I will be back. I promise.- k...

By kataangforever1512

374 13 39

It is mostly in the name. Aang had to leave Katara and Sokka and move to a Asia with his grandfather Gyatso... More

I Have to Go.

374 13 39
By kataangforever1512

How are you beautiful people? Well today I have a very special announcement. For all of you. This story you are reading is a collaboration between me and Kpzwonitzer Hope you guys enjoy. Eek I am so excited

Third person's POV

There he stood in front of the girl he loves and they were as always goofing around. Aang is 13 and Katara is also 13. They both are the best of friends and they both love each other. Everyone's knows about their love but both of them are clueless. Aang gets called by his grandfather Gyatso. He was happy but he didn't knew that from now on his life will turn completely upside down.

He walks to Gyatso and asks "What happened Gyatso?" His grandfather replies "Aang son I have a very bad news. We have to leave for Asia because you have to train and I want to get a job which I can't find here. Sorry son." "What do you mean we have to move. I can't leave Sokka and especially Katara. She means a lot I can't live without her there." "Son I know it is hard but if you stay here Katara will be in danger. You can come back after a few years until then you have to come with me. Sorry son I know you love Katara and Sokka but it is for their own safety."

Aang runs to his room slams the door and began crying. 'This can't be happening. I can't leave Katara. I love her and she means a lot to me.' His chain of thoughts was cut of by no one other then his best friend Katara. "Aang are you okay? Please open the door."Katara said with a voice full of concern. Aang stood up and went to the door he opened it and pulled Katara in and locked it again. Katara was shocked to see his puffy red eyes. She hugged him and asked "What happened? Why are you crying? You know I can't see tears in your eyes. It makes me weak and wanna cry. Please stop crying." Aang didn't stop crying cuz he knew nothing will be alright. He just said "Gyatso- s-sa- said w-we have to m-mov-move." He spoke in between his sobs. Now Katara started to cry and hugged him tighter.

"I can't let you go Katara. I can't loose you. I-I I love you Katara." Katara wanted to hear these words for a very long time but not in this type of a situation. "A-Aang. I love you too. I can't let you go. I already lost my mother. I can't loose the person due to whom I moved on from my mother's death." These words were a blessing and a curse to both of them. A blessing because they both loved each other and it was great to hear that the feeling was mutual but a curse because they will not be able to see each other again.

         "H-hey K-katara m-meet m-me a-at m-my h-house t-tonight G-Gyatso w-will b-be g-gone f-for b-bingo." "O-oh o-ok A-Aang." Katara went downstairs, because her dad was here. On the ride home Katara was distant, and she wouldn't make eye contact with her dad, or talk to him soon they got home. Katara immediately went up to her room, and she just sobbed not wanting her forever boy to leave her all alone.


        Once Katara left Aang broke down in the living room his grandfather Gyatso came into the living room to see what the commotion was. He walked into the living room to see Aang on his knees with his hands over his face just sobbing. Gyatso felt bad, but he knew moving would be the best option for the both of them. Gyatso knelt down beside Aang, and he brought him into a hug. “Shh Aang it won’t be for forever I promise.” “I-I k-know G-Gyatso I-j-just d-don’t w-want t-to l-leave h-her.” “Hey what if you asked if she could ask Hakoda if she could spend the night tonight I will be gone with bingo later than usual so you could invite her she can come after dinner does that sound good.”

         Aang looked at his grandfather with a soft smile on his face still having tears run down his cheeks, but not full on sobbing. “Y-yes that sounds perfect.” Aang said in a happier tone. Gyatso stood up, and he helped Aang up. Gyatso kissed the top of Aang’s head pushing down his curly dark brown hair. “Tell me what she says.” “Ok.” Gyatso goes into the kitchen to get dinner ready, and Aang runs into his room.

        Aang texts Katara :Hey Kat Gyatso suggested that if your dad will let you. You can spend the night.: a few minutes past before Aang’s phone went off. :He said yes I’ll come over after dinner k can’t wait to see you my forever boy.<3: :Yes after dinner is perfect I can’t wait to see you either my forever girl. ;) <3: Aang took a shower, and he put on extra deodorant and axe to make sure he smelt good for his forever girl. He got dressed in Katara’s favorite shirt of his which is a black short sleeve turtleneck that hugged his muscles and grey sweatpants that make his butt pop out more than it already does.

     Aang went downstairs for dinner, and Gyatso noticed his outfit change. “Nice outfit Aang. Did you take a shower, and did you put on axe.” “Thanks on the outfit complement, and yes I did that a shower, and I’m also wearing axe.” Gyatso just nods and continues to eat. After dinner Aang did the dishes until the door bell rings. “I got it.” Yells Aang he walks over to the door, and before he opens it he smells his armpits just to make sure that he still smells great. He opens up the door, and as soon as it was open he got jumped on by Katara who immediately threw herself into his arms. Aang caught her of course, and he wrapped his arms around her, and buried his head into her neck and she did the same. Gyatso and Hakoda were watching the whole in counter of the two young teens.

