Superheroes [AU] 5SOS

Oleh PanicCliffordx

17.4K 477 424

What if... What if you were flying, but without wings to carry you? What if you communicated with words, with... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 15

527 13 10
Oleh PanicCliffordx

Of course something like that caused the crowd to talk loudly again, leaving the headmaster with an annoyed look as he seemed to sigh.

"CAN YOU ALL JUST LISTEN FOR A MOMENT?" The headmaster shouted, causing the crowd to become silent again. "Thank you. Again. You can talk once you've been divided into groups, yes?"

He looked as if he expected people to talk again, but luckily for him everyone stayed silent. "Great. Okay. So..." And with that he started to name groups, by year, which meant I was in the same group as Maya. Yade was in the same year as Luke and Harry apparently, as she was a year older than me, and the three left over, Calum, Michael and Ashton, were in the same year as well, so they were in one group too.

"Okay, every group go to your assigned classroom, that's where a teacher will give you information and will give you your training schedule, which might not be the same as your fellow classmates, since we've tried to base it on your powers." At that I bit my lip, trying to think of which group I would be divided into.

"Now, hurry up and start training." The headmaster ended, getting off the table again as the crowd started to talk and push.

"Alaya!" Ashton made his way to me, as he had previously been standing with the boys a little further from me. "We'll see each other in the first break we get yeah? If we don't have any training together."

I nodded and gave him a quick hug, as he made his way to Michael and Calum, who had been waiting for him. They both waved at me, which I returned, before they made their way from the gym hall.

"Maya, come on. Let's go." I told her, as she had appeared next to me. I said goodbye to Yade and then quickly made my way from the gym hall with Maya next to me.

We followed the crowd for a bit, before we had to turn right and go into the first classroom to the left. It was extremely full, people sitting on the chairs, tables and standing next to them. We found a place to stand near the window and waited for everyone to get into the room.

"Welcome everyone. The headmaster already told you about the attack we've been threatened with, so that's not what I'm gonna tell you all about, but the main thing is your training. I have schedules for everyone, so if I say your name, please come forward and take your schedule, then go to the place where you need to be according to it, yes?" A lot of people nodded or said something like "yes" or "okay".

The teacher began to read the names, which were sorted in alphabetical order, by last name. I was the only one left in the room after a while, as the teacher looked at me with a pitiful expression. "I'm sorry Alaya, we decided you just have to help with the defence since-"

"I got them." I interrupted her. My first time ever to interrupt a teacher. Go me.

"What do you mean?"

"They... It's... I'm not sure how it happened, but they appeared. I trained this break and it's really working out." She looked at me with her eyes a bit widened, a smile slowly appearing. "Really? That's great news!"

"What's great news?" The headmaster asked, coming in.

"Alaya found her powers and worked on them this break." She told him happily, as I awkwardly stood there.

"Well, that's great. Make her a schedule and get on with the work. I came to check up on the class to see if anyone's called in sick and I see you already got the rest to work." The headmaster told her, nodding his head in approval, before walking towards the desk. The teacher pulled out a small note and read it quickly. "Only two. Josepher King and Victoria Campbell." She told him, causing me to raise my eyebrows at that. Now I did think of it, I hadn't seen her. But I guess she just didn't want to face Ashton. I mean, I already had a hard time acting normally around Luke, like, without thinking too much, so I guess she just had her reasons that way...

"Alright." The headmaster said, before giving me some sort of nod as most likely a goodbye, before he left again.

"Well, let's get you your schedule then..." The teacher mumbled, getting out a paper and putting a left over schedule, probably of Josepher or Victoria, next to it. "Hm... I do wonder in which training group I should put you..."

"Do you know in which group Yade might be?" I didn't know if she knew who I meant, but I didn't know Yade's last name, so I couldn't be any more specific than that.

"Hm, yes. Why?" I was a bit surprised she knew who I was talking about, but then I realized Yade worked for school in the breaks, so maybe they had been introduced for some purpose.

"Could I like, maybe, be in the same group? She's helped me a lot this break and can probably still help me now." The teacher looked up at me for a moment, before nodding and quickly scribbling down some things.

