Captain Swan - Set My Soul On...

بواسطة Hookedonapirate

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What happens when the high school principal's son falls in love with the pastor's daughter? Hiding a relation... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 11

560 14 7
بواسطة Hookedonapirate

Emma lets out a laden breath as she ties the apron around her waist, getting ready for her shift at Granny’s. Knowing soon she won’t be able to reach behind to tie her own apron because she’ll be too pregnant, kind of depresses her. She’s only in her second trimester, but she already feels like a beached whale, regardless of how small she appears to other people. She can’t wait to have this little bean, and not just because she feels miserable, but because she can’t wait to hold and cradle and sing her baby lullabies.

Scanning the diner, she notices her friends are sitting at their usual table, except for Ruby, since she’s scheduled to work tonight. Though being on the clock hasn’t ever stopped her from sitting with her friends before. 

Emma wasn’t even supposed to work tonight because it’s Wednesday, which means she was supposed to go to youth group, but she decided she needed the extra money instead, so she picked up a few extra shifts.

Her heart is heavy as she makes her way over to the table, grabbing her notepad and pulling out a pen from her apron pocket. “Hey, guys,” she greets with a friendly smile. “The usual, today?”

Will nods. “Burger with fries and my regular milkshake.”

“As always,” she teases, scribbling down his order. 

Robin has his arm around Regina’s shoulders, and as usual, Emma is envious of them and their relationship. As usual, she has to desperately refrain from asking them how Killian is. She so badly wants to ask, but chews on her tongue when she feels the urge.

She misses the times when Killian would come in with them, or when he just came to visit Emma during her shift. She misses escaping to the restroom to make out with him. She misses how flushed he made her, how breathless she felt afterward. 

She misses him.  

She misses them.

Walking away from Killian was the biggest mistake she’s ever made. She can’t stop thinking about him, can’t stop wondering whether being with him would’ve worked out because not being with him is definitely not working out. Not being with him freaking sucks. 

“How’s the little bean?” Robin asks after Emma takes their orders.

She places her free hand on her pregnant belly and laughs when she feels the familiar light flutter inside, something akin to butterflies. “Right now, kicking me.” 

“Does it hurt?” Will asks, his features etched with concern.

She shakes her head. “No, it just feels like the little one’s knocking on my insides, but it’s gentle, like a tap.”

“When do you find out the gender?” Regina asks curiously. 

“During my next appointment on Friday.”

“What do you think you’re having?”

Emma shrugs and laughs at all the questions, but she should be used to them by now. Everyone’s always inquiring about the baby—people from church, school, work, pretty much everyone who knows she’s pregnant. “Not sure, but my mom thinks I’m having a girl because of my morning sickness. When she was pregnant with me, she was sick during her entire pregnancy, and when she had Leo, her morning sickness was pretty mild.”

“Ha! Told you it would be a lass!” Will shouts, pointing at Regina.

Emma furrows her brows in confusion. “I just said I don’t know for sure yet. That’s only my mother’s theory.”

Robin shakes his head. “Don’t mind him. He’s just excited to find out the gender because we all put twenty bucks in the pot.”

Emma arches a brow. “You bet on the gender of my baby?”

Robin nods. “Aye. Ruby and I say it’s a lad and Gina says it’s a lass.”

“Wait, Ruby’s in on it, too? I see her every day and she never said anything.”

“She didn’t want to mention it because she thought it would piss you off,” Regina explains.

“Well, I should be pissed considering you’re making money off my baby,” Emma laughs. “But I guess it’s better than betting on something like whether Killian and I are getting back together or not.”

The table grows silent and Emma wishes she wouldn’t have said that because it obviously made her friends feel uncomfortable. She knows they hate being in the middle of her and Killian. Even though they were friends with him much longer than they were with Emma, they’ve been very loyal to her and don’t wish to choose between them or take sides.

“Sorry,” Emma mumbles, tucking the notepad and pen back into her apron pocket.

“Don’t be.” Robin waves off her apology. “I think I can speak for everyone here… even Will,” he says pointedly, “when I say I would never bet against you two.”

Emma swallows at the sincerity in his words.

“It’s true, Em, we want you and Killian to be happy.”

