Vasta Lord In Hotel : male Ic...

By Kojingl

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It's y/n story with Dracula's problem maker daughter mavis ( Plus movie episode ) More

bio & plough: ( bio update )
episode one : welcome my lord
episode 2 : first part
episode 2 : second part
episode 3 : part one
episode 3 : part 2
episode 4 : first part
episode 4 : part 2
episode 5 : first part ( not written)
episode 5 : part 2
episode 6 : part one
episode 6 : part 2 ( new characters )
episode 7 : part one
episode 7 : part 2
episode 8 : part one
episode 8 : part 2
episode 9 : first part
episode 9 : part 2
episode 10 : first part
episode 10 : second part
episode 11 : 2 part
episode 12 : first part
episode 12 : second part
episode 13
guys why ?
episode 14 : part one
episode 14 : part two
episode 15 : part one
episode 15 : part two ( not written )
episode 16 : first part
episode 17 : part one
episode 17 : part 2
episode 18 : creepmas
episode 19 : part one
episode 19 : part two
episode 20 : part two
episode 21 : part one
episode 21 : part 2
episode 22 : a reason to be strong
episode 23 : part one
episode 23 : part two
episode 25 : part one
episode 25 : part 2
it's time
well maybe
episode 26 : let's have party
hotel transylvania 1: chapter one ( miss you )
hotel transylvania 1 : chapter 2 ( new experience)
hotel transylvania 1 chapter 3( the mistaken )
hotel transylvania 1 chapter4 ( let's go )
hotel transylvania 1 chapter 5 ( let's rock )
hotel transylvania 1 ( let's end this )
ht 2 trailer
HT 2 ( wedding day , lemon )
HT 2 ( little Dennis )
HT 2 chapter 3 ( adventure begins )
HT 2 chapter lv ( this is not good )
HT 2 chapter v ( the awaking of true power )
(season 2 (ep1 part 1 )
season 2 ep1 part 2
season 2 e4 p2 ( new character)
se 2 episode 5 part 1
season 2 ep 5 part 2
better know your mavis
the northern frights
don't fear the realtor
among us ( never trust a woman )
holy babies
monster pet ( y/n )
i only have eye for goo
talk blobbish to me
hotel 4
one shot ( warning little 18+ )

season 2 episode4 part 1

185 7 2
By Kojingl

( y/n jump in middle of hotel lobby

with a black suit )

y/n : Well the minotaur's my butler,

Cyclops my valet

A centaur drives my chariot that takes

me down the way

Through a river made of fireeee * he

shot cero to the sky * and a street that's

paved with bones , I got a dozen Zombie

Skeletons * he jumps on a table that

was carrying by maids * to take to my


In the Land of the Dead

And heck boy, ain't it grand?* hank run *

I'm the overlord of the underworld

'Cause I hold powers in one hand

In the Land of the Dead, I'm Darkside

royalty * all vasto lords bow to him *

I'm far renowned in the underground

And ya can't take that from me * Dracula

surprised *

Cerberus my lapdog is loyal as can be *

he jumps in Cerberus room and

Cerberus lick his face * My bed is

made of skulls I'm in the lap of luxury *

mavis and 3 other female vampire

walk around y/n's bed * I got a Dragon's

Blood jacuzzi the Gorgons think it's cool

And a seven-headed hydra living in my

swimming pool * he jumps out of

swimming pool and wear his long red

coat * in the land of the dead , And heck
boy, ain't it grand? * pedro run *

I'm the overlord of the underworld

'Cause I hold powers in one hand

In the Land of the Dead, I'm Darkside

royalty * all Quincys bow to him *

I'm far renowned in the underground

And ya can't take that from meeeeeee

ya can't take that from me * point at

Dracula * ( evil laughing )

( and the show starts )

( vampire hall )

mavis : ahh! that's my spot , now that i

have my cape I'm going to have my vary

own portrait hung in hall of Draculas .

y/n: i rather to have my paint in hall of

lords .

hank : huh , " member when i almost got

my thumb's portrait the hall but than it

turned out to be your uncle's big toe ?

y/n : well no .

mavis : not really .

