A Concrete Rosie

ColorMeDream_ által

380 14 8

AU Több


380 14 8
ColorMeDream_ által

Disclaimer: There is more profanity in this book than any of my other books. I'm not saying there is a lot, it's just more.

You don't need to watch ROSEWOOD to understand the book, but it is a really underrated show! It's on HULU.


"Toda mi gente se mueve
Mira el ritmo cómo los tiene
Hago música que entretiene
El mundo nos quiere, nos quiere, me quiere a mí"

A tune that blasted through her ears all night on repeat. Nothing in between, they played it back to back to back. It was poking at a nerve on the side of her neck, to be quite honest.

The tiny glass she held in her hand, the rim was being traced by her finger as she look into the crowd. She tried to hide the fact that the stinging and burning in the back of her throat hadn't ceased from the previous drink.

Here I am being stupid... again. You're being stupid.. again.

A chill ran through her body, not the type of chill that would allow your door to open, letting whatever you sought that was so delightful enter. Although this shiver up her spine was cold, it didn't bring her joy at all. Her jaw clenched at the irritating voice in her head that chose now of all times to debate with her. It was the reason for her being led to a damp, loud place where people would come to drown their sorrows. It was a nice place, though.

I'm well aware...shut up. I mean, you know no one here, no one knows you. You are in a random club, a YOUNG WOMAN, by yourself and drunk. It's more than stupid, you're being dense.

You sound misogynistic...

And you sound stupid... If I were there, what would I say?

Hmm.. let's think. Her head lowered in laughter at a memory so vague and so fuzzy. She remembered so clearly just before she walked into this place.

You would probably say something between the lines of "It's my day bitch, get your head out of your ass, Lise."

And you wouldn't have listened. You are Correct. Okay... I'm dead, now. Shut up. I'm gone, but forreal, Lise. This is dangerous man. As a birthday gift... just leave. I'm sure you've noticed those hijos de putas over there undressing you with their eyes.

Your birthday was two days ago Marcos... I can take care of myself, leave.

Her expentace was to turn back around to the bar with a beer bottle waiting for her on the counter, but it wasn't. Something much stronger sat in front of her, not one but two shots of a clear substance inside. Vodka or maybe even tequila.

"I didn't ask for this." The bartender said nothing, instead he pointed to the other end of the bar. The two men who stood there waved their hands, making it known that they were the ones who sent the treat.

I just wanted to dance...

The only thing she could do was send a sly smile down their way before turning her attention back to the man. Trusting the guys who have tiny, and I do mean tiny, bulges poking from inside their pants from being too prideful to go get some lotion and do what they needed to do was past stupid... it was idiotic. Her level intoxication may be on Jupiter... You're being modest....Saturn... but at least it wasn't on Neptune. That was a point of no turning back.

"No, thank you, I'm good." There was a slight slur to her dialogue, but she sent a nudge to both glasses before rising from her seat. "Hijos de puta"

Her eyes scanned the clutter in front of her and she took a step forward, being completely out of it causing her to bump into someone or they bumped into her. She wasn't sure. A pair of hands wrapped around her successfully keeping her from losing her balance and falling onto the floor.

"My fault."

And just like that he was gone, and she only got a quick glance at him, she didn't get a chance to tell him that the fault was her own, but whatever. Her mission was to dance tonight and she was determined to accomplish it. The song restarted. The same song that was threatening to rip out her nerve fifteen minutes ago. How was she supposed to enjoy her night out when the same tune is being played over and over.

Before her brain even knew, he legs led her in the direction of the spin table. A smile of a sour patch kid who had an agenda to be nice before flipping their switch, wiped over her face as she looked up at him. The gesture with her finger was telling him to come closer. A smile appeared on his face. He put the headset down and crouched down to her level, licking over his lips. "What's up?" He asks.

Play nice Annalise. "Um.. actually you can. See, you've been playing this song non stop since I've entered the building and only God knows how many times before that. Can you do us all a big fat favor and change it." Her voice progressing from sweet and hostile very quickly.

"No can do, Ma. J. Balvin himself is paying me to play this bad boy all night." His hand went up as he laughed. "Anything else I can do for you, though?" She could have projectile vomited at the cringy attempt of seduction.