She smiles at Will. “Thank you. I want him to be happy, too, which is why we can’t be together.”

“See, that’s where you’re wrong,” Regina argues. “You and that baby are the only things that could make him happy. He’s a complete train wreck without you.” 

Emma’s heart constricts upon hearing her worst fear confirmed. “He is?”

The three of them nod. 

“He cares about you a lot, Em.” Will smirks. “Why do ya think I stopped hittin’ on ya after the two of you started datin’?”

“Because you knew Killian could kick your arse,” Robin chuckles.

Will frowns at his friend. “Could not!”

“Of course he can. He’s not exactly scrawny like he used to be. You should know, you’ve arm wrestled him.”

“Don’t remind me,” Will grumbles, telling Emma that the said arm wrestling match didn’t go very well… for Will, anyway.

They continue arguing about who’s the stronger man, so Emma takes it as her cue to leave and hand off their orders to Granny. 

She keeps herself occupied by wiping down the bar counter until she hears the sound of the bell as someone enters the diner. She jerks her head around but is instantly filled with consternation when it’s not Killian. Not that she was expecting him. Okay, she won’t deny she was hoping it was him, even though it hasn’t been him in the last several weeks.

“Emma?” Ruby’s disappointment can be both heard and seen as she scurries over to the counter. “What are you doing?”

Emma places her hand on her hip as she faces her friend. “Rubes, I know you mostly goof off while you’re on the clock, but some people actually work for their money.” 

Ruby shakes her head. “No, I mean, I know you picked up a shift today, but I figured you called off.”

Emma furrows her brows in confusion and narrows her eyes at Ruby. “Why would I call off after I begged Granny to give me extra shifts?”

Ruby rolls her eyes, making Emma even more confused. “You can’t fool me, Em, I already know.”

Okay... did Emma miss something? “Know what?”

A devilish smirk curves Ruby’s lips, her eyes flashing with mischief. “You left him in your bedroom naked, didn’t you?” Her eyes blow wide. “Oh, did you tie him up to the bed so he’d still be there when you got home?”

“Rubes, what the heck are you talking about?! Tied up who? And ew, gross!” Unless she’s talking about Killian. The thought of him being tied up in her bed makes her heart race.

Ruby looks over Emma’s shoulder, spotting their friends, and she pulls her toward the restroom corridor, speaking in a hushed tone. “Oh, is it supposed to be a secret?”

Okay, now Emma is just annoyed. “‘Kay, listen, Rubes, you know you’re one of my best friends, but right now I’m hormonal, confused, hungry and ready to slug you in the face if you don’t tell me what the fuck you’re talking about.” Emma doesn’t curse often, and certainly doesn’t threaten acts of violence, so when she does either of these things, her friends know she means business.

Ruby studies her for a moment, then her eyes widen. “Wait, you don’t know he’s there, do you?”

“Who’s where?!” She’s about to explode with emotions if Ruby doesn’t spill. She should know by now not to mess with a pregnant girl!

“Sorry. Killian—he’s at your house. I saw his truck when I was driving by after school.”

Wait, what?! “He’s at my house? But why? My parents aren’t even there.” 

Shit. Her father. What would he do if he saw Killian’s truck in the driveway? 

Worry grips her stomach, making her feel nauseous.

Ruby shrugs. “I thought you two got back together. I thought that was the real reason you skipped youth group tonight.”

Emma shakes her head. Though she would love nothing more than to get back with him, they’re unfortunately still broken up. “No, we didn’t. How many times have I told you, I want him to have his best chance, Rubes.”

Ruby sighs after hearing the same tale for the millionth time. “And how many times have I told you—you and your baby are his best chance. Having a loving mother and father is your baby’s best chance.”

Guilt grips her heart like it always does when Ruby says that. But how is Emma to know it would be Killian’s or the baby’s best chance? How is not letting him go to Florida and live his dream his best chance? And if he went, how is having a long-distance relationship with him their baby’s best chance?

“Order up!” Granny announces, ringing the bell. When she sees Ruby at the counter chatting with Emma, she glares at her granddaughter. “You’re late, little missy. Stop chatting and get to work!”

