Return (GirlxGirl)

By SkylarJapera

752K 16.7K 2K

Only weeks after the big battle against Sue and the human hunters Violet and Chloe never expected for Chloe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 19

15.4K 367 13
By SkylarJapera

Enjoy :)

Chapter 19

Violet is awakening from the thunder and rain that’s pounding onto the window. She groans scanning the clock noticing it 2 a.m. in the morning. She stirs when she hears glass shattering outside her window which makes her slip out of bed quietly making sure she doesn’t wake Chloe up. She heads downstairs towards the noise.

Violet walks through the kitchen and out the side door to see Cassandra sitting on the cold cement and a shatter Jack Daniels bottle. Violet growls and then lifts Cassandra bridal style taking her to her room.

The alpha strips the older woman from her soaked clothes who reeks of alcohol and then goes grab a towel. She dries Cassandra the best she can as the witch mumbles, “Kimberly.” Cassandra groans and then speaks, “I want leave you again.”

Violet lies the poor girl onto the bed throwing a blanket on her bare body then heads back to her room. She then snuggles back into bed with her wife.

“Hmmm why did you leave?” Chloe whispers pulling the alpha closer.

“I heard something.” Violet replies. “I found your sister in the rain drunk.”

Chloe pulls her head up and open her tired eyes in questioning. “I’m guessing the conversation with Kimberly did not go well.”

“I guess not but we will figure it out tomorrow.” Violet whispers pulling Chloe back towards her body falling asleep.

Cassandra groans when she is hit with sunlight. Her eyes instantly burn. She blinks rapidly and groans again when a surge of pain runs through her temple. Cassandra flips on her back and pulls the sheets over her head trying to hide the sunlight. She then slaps her forehead for drinking too much last night after Kimberly kicked her out.

“Fuck.” She mumbles again and runs towards the toilet letting everything from last night pour out painfully. Once she is done she flushes the toilet and leans on the wall closing her eyes afraid to stand.

She does not know how long she sits there but after a while someone comes in and she swears they are shouting. “Could you please lower your damn voice?”

Violet laughs and then helps Cassandra up whispering since her normal voice was apparently too loud. “Drinking does not solve your problems.”

“For a while it solved mines.”

Violets instantly roll her eyes and drops Cassandra on the bed commanding, “Get your shit together and meet is down stairs for breakfast.”

Cassandra glares at Violet for yelling again. “No need I’m leaving.”

“That’s your problem Cassandra. You’re always running from your problems.”

Cassandra crosses her arms over her chest glaring up at the wolf. “I’m doing it for Kimberly. She wants me gone then that is what I will do.”

“Kimberly needs you here more than you think. Just eat breakfast and think it through before you get up and vanish again.”

“Whatever.” Cassandra mumbles lying back in the bed.

Downstairs Rue studies her book of spells during breakfast. She whines in frustration which makes her mother look up suggesting, “You have been studying all night Rue. You will do fine Tuesday when you return back to Arlandria.” Chloe smiles then kisses her daughter on the forehead grabbing the book ordering, “Now eat your breakfast and make sure you drink your milk K?

“Okay.” Rue answers and then smiles, “Good morning.” When Cassandra walks through the door.

“Good morning Rue.” The older woman replies sitting across from her laying her head on the table groaning from all the noise.

Violet then walks through the door and jokes, “No more drinking for you I bet.”

Cassandra lifts her head about to say a lot of disrespectful things but Rue staring at make her stop. “Whatever Violet.” The alpha smirks and then kisses Chloe on the lips whispering, “Good morning.”

Chloe smiles, “Good morning.” she then asks, “So I’m guessing the conversation with Kimberly last night did not go as plan.”

“Oh it was peachy.” Cassandra replies sarcastically. Rue then stands sneaking her book from her mother rushing up stairs to try some different spells. Chloe smiles and then says, “Just give it time Cass.”

“I’m a very selfish and impatient person.” Cassandra leans back in her chair crossing her arms over her chest. “Where this Calvin boy lives anyway.”

Violet rolls her eyes and says, “Do not hurt him. Don’t even get near him.”


“I’m serious.” Violet replies sternly.

Before Cassandra could reply Kimberly walks through the door. She smiles and greet, “Good morning.” she then frowns when her eyes meets Cassandra. She still felt bad for kicking Cassandra out last night but she was with Calvin so whatever they had was now over.

Cassandra leans back in the chair and smirks, “Good morning pumpkin. Sleep well.”

Kimberly turns her back and replies, “Slept well.” She then grabs her orange juice and smirks, “I’m going out with Calvin today. If my sister asks tell her I’m at his house.”

Cassandra stiffens at the boy name and at her being in his house. Where he can touch her and kiss and God knows what else she glares at Kimberly. She was testing her emotions. Chloe quickly speaks, “Okay just call me when you get there. So I know you made it safely.”