Her mouth parts, letting a chuckle escape. She looks around to see if anyone is watching her before she grabs his collar with one hand with her other one being on the sweetest spot on his shoulder, bringing him down even more.

"Are you crazy?!? He shouts as he tries to move, but instantly shrieks as his movement caused more pain to his arm.

"Yes." She shrugged without hesitation. "Listen" She looks around. "Where my hand is placed right now, I could dislocate your shoulder in a millisecond, let's stop acting like child, okay?" She takes a good look at his face before continuing. "You have really nice skin... do you moisturize everyday or..."

"Get the hell off of me, Lady." He yells.

" I could, but let me continue... You'll hear a small popping sound, first. It won't hurt... me. It won't hurt me, but you? Yea. But that's not the-"

"SECU-" He yells, but she applies more pressure causing him to hush.

"Like I was saying... But that's not the dislocation, that's like the um... let's say that's the prep for it. The pain will really kick in when your shoulder just magically decides that it doesn't want to be friends with your clavicle anymore... then it just hangs... you know like the robot dancers on the strip that does the little arm swingy thingy." She scrunches her nose never letting the smile fade away. "You are interrupting my night out, sir... just agree to change the song and all of this could be over."

"Crazy bi-" He hears a noise in his right shoulder. "O-Okay, Okay! Just let me go!" He whispers loudly. She holds it there for a few more seconds grinning at him before releasing his arm and collar. He tripped over the speaker behind him trying to get away from her quickly. To make sure he actually changed it, she stood there and watched as he glanced at her. The transition between the agonizing sound that played through all night to one different. It wasn't ideal, but it'll do.

Her tense shoulder became more relaxed at the music. Her eyes closed as she heard the crowd cheer, her guess was because they had something else to party to.

She hadn't noticed the movement of her feet, they had a mind of their own. A tingles so sharp in her body struck through as she swayed her body to the dance floor.

"Clap it, clap it, clap it, clap it
Foot up, my foot up, hold up, now my foot up (Spinnin')
I'm spinnin', my foot up, foot up, yeah my foot up (Spinnin')
I'm spinnin', my foot up, put my foot down, yeah my hands up (Drank)"

"Let's dance." A arm wrapped around her waist, and she reacted off impulse elbowing whomever it was in the stomach. "Damn..."

He says, and she looks down at him. Everyone was doing everything in their power to keep her from having a good time. She deserves to have a good time. "Don't touch me."

His body was hunched over but got over the feeling when he stood up straight. "Feisty... I like it." His arms encased again around her, she could defend herself, but he was strong. "You don't want to dance with me? I bought you a drink."

Then she noticed it was one of the two men from the bar earlier, the hijos de putas as her brother identified them as. His nails were basically digging into the skin on her back as she tried to calmly pry them away. Memories of a far too close past played in her mind in pieces at the man's touch. It set off something in her, something... well...

Oh hell no, beat his ass, Lise...

"Come on... one dance. That body can get you a lot of things... but I just want a dance... for right now."One hand gripped her tighter as the other grazed her ass before grasping it. Her face looked still to him, like she was going to give in to his generic dominate nature. She snorted the little bit of mucus that was sat in the back of her throat before shooting it out of her mouth landing it directly in between his eyebrows. The look on her face held disgust, and his held anger. It made him release her waist and feel the saliva that was trickling down his forehead. His laugh was deep while he looked around at the few people who watched them, it was vengeful, he was embarrassed.

"Like I said... don't touch me, sir." She turned walked away, but not too far before being dragged back by her arm forcefully. Just as his hands were about to go around her neck, a figure came in between them, holding his hand against the man's chest. Two men, abnormally large, behind him. Her high was gone, the liquor that she consumed no longer affected her body. All of the before acts were... simply her being her.

"The hell is wrong with you man?" He was calm, but you could tell he was aggravated.

"Man, this crazy bitch spit on me." He pointed swiping it from his forehead.

"Call me a bitch again, Te mostraré una puta." She walked up removing her earrings with tranquillity even though, the man still separated them. His hand reach back pushing her stomach lightly, trying to make her keep her distance.