Ruby does a mock salute. “Aye, aye, cap’n.” She sighs dramatically and trudges toward the back to get ready for her shift. “Wait,” Emma calls, following after her.

Ruby spins around to look at her, giving Emma a questionable look.

Emma gulps as she makes a decision. She has to know why Killian is at her house. “Could you take over my tables?”

A wide grin splits Ruby’s face. “Don’t I always have your back?”

Emma smiles. “You do.”

Ruby nods toward the door. “Go. I’ll tell Granny you’re not feeling well.”

Emma beams and throws her arms around Ruby. “Thank you, Rubes. I owe you one!”

“The food’s getting cold. Let’s put some hustle in that bustle!” Granny shouts from the kitchen window, turning away from it.

Emma scrambles over and grabs the drinks first, bringing them to her friends’ table. She heads back to the window and returns to the table with the food, handing each plate in the same pattern. “Enjoy!” She unties her apron, telling her friends she has to leave, that Ruby will take over and that she’ll explain later. She then dashes out of the diner and heads to her car, her mind frazzled with questions. 

Why is Killian at her house and why does she not know about it?

She hurries into her car, the tires screeching as she rips out of the parking spot and races to her house like her life depends on it. 


Less than a year later...

Emma taps her nails on the steering wheel and bites her bottom lip as she admires her wedding ring set, the ruby gem glimmering on her finger. The bands are white gold and the engagement ring has a floral design, the gem surrounded by gold flower petals. A smile always plays along her lips when she gazes at them and is reminded of how she got here. If someone would’ve told her six months ago that she’d be married, she wouldn’t have believed them. Hell, if someone would’ve told her a year ago she’d be married with a three-month-old child today, she definitely wouldn’t have believed them. It’s funny how things turn out sometimes. How your life can change over such a brief span of time. How your belief system can change. How everything is kind of warped when something significant happens.

The traffic is painfully slow, and she’s growing incredibly impatient as she looks up, realizing she’s still in a sea of cars. It’s the evening, so people are leaving work, and students are being dismissed from their classes and heading home. The intersection at University Avenue and Main Street is always clogged at this time of the weekday, and the wait at the red light always feels like it drags on forever. It would probably take less time if she walked to her parents’ house from the school. But walking in the dark with an infant is not a bright idea. And her husband would certainly never go for it. He’s very protective of them. 

Emma is elated when the light finally turns green. It’s such a small thing to be happy about, but what can she say? She can’t wait to get to her baby girl and take her home.

Whenever she’s not with Hope, she misses her every second of the day. She wishes she could just stay at home and cuddle with Hope all day. And she can’t wait to see her amazing husband. He’d been working for Beanstalk Tree Removal during the day before going to his evening classes, which is why she brought Hope to her grandparents for the day. She can’t wait to be in his arms, embraced by his warmth and his earthy scent. After a long, exhausting day, she would die to be at home in bed, snuggled up with her two favorite people. That sounds amazing, actually. Just their little family at home in bed, cuddling. Thoughts of them and thoughts of being with them are what gets her through the day.



Emma’s heart is pounding as she drives to her house. She’s speeding through town, but somehow it feels like the longest drive she’s ever made. When she finally turns on her road, her heart pounds louder. She squints her eyes, trying to see down the road, trying to see if Killian’s truck is actually in her driveway. 

A million thoughts are racing through her mind. Why is he there? Is he trying to get back with her? The thought makes her head spin. She knows she told him she wanted him to go to Florida and go to school there, but she has to admit, if he told her he wanted to stay, she would take him back in a heartbeat. 

When Emma nears her house, her heart drops. His truck isn’t there. But why would Ruby say he was there when he’s not? She knows her friend wouldn’t make something like that up. So maybe she saw his truck there right after he pulled into the driveway, and then after he rang the doorbell and realized no one was home, he left. But even so, he knows Emma has youth group on Wednesdays, so why would he come over when he knows she wouldn’t be there? It’s a fantastic question. One she absolutely has to find out before she goes completely mad with curiosity.

Emma makes a u-turn in front of her house and heads in the other direction. She drives to Killian’s house, which takes about five minutes. Her heart is pounding rapidly as she gets out of her car and makes her way to the stoop. She knocks on the door and waits with bated breath. 

