Supermarket is a Cupid [On Hi...

By piana_staric

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"Don't you talk to me like that. Do you have any idea who I am?" "Oh yeah, you must be the prince of jerks be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 23

116 18 91
By piana_staric

Sorry for the long chapter.

"Why are schools in the morning." Laura whined while dragging her feet.

"Yeah, explain to me what makes them believe I would like to wake up that too at 7 in the morning to study." I replied.

Bree hummed in response as we three walk to school.

"Guys if Voldemort is a dark lord why is he pale?" Bree questioned looking confused.

"Oh my God bree you can't just ask people why they are pale." Laura gasped quoting mean girls.

I chuckled because I know what was coming now. It is like an unspoken rule between us if one of us ask or say a weird thing the other two start too.

"Okay but tell me one thing why does Jesus spelled backwards sound like sausage?" I asked and they both went in deep thoughts probably trying to spell Jesus backwards in their mind.

"No, no she got a point." Bree exclaimed.

"Whoever snuck the s in 'fast food' was a clever person." Laura said earning ooh's.

"Well girls rest your genius brains we are entering in dumb people territory." Laura said as we walk inside the school and pass Natalie and her posse. I snickered at what Laura said earning a glaring from Natalie.

"What are you laughing about hobo, your pathetic clothes?" Natalie giggled.

"Yeah says you." I muttered rolling my eyes.

"Please I am a doll." She smirked flipping her hairs. From the corner of my eye, I could see Laura and Bree rolling their eyes.

"Yeah but so was Chucky." I retorted.

"Bitch what did you just call me?" She gasped.

"Don't be ashamed of who you are. That's your parent's job." I replied.

"Nat, let's go she is not that important. We should be talking to that new handsome guy." One of the girls behind her said.

"I will deal with you later." She gritted.

"Woah, almost gave a shit." I said putting my hand on my chest and she stomped away mumbling, "bitch". I feel a little guilty for calling her names and being mean.

Nah she deserves it. If not for you than for all other people she is mean to.

"Forget about her. It is not her fault she was born without a brain." Laura said patting my back. She is a bit salty after I told her about my yesterday's encounter with Natalie.

"Anyways, are you two done with the five sheet essay due tomorrow?" Bree asked changing the topic as we walk towards our locker.

"I am almost done. Just had to go through it once to check of everything is prop-" I stopped talking as I saw the person standing near my locker.

"Sweet baby Jesus am I imagining things or is it real." I gasped and then squeaked.

"Get out of my way!" I shouted at the boy who won't move and then I ran, dodging people in the hallway.

I screamed before jumping up and launching into his arms. I wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist. He caught me effortlessly as I cling to him like a monkey.

"Oh God I cannot believe this. I missed you, I missed you so much. Please tell me this is real. Never stay away from me ever again or I will kill you." I said sobbing into his shoulder.

"Hey, hey I am here now Ny, stop crying. You know I hate it when you cry." He said softly rubbing my hairs.

"I love you Jer." I mumbled into his neck.

"I know, I love me too." He chuckled.

"Jeremy Wade Adams." I groaned.

"Sorry. I love you more Ny." Jeremy said kissing my head.

"Excuse me. You know her?" An annoying voice burst my bubble. "Yes babe" Jeremy replied with a cheeky grin.

I climbed down from Jer and turned around to look at pissed Natalie and her shocked sidekicks. I have no idea how I didn't notice them before.

"Hi buddy, long time no see." I said smiling sweetly at her. She whined like a 5-year-old and sashay away.

"Damn those legs." Jeremy said looking at her.

"That's what I said." I nodded remembering the first time I saw her.

Before he could say something I bombarded him with questions, "WAIT. What is going on? What are you doing here? When did you come here? What is happening? Is everyone okay? Did something bad happened?"

"Calm down. Everyone is okay. I will tell you everything later." He said giving me a look which I know very well. It is something that cannot be said in public. Something related to 'that'.

"Heyy Jeremy. Oh, it has been such a long time." Laura said and hugged him followed by Bree. I smiled at them. My heart warming up now that I have Jeremy near me. He always has this effect on me.

I was brought out of my thought by a loud bang of locker closing. I look towards the source of sound to see Jake swinging his bag on his shoulder and walking past people who parted to give him space. George looked at me for a second before following the fuming Jake.

"So why did you suddenly decided to come here?" Bree asked Jeremy.

"Well I missed my Ny-Ny way too much. I could not stay away so I hop on the flight and here I am." He said putting his hand on my shoulder. I just rolled my eyes because one that is a ridiculous nickname and two I am sure he came here for reason that has something to do with 'that'.

The bell rang and everyone rushed to there class.

"Nyla you go show Jeremy his class, I will tell Mr Hoffman you will be a little late." Laura said and I nodded.

I took Jeremy's schedule from him and see what class he had been assigned and then walked him there. I saw the hallway is empty so I whisper shouted, "JER WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? WHY ARE YOU HERE?"

