Danganronpa 1 (Six Chambers)

By Absolan

15.5K 247 126

15 high school students with talents from across Japan have been selected to attend Hope's Peak Academy. Unfo... More

Prologue (The Beginning)
Chapter 1 (Monokuma)
Chapter 2 (A Way Out?)
Chapter 3 (The First Motive)
Chapter 4 (What Becomes of Us)
Chapter 5 (To Defend your Friend)
Chapter 6 (The Game Begins)
Chapter 7 (Investigation)
Chapter 8 (Class Trial)
Chapter 8.5 (Tragic Flashback)
Chapter 9 (Secrets Among Us)
Chapter 10 (Devils Within)
Chapter 11 (Our Newest Member)
Chapter 13 (Lone Bear)
Chapter 14 (Mystery Murder)
Chapter 15 (Lucky Reunion)
Chapter 16 (Who's the Mastermind)
Epilogue (Secrets of Hope's Peak)
Completion Status

Chapter 12 (Mass Hammer Attack)

728 10 8
By Absolan

11:24 a.m.

Both Sakura and Chihiro were jogging up the stairs, Sakura was doing just fine but Chihiro was desperately trying to catch up.

Chihiro: "*pant* *pant* "O-...Ogami... *pant* w-wait... up..."

Sakura: "No can do. You wanted to train, this is training." Chihiro felt dehydrated from all the running and when they got to the top Chihiro nearly collapsed.

Kiyotaka: "Here, I'll go get some more water."

Chihiro: "*pant* T-Thanks..." Kiyotaka went to the dining room to find a water bottle.

Sakura: "Y'know... I like things quiet, but with the situation we're still in... this could be bad..."

Chihiro: "Y-Yeah... s-should I go... with Taka..?"

Sakura: "Makes sense. We can resume training later." A few minutes passed after Chihiro went back to the first floor. "She'll be fine. She's gotten pretty strong on her ow-"

Sayaka: "SOMEBODY HEEEEELLLPPP!!!" Sakura was actually close to the scream and ran towards it. She found Celeste and Aoi outside the game room and found Sayaka kneeling down to the side of Makoto's bloody head.

Everything was blank, Makoto couldn't see a thing but he started to hear a voice.

???: "__ke up... N__gi pl__se... _ake up!" He began to open his eyes but his vision was blurry and slowly clearing up.

Makoto: "S-Sayaka..?"

Celeste: "Nevermind..."

Sayaka: "MakotoareyouokcanyoustandIwassoworriedaboutyou!"

Makoto: "Sayaka... calm down... I'm... *grunt* fine..." Makoto took his hand and set it over his injury causing blood to coat his hand.

Aoi: "Are- Are you sure you're ok? It looks really bad..."

Sakura: "Someone should get him cleaned up."

Makoto: "Oh wait! L-Leon was here too! I was blacking out but I think someone dragged him away!"

Aoi: "L-Leon!?"

Celeste: "Sayaka should clean Makoto up. We'll find Leon."

Sayaka: "Agreed." Makoto nodded and the others started searching as Makoto and Sayaka went to her dorm. The three of them were still looking for Leon and that's when they heard...


Monokuma (Loudspeaker): "A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time which you may use however you like, the class trial will begin!"

Aoi: "Wait... but who-"

Chihiro: "HEY! IN HERE!!!" The trio heard Chihiro's screaming and ran to the library but found Leon's dead body lying against a table alongside another hammer.

Aoi: "L-Leon!"

Sakura: "Clearly there were two targets."

Kyoko: "Pardon? Two targets?"

Celeste: "Makoto was attacked on the third floor, with another hammer like that."

Byakuya: "You're joking. Someone killed him too?"

Sakura: "No. He was knocked unconscious by the hammer. He's with Sayaka in her dorm right now."

Byakuya: "Why was he knocked out instead?"

Aoi: "Not sure."

Chihiro: "Wait, have you guys seen Taka?"

Sakura: "He wasn't with you?"

Chihiro: "No. I haven't seen him since... oh god..." Chihiro ran out of the room to make her way to the kitchen. "TAKA!"

Kyoko: "We should split up and find him!"

Celeste: "Agreed. I'll search down here and tell the two lovebirds what happened. You and Byakuya can search the third floor and see if you can find anything about Makoto being knocked out. And Sakura and Hina can search the second floor."