The door opens almost immediately, and she expels out a long sigh of relief.

“Emma?” He sounds completely wrecked as he gapes at her in confusion. “What are you…” He gulps. “What are you doing here?”

“Nice to see you, too,” she replies sarcastically.

“Emma…” he murmurs softly. “You don’t know how happy I am to see you… I just… I thought you never wanted to see me again.”

Emma’s heart clenches as she crosses her arms over her chest and sucks in a breath, mustering the courage to confront him. “Then why were you at my house, hm?”

He looks at her like he’s just been caught stealing cookies from a cookie jar. “How did you… how did you know I was there? I thought you’d be at youth group.”

“So, you did remember I went to youth group on Wednesdays? Then why were you at my house, Killian?” Then it hits her. Was he trying to make things right with her father?

Killian expels a shaky, nervous breath and scratches behind his ear. “Okay, I’ll tell you. Do you wanna come in?”

“Actually, yes,” she says, realizing she could definitely get off her feet for a minute, considering they’re achy and swollen.

Killian lets her in and leads her to the sofa in the living room.

“Are you thirsty? Hungry?”

She shakes her head, even though she is hungry, but she can’t eat anything until she knows why Killian was over at her house. “Just tell me, Killian.”

He sits down next to her, keeping some space between them. “How did you know I was there?”

“Ruby told me. She drove by my house and saw your truck.”

He nods, his face clouding with guilt. For what reason, she’s not sure. “I was over at your house because I’ve been building your mother’s shed.” He says it so casually, like it’s not bound to raise a million more questions.

She furrows her brows at him. Of course she’d noticed the shed being built in the backyard, but she had assumed her father was building it. “Why?”

“Because your father asked me to.”

Killian’s statement throws her for a loop. “He what?” Her dad hates him, so why on earth would he ask Killian to build something that already means so much to his wife? “Why wouldn’t he build it himself?”

“I think he’s trying to teach me a lesson, but I’m still not quite sure about that.”

“How did this even come about? Did he just come to you and ask you to build it?”

Killian shakes his head. “No. I came to him,” he sucks in a wobbly breath, “at church one day. I told him I wanted to be in our baby’s life… in your life. He admitted he overreacted after we told him I knocked you up and he and I made amends. Then he asked me to build the shed. I think it was his way of making sure I’m good enough for you.”

“By nailing some planks of wood together?” Emma asks in both shock and confusion. 

“He wanted to make sure I could commit to being a father. He wanted to make sure I knew what I wanted and was able to focus on the right things.”

“But why didn’t my dad tell me?” Why didn’t he tell her he thought he had overreacted and had made things right with Killian? That’s kind of a huge thing to keep from Emma, especially since it’s one of the things that ripped her and Killian apart. Like, what the actual fuck?

“Because he didn't want that to be the reason you got back together with me. He wanted you to make a logical decision.”

“But, Killian, I already made my decision.”

He lets out a heavy sigh. “I had a feeling you’d say that.” He scoots closer, looking deep into her eyes as he takes her hand in his. She doesn’t pull away. She’s missed his touch so much, she’s tempted to pull him closer and kiss him senseless.

“I know you want me to chase my dreams, Emma. I know you don’t want to hold me back. But I’ve thought about this a whole lot. And even if I had never met you, I’d still be going to Storybrooke University.”

“What? Why?”

“Because my friends are staying here for school and I don’t want to lose them. Plus, my dad’s here, and it’s just a simple decision for me. I love Storybrooke, it’s my home, and I don’t plan on leaving.”

“So, you never planned on going to Florida, even before I came along?”

He shakes his head. “No, I tried to tell you that. I never planned on going there, my father just wanted me to keep my options open. He wants me to go to a fancy school, but I don’t want that. I’d rather be here with my friends… with you,” he places his hand on Emma’s belly and smiles, “and our little bean.”

Emma’s heart flutters and tears spring to her eyes as she covers his hand with her free one. “I want that, too, Killian. I was just so afraid you’d regret staying…” she chokes back a sob, “and I never want to be what holds you back.”

