Almost Average || Saiki x rea...

By saikicansteponme

1.5M 48.9K 177K

(y/n) (l/n) transfers to PK Academy. She slowly becomes friends with a few people. One person catches her eye... More

1 : New student
2 : Haha, poor!
3 : Creepy guy
4 : Girls date
5 : First friend
6 : Spirit animal
7 : Ramen
8 : Clothes
9 : His face
10 : I thought she was American
11 : Vine
12 : Torture
13 : New job
14 : Confession
15 : Festival
16 : Sick
17 : Shopping with the girls
18 : Disaster trip
19 : Stranded
20 : Back home
Saiki's birthday special
21 : Baddie
22 : Powers
23 : Soulmates
24 : Chillin'
25 : New Year's Day
26 : Average Dude
27 : Cockroach
28 : Akward
29 : Helping
30 : Thinking thoughts
31 : Asking him out
Alternative ending

32 : The date

27.3K 1K 4.1K
By saikicansteponme


- - -

Today was the day. The day you went on a date. A date with a guy you really liked. A date with Saiki Kusuo. 'HOLY SHIT A DATE WITH KUSUO,' you thought as you sprung awake.

You started freaking out. You thought you were already late. You struggled to get out of bed, falling off in the process. You fell right on your face. "Shit, this hurts," you murmured getting up and rubbing your face.

You then remembered the date. You were now fully awake. You grabbed your phone to check the time, hoping and praying that you weren't going to be late. 2 PM. Ok, so you weren't late, but you still had an hour to get ready and in your opinion, it wasn't enough time to get ready for your date with fucking Saiki Kusuo.

As if someone up above had heard your worries and desperate cries, you heard a familiar voice greeting your mom downstairs. Then after a bit of time, your bedroom door opened and revealed your savior, Harumi.

"Thank god you're here!" you sprung up to hug her. She accepted the hug, but at the same time she looked at your clothes. "Wait, you only just woke up!" she backed out of the hug and held your arms. You nodded your head and she sighed.

"Ok, go shower and brush your teeth. I'll pick out an outfit for your date," she told you and pushed you to the direction of the bathroom. "Thank you. I really appreciate you," you said before entering the bathroom. "Yeah, yeah. I know i'm amazing. Now hurry up," she joked and closed the door, so you wouldn't waste anymore time.

You quickly jumped in the shower and showered as fast as you could. You thought this was the fastest you had ever showered in your life. You then quickly hopped out and brushed your teeth.

After everything in the bathroom, you walked back in your room and saw that Harumi sat on your bed with clothes right next to her. She looked up from her phone. "That was really fast, what the fuck?" "Don't ask, man" she questioned.

"I'm speedruning this shit," you told her and she laughed. You blow-dried your hair, while Harumi would yell out 'speedrun' once in a while. After your hair was dry, she tossed all the clothes to you and pushed you in the bathroom. "C'mon, speedrun!" she yelled while she quickly closed the door, so you could have privacy.

You inspected the pieces of clothing and then quickly put them on. It was a simple, yet cute outfit. There was pink, so it matched Kusuo's hair.

again, if you don't like anything about this, feel free to change it <3

You walked out and Harumi squealed out of excitement. "Holy shit. You look amazing!" she complinted you. You smiled widely and a little blush settled on your cheeks. "Thank you," you said and hugged her again.

"Of course," she hugged back and rubbed circles on your back. "Okay, so i'm gonna do your make-up and then you'll be on your way," she backed out of the hug and smiled at you.

She went to grab your make-up and sat you down on your bed. You both talked about anything, while she was doing your make-up. After some time, your heart rate was increasing rapidly. You had gotten all quiet and Harumi noticed.

"What's wrong?" "Freaking out for no reason lol" she asked, as she continued putting on your blush. She was almost done. "I'm just stressing out. I mean it is my first date with Kusuo," you answered and she smiled knowingly.

"I know what you mean. The same thing happened to me when i went on my first date with Mikoto," she put down the blush and looked at your face, inspecting her work. "I did good," she complimented both you and her at the same time.