     “You smell amazing Aang did you take a shower I love your outfit.” Katara whispered into Aang’s ear so that the adults won’t here there conversation. “Yes I did take a shower, and did you take a shower you smell amazing as always, and I love your outfit want to go cuddle on the couch, and watch our show.” Katara doesn’t answer she just nods into Aang’s neck. “Carry me please.” Katara slightly whimpers to make Aang more into the idea. “Of course. We are going to watch our show in the living you two do whatever you want to it’s nice to see you again Hakoda.” “Thanks you too Aang.” “Come in Hakoda we can talk while they watch their show before you have to leave, and I have to go to bingo.” Hakoda nods and he walks into the medium size house he shuts the door. Hakoda and Gyatso just watch as Aang carries Katara into the living room.

            Gyatso and Hakoda follow the two young teens to the living room. When they got to the living room they see Katara sitting on Aang’s lap with her head on his chest they have a blanket wrapped around them, and it’s clear they are hugging the show She-Ra is on they’ve rewatch this show too many times to count.

         Two hours go by, and it’s time for Hakoda and Gyatso to leave. Both of the older men kiss both of the young teens heads neither of their eyes leaving the Tv screen like normal. “Bye you two have fun.” “Bye dad by Gyatso love you.” “Bye Gyatso love you bye Hakoda see you tomorrow.” Gyatso and Hakoda leave, and fifteen minutes go by before Katara shuts off the Tv, and faces Aang who looks confused. “Want to do something else how about we go up to your room, and cuddle on your bed.” “Sure.” Aang just stands up, and he puts Katara on his waist. He grabs her bag which she gladly takes from him, and she wraps her arms around his neck. Since the grownups are gone one of Aang’s hands hold up Katara by her butt. Aang walks into his room once in the room Katara drops her bag.

          Aang walks over to his bed, and he crawls into the bed underneath the covers. Katara kisses Aang he pulls back in surprise, but Katara takes it the wrong way. “Oh I’m sorry Aang it just that we said that stuff.” “No Kat I was just surprised you said that we were going to cuddle, but it seems like you want to make out which I’m fine with.” “I want to do more than just make out Aang I want to feel you everywhere, and all over me and hopefully in me.” Katara takes off Aang shirt then she takes her off Aang just slams his lips into hers. Katara kisses back there tongues and fighting for dominance, but at the same time roaming around each other’s mouth. Aang separates the kiss to look at Katara shirtless, but something’s wrong she still has her bra on. Aang puts his hand on the back of her bra, and he looks up for her consent. “Please Aang do whatever you want I won’t mind unless if I stop you, and I have nothing that makes me want to stop you.”

          Aang unclips her bra, and Katara removes it and throws it a random direction. Aang just gawks at her boobs. He slowly brings both of his hands to her boobs. He softly touches both of them. They are soft and smooth he rubs his thumbs over her nipples, and Katara softly moans. “Gosh Aang keep doing that.” Aang keeps rubbing her nipples, and Katara’s softly grinding on his lap. Aang puts her left nipple into his mouth, and he lightly sucks looking up at her reaction. Katara moans louder and starts grinding harder making Aang moan as all of his blood goes straight to his groin. “Katara if you keep doing this I’m going to make a mess in my sweatpants.” “You’re right you should make a mess inside of me not in your pants.” Aang moves his head from her blood to meet her eyes, and they are full of lust and need for him.

        Aang flips them over so that he’s on top Katara squeals when he does this. “We won’t have to worry of you getting pregnant if I umm you know inside of you.” “Yes I’m not going to get pregnant Aang.” “Good I might not last long or be umm good because this is my first time doing anything like this at all.” “Same it’s ok Aang you’re going to be perfect and amazing no matter what know that I love you.” “I love you too Katara and I know that you are going to be amazing too.” Aang takes off Katara’s pants and underwear he just admires her naked body. He takes off his sweatpants and boxers, and Katara admires him while he’s admiring her. He gets into his hands and knees above Katara he’s really nervous. Katara’s just as nervous as him.

       “Umm I don’t know where to like go in at Kat can you umm lead me to it.” “Umm sure of course Aang.” Katara softly touches his dick, and Aang moans at the feeling of her hand on his dick. She just leads him to her entrance. “Ok there you are.” “Ok thanks I love you Kat so much.” Aang kisses her forehead. “I love you so much too Aang just take it slow, and be gentle.” Aang nods and he slowly goes into her. He’s watching her face to make sure there’s no pain. He gets to a wall, and he slowly breaks it, and while breaking it Katara’s face just turns super painful, and she grips the sheets a few tears run down her cheeks. “Omg Aang get out please it hurts!” Katara almost screams out in pain. Aang immediately and quickly gets out of her.