He lifts his other hand to her face, wiping a tear away and caressing her cheek. “You could never hold me back. I want to be a better man because of you, Emma. I want to be a better man for our baby. I want to be a father…” His eyes moisten and he chokes back a tear. He lowers his hand and sucks in a quivering breath. “I want to be your husband.”

Wait, what?

Emma’s heart flitters with panic. Is he proposing? No, he can’t be. He doesn’t even have a ring. Does he?

“Relax, love, I know it’s too soon, but when you’re ready, I want to make you my wife. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, taking care of you, making you happy. I’ve never wanted anything more, I can promise you that.”

“But Killian, we’re only eighteen. You have no idea what you’ll want five, or even six months from now.”

“See, that’s where you're wrong, Emma. You and our baby are my rock and I want to build my foundation on my rock.”

Emma furrows her brows. “What?”

He chuckles and shakes his head. “I just… I can’t imagine my life without you, and since you became pregnant, I can’t imagine my life without either of you.”

Emma smiles and her heart soars. She leans in and softly captures his lips. He groans into her mouth, and Emma has no idea how much she missed that sound. His touch. His lips. His tongue. Until he’s kissing her, devouring her like they had never been apart. He kisses her as though no time has passed since the day he last kissed her. 

When they break apart, she rests her forehead against his and takes in his earthy scent as she tries to catch her breath. She can definitely tell he’s been working outside. He smells like nature and sweat. “You stink,” she laughs.

He smiles shyly. “Sorry love.”

She gently shakes her head against his and pulls him back to her when he tries to pull away. “Don’t be.”

He lifts a mischievous brow. “I was just about to take a shower before you knocked on the door. Want to join me?”

She laughs. “You don't waste any time, do you?”

He doesn't blink. “When it comes to you, love, not a fucking chance.”

“Okay,” she laughs, having to admit to herself she doesn’t even know how much she needed to hear that. She also has to admit, a shower with Killian sounds pretty amazing, actually. “But first, do you have anything to eat? The baby and I are hungry.”

He chuckles and kisses her forehead, the hearty sound vibrating against her skin. 

God, how she missed his laugh, his touch, his smile, his face. But who is she kidding? She’s missed everything about him. 

“Of course, love.”


Less than a year later...

Emma pulls into her parents’ driveway ten minutes later and is almost sprinting up the porch steps, excited to see her bubbly baby girl. Well, excited might be an understatement.

“There she is!” she announces upon entering the living room where her mother is slipping Hope’s arms into her little jacket. Hope immediately looks at her mother and reaches out for her, excitement washing over her face. “How was she?” 

“An angel, of course,” Mary Margaret replies as she finishes getting Hope into her jacket and takes her granddaughter in both hands, kissing each of her cheeks. “She told us she wants to move in with us so she can be with Grandma and Papa full time.”

Emma arches her brow, her face teeming with amusement. “Oh, really?” she asks with a playful laugh. “She suddenly started talking at only three months old, and not only that, instantly learned how to use complete sentences?” She walks over and kisses Hope’s forehead as she takes her hand, letting her daughter clutch onto Emma’s index finger.

“She did, but don’t worry, she wants you and Daddy to live here with us, too. And we can all be a big happy family. Isn’t that right, princess?” Mary Margaret says in her typical baby voice. “You want Mommy and Daddy to be here full time and never go to work or school ever again, don’t you?” She smothers Hope’s face with kisses, making her giggle as though she’s in agreement with her grandma. Then Hope reaches out for her mama again and starts to fuss when she’s not immediately being held by her.

Emma shakes her head at Mary Margaret, but she’s still smiling as she pries her daughter from her mother’s hands and scoops her up into her own arms. Hope immediately wraps her arms around her mother and rests her head on her chest. Emma drops a kiss to the crown of her baby’s head. Appealing as it sounds to not have to work or go to school and to spend all of her time with family, living with her parents would be suffocating. She loves her parents and brother, but like any new adult, she also needs space from them every now and then. “Mom, I love you and Daddy and Leo, but if I lived here, all of you would drive me crazy,” she laughs.

Mary Margaret frowns playfully and takes Hope’s little hand in hers and kisses her tiny fingers. “We aren’t capable of such a thing,” she claims.