You laughed and got up to look at yourself in the mirror. You thought you looked really nice. Harumi stood behind you and you could see the proud look on her face. You then checked the time.

"Damn we really did all of this in less than forty minutes?" you asked surprised. "World record, baby!" Harumi yelled out and both of you laughed.

"Ok, now since we have time left, let's go eat," you both walked downstairs and went into the kitchen to get food. You heard someone else walk in. You turned around to see your mom standing there.

"Wow. You look amazing, sweetie," she complimented you and walked up to hug you. "Thanks, mom," you whispered, while hugging her back.

You let go and saw that Harumi was watching with a smile. "Alright, let's eat already," she said and handed you a plate of (f/f). You happily took it, sat down at the table and dug in.

- - -

Time went by quickly and someone had rung the doorbell already. You made eye-contact with Harumi and she smirked, "Go on. Open the door." You nodded, stood up and went to the door. You opened it and saw Kusuo.

It looked like he actually had put in some effort into this. He looked better than usual, if that was possible. He also had a bouquet of your favourite flowers in one hand and a box of chocolate in the other. Simple, but you didn't mind, since this was your first date.

"Hi," you said to him, since he wasn't saying anything. His cheeks got slightly pink, but he didn't try to use his powers to hide it. "Hi," he responded. "You look stunning," he complimented you and handed you the gifts.

Your cheeks got really warm and you accepted the presents. "Thanks. You look handsome too," you said to him, while smiling. He smiled ever so slightly.

Harumi came up behind you and grabbed the presents from your hands. "I'll take these. Now go," she nudged you in Kuduo's direction with a smirk. "Don't eat the chocolate," you said, with a slight glare.

"Can't promise anything. Bye!" she responded and quickly closed the door in your face. You turned around to see Kusuo staring at you intently. "Shall we go?" "Yes please omg omg yes" he asked and you laughed.

"How old are you?" you said jokingly in response to his formal question. "Good grief, shut up," he rolled his eyes and ruffled your hair. You loved that. It made you feel really nice and special.

You both started walking in the direction of the festival. This was going to be a long day and fun day for you. You were too caught up in thinking about everything what was going to happen, that you forgot that Kusuo was next to you.

"Stop daydreaming about what is going to happen, when i'm right here," he said, snapping you back to reality. "Sorry," you smiled akwardly. "It's fine, don't worry about it," he reassured you.

After that there was more silence between both of you. Sometimes your hands would bump in to each other. You would silently freak out every time. Suddenly, you felt something wrap around your pinky.

You looked down and saw that Kusuo had connected his pinky with yours. You then looked up at his face and saw that he was blushing. You smiled and also started blushing. You decided to make the next move.

You fully grabbed his hand in yours. You felt Kusuo stiffen next to you. He definitely wasn't used to all of this. Eventually both of you intertwined your fingers. You started swinging your arm back and forth.

The both of you entered the festival hand in hand. People were all around and because of that, you felt Kusuo's grip on your hand strengthen. It was like he was protecting you and didn't want you to get lost.

People's chatter filled up the atmosphere and there were lights already turning on. People were by themselves, in a group or with a friend. The booths were selling all kinds of things.

Suddenly, you felt Kusuo stop walking beside you. You also stopped and looked at him. He was looking at one of the booths, you followed his gaze and saw that the booth was full of all kinds of sweets.

His eyes were sparkling and you felt your heart flutter seeing him get excited for sweets. You starter walking towards the booth, dragging Kusuo. "Alright, what do you want?" you asked him and saw that he looked a bit confused.

"I'm paying for whatever you pick out," you told him. He was about to protest against it, but you didn't let him. "I'm paying," you insisted. You saw Kusuo think about this.

"Don't worry about it, just pick out what you want," you told him with a smile and you could swear, you saw his eyes sparkle even more. He turned his to the sweets and picked out only one, since he didn't really like the idea of you paying for him.