Wendy : nope .

Pedro : no bro .

mavis : anyway , I'm so excited because

this is a huge deal .

aunt Lydia : yes mavis , being

immortalized for all eternity is a " huge

deal " so i brought you the best painter

in the monster world .

y/n : Diane ?

aunt Lydia : zombie Michaelangelo , he

did my glorious portrait , now remember

your painting , is the symbol of your

Dracula bloodline so don't mess this up

understand ?!

y/n : is scared can be " yes " ?

( time skip )

y/n : so uncle barreg you had your own

painting too yeah ?

uncle barreg : of course I do , it's full of

glory and power i was young and the

most handsome skeleton in my city .

y/n : dose all of pictures of vasto lords

great ?

uncle barreg : well yeah most of them

expect your father ones .

y/n : why ?

uncle barreg : you see painting is a vary

vary vary vary vary vary long job and

if don't have a good rest before that day

you can't focus good and your paint will

be mess , like your dad stark , last day

before his paintings he was in bar and

drinking and playing cards but when

in the next he wanted to be painted he's

picture became this ...

uncle barreg : * laughing * that is your

aunt nell , she jumped on your dad and

made his paint even funnier , now i think

you should have a paint will be

awesome you will , love it .

( mavis's room )

mavis : " get some rest mavy " how can

i sleep like this ? I've waited my entire

after life to have my official portrait

hung ?

head on door : well your not the only one

with that problem , that vasty boy is

in problem too , he can't sleep he's

playing video games .

mavis : hmmm maybe i should make a

theme about this ? festival huh ?

or formal ? or 8-bit ?

head on door : i think you should go to

sleep .

mavis : i will try ......* after hours she

couldn't still sleep * maybe i should

count slugs .1 and 2 and 3 .......

1998 and 1999 and ....* she fall in sleep

than her clock alarm make sound * I'm

up .

head on door : someone is coming ...

* y/n , open the door with red eyes *

y/n : i couldn't sleep for even one second.

mavis : well you could stop playing video

games .

y/n : never say that ever again or we will

divorce .

mavis : ......we haven't married .

y/n : don't expect to i say something right

mavis I'm now crazy .

( painting room )

mavis : my hair's on point my pose is

good to go , i got this * she fall in sleep *

* in the other room y/n was awake but ..*

painter : ready to paint ?



painter : you can speak a little lower .


( after hours two painter ended their

jobs well both pictures didn't go well )

mavis : oh no ,oh no i was sleeping ? i

should see thw picture .

metal Knight : no watching .

mavis : oh ,of course , if i wasn't in job

i would go to eat those pie cakes quasi

left there .

( two metal Knights run outside )

mavis : ho-ly rabies , im in trouble , i

can't become the laughing stock of the

family , but zombie Michaelangelo

doesn't do re-painting , what happened

to y/n ?

* other room *

y/n : i wanna see the paint .

metal Knight : not possible .

* y/n take out his blade *

metal Knight : i mean we can go outside

and you can watch the paint by yourself

( y/n watched the paint )


( hotel hallway )

hank : mavis , how'd painting turn out ?

mavis : all things considered, pretty good

all :*  scream *

y/n : hey guys what's up ?

all : *scream again *

( mavis eyes was bigger now like anime

character and y/n , well he changed a lot)

y/n : what? is something on my face ?

Pedro : let me say , mavis your eyes are

so big and y/n dude you look cool but

changed a lot .

hank : let me paint a little details * y/n

saw his body have changed just like the

paint and mavis notice she had big eyes*

y/n : shit , I'm in that form again , shit

shit , I can't get back to my normal state .

mavis : holy rabies i repainted the eyes

on my portrait .

Wendy : don't worry guys aunt Lydia

know what to do .

aunt Lydia : mavis ? who's that black

hair person ? wait  !

y/n : sorry i should go .

mavis : but me ? * she picked up a glasses

aunt Lydia : i know this could happen...

you think you are cool because of paint ?

but being in the hall of Draculas is

nothing cool , it's about making monsters

fear you , walk with me , did i ever told

you about the time barreg was trying to

impress me in monster inc ?

mavis : oh god his college story again ,

it's not gonna over until she talks about

how great Sullivan abd uncle barreg

fight for her love , you guys make my

paint okay again .