"You, you're not helping." He says to her then shoots an affiliative smile.

"I can handle myself..." She rolled her eyes, trying to remove his hand.

"Doesn't look like you were, though..." He turned back around to him. "Now you... what were you gonna do, exactly?" He asks him.

"What you mean?" The frown deepened on his face.

"See, I didn't like the way your hands were formed. It made me kinda mad. It looked like you were about to wrap them around her neck. A woman's neck." He pointed back at her, but never took his eyes from him. "Looked like muscle memory to me... you do that alot?"

"I don't think you heard me... she hocked spit on my forehead..."

"Did you deserve it?"

"Man, I ain't do nothing but ask her to dance..." He scoffed, waving him off.

The man turned back to her. "Spit? Really?" He whispered...

"Yes." She shrugged.

"That's nasty..." He paused. "Did he deserve it, at least?" She straight face him. "Look, I'm trynna have your back here and you're not really helping me out..."

"He grabbed my ass." A smile slowly grew on his face, turning back around.

"That's what I was waiting for, thank you." "So what I'm hearing is he basically sexually assaulted you, right?" He says loud enough for her to hear. She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. "Then tried to choke you..."

"All I did was grabbed a lil' booty, man. I ain't assault nobody."

Dumbass. That is sexual assault.

"That is sexual assault, dumbass." He said and she snapped her head to him. She had enough of the back and forth talking, she wasn't even angry anymore. still was on her mission to enjoy her night, with or without movie scenes that were happening to her. Her eyes rolled again and she walked away as a different song played. Her eyes darted to the dj booth as the man that was controlling it, kept his eyes on her. She put her thumbs up and gave him a smile before taking steps backwards to the dance floor.

"Te amo i told her i'm not gonna run away, but let me go
My soul is crying, without asking why
I said te amo, wouldn't somebody tell me what she said
Don't it mean I love you"

A subtle whine to her hips began to display while she ran her hands through her curls. Liquid adrenaline ran through her veins at the sound of the melody with her eyelids shut. In a world of her own. Her hands ran up and down her dress as she felt every lyric that Rihanna sang. She felt someone press behind her dancing causing her body to tense.

A break, is what I need, it's what I deserved, right?

She snapped her neck around, but it was just a women dancing with her back against hers. No, she wasn't familiar with her face, but she wasn't uncomfortable. She wanted to have fun and that's what she planned to do.

"Do I know you?" Annalise yells loud enough for the lady to hear, they were facing away from each other so they had to speak with projection. Neither of them stopped dancing as they spoke.

"No, but you look like you could use some fun..."

She smiled and dropped her head.

"Thank you." Was the end of the conversation before her arms flailed in the air, slowly running them down her body in the process.

A brief moment her eyes were open, she caught a glimpse of that one man coming back inside straightening his jacket with the two buff men behind him and wiping something red from the corner of his mouth. It made her focus on him, until she realized he was approaching her. She hadn't realized how attractive he was, his complexion was one of marrón oscura, a tone that resembled a bronze metal. It glistened from the spot lights circling the inside of the building. He looked to be around her age... give or take a few years.

marrón oscura: dark brown

"I'm fine." She says before he even has a chance to speak. He smiled at her and nodded.

"I can see that." He looks to his left. "Although I did come over here to check on you, I need to steal that girl you're dancing with away from you for a second."


She stopped her movement, looking up at him realizing she was dancing with his... girlfriend?

Soon enough the movement on the other side ceased also. "Girl, why did you sto-... oh." The two ladies were now side by side. "Hey." She said to him.

"Someone is upstairs for you."

"So... you're neglecting me?" Annalise asked jokingly.

"Upstairs?" She was confused. "And just for a minute..." "Here, he will fill in for me, won't you?" The girl eyed him.

"Oh, no. I'm fi-"

"Of course, I will." He interrupts her with a grin, she was taken aback by his voluntary actions.

"Great, I'll be back. You better be here when I come back" She says looking at her, taking off through the crowd of people. She was slightly uncomfortable and it was awkward as they just stood in front of each other.

