you think your unfinished business can be?".

"I have no idea, but I'm not worried. I like being dead... I mean I like being a ghost.", he chuckled.

She chuckled with him and smiled, she got on the stage and looked around. She started to do some dance steps, turns, plies, high kicks and jumps. She stopped and looked at Willie. "Sorry, I couldn't help it, you know how I am when I get on stage.".

"No worries, I love to see you dance.", he smiled. "Remember how we used to dance together? That was so much fun.".

"Hip hop together with contemporary, loved that!".

"I have missed dancing with you.", he approached the stage.

"Well.", she looked around before looking back at Willie. "We can dance now.".

"I was hoping you would say that.", he smiled and went to the speakers, putting on a dance song. He came back to Violet and he started to do some hip hop moves to get them both into a dance mood, she watched him and smiled. Suddenly he stopped dancing, looking at her and she took it as a sign that it was her time to dance now. She started with a turn, and did some contemporary moves. Then Violet and Wille united with the same moves, Violet did some moves mixed with contemporary and hip hop. The dance ended with him holding her and she stood in a ballet pose, they looked each other and laughed.

"I have missed you so much, Wills.", she said and hugged him.

"So have I, Vills.", he returned the hug.

They stood hugging each other for a while.

Next day, Alex was skating in the park while Willie and Violet was watching him, they were looking impressed at him. He skated up at them and stopped, catching the board and giving it back to Willie.

"Not bad, Alex. Not bad at all, close to getting your own board.", Willie said.

"My own board? That would be great!".

"You are definitely doing better than I did and I only took two lessons, I am a dancer, not a skater.", Violet said.

"But aren't dancers supposed to have really good balance?".

"On the ground yes, but above the ground... not so much, or at least when it comes to me.". Alex nodded as he looked at her.

"I have a bunch of boards at the club that I don't use. I can bring you one of them at the next lesson.", Willie said to Alex.

"I would like that.", Alex smiled. "Now I gotta go and rehearse with the guys.".

"Say hi to them from me.", Violet said.

"Will do.", he nodded and poofed out.

Willie and Violet looked at each other, smiling. "You two are going really great.", she said and they started to walk from the skate park. "I can really see the chemistry.".

"You can?".

"Wille, you are his skating teacher, I think you should tell him how you feel.".

"I don't know, I don't wanna go so fast in this. I really care about him.".

She nodded. "I get that, I just hope the best for you.".

"Thanks, Vills.".

"Of course, that is what friends are for after all.".

On the order side, Nick was walking and Carrie caught up to him, and stood in front of him. He sighed annoyed as he saw her and folded his arms. "What do you want, Carrie?".

"I just need you to do something for me, please.".

"Depends, what is it?".

"It's Julie.".

"Julie? I thought you hated her.".

"I never said that.", she shook her head. "That's what I wanna fix, ever since they played at the orpheum... I realized that I have to make it up with her.".

"Then why don't you?".

"I have tried but every time I did that she escapes.", she took out a note from her pocket and gave it to Nick. "I wrote this, can you please give it to her?".

"Why can't you do it?".

"I'm not sure she would open the door for me, but for you she would.".

He looked at the note and sighed. "Fine, I was planing to go by her house anyway.".

"Thanks, Nick.", she smiled.

He nodded and walked away from Carrie, and when he looked up from the note he saw Willie and Violet. Since Caleb was in his body, he could see ghosts. He looked shocked and confused at them, surprised to see Violet. "Violet.", he said for himself before he stepped out of Nick's body.

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