Best Gift Ever!!!!!(A Tribute...

By stormspryzen1415

885 29 20

Hey hey hey y'all!Guess who's BDay was yesterday?The 1 & only,Shu Kurenai!Trust me,I totally went over the bo... More

Chapter 1|The Encounter
Chapter 2|My Close Friend's Close Friend's Crush
Chapter 3|Shu's Crush
Chapter 4|Why Me?
Chapter 5|Nice Surprise
Chapter 6|Shu VS Lui Part I
Chapter 8|Shu VS Lui Part III
Chapter 9|LUI SHIROSAGI In MY House
Chapter 10|Shark VS Cat
Chapter 11|The 'Love Triangle'
Announcement:This Author Is NOT Dead
Gratitude & Continuation

Chapter 7|Shu VS Lui Part II

47 2 0
By stormspryzen1415

(The reviews that I used to write after every chapter stops here.It's just too much work and I don't have that much time nor patience sorry.So please do read it,and comment,share and enjoy!!!And sorry for the late update).

I put the wet cloth on Shu's forehead.His forehead is so hot.I'm an embarrassment for a girlfriend.And without realizing it,I began crying.

While my tears were falling on Shu's cheeks unknowingly,he began to slowly  open his eyes.I almost had forgotten that he was unconscious.I wiped my tears away and looked at his half-opened eyes,which had difficulty to look because of the sunlight pouring into my room through the windows.

'(Y/N),why're you crying?' he asked me.He sounded so worried.He cares so much about me.

'Huh?Nothing!Uhh....Are you feeling OK now?' I asked back,trying to change the subject.I really hoped that would work,but only became disappointed in return.

'I'm feeling fine now.Though,why were you crying?' he again asked.Yup,he's not going to leave this out.

'Where was I crying?'

'(Y/N),I know you were crying,as the tears' trail is still there.So please tell me why were you crying.'

'No I wasn't!Why are you still not believing me?'

'Because you're really bad at lying,' he said.Am I??

'I was just thinking how pathetic of a joke I am for your girlfriend,and without knowing,I began crying.'

'Why would you think that?You're perfect to be my girlfriend.'

'You were sick,and I didn't even notice it!How do you call me perfect!' I cried.I mean literally cried.The tears flowed like a stream out of eyes on their own.

'Hey!I for once myself didn't know I was sick!And just because you didn't know about my sickness,doesn't make you a pathetic girlfriend.So stop whining about it!' he sighed after finishing his 'explanation'.

'You know what?It's best if you break up with me.It'll save you from my repeated whinings-' I couldn't finish my 'whining story' when he suddenly put his hand behind my head and pulled me towatds him and kissed me deeply.My eyes widened by this......Action of his.Well,I also gave in to the kiss,and parted my lips for his tongue to enter.

His tongue swirled around mine and began that frenzied dance again.I,naturally,moaned into his mouth.He pulled away when both of us were out breath.

'(Y/N),' he breathed,'I can't comprehend the amount of love that I have for you.The ways that I want to confess my love for you.......Aren't physically appropriate for you yet.But believe me when I say this,if you ever again say that you're not the right girl for me,I swear I'll kill you and then kill myself so that we both can be together even in death,' he finished saying between faltered breaths.That......just left a deep mark on my heart.

'Shu.......OK.Now,rest.We'll talk about Lui and his sudden challenge later,' I said and was about to get up from his side that he pulled my wrist and forced me to sit beside him.

'Lui......He challenged me?'

'Yes,well that's what Anami said in the news.'

'Really?I didn't know.'

'Then they can't finalise the match,right??' I asked him with concern.

'That's right.But......I think Lui already knows that I'll accept it,so it doesn't matter.I think the WBBA will overlook my consent and hold this match.And,I also don't really mind.I'm ready.'

'Does that mean that I'll get to meet the all-esteemed Lui Shirosagi??' I asked.I guess Shu noticed the stars twinkling in my eyes.

'Do you have a crush on Lui now?' he asked the question almost laughing.Great!He took it as a joke.

'Hehe of course not.I'm just too excited to meet famous bladers is all.'

'You know,I think Lui might actually find you interesting.'

'What do you mean by that?' I asked him in total confusion.

'What I mean is,he likes bladers who're up to his level of strength.So,he might be flattered by your amount of ambition.'

'Why should he be interested in me?'

'Like I said,he might find your ambition kicking.'

'Mmmm I don't think he will........And I don't care either.'

'I thought you'll be happy thinking that a legend might find you interesting.'

'I already have a legend who finds me interesting..........' I said looking away,blushing.I think I just saw Shu smile.Cute.

'Don't try to sugarcoat me.Trust me,you won't like the results so much.'


'OK OK.Now tell me,where can I find a beystadium here?'

'Oh,there's only one here,and that's in the park near my house.But,I won't let you go now.You need rest.You have a fever.'

'Listen (Y/N),I know you care about me.And I also appreciate that.But I need to practise if I want to defeat Lui.'

'I know but......' I said.Shu then cupped my face.

'My dear darling (Y/N)......I know how much you love me,and how much you care for me.But you need to understand that if I don't practise,then I'll become 'rusty'.You don't want me to become 'rusty',do you?' he timidly explained and asked.Honestly,I backed away from him as soon as he finished the last sentence.He looked at,shocked obviously,but he spoke in such a seductive way that I got turned on,and if I hadn't backed away from him,I probably would have pounced on him.

'What?' he asked confused.

'No-Nothing,' I said looking down,embarrassed.

'Sooo can we go to the stadium NOW?' he asked.

'Ye-Yeah,' I stuttered.I think Shu did that because he knew if he did something to fluster me,I'd allow him to go.And.........he was right.

*Time ship to when we reach the park*

As the distance from my house to the park isn't that much,we took about......2-3 minutes to reach there by Shu's car.Yeah,you can park cars in the park.So chill.

Surprisingly,not that many people were there at the park at that time.People usually gather here to gossip or play.Today,the park felt.............Silent.Did everyone think about going on vacation today?

'Something wrong?' Shu asked,which caused me to snap out of my thoughts.

'The park's just more silent than usual today,' I explained.

'Why,should it be crowdy right now?' 


'Hm,then it's good for us.We get the stadium all to ourselves with no distractions watsoever.'

'Well even if people were here,we would've had the stadium all to ourselves.People don't like beyblade so much.'

'Oh,I see.Well,enough chitchat.Let's get to practise.'

'That's something you can do,not me.I don't have a bey,remember?'

'Right.........Well,after this battle with Lui,you're coming to New York with me,so you can make a bey for yourself.'

'Really?!I can?!!'

'Of course.You can't be a blader without a bey now can you?'

'Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank youuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!'

'OK OK now let's practise.Even if you can't practise with me,you can watch me and learn or ask questions.That'll help you later.'

'OK thank you!'

'Yeah now let's get to it.We're getting late.'


And we began practising.Like Shu said,I saw him practising and asked him questions on the parts I didn't understand.It really did help me a lot.Thanks a bunch Shu.I owe you.

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