Cassandra stands and grins, “Yeah have fun with your boy toy. It surely will not last.” She said with confidence and then walks out the kitchen saying, “Catch you later cupcake.”

Kimberly blushes and then hisses, “Who does she think she is? I do not want her anymore. She will not come between me and Calvin. Ugh I hate her!” she screams stomping out the kitchen.

Violet huffs running her hands through her hair. “Talk to your sister.”

Chloe nods her head in agreement. This was going to interesting.


Isaac walks into his condo and throws his keys onto the nearby table. He turns on his lights and slightly jumps when he see his brother sitting comfortable on his couch. Before he can turn and run he slams into his huge father. “Sit.” Ralph orders. Isaac grins and then sits across from his younger brother. “Hello brother.”

Leo rolls his eyes and then sadly asks, “Why do you do this?”

“Why do you keep following me trying to control me?” Isaac asks.

“What will mother think?” Leo spats.

“We will never know now will we.” Isaac fusses back. “She’s been in the fucking ground for over hundred years.” Leo stands at his brother disrespect. Isaac just smirks his brother could not handle him at all.

“Sit down son.” Ralph orders. “Now Isaac pack your shit and let’s go.”

Isaac laughs, “You really think I will dare listen to you. You lock me up for years like I was some mut. I’m your son father.” Isaac spats. “But no you did not see that. Your only worry was that damn bitch Sue and how she used you. You could not see the big picture like me. We could have ruled together father. Leo could have lived a normal life liked he always wanted.”

“Me and you wanted more. I could feel it every day. I could see it in your eyes but no you locked me up and forgot about me. You abandon my little brother to a world he did not understand. We supposed to have stuck together. Just like mother would have wanted.”

Leo was silent everything his older brother was saying were true. He didn’t believe in violence. He didn’t want to be the monster he was but he would never go against his father wishes like Isaac did. When his father left him he was all alone trying to understand the new world. The new technology. They were from the woods he was confused.

Ralph eyes turn red as he hollers, “If you would have been patient. We would have done that together son.”

Isaac laughs, “Patient. How many years did Leo and I listen to your stupid plans. You should have gotten over Sue father.”

“You murder so many innocent people. You and your pack.” Ralph spats. “Like you’re doing now. I love you Isaac but I do not know what to do anymore.” Ralph quickly takes the stick from behind his back and tries to stab Isaac but Isaac quickly moves making the dagger run deep into Leo chest.

Leo spits blood out and quickly turns into an old corpse. Ralph eyes go big just as his older son. Isaac kicks his father in the face and calls in his pack. Two huge men walk in holding the now broken original up.

Isaac punches his father again in anger. “I thought you wanted to put me to sleep or lock me up. But I never thought you would ever murder me father.” Isaac punches Ralph again and glances at his younger brother. Tears fall from his eyes. He quickly looks away not wanting to show such weakness in front of this pack. “Take him away.” Isaac orders.

The two men drag the heavy body away. Isaac pulls out a cigarette lighting it up looking down at his loyal brother. “I will not leave you like this Leo. I will do what father was too selfish to do. I will give you the life you deserve. I will turn you human.”

“Sir what should we do with this body.”

Isaac runs his hand through his ruffle hair and orders “Put him in a casket in the dungeon”


Kimberly sits onto Calvin lap and runs her hand through his blonde hair as his tongue enters her mouth. She jumps when his rough hands trails up her body lifting her shirt as he go. She squeezes her eyes shut and Cassandra soft hands pop into her head and Cass black hair is running through her fingers. Her lips are on her neck trailing kisses across her jawline. Her hands are squeezing her butt. “You smell good.” ‘No No NO. Not her voice.’ Kimberly thinks pulling back.

Calvin looks at her apologetic and says, “Sorry if I went too far. I just cannot resist you.”

Kimberly stands straighten her clothes. She silently curses herself for thinking of Cassandra. “No it’s fine. You did nothing wrong.”

“Come sit next to me.” Calvin asks nicely. “We could watch movies.”

Kimberly smiles at his sweetness and cuddles next to her boy-friend. Thirty minutes into the movie Calvin asks, “Remember you told me that you never kiss anyone before only came close.”


“Well was that true.”

Kimberly pulls her head up and studies Calvin. “Yes why?”

Calvin grins, “Well for that to have been your first kiss. You are a great kisser.” The blonde boy pecks Kimberly on the lips and then continues to watch the movie. This comment makes Kimberly feel like shit. She gave her first kiss to Cassandra last night. ‘Fuck.’ She internally thinks.

When the movie is over she and Calvin make out some more. She slowly forgets Cassandra from each kiss and touch.

At the mansion Cassandra sits in the living room glancing at the clock. It was ten at night and Kimberly still haven’t return. She stands grabbing her coat about to go get her until a familiar girl walks through the door. Kimberly looks up and frowns. She rolls her eyes and then walks pass the older witch.