“Don’t take it personally. I love that you and Dad can watch her during the day, but we just need our space sometimes. For example, if Hope’s parents wanted some alone time, it wouldn’t be possible for us to go to my room.”

“It would be since you’re married,” Emma’s mother assures her.

“Not under my roof,” David interjects as he enters the room.

Emma rolls her eyes. “See? We would go crazy if we had to abide by your rules.”

David frowns. “Hey, I’m not that bad. I didn’t say you couldn't take him to your room, just not while you’re under my roof.”

“Yeah, that’s because I'm an adult now. You can no longer force your religious beliefs on me. Besides, if you did, you’d be a hypocrite.”

David sighs as he walks over to Hope and kisses her forehead. “I’m not forcing anything on you, Emma. But the rules in this house will never change. Whatever you choose to do outside this house is your choice, obviously. And you’re right, as much as I always hate admitting it, you’re a big girl now and I can’t tell you what to do. I learned that long ago.”

Emma snorts. “Long ago? More like less than a year ago when I actually became an adult.”

“Yes, but less than a year ago, you were still living here.”

“Don’t remind me,” she teases with a playful smirk. She leans in and kisses his cheek. “Love you, Daddy.”

He chuckles. “Uh-huh,” he utters doubtfully, but at the same time, he’s planting a kiss on her forehead. “Love you too, princess.”

“We both love you, Emma. You and our grandbaby and our son-in-law. Don’t you ever forget that.” Emma smiles as Mary Margaret wraps her arms around her daughter and granddaughter.

“I won’t. Promise.” 

David draws the three of them into his arms, hugging them tightly. “You mean the world to us. I hope you know that,” he whispers to his daughter.

Emma’s heart tightens. As annoyed as she gets with her father sometimes, she doesn’t know what on earth she would do without him. “I love you, too. Both of you. That will never change, no matter what happens.”



After Emma eats the grilled cheese sandwich Killian made for her, catching him up with everything he’s missed while they weren’t together, they head upstairs to the bathroom. She told him how she recently started feeling the baby kick, and Killian made her promise to let him know when the little one kicked again, so he could feel it too. 

Killian helps her undress, letting her clothes fall to the floor one by one, having to refrain himself immensely from kissing every inch of her. He told her if he started now, they wouldn’t make it to the shower. She’s not opposed to the idea, but Killian is opposed to the thought of him smelling like sweat and the outdoors when they make love for the first time after getting back together. So, she slips her hand in his and lets him help her into the shower. But once they’re both under the shower stream, all bets are off. Killian lathers his hands with soap, and his palms are all over her body as he stands behind her. 

Emma closes her eyes and moans a little, appreciating Killian’s touch. Appreciates the way he makes her feel so incredibly loved with only his hands. Her breasts and belly have grown bigger, but the hard erection pressed against her ass tells her he loves the changes of her body. He’s touching her breasts, tweaking her nipples, his other hand sliding to her stomach, his fingers caressing her there. And their baby seems to enjoy the treatment because of the movement the little one’s making. It’s not really a kick, but a soft flutter.

“Did you feel that?” Emma asks, beaming as she places her hand on Killian’s.

“Aye, love,” he breathes in her ear, his voice laced with excitement. “Wow… it’s… it’s such an amazing feeling.” Killian sounds so happy and at the same time, it sounds like he’s on the edge of tears. But happy ones. “Can you believe we created this?” he asks, gripping her belly a little firmer. “You and I made this wee little life inside you, Emma. We made this together.”

Emma’s heart flutters and she smiles from ear to ear, tears stinging her eyes. She loves how excited he is to be a father. And she can’t believe she tried to take that away from him. She hates herself for that. She’s hated herself for months. She can’t believe she had separated Killian from his child. Their child.

Emma turns around slowly in his hold and frames his face with her hands, on the brink of tears as she looks up at him. “I’m so sorry, Killian,” she whispers, her voice shaking. “I’m sorry I said the things I said that day. I didn't mean them. I was trying to do what was best for you and for our baby, but it was far from it. I want the three of us to be together forever. I was afraid you wouldn’t always want that. I was so afraid, Killian.”