"Alright. This is your schedule, it's noon right now so you'll have lunch in about half an hour, but you can still go to the training for a bit, yeah?" I nodded and accepted the schedule, looking at it briefly, before thanking her and making my way to the gym hall, were we were supposed to have the training.

As I got there, I looked around to see if there was anyone besides Yade, though I also looked for Yade, and soon found Yade and Ashton, talking to each other. They didn't seem all too happy, especially Yade, who was making pretty wild gestures with her hands. I ran towards them, overhearing the last bit of the conversation.

"You hit like a girl! Just hit me hard!" I was a bit confused by this, but Yade seemed serious.

"Eh, hi guys?" They both turned to me, Ashton immediately smiling, though it was only half a smile, and Yade just huffing. I bit my lip, not sure what to say, luckily, Yade did, "Anyway. Why are you here? Or, why weren't you here earlier? Or... Ugh, just... Hi?" I chuckled, shaking my head as I felt the tension from earlier disappear.

"At first I didn't have a schedule, because they didn't exactly know about my powers, you know? So I told the teacher about me sort of controlling them and I asked to be placed in the same group as you, since you can help me pretty well." She nodded as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Good. Now I can train with you instead of this goofball."

"Hey!" Yade just rolled her eyes and looked at me as if she was expecting me to say something.

"Uh, well, why were you guys training with each other, if you obviously don't really like each other? Wait, are the others here too?"

"No, they're not. But we'll see them at lunch." Ashton told me, before Yade continued, "If I had had a choice, I wouldn't be training with him, but we got assigned to each other."

"Alright... So eh, how about you guys explain to me what exactly we need to do?"

It took them all the time we had left until lunch to explain me all the teacher in charge of the training had told them, so by the time they finished, we all left the gym hall and went to the cafeteria, soon finding our usual table after grabbing something to eat.

"It sucks we don't have anything together!" Maya told me as soon as I had sat down.

"How do you know we don't have anything together?" I asked her, knowing we hadn't even compared our schedules yet, though I was fairly certain there wasn't much more to do than training and eating. Oh, and sleeping.

"I don't know, but you weren't at the training I had." She said with a shrug, pulling out her schedule and placing it on the table, then taking a bite of her sandwich. We compared our schedules and found out we only had things together everyone had together, which meant the time we either slept or ate. It was that way with anyone on our table. Luckily, a lot of people had at least someone they were with, except for Luke, who complained about that.

"But... Isn't Harry in your group then?"

"No, he's in mine." Maya told Calum, who then nodded, before proceeding to eat.

"Then... Wait, how many groups are there?"

"I think at least four, since none of us are with Luke, which already makes one, Maya is with Harry, so that's two and I'm with Calum, which makes three... Are you guys in different groups or together?" Michael turned to his left, where Ashton, Yade and I were sitting.

"We're in the same group." Ashton said, to which Michael nodded. "Okay, that makes four so far."

"This still doesn't answer why I'm alone." Luke said to Michael, raising his eyebrows.

"Hm... Maybe because your powers are just... Different? Or maybe they think you're just better or worse than us with them." Calum said, shrugging, then continuing on his lunch again.

"But wait, Alaya has powers similar to him right? Why isn't she with him then?"

"I asked for Yade's group. They didn't give a schedule at first, because they didn't even know, but I told them and stuff and... Yeah, you know." I said, waving it off and returning to my food, suddenly feeling really awkward now Luke's eyes were on me.

"Alright." Everyone dropped the subject of groups after that and started talking about global warming. It was probably because someone started about Polar bears, which lead to Maya randomly telling about this protest for global warming. It seemed to be a big deal, but I didn't quite follow it as I was too busy feeling awkward.

It was surprising that I caught Luke looking at me a few times, but it was more as if he just seemed to think of who I was and what the hell I was doing there than anything else.

"Ugh, I wish lunch would take forever." Maya pouted, giving me a huge hug before saying her goodbye's to everyone and taking off. Everyone else, who wasn't in our group, also said their goodbye's and went separate ways, leaving me with Yade and Ashton.

"We had to go outside, right?" Ashton asked us and I nodded as response. We made our way to the large field outside in silence, taking a place on the side of the field where a few students and a teacher were already standing.

"Why do you think we have to go outside?" I wondered out loud, looking around to see if there was anything on or near the field that we could see as a training object.