Cassandra scowls when she smells boys’ cologne all over Kimberly and sees that the strawberry blonde hair was ruffled and her clothes was wrinkled. “You got to be kidding me.” She groans.

She stomps upstairs and burst into Kimberly room making the young girl yelp. Cassandra takes in Kimberly body and smirks, “Nice undies cupcake.”

“Could you knock?” Kimberly yells. She hurries and pulls her shirt over her head and pulls her short up. “Why are you here? I could have sworn I said leave yesterday.”

Cassandra cringes at this comment but quickly wipes it away. “Not going anywhere pumpkin.” She then sits on the bed and asks, “So did you have fun with your boy toy today.”

“Stop calling him that.” Kimberly hollers. “He is my boyfriend. Now can you leave?”

Cassandra rolls her eyes and blocks Kimberly way to her bathroom. She grabs the young girl waist and whispers with venom, “You smell like him.” She then kisses Kimberly on the neck making the young girl squirm. “But I’m certain you were thinking about me the entire time.”

Kimberly blushes because she was caught and what Cassandra was saying was true but it pissed her off. When Cassandra became so cocky. She pushes Cassandra away from her and spats, “Stop being so damn cocky. What happen to you? What happen to the Cassandra who needed someone?”

The older witch smirk disappears. She backs Kimberly back into the wall and whispers, “I’m sorry. I just…” she runs her hand through her hair and admits, “I want you back.”

Kimberly moves away from Cassandra and says, “You have me Cassandra. You never lost me but you cannot have me like you did. I’m sure we could be good friends.”

Cassandra hisses, “I do not want to be your damn friend and watch you and your stupid boy toy make out while I’m here wanting nothing more than to rip his head off and take you as my own.” Cassandra steps towards Kimberly and whispers seductively, “And devour you in any way possible.” Kimberly blushes and feels herself getting turned on. Cassandra smirks kissing Kimberly on the forehead. “I will have you.” She says and then walks out the bedroom whispering, “Good night pumpkin sweet dreams.”

Kimberly breathes when she notice she was holding her breath. She then sits on the bed running her hands through her hair. Cassandra was going to be a lot to handle.


Ralph bangs against the metal a second time than a third. He leans against it and yells, “Isaac!” over and over again. “You murder my son you worthless bastard.” He collapses to his knees and cries, “My poor boy is gone.” He then continues to bang onto the metal again.

“Hello.” A young and elegant voice desperately hollers.

“Who there’s?” Ralph instantly stands.

“I’m over here.” The voice says again. Ralph slides towards the wall and notice someone was in a cell next to him.

“How? Why are you here?” Ralph asks.

“Isaac he captured me.” The voice answers. “I know this may sound selfish but I’m glad someone is here with me.”

Ralph laughs, “That’s not selfish honey. It’s human.”

“Thank-you.” The woman answers. “I’m Jessica.”

“Jessica it’s nice to meet you. I wish we could meet in different circumstance.”

Jessica smiles and asks, “What your name.”

“I’m Ralph.”

Jessica laughs and Ralph asks, “What is funny.”

“Ralph.” Jessica giggles. “It’s a very old name.”

“I’m a very old man.” The original answers.

“Hmmm you do not sound quite old.” Jessica reply. “Sit tight though we will get rescue.”

“Darling Isaac is no stupid boy. It will be difficult maybe impossible for the police to find us.” Ralph says. “Sorry to destroy your hopes but it is better not to be disappointed.”

“I have a friend. She is an alpha.” Jessica says. “She will rescue us.”

“We’ll let us hope your friend comes through.” Ralph finishes.

Violet paces the room with a huge map of Divide on the table. She circles another huge part of the town and stresses, “We must have missed something. I know he is hiding her here but where?”

“We followed him home but found nothing.” Catherine says. “He has to have her in the woods somewhere. Like underground.”

“That sounds about correct.” Violet agrees. “But where.”

Cassandra leans on the wall and asks, “You cannot just magically go underground. It has to be a way in and out. A door, a latch, something under the leaves in the woods.”

Everyone stares dumbfound at Cassandra. The older witch rolls her eyes and corrects, “Okay yes it is possible for someone to magically teleport someone underground but Isaac has no witch on his side that we know of correct?”

“Yes you’re right.” Chloe concludes.

“So maybe there’s is a door in his condo that leads to the woods.” Cassandra explains. “Think about it. We have studied all the cameras in divide but have never seen him drive in the woods. He rented the entire condo complex to himself. Why would he do that? There are construction workers going in and out every day. Something is in that condo complex and the only way to find out is to sneak in.”

“Shes right?” Olivia speaks glances at all the pictures, maps, and recordings. “The woods is right behind the condo complex. There could be a underground tunnel that leads to it.”

“Well get the peck ready. We need to get Jessica back.”

Please Comment. Are you on Isaac side or Ralph? Will Cass get Kimberly back? And can Violet and then crew finally save Jessica? Thanks For Reading :)

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