"God when will you stop swearing so much." He grimaced at me.

"You know I swear when I am angry or worried. Now, don't change the topic tell me." I said with a serious face.

"This place is not at all safe right now. Those people are here. Lot of them." His usually laidback composure changed to a serious one.

"Shit, how bad is it?" I question. But before he could reply we reached the class. the classroom door opened and Jake came out.

"Jake you better go straight to principal and not wander around." The teacher from inside shouted but he just rolled his eyes and pushed past Jeremy and me.

"And who must you be?" The teacher asked looking at us. Jeremy nodded at me signalling I should go and he walked inside the classroom shutting the door behind him.

The rest of the day was mostly uneventful until lunch where there was an awkward tension on the table as Jeremy sat with us and both George and Jake didn't talk to anyone.


I sighed while walking towards the small spare room where I will be meeting the science club.

"Just one more hour then I can finally go home." I muttered to myself. I walked in to see there are only three people inside. I smiled at the two people in the back and was going to go sit with them. While on the way I passed Jake.

"Why such a long face?" I asked with a smile. He waved me off ; usually I would have shrugged and walked away but I don't know what got to me I took a seat beside him.

"You okay Jakey boy?" I asked him holding back my laugh. I picked up on this nickname when George once called Jake that.

"Don't you have anything else to do than irritate me." He said frowning at me.

"Oh come on don't be such a spoilsport. Tell me why you are sad Jerkface?" I urged him. He just rolled his eyes at me, which I find weird because he didn't argue back. I kept on poking him until he spoke as I know he is genuinely sad right now.

"God, you are so persistent. You won't stop unless I tell you, now would you?" He exclaimed and I grinned at him cheekily which resulted in him chuckling a bit.

"Well firstly I am a little tensed because tomorrow is our first match for the main season. We have been practising a lot but this will be my last game as a school quarterback. We have to make it to the finals because there will be alumni and many administrative people of good universities at the finals, even from ivy schools. And they can give me a full ride to college based on how I play. I just I-I can't afford to do anything wrong. " He explained with a worried expression on his face.

"Hey, listen I have never seen you play but I have heard a lot about how good of a player you are. You are going to smash it mate. Also, you don't need to worry so much about the scholarship. I mean even if you don't get a full-ride you can still go, I don't think that is much of a problem, you got money." I said.

He frowned muttering, "no I don't." Then his expression turned from one confused to anger. He shut his eyes closed.

Bruh, you fucked up.

Don't blame me for saying that, he got a freaking buggati to drive to school. His dad owns a big multinational company. What else am I supposed to think?

"I am so sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean to, just wanted to cheer you up. But as you just saw I am wack at it." I justified and he sighed.

"Don't worry just loosen up. Although I hate you I am sure you will win this. Just don't be sad because sad backwards is das and das not good." I said with a straight face and he chuckled making me grin.

"That isn't the only thing. There is this girl I want to get it on with, and I kind of have mistreated her in the past. But I think she likes this other boy." He said looking straight at me.

"If I haven't mentioned it before, it's Natalie I am talking about." He said clearing his throat and leaning back in his chair.

"Hmmm, nice I like this. I don't like you and I don't like her, you two are perfect for each other." I said.

"Jeez you got it wrong. I don't want to get in a relationship with her, just a hookup. And don't call me a pig we all know even if I want to take this forward, she don't do commitments. " He said.

"I don't blame you. If I was a dude I would totally be on her. She is a bitch but she is a beautiful bitch." I remarked.

"Okay, why don't we start by focusing on your pickup lines. You want a girl's attention a nice pick up line can do it." I said and he raised his eyebrows at me.

"I am trying to help you, be grateful. Now, hit me with your best pickup line." I ordered.

"Do you like star wars. Cause Yoda one for me." He smirked.

"Good one. But not everyone will get the reference, so try something else." I said.

"Yeah, because you know everything about pickup lines." He mocked.

"Don't challenge me." I warned and he gives me a bored expression.

"Babe please I know too many good one's than you could ever." I said giving him a pointed look and he smirked saying, "show me then."

"Do you smoke? Cause weed be good together." I said.

"Is your mom a chicken? Cause you are eggcellent." He said giving me a wink.

"That was so ridiculous. Listen to this: Can you pass me an inhaler cause you just took my breath away." We went on back and forth saying cheesy, cringy and some good pick up lines.

"I am not a photographer but I can picture us together. " He smirked.

"And I can picture you in jail." I retorted.

"Did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine? Cause you are a snack."

"Good one but now watch me end this with the best line ever." I said knowing very well that the one which I am going to say is infact the best one I have ever heard.

"Let's play titanic. You be iceberg and I will go down." I have a pleased expression on my face seeing his jaw drop. Before he could say anything we were interrupted by someone.

"Guys if you are done can we start."


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