"I think there isn't enough place in the gym hall or school itself for training there, so they probably moved a bit outside. Enough room here anyway." Yade said and I had to agree with her. We had a football field, a soccer field and a track with a grass field in the middle for practice of a lot of things. It really was huge and we barely used it all. We had a football and a soccer team, but it wasn't like we really did a lot, since a lot of people didn't want our teams to participate in championships, because we had powers and all.

"Everyone, attention here. Thank you." The teacher started. He was a middle aged man and usually coached the soccer team. He was quite the nice guy.

"We will all start with running a few laps, then we'll stretch some muscles and then you'll go and practice your own defence, but in small groups."

Everyone nodded or mumbled some sort of agreement, before the teacher sent us off to run. It was quite annoying, but during the time we had already had on this school, we had built up a little stamina, so we all ran the few laps we had to and then continued on stretching the muscles. They were quite easy, yet still tiring exercises and soon everyone was sitting on the floor, facing the teacher, who was counting how many people there were, probably to see how many people he would put in a group.

"Okay, from left to right. The first four, get up and go find a spot. This will continue until the last three." Every time four people would get up and go to some spot somewhere, though I looked at Yade and Ashton, who were probably thinking the same as me judging by their faces.

"Let's go ask." Yade mumbled, getting up and beckoning us to follow. The teacher, who had been watching to see if everything went alright, looked at us a little like he didn't like us disobeying, which he probably didn't.

"Can we maybe be the group of three? I'd rather stay with her and train, like we did this break and-"

"It's fine, just hurry up and get training." The teacher interrupted her, turning to look at the rest of the group again. I just shrugged at the others, before we walked to some random spot to start our training.

"Okay, we have to work on our defence, so I'd say, one of us attacks the other or two attack the other and that one tries to defend him or herself." Yade started, immediately taking the lead. Ashton and I both nodded, as it sounded quite logical and it was something that of course could help us with our defence.

"Alright then, let's get started."


"Stop." Yade looked a bit angry, though she was mostly looking at Ashton.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, since she had been doing pretty well trying to defend herself as Ashton and I 'attacked' her.

"He is the problem." She said, pointing shortly to Ashton. "He's still hitting me like a girl!"

"I do not!" Ashton shot back, crossing his arms as he glared at her. Yade just glared back and I'm sure if I hadn't been there, they would have continued to glare at each other until the teacher would have noticed and told them to go back to training. Unfortunately, it was just me and them...


"I just don't get why you have to be so mean to me all the time!" Ashton suddenly started, throwing his hands in the air.

"Because you're so annoyingly stupid! Why can't you just be normal?" Yade shot back.

"I am normal! You make a problem out of everything!"

"Eh, g-"

"I do not! If you'd just-"

"GUYS." I shouted, finally getting their attention. "Now I know how the headmaster must feel..." I mumbled, before looking at the two teenagers in front of me, who had their arms crossed in front of their chests again. "Could you two just please get along and not be so damn annoying so we can just train normally and be prepared for this attack?"

Ashton's expression changed from mad and annoyed to guilty immediately, though Yade's stayed the same.

"I'm sorry." He told me, giving me a quick hug. I let out a sigh at that, happy that at least one of them knew how to change a mood positively, as Yade continued to seem mad.

"Yade?" Her face changed a bit, showing she was seriously debating this, but soon enough she sighed heavily and rubbed her face. "Fine. Just please, hit."

"I'll try." Ashton said, to which she nodded, positioning herself again so we could continue with what we had been doing.

It continued like that for a while and luckily Yade didn't stop us anymore as I noticed Ashton was now more 'into it' and really trying to hit her like he'd hit an enemy. I get he wanted to hold back a bit, but if he hadn't in the first place, maybe he and Yade would get a long a bit better. Or maybe not. I still didn't get what their problem was.

"See, you can hit better than a girl." Yade told Ashton, once the teacher had told us it was almost dinnertime and the people who had to help prepare it were supposed to go.

Ashton simply nodded, as I pulled out my schedule, not sure whether I had to help with dinner today. I found out I only had to help with dinner the next day and also found out I had that with Yade, as Ashton had to help prepare it now.

After he was gone, Yade and I continued for a bit, mostly going through some techniques, till dinner time.