She can tell her words are painful for him to hear. He lifts the hand that’s not still on her belly and caresses her cheek. “Emma… I promise you… there won't be one single moment when I won’t want this.” With those words said, he removes his hand from her cheek and sinks to his knees, placing both hands on her belly. He smothers her protruding stomach with kisses, whispering gently against her skin. “I love you so much. I love you both so much. Gods, I love you. You’re my future. You both are.” His words are choked, and when he looks up, his eyes are shining with unshed tears. 

She wants to crash to her knees and be eye level with him. But she’s afraid she’d have a hard time getting up again if she did. Her thoughts are skewed when he takes her hip in one hand as his other palm is still caressing her belly. 

“I would marry you right here and now if I could.”

Emma knows he’d said that earlier, and that he doesn’t mean he’s proposing right this second, but—she doesn’t know if she’s just caught up in the moment and feeling high from being back together with Killian, or if it’s her hormones making decisions for her, or if she just doesn't want to waste any more time—still, she finds herself, whispering, “Yes.”

His tearful expression turns into something along the lines of hopeful and astonished. “What?”

“I want to marry you,” she chokes out, her words cracking. But it’s the most honest truth she’s ever admitted.

His mouth hangs open for a few seconds, as though he’s not sure what to say to that. Or maybe he is, he just doesn't want to get his hopes up in case he heard her incorrectly. Or maybe he just can’t form the words he wants to say. She can’t blame him, though. This is crazy. Not only because they’re so young, but because they’ve only known each other for about seven months, most of which they’ve been apart. But as crazy as it is, it doesn’t feel wrong. Far from it, actually. 

“But, love, I wasn’t asking—”

She playfully rolls her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I know you weren’t proposing. My answer is still yes.”

Killian’s eyes widen, his face awash with pure and utter shock. “But I don’t want you to agree to marry me just because we’re having a baby.”

Emma smiles down at him as she cups his cheek in one hand and runs her other fingers through his wet hair. “Good, because that’s not why I want to get married. I want you to be my husband because I’m completely and hopelessly in love, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

She can’t really describe the feelings swarming her heart right now, nor can she properly describe the look on his face other than labeling it sheer happiness.

“I want that, too, love,” he whispers. “I’ve wanted to since the moment I met you.”

She giggles. “But you were only seventeen. You still are. How could you possibly know what you want?”

He smirks. “The same reason you know you want to be my wife. The same reason you know you want to be a mother. Because sometimes you just know. No matter how many years you’ve lived. No matter how old you are. You just know in your heart what you want—what you will always want.” He flashes a cheeky grin. “Besides, why would I possibly want anyone else when I already have the best woman I could possibly ever want? Anything else would be settling. And I don’t want to settle. I want you.” 

Emma swoons at his words, her heart racing in her chest. She smiles and sobs at the same time, tears spilling down her cheeks, but happy ones. “But you don’t have a ring,” she reminds him.

“No, but I still have the promise necklace I gave you. If you want it back, that is.”

Guilt clouds her features, and regret stabs her heart. She gave her promise necklace back.

As if he can read her expression, he rubs her belly reassuringly. “It’s okay, baby. I’m not mad. I could never be mad at you.” His soft statement is like a warm, gentle caress over her skin. “I only want to spend the rest of my life keeping you and our little one happy. And as far as an engagement ring goes, you can wear the promise necklace until I get you an engagement ring.”

Emma nods and smiles. “Okay.” She can’t believe it. She can’t believe she started the day being apart from Killian, thinking it would be permanent, and will now end it with Killian as her fiance. She can’t believe how miserable the day began and how wonderful the day became. However, it won’t be completely wonderful after she confronts her father. 

She’s incredibly pissed at him for not telling her he asked Killian to build her mother’s shed after he forbade her from seeing him. Not only that, but he kept it from her and asked Killian to keep it from her as well. But she shoves away her hatred for her father and only focuses on her fiance as he leaves a trail of warm kisses down her body, her belly, her nub, her thighs, her legs. Wow. Her fiance . It’s so weird to call him that. But at the same time, it feels so incredibly perfect. 

Killian gets on his hands and knees and kisses the top of each of her toes like he is a servant and she is his queen. She loves being his queen. 