He had picked out chocolate-covered banana and so did you. You paid the person selling it and walked off with Kusuo. He happily ate it with a smile on his face. Whenever he smiled and showed emotion, you were filled with instant happiness.

While you were walking around hand in hand again, you saw something really familiar. And by something, it was someone's ass. It was Hairo's ass. Kusuo stopped holding your hand and flicked your forehead.

"Stop thinking about someone else's ass," he said, causing you to laugh. "Come on! It's funny that it's possible to recognize someone by their dump truck," you said and saw Kusuo roll his eyes, causing you to laugh even more.

"Good grief," he said and started walking off without you. "Hey, wait up! I was only joking!" you said running up to him. He sighed and put his hand on the top of your head.

He looked down at you and into your eyes. "Why did i agree to this?" "Cause i am smoking hot" he asked and you pouted playfully. "It's cause you like me," you said and he smirked. "True," he held out his hand, which you gladly took and you continued walking together.

Of course what kind of festival would it be without a cliché. You saw a big plushy frog and pointed at it. Your eyes were shining and sparkling. Kusuo knew what you meant and there was no way he was going to say no to you.

He walked up and handed the guy running the game money. Kusuo knew this was rigged and he also was looking for a bit of fun. The guy started the game and Kusuo easily won by using his powers.

Normally, he wouldn't do this, but you had changed him. He also didn't appreciate scammers. The guy handed Kusuo the giant plushy. Kusuo turned around and handed it to you. You took it and hugged him. "Thank you!" you were tightly hugging him.

He wasn't that used to hugs, so he awkwardly wrapped his arms around you. Surprisingly, he was a really good hugger. "The fireworks are gonna start soon. Let's find a nice place to watch them from!" you told Kusuo, as you stepped back.

He nodded and took your hand in his. It was on instinct at this point. He led you to a nice opening. There were some people around, but not too many. He set down a picnic cloth, so you could sit on it.

He sat down and you sat next to him akwardly. This didn't feel too right, so you decided to make the next move. You stood up and sat between his legs resting the back of your head in the crook of his neck.

Even though he could read your mind, he was still definitely surprised. He went to put his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him. Your heart rate was going through the roof and your cheeks were definitely really hot.

People then started the countdown for the fireworks. After '1' the first one went up into the sky. You followed it's path and then it exploded into one big circle of colour. The other fireworks also started going up.

The sky was soon a pallette of multiple colours. It was loud but you didn't really mind that much. You went to hold Kusuo's hands that were locked together in front of you. He responded by intertwining your fingers.

Once in a while he rubbed a circle on your hand with his thumb, comforting you. The warmth that came from him was enough to make you feel really warm.

Your (e/c) eyes reflected the multiple colours of the fireworks. The sound of them somehow got quieter and quieter. It was as if you and Kusuo were the only ones in the world.

He placed a soft kiss on the top of your head and whispered, "I love you." Hearing those words set off fireworks of your own in your stomach. You knew that he had problems accepting his feeling for you, but those words reassured you. You knew that he really meant it. Also the fact that he actually said it using his mouth and not powers only made it even better.

"I love you too," you whispered back to him. You were sure that he heard it, but if not, you made it clear that you did by screaming it in your thoughts multiple times. He held you even tighter and you understood it as he heard you.

Being in the comfort of his arms felt right. It was were you belonged. It was now your favourite place in the world. Nothing would top him. He made you so happy and safe.

You loved him and he loved you.


- - -


okay, all jokes aside. thank you for reading this, thank you for voting, thank you for commenting. i never thought i would get this far with the story. i started it as a small hobby because i was bored

but this is NOT the whole end of the story. there will be a chapter with an alternative ending for all of the Harumi simps

i will also try to write a christmas special. keyword: TRY. if not a christmas special, then there will be definitely a wedding chapter or a chapter where you and saiki are already married and maybe have kids ;)

im genuinely happy to see all the support from everyone. it makes me happy to see that people really like and enjoy my story.

this was it. thank you for reading Almost Average <3
i love all of you, remember to eat, stay hydrated and take care of yourself. you are important and loved <33

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