Soulmates // Johnlock

By BlindBirdy

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-Johnlock Fanfic- šŸ©-What if in an alternate reality people have visual signs of soulmates identity? Names wr... More



1.7K 77 11
By BlindBirdy


John was returning home after having a long time alone to think and decide what to do with the William guy. John already knew that whoever William actually was he wasn't going to let himself get controlled by emotions. He choose to care about Sherlock continue to be his best friend and stick close to him, because now Sherlock was all that mattered to him.

He stood in front of the door 221B, knowing this door had opened him a new life full of love and adventures.

John noticed the usual pile of mails and letters in the doorstep, he took them inside with him assuming they where just some other cases or love letters from fans.

Sherlock was in the same spot where he sat hours ago, thinking of everything about the case and about is blogger, when he heard the door open slightly and steps following soon after.-"John is that you?"-Sherlock yelled from his place not moving from the hot comfortable seat.

John entered the room, wearing a small smile after seeing that Sherlock was still home, because the flat was empty without his detective.-"Yeep."-He answered popping the 'p' like a child.-"Mail."-John said throwing the letters in the table.

"Anything special?"-Sherlock asked looking at the pile of mails and letters.

John took another look at the envelopes and noticed a strange looking one. It had no address, no name on it, only some dry blood drops around it.-"This one looks creepy."-John said softly and Sherlock stretched his hand so John would give him the envelope.

John went to the kitchen and placed the kettle on the stove to start making some tea, it was cold and almost a snowy weather outside and he needed some warmth. He didn't notice Sherlock mouth-dropped from what was in the envelope until he started walking to the other side of the kitchen and enter the living room.

"John..."-Sherlock said barely above a whisper.

"Mhmm...."-John said sitting down besides the fireplace, ignoring the petrified Sherlock.

"John wat have you done?"-Sherlock asked but it was more like a statement.

"What..."-John asked sitting up and taking the envelope from Sherlock. It didn't take much to notice the smelly peice of flesh inside the envelope amongst with a small note.-"Sherlock what the heck is this?"-He said taking the small note first.

-Dr.Watson. You forgot this at the crime-scene, I saw it acceptable to sent it back.

Love M.

John threw the note down and took the wrapped piece of human flesh in his hand. He gasped when he saw it was a part of skin with his name J.O.H.N written on it.-"Wait, what...why?"-John asked and looked at Sherlock for help.

Sherlock was pale as a sheet and his brain was working with 300km/h trying to understand what this meant, he had 5 scanarios in his head and one of them was John being the killer but that was absurd.-"John what does this mean to you?"

John now was one step from freaking out, but at least he knew something for sure.-"This means nothing. Just a dreadful idea of some haters to have some of our attention."-He said surprisingly calm.

"John this is serious! this note literally connects you to a murder!"-Sherlock said almost losing his mind at how calm John was.-"How can you be so calm? How can you be so cold blooded in such situation."

John gave Sherlock a glance before almost bursting into laughter.-"Sherlock you really believe I killed a man and ripped of his skin, left it on a crime scene so whoever sent this to post it to our place?"

"The facts point at it."-Sherlock said.-"Care to explain?"

"Really? The smartest man in London cant figure this case out? I already made the connection, and also have some slight ideas where the killer might be, and you think I was the one to do it?"-John asked going quite mad at the situation now.

"John! There is a bloody note and human flesh addressed to you, you almost had a heart attack when you saw the dead body at the morgue, all the killers descriptions match to you, height, force used, training, everything."-Sherlock pointed out.

John went to the kitchen and started to prepare his tea. Angry at the fact that Sherlock wasn't believing him.-"Look Sherlock, I am about to give you some information and I want you to not ask me to say it twice, cause I wont."-He said and started to sip his tea as Sherlock was all ears.-"Starting from the night the victim was found, I was having dinner with you and Harry, at the morgue I went pale because of the state the victim was bought to and I had many other reasons to be lost in my own thoughts, one of them being some freaking Childhood trauma, and later last night I posted on my blog about the case even though it was unfinished, because I saw it interesting, one of your fans read it and I assume they are the killers, that's why today comes an envelope to scare you out and make you think I have something to do with the victim. As for the soulmark, someone who would know a thing about me, would understand that whoever has my name in their wrist, it won't read J.O.H.N on it. And the 'M' in the end of the letter, everyone knows about Moriarty from my blog, some haters believe he is alive and that's why they wrote it there, to scare you Sherlock. Now If there are no more accusations I have to make it in time to work."-John said taking his jacket and leaving the room before Sherlock would say another word.

John headed out still mad at Sherlock for being so obvious of the truthful facts. It had been the first time he had somehow outsmarted Sherlock himself. But at last he knew the truth now. The victim wasn't his William, just another usual case. He could breath happily again, and maybe even bay something sweet to eat , even though he didn't like sweet things. Maybe some strawberry gums? Or a marshmello pack? OHHH e felt so released he could dance if he wasn't in the middle of the road!

Sherlock stood there still playing in repeat every word John had said. He had missed all these other facts just because he didn't knew anything about John, his childhood trauma, his soulmate, even his frickin name! What kind of friend was he? He had called his John a killer for a second there! He had panicked so much his eyes had gotten blind. Why had that been happening lately? Every-time John was in danger, every-time John was in the spotlight? Wat was happening to his strong system of keeping it cool and why wasn't it working around his blogger?

Was it...Sentiment?


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