Pedro : don't worry we got this for good

( pedro and Hank were doing horrible

things to her , like drawing a big ear or

make her head little or drawing a paper

bag on her face , but in the other room

someone  was re-painting  y/n )

y/n : okay y/n don't panic just don't let

uncle barreg or aunt Lydia find you or

else you die .

( someone draw his strongest from in

painting room  )

( secret base )

y/n : maybe i should hide my self in room

Pedro : hey hank , another mummy over

there .

hank : I'm not sure his tall and not fat

and his bandages are black .

y/n : what are you guys talking about ?

Pedro : y/n ? dude you look awesome .

hank : let me tell how do you look like.

y/n : but how i didn't order to transform

into this ? i mean all i can go is my full

mask , i don't what is those form .

Pedro : maybe it's a massage from other

realities ?

y/n : you mean there is a " me " in other

world that can be this much strong ?

hank : who knows the world is full of

strange things .

y/n : so how's mavis's paint ?

mavis : you guys are stupid .....* mavis

saw a person in black bandages *

y/n : don't get crazy it's me just somebody

somehow draw me like this , i should

check on my paint too after this .

mavis : okay , okay i should erase this

bag on my face .

Pedro : well , I'm not sure because course

paint is almost over .

( mavis made her paint even worst now )

y/n : oh god I'm gonna pop .

mavis : i can't stay like this my after life

will be absolutely crazy and i can never

marry to anyone .

( hank and Pedro looking at y/n )

y/n : what ?

Pedro : nothing , no prob .

hank : yeah same dude .

mavis : i should get help .

y/n : i don't know you , but i should go

and check my paint now .

( mavis gone to talk to his dad with their

magical video-call and y/n run fast as he

can to find out who re-painting his

picture )

y/n : alright who are you and what are

you doing here ?

( y/n open the door and find a girl )

?? : oh you came faster than i thought .

y/n : what you mean by that ?

?? : sorry but my mission is complete

now , 20 second later she will come here

and i shouldn't be here now .

( y/n tried to grab her hand , but just

when he touched her , he felt his

stomach is burning and he fall down )

?? : sorry papa but little raya know how

to spell a curse * than she turn into bat

and left the place *

( mavis come to room and find y/n on

ground )

mavis : y/n ! you okay ? what happened ?

y/n : yeah I'm good , i don't remember

what happened a girl with long black

hair was here than ..... i don't know .

mavis : so somebody really re-painted

yours huh ?

y/n : we should change this somehow .

mavis : i have a plan Diane can do this

she can re-paint our pictures .

( painting room )

mavis : okay you sure , you wanna be

next ?

y/n : yeah I'm good .

( y/n turn )

y/n : sorry Diane but you sure what i was

before ?

Diane : of course ..

( hall of Draculas )

aunt Lydia : welcome to the hall of

Draculas, where tonight we gonna have

a special show where gonna be two new

pictures first mavis Dracula .

and now the next is y/n the vasto lord .

aunt Lydia : ahh , what a masterpiece it

really captures the essence of the chaos

and the show how great he is ,

Michaelangelo ! you done great .

Dracula tv : it's so different and that's

what makes my mavis so special .

stark tv : I'm just so proud that my son

is now officially a great monster .

( than hank put his hand on mavis' s

picture )

Dracula : uhh mavy there is something

on your face .

mavis : * growling *

the end

( castle of fate )

raya : dad , dad , DAD !

black Knight : what ? can't i get some

sleep ? it's morning .

raya : i did what you wanted .

black Knight : really ? well thank you

and i hope you are ready for the next

one .

raya : say it just .

black Knight : you remember that icy boi


raya : you mean y/n ?

black Knight : ummm yeah him , he

failed at doing his mission, so i want you

to go and kill him and than kill the ice

queen elsa .

raya : okay what's the price ?

black Knight : you can go out in human

world .

raya : you got the deal .

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