        “Omg I’m sorry Kat I didn’t know that it was hurting you are you ok.” Aang is softly caressing Katara’s cheek. “Yeah I’m good is it supposed to hurt.” “I have no clue.” “Can you hand me my phone I’ll look it please.” Aang nods, and he gets up and grabs Katara’s phone, and he gives it to her. Katara looks it up and google says that it will only hurt for a little bit then it will feel good. Katara sighs and she puts her phone down on the ground. “It will only hurt for a little bit before it feels good so if you want you can continue.” “Are you sure Kat we don’t have to do this I don’t want you to be in pain.” “Yes Aang I’m sure please can we do this.” “Ok Kat just tell me if you want me to pull out.” “Ok.”

         Aang just goes back into her going super slow and being super gentle. He gets to the same wall, and he looks at Katara who’s looking at him. He starts breaking the wall never breaking eye contact with Katara. She has a few tears running down her cheeks Aang wipes off the tears, and he gets all the way in her. After a few minutes Katara’s breathing went back to normal, and she looks at Aang who has never broken eye contact with her. “Ok you can start just be careful.” He nods and he starts thrusting softly and slowly. They are both moaning. “Aang faster please.” Katara moans out. Aang goes faster both of their eyes are shut, and their heads are tilted upward, and pleasure is filling up their veins. Aang is now slamming into her Katara’s screaming out in pleasure and he’s loudly moaning they both feel that their endings are coming soon.

       Katara’s nails are slightly digging into Aang’s back. “Ahh AANG Holy Shit!” Katara screams out as her orgasm happens. Aang he feels his end immediately when Katara’s walls tighten alot around his dick. “Oh KATARA Fuck!” After Aang releases his hot semen into Katara’s wet inside. He collapses on top of her out of exhaustion. They are both sweaty and breathing super hard. “Wow Aang that was amazing the best thing I have ever felt or done.” “Same thanks Katara I love you and I love how even though it was first hurting we still did it and it turned out to the best thing we have ever done together.” “I love you too want to take a nap we are both exhausted.” Aang nods and quickly falls asleep on Katara’s chest. Katara kisses the top of his head and follows him into sleeping.

        A few hours past of them sleeping and Aang wakes up first and shuffles a little bit accidentally waking up Katara. “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up Katara.” “It’s fine Aang we should go take a shower and get ready for bed then continue watching She-Ra.” “Sure thing.” Aang pulls out of Katara, and stands up Katara follows him, but as soon as she stood up intense pain floods to her legs and pelvic region. She falls down on the floor Aang immediately kneels down to see what’s wrong. “What’s wrong Kat are you in pain.” “Yeah my legs and pelvic area hurts I think that you fucking wrecked me in bed earlier.”

        A few hours past of them sleeping and Aang wakes up first and shuffles a little bit accidentally waking up Katara. “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up Katara.” “It’s fine Aang we should go take a shower and get ready for bed then continue watching She-Ra.” “Sure thing.” Aang pulls out of Katara, and stands up Katara follows him, but as soon as she stood up intense pain floods to her legs and pelvic region. She falls down on the floor Aang immediately kneels down to see what’s wrong. “What’s wrong Kat are you in pain.” “Yeah my legs and pelvic area hurts I think that you fucking wrecked me in bed earlier.”

        Katara smirks at Aang who’s as red as a tomato. “Oh shush come on I’ll help you ok.” Katara nods and Aang helps her up. He helps her in the shower, and he helps her getting dressed. Aang carries Katara downstairs Katara’s wrapped up in three of Aang’s softest blankets. Aang plays the movie and lays down on his back. Katara lays on top of him, and they’re both snuggled into the blankets. Three episodes later and they are passed out.

        Gyatso gets home to see the two young teens passed out on the couch with Katara on top of Aang, and Katara’s cheek is laying against Aang’s, and they’re both smiling. Gyatso takes a photo of them, and he sends it to Hakoda. Then Gyatso goes get ready for bed, and he walks into the kitchen for a glass of water once he gets his glass of water. He looks back at Aang and Katara who are now on the floor with Katara on bottom, and Aang on top of her. The weird thing is that their lips are touching. Gyatso sends Hakoda another picture of the two of them. With the comment : I guess your daughter is a bottom in their relationship haha goodnight Hakoda. I don’t want to separate them they will be so sad.:

        : Yeah I know they will be sad, and don’t make sex jokes with my thirteen year old daughter, and your thirteen year old son goodnight Gyatso I will see you in the morning.: Gyatso goes to his room and he falls asleep.

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