"Well... I'll just go over there." She started but he gently grabbed her hand causing her to turn around letting go very soon after. He apologized for his boundary crossing. "We don't have to, it's okay. I can wait until she comes back."

"But I want to." He says and realizes immediately how it came out like a cheesy pick up line. "Just until she comes back."

She was hesitant initially until he reached his hand out.

Girl just do it. Damn, still so difficult.

She chose to tune out the annoyance that was her brother. Her head hesitantly nods as she takes his hand. "You're a little over dressed for partying at a club aren't you? She asks as he led her to the center of the floor. Her eyes looked over his freshly tailored single vent jacket suit. It was burgundy... and american. What can she say, she knows her way around men's suits.

She can hear him chuckle as they stopped.

"Te amo i told her i'm not gonna run away, but let me go" Plays out from the speakers.

"Oh, no. I'm not here to party." He says walking backwards with her hand still clasped in his palm. The song continued to blast throughout the venue and they never let go of each other's hand.

"Then, why are you here?" Foot forward. Then back. He joined her eventually.

"Salsa?" He raised his eyebrows while paying attention to her feet.

"You scared of salsa?"

She heard another chuckle escape from his throat before he lifting his hand giving her room to spin only once and guiding it up and behind his head making her run her hand down his head. She looks at him, surprised. Why should she be surprised? She doesn't even know this man. He could be the best salsa dancer there is... she just wasn't expecting it.

She needed to break her stare, but she couldn't. It was almost like his eyes held magnets and hers were the purest form of metal. She wanted to look away, but she didn't. She couldn't.

"Are you from here?" He asks unknowingly assisting her with her struggle of averting her eye contact. She already had a plan to lie, she always did. She knew better than to let a stranger know her life story, or just the slightest bit of fully correct information.

"I am." Now, Lise... What happened to lying?

"Haven't seen you around." He says.

"Miami's pretty big... also I just moved back from New York..." She shrugged her shoulder as they danced, she could hear him slightly hmming to the song causing her to laugh. "You know this song?"

It was a sudden move, but he leaned her back as she throw her head back and brought her back up as they stared at one another... "I can appreciate good music..." Her hips started to rotate as his hand found them, guiding them.

Doing a little too much now, Lise... hands north of the equatorrr... Shut the hell up, Marcos...

Foreheads together as they moved, and he hands on the nape of his neck. The song was ending, but she didn't want it to... it wasn't because of him... it was just because of... the song. Yea, the song. She hadn't even noticed that it had already stopped until he spoke. "You good?" He asks, but why would he ask that. Then she heard herself breathing kind of hard. Lust?

Don't do it, Annalise. She tried to coach herself from doing something stupid... it was the liquor that hadn't completely worn off... He has a girlfriend, Annalise... Sto- Her lips were pressed against his after trying to tell herself to back off. His hand went to the back, pulling her closer, but she pulled away, touching her lips.

"I-I um... should go..." She took a step away, and gazed at his eyes, his face was stuck.

"Wait... I at least deserve a name..." He said and she looked at him before walking away. She heard him say something... Josie maybe? She didn't really give it a second thought, she wouldn't see him anymore after that day any way. As she hurried to walk out of the club she bumped into someone.

"I-I'm sorry..." She said complete still in shock that she just kissed a complete stranger.

"You're leaving? No..." She heard and looked up at whoever it was. It was the girl who she had danced with so many minutes ago before the man took her place. His girlfriend?

"Yea. I'm really tired..." Annalise says.

"Okay, well wait... take my number." She says and Annalise stood looking around the place trying to find an excuse to leave sooner, but a card was slipped into her hand. "I'm Pippy. Just call me sometime... we can hangout, or whatever you wanna do."

Giving her a smile she nodded and got a good look at her face. "I have to call a cab, what's the name of this place again?"

"Oh, um it's called, Magic City."


Helloo!!! Beaumont Rosewood x Annalise Villa Story

Hope you all enjoy!

If you are confused,
Bold Italics = Marcos in her head

Italics = Annalise's thoughts except for the songs that played!!

A sway to

She needed to shake it, make it leave her alone. It wa

It was crowded, the dance floor was.

Olvasás folytatása

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