
By Cloud_or_Kumo

67 9 0

She and her childhood friend Caleb, help each other in destroying Azazel, the demon of all worlds, demon of t... More

Normally Not Normal
Falling Out Of Place
Together Again...For Now
Playing Our Way To You
The Pain Knows
Hello And Goodbye Azazel

My Tricia M.

6 1 0
By Cloud_or_Kumo

I sigh....I'm really scared.

Hmm, Tricia M....

I say in my mind as I wipe the dirt off the painting.

Good night for now.

I try to go to bed, but I keep thinking about the battle the next day. Am I gonna die tomorrow? Will I die tomorrow?

There's only one way to find out, it's if I do it.

*In the dream*



There it is again, the humming, but the voice is different, this time it's a man.



I am with you, you are with me, I will go to you, stay where you are. I am here.

*End of the dream*

I wake up, and all I want to look at is the high ceiling. It's matte and pink. It's pretty. Sadly, it's probably gonna be the last time I'm gonna see it. I sighed from disappointment. "Do I put my life first, or the world and everybody's life on the line? Well, that's just being selfish. Either way I'll end up dead if I chose any of which. Then, why am I bugging? Why is it scaring me, I know my outcome." I say to myself while still lying down on the bed. The soft silk comforted me, it complemented the matte frizzy colour of the walls. I felt like I was being hugged. I felt safe.

*knock knock*

I hear a knock on the door and turn my head towards the door. "Come in." I say while sitting up.

Caleb comes in, "Good Morning!" He says while peeping his head, I chuckle, "Good Morning, Caleb." I say while smiling. "How are you feeling?" He asks me. "To be honest, sick, I'm sick of all of this." I say while dropping my head on my hands. "Hey, hey. Come on, look, I promise nothing bad is gonna happen to you today, believe me, just trust me." He says while holding my head. I smile at him.

He continues to just look at me while holding my head, he then slowly moves his head closer...

"Hey, kiddos! How ya'll holding up?" Azazel pops out of nowhere, we immediately arrange ourselves.

"OoOoOhHh~ Someones being all lovey dovey~ Don't mind me, just continue what you were doing~" Azazel says as he floats off the ground.

"Whatever, Azazel. So, are we gonna start? Also, what game are we gonna play?" I ask him. "Sword fight~" Azazel gives off an evil smirk.

*At the battle field*

"Okay, rules. The rules are, there aren't any, hehehe~ Although, I guess there is 1. You may only be one, you may not have any teammates beside you, and/or a sub. Got it?~" He smirks then laughs. "Oh, and once you enter the arena, you won't be able to get out unless one of us dies." Azazel adds.

I was glad, cause then that means Caleb won't be able to get hurt, I got this. "I knew this would happen." Caleb states while staring hardly at the dome. "You did?" I look at Caleb. "Yup, which is why I'm doing this..." He tells me. "Wait, what?" I ask him, he then looks at me and kisses me, I kiss him back with every single emotion in my body.

"I love you...." He whispers to me in my ear. "And, I'm sorry." He says pulling me closer to him. "What do you mean?" I ask as he jumps in the arena, with the feather knife in his hand.

"NO! Caleb no!" I shout and cry while banging on the arena orb. He floats away as he smiles with tears in his eyes.

"My~ This is interesting, well boy, are you ready?" Azazel asks Caleb, "I was always ready." He responds with a smile. "I like you boy, you're incredibly interesting, sadly you'll have to die." Azazel says as he brings out his weapon.

"The Battle Starts Now!" The referee commences. "No!" I say while still banging on the walls.

Caleb rushes over to Azazel, he tries to stab him but Azazel moves out of the way. Azazel then throws his knife and slightly cuts Caleb's arm. "Caleb!" I shout trying to figure out if there's something I can do. "Please be careful! Azazel, let me do it instead!" I shout towards Azazel. "I already told ya lit'tle girl, only one person can enter the arena." He replies to me without eye contact.

Caleb then picks up the knife Azazel threw and throws it back at Azazel, luckily it stabs Azazel's leg. "Fuck! That's it boy! I'm gonna end you!" Azazel shouts at Caleb, "Oh, yeah? You say that but who's the one with a stabbed leg?" Caleb replies. "You are." Azazel says under his breath and smirks. He then throws multiple knives at Caleb and it hits Caleb in multiple parts of his body.

"Please, Azazel! Please stop!" I shout at him. "Hehehe, that was a good hit." Azazel says, "Yeah, you're right, but not good enough." Caleb says as he takes the knife out of his stomach and throws it exactly in Azazel's eye. "AH! FUCK!" Azazel screams as he takes the knife out of his eye. Caleb then throws his knife at Azazel's crack "SHIT! AH!" Azazel screams, "Shit, this boy found me out!" Azazel then looks at Caleb "What? What is it, Azazel? You think I wouldn't know your little trick? You're a demon Azazel, you can't live without eyes, it's almost your whole life, that's why you guys eat eyes whenever you feed. And the line on your forehead was always just open, you let your guard down Azazel, just give up already." Caleb states towards Azazel.

"You think you're such a smart boy?" Azazel asks Caleb, "Let's see how you like this!" Azazel then flies towards me, grabs me and brings me into the arena.