As we were walking towards the building again, I couldn't help myself as I asked her a question. "So, why do you hate Ashton so much?"

"What? I don't hate him." She said, shaking her head a bit as we continued to walk.

"Well, you're always so mean. There has to be a reason for that." She stayed silent for a bit, looking down and biting her lip. "It's just... I don't really know. I always have this feeling to just say these things. It's weird and I know it's mean..."

"Then why do you do it? Or say it?" She shrugged and put her hands in her pockets, kicking away a rock.

"Okay... Well, maybe you could apologize sometime? I bet Ashton would like that very much and it makes you seem a bit nicer, you know?" She only nodded, as we reached the building and made our way to the cafeteria.

It was quite crowded already, but the boys and Maya had saved us a spot at our usual table already.

"Hi guys." Maya greeted us, once we had sat down with some food.

"Hi." I greeted back, starting on my dinner right after, since the training had made me really hungry.

"So eh, Ashton, could I like, talk to you later?" Yade suddenly said, a little soft, but understandable for anyone near, which happened to be Ashton, Michael and me, since Michael sat opposite me and Ashton opposite Yade. Anyway, Ashton nodded, giving me a weird look before continuing with his food.

The rest of dinner went by pretty quick, us talking about random things that came into our minds and all. After everyone was done, we had some spare time, which a lot of people used to either shower or just roam the school with others. In my case, I just stayed at the table as Ashton and Yade had wandered off to 'talk'.

"So, Lays, how did everything go today?"

"Eh, it's okay. Beside the fact that Yade and Ashton bicker about anything." I told Michael, who nodded.

"Just like you and Luke." I glanced Luke's way for a moment, but he seemed to be into a conversation with Maya and Harry, before I shook my head.

"We were never that horrible."

"Is it that bad?"

"You were there once." I pointed out, to which he nodded. "True, but I thought that was just a thing that happened then, not every time."

"It does and it's extremely annoying."

"Hm. So, then why are they talking now?" He tilted his head to the side a bit, now almost resembling a puppy. Though puppy's don't dye their hair black with red.

"Because I told Yade she had to stop being so mean and apologize for once. I think she's doing that right now." I told him. "Or well, that's what I hope she's doing."

"She better does." He said with a nod, picking up his phone and turning it around in his hands.

"I'm back!" Calum told us happily, as he plopped down between Michael and Luke.

"Where did you go off to anyway?" I asked, not remembering him telling us where he went and not even remembering him leaving... My memory is horrible...

"Eh, the toilets?" He tried, not really sounding convincing.

"There's this girl in our group and I think soon enough we'll have sappy romantic stories about their dates." Michael told me.

"Really? Tell me!" Calum seemed to blush a bit as he grinned sheepishly.

"Eh, she's really nice." He said, looking behind him as if he wanted to avoid this questioning.

"Come on Calum, what does she look like?" I asked, leaning my head on my hands as my elbows rested on the table.

"Eh..." He looked down at the table for a moment, before looking up at me again and letting out a sigh I took as him giving in. "She has dark blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes."

"Really now?" He nodded as the sheepish grin returned. "Her name's Katie."

"Awe! This is so cute!" This made Calum blush again, but soon enough we were interrupted as Yade stomped back to our table and forcefully sat down next to me.

"Eh, hi?"

"Why can't he just take the damn apology and leave me alone?" She exclaimed frustrated, throwing her hands in the air before crossing them in front of her chest again.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows, confused since she didn't tell the whole story yet.

"Your brother! No wait, you guys weren't related... But seriously?! Why does he have to make this so hard?" She shouted, looking at me angrily.

"What happened?"

"It doesn't matter anyway, I left him alone so I hope he will leave me alone too."

"What did you say to him?" I asked, trying to get some sense out of this.

"I apologized! But after he made such a big thing of it, I told him to just fuck off and-" I didn't listen to the rest of what she said, as this just drove me crazy. Since Yade couldn't, and probably wouldn't if she could, tell me why he hadn't just accepted her apology and talk it out, I had to go and look for Ashton himself...

*A/N: That moment someone comes into the story and I'm like; will she know? (You know who you are ^^ (or not...)) So yeah, more Yashton drama. These two...

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