He raises his hands to her hips, turning her around, his mouth making its way up her backside, the same way it had down her front, as though he doesn’t want to miss a single inch of her skin. He kisses her thighs and her ass, his hands groping and caressing her firmly as his lips follow every touch. He leaves a blazing hot trail up her spine, sending dizzying pleasure through her body. She feels woozy from the love and lust coursing through her veins as Killian turns her around, lowers his knees to the tub floor once again and licks her slit, tasting how wet she is before making his way up her body at a torturous pace. 

When he’s standing in front of her again, he’s helping her lean against the shower wall as he touches her, his fingers sliding in and out of her cunt, making her cry out. 

“Killian! Oh my God!” She clutches onto his shoulders for balance as he finger fucks her so good and hard, she’s on the very edge of an orgasm in no time. She’s been so horny and emotional lately, it feels so incredible and satisfying to be able to feel some utter relief. 

He kisses her lips firmly, capturing the sounds of pleasure as her walls flutter around his talented fingers. 

“Oh, yes!” she screams into his mouth when an incredible orgasm ripples through her.

He smirks proudly against her lips. “That didn’t take long,” he chuckles.

Emma manages a weak eye roll. “You try being pregnant and horny and missing your boyfriend like crazy.”

“Fiance, love,” he corrects, his fingers still inside her, giving her gentle thrusts as her walls pulse around them.

She smiles and bites her bottom lip. “Fiance… I like the sound of that.” She cups his cheeks in her hands and kisses him deeply. 

Once they’re finished in the shower and dried with a towel, they’re both naked from head to toe as Killian carries his pregnant finance in his strong arms and carries her as though she weighs absolutely nothing. He gently deposits her on the bed still covered with the Star Wars comforter, she notices, biting her bottom lip to refrain from laughing. And also to keep from moaning at the sight. Her fiance’s cock is so big and still incredibly hard as he opens his nightstand drawer. She has to stop her eyes from roaming up and down his hot, muscular body to see what he’s searching for, but she already knows before she even sees it.

The promise necklace. 

When he stands next to the bed, she sits up and moves her hair out of the way so he can place it around her neck. Once he clasps the back of the chain, he kisses her forehead and takes her chin in his hand, bending down and bringing her lips to his. Emma’s heart soars as she kisses her fiance and fingers the pendant. She’d missed her necklace so much it was painful not wearing it. It was like she felt incomplete without it. Or maybe she felt complete without Killian. But now she feels complete again. She feels whole rather than half of herself again. 

He crawls into bed with her and turns Emma on her side, sprinkling her shoulder blade with kisses while he strokes himself. Anticipation surges through her. The anticipation of being with Killian again after going months without him. 

He drapes her leg over his thigh and enters her, both of them gasping for air at the same time. He grabs her hip and moves slowly, biding his time, relishing the feel of her slick walls around his cock as he whispers in her ear. “Fuck, you feel incredible.” 

Emma moans and moves her hips in rhythm with his, wanting more and enjoying how incredible her fiance feels inside her. 

So fucking incredible.

After he comes inside her, he buries his head in the crook of her neck as he tries to catch his breath. He takes her hand in his and brings her fingers to his lips, breathing raggedly against her skin. “Gods, love… I can’t wait to be your husband.”

Emma squeezes his hand and smiles, even though he can’t see her face. “And I can’t wait to be your wife.”


Less than a year later...

The drive home seems to take forever, just like it always does. The thought of being curled up with her daughter and husband on the couch by the fireplace sounds incredibly amazing right now.

Hope has her eyes closed when Emma pulls into the parking lot, but once she enters the apartment with her daughter in her arms and her backpack and diaper bag strapped over her shoulders, Hope lifts her head and beams when she sees her daddy. Emma instantly feels relieved, and not just because her husband is instantly taking the bags from her shoulders. She can’t imagine what her or Hope’s lives would be like without him. She can’t even fathom the idea.

He sets the bags on the table and returns to them, kissing his daughter’s forehead and his wife’s lips. “Hi, baby. How are my two lovely ladies?”

Emma smiles at him and wraps her arm around the back of his neck, pulling him closer for a big hug, Hope sandwiched between her loving parents. “Happy to be home,” she whispers in his ear. “So freaking happy.”

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