"Put down your weapons! All of them!" Azazel says while his arm is around my neck. "Hey! Hey! Let her go, she's not a part of our battle." Caleb moves closer. "Go any closer or-- or-- or else I'll do this!" Azazels says while pushing his thumb on my scar. "AH!!" I scream as the pain proceeds to burn. "Please! Stop! I will do it. Just put her down." Caleb says. "Hmm, I wonder why you like this girl so much, let me take a lo--" He stops talking as he looks at my scar and my eyes, my eyes are slowly filling with blood.

And my scar is opening as I can feel. Suddenly, Azazel smiles and starts laughing. "This is such a fucking coincidence. And incredibly unfair." Azazel then continues to laugh his guts out, he suddenly looks back at Caleb, "This isn't over boy! And you..." Then, looks at me and whispers something in my ear. "ꍩ̴ꈼ̷ꌅ̷ꈼ̷'̸ꌚ̴ꐞ̴ꂦ̴ꐇ̵ꌅ̴ꌅ̸ꈼ̶ꀰ̴ꈼ̵ꋊ̷ꁅ̵ꈼ̴ꂵ̸ꂦ̶ꂵ̶.̶.̴" Azazel whispers before he forces me to push the feathered knife into the crack on his face.

Everything then turned black.....

I wake up in Caleb's living room with him beside me. I smiled at him for what he did for me, I didn't wake him up but instead I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I was about to get up until he pulled me beside him. I hugged him for a while until..

*knock knock*

"Hold on, Caleb.." I tell him quietly as I get up to get the door.

I open the door to reveal my parents, "Mom! Dad!" I say in excitement. "Honey! You've been here the whole time?! We've been looking for you for hours!" My mom says, "Hours?" I ask them. "Yeah? It was that long!" My mom says. I smile and scoff. "Anyway, what's going on?" I ask my parents. "Well, honey...." My mom says while she rolls in a luggage. "Mom.." I say with my voice losing its power. "I'm so sorry, honey. But, we thought it would be best now that you're sort of getting better, and there are better doctors in the city..I'm so sorry, sweetheart.." My mom says as I look at Caleb who is still asleep.

"Are we going right now?" I ask my mom. "Tomorrow.." she tells me, "Alright..can I say goodbye to Caleb this whole day?" I ask them. "Sure honey, plus he has a surprise for you~" My mom says.

"Wait, what? Mom!" I ask mom while they're walking back to the country house.

I close the door and face Caleb who is still sleeping. I walk over to him and try to wake him up, he slowly opens his eyes and sees me, all of a sudden he just kisses me, a lot more passionately and rough like he was mad, it was way more intense than how he did at the arena. 

"I'm so glad you're safe.." he says as he rests his forehead on mine. I smile and scoff. I kiss him back as well, since I am going to leave him and I don't know how to tell him. Tears start to fall as I kiss him but he doesn't notice.

So the whole day we just laid there, just cuddling and talking about what happened. "So that's why you've been all mushy and kind that day." I say to him while laying on his chest. "Well, what did you expect?" He asks me, "I don't know, you're possessed or something?" I say as we both laugh, "Hmm, but I've been thinking... What did Azazel whisper in your ear at the arena before he stabbed himself? Well, I guess you stabbed him or...I don't even know anymore! But, what did he say?" He asks me. "Hey Caleb, I have to tell you something..." I say while sitting up, "What is it?" He sits up as well.

"Mom and Dad said that I have to move to the city.." I tell Caleb as I hang my head. "What? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He asks me with his eyes slowly filling with tears. "Well because I didn't want you to be sad..." I say as I tear up. "Oh honey, come here." He says as he hugs me, "Of course I would be sad, because I won't be able to see you for a while, but I'm happy because then you'll get better treatment for the things you want to get rid of. Anything that could possibly benefit you, I would give up anything in the world. Even if it means I could never see you for a bit." He says and kisses me again, he then wipes my tears away.

"Although, why do you keep saying for a while, I don't even think we'll ever see each other again!" I say as I hit his shoulder lightly. "Well, it was supposed to be a surprise but.." he then gets on one knee and says, "Will you marry me?" He asks me, I start to cry even more, "I hate you so much! I could've been killed, and you ask me now?!" I say as I start to cry. "Aw! Don't cry!" He states.

"I told you that I promised to protect you....and I will forever do that." He says and kisses my forehead, "I love you.." He continues. "I love you too." I say and kiss his cheek.

*Moving day*

"So! Are you ready sweetheart?" My dad asks me. "Yup!" I say. I look at Caleb and kiss him for the last time. "I love you, see you in 2 years!" I say as I run back to the car. "I love you too!" he says as the car starts to move.

Caleb goes back home and shuts the door with a big smile painted on his face, he then sees a piece of paper on the table, he picks it up and sees a small note, before he opened it, it said, "You're not gonna like this note Caleb.." his eyes suddenly turned into a puzzled phase, he opens the note slowly and this is what it says...

"Dear Caleb,

You asked me this question yesterday, and I kind of avoided it, but now I want to answer it. You deserve to know the truth. You asked me what Azazel whispered in my ear before he killed himself...

He said...

"Here's your revenge mom..."

You'll know what it means when I see you again. I'll explain everything once the 2 years are up. I promise. Just remember, I am with you, you are with me, I will go to you, stay where you are. I am here. See you, my love...

-Tricia Moore."

I stick my head out of the car to look at the country house one last time, I'm gonna miss this. Oh, how rude of me I forgot to introduce myself..

I'm, Tricia Moore. Nice to meet you.

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