Kyoko: "Alright, let's go!" Everyone split off into their groups while searching for Kiyotaka. Celeste saw Makoto still rubbing his head while being guided by Sayaka as they were about to start searching.

Chihiro: "AHHHHHHHHH!!!"

Sayaka: "That's Chihiro!"

Makoto: "She's in trouble." The two of them ran to the dining hall where they heard the scream from. Once they got there, they found Kiyotaka on the floor killed with another hammer as Chihiro kneeled down right next to him.

Sayaka: "T-Two murders... why?"

Chihiro: "T-Taka..."

Sakura: "What's going on!?"

Celeste: "Leon wasn't the only one who died."

Byakuya: "Dammit one thing at a time. First Makoto gets attacked, then Leon gets killed, and now Ishimaru!"

Kiyotaka: "F... Fuj... Fujisaki..?"

Celeste: "He's alive!?"

Chihiro: "Taka! Alright c'mon! We'll get you to the infirmary as soon as-"

Kiyotaka: "N...No... don't..."

Chihiro: "Huh?"

Kiyotaka: "I-... I'm sorry... Fujisaki... someone... someone tried... to kill you..."

Sakura: "Someone tried to kill Fujisaki!?"

Kiyotaka: "I... was attacked... from behind... because I... intervened with... the killer's... plan... I'm... sorry... Fujisaki..." Chihiro started tearing up, Kiyotaka was dying. "Fujisaki... I... bel-... believe... in you... defeat... Monokuma... for me... and for bro... you can... do it... my friend..." After that Kiyotaka breathed his last breath. Chihiro was know crying and Aoi went to comfort her.


Monokuma (Loudspeaker): "A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time which you may use however you like, the class trial will begin!" Two murders occurred, no one could believe it. Especially with Kiyotaka, he sacrificed his own life for Chihiro. She couldn't feel anything but helpless...

Monokuma: "My my, two murders occurred! Even I wasn't expecting this! Alright, you know the drill here!" The Monokuma file was presented on Kiyotaka and then Leon.

Makoto: "Wait... why was Kiyotaka's file presented first?"

Sayaka: "Maybe he was killed first?"

Makoto: "Wait, is that possible?"

Sakura: "Could be, but we should still look for evidence. I'll guard evidence for Kiyotaka's body. Chihiro, you'll guard Leon's."

Chihiro: "Wait what! Why me?"

Sakura: "You've been training to get stronger alongside me. If you couldn't guard anything I wouldn't be suggesting you to do this."

Chihiro: "Good point. Alright I'll do my best." Makoto, Sayaka, and Aoi searched Kiyotaka's crime scene. Kyoko, Byakuya, and Celeste searched Leon's.

Makoto: "Holy crap..."

Sayaka: "What?" Makoto then tipped Kiyotaka over to show Sayaka what happened and then she realized.

Aoi: "Why are there so many stab wounds!?"

Sayaka: "And why are they so tiny?"

Makoto: "Maybe someone killed him with a dart? I know there's a dart board in the game room, alongside multiple darts."

Sakura: "It's either that or a needle."

Makoto: "Wait, hold on... me and Leon were playing darts earlier there should be eight darts in total and I believe there all on the board.

Aoi: "I'll check."

Makoto: "Now when was he last seen..."

Sayaka: "This case won't be easy to figure out..."


Byakuya: "I'm still suspicious about Naegi... why would the killer knock him out rather than killing him. Unless they tried framing him or he his the killer. It doesn't make any sense."

Kyoko: "Both are possibilities.

Celeste: "Honestly, I agree. I was in the infirmary and discovered one of the blood packets missing. I even snapped a photo with this weird camera." Celeste showed them the photo.

Byakuya: "So someone took a blood packet from the infirmary and staged their death."

Celeste: "And who was the only person who wasn't killed by the hammer?"

Kyoko: "Was Naegi, but we should wait for some more evidence and see what we can discover with Ishimaru's body."

Chihiro: "Agreed. I plan to avenge Taka, he was my friend. And whoever did this isn't getting away with it..."


Monokuma (Loudspeaker): "Alright ladies and gentlemen, you know the drill. Trial time!"

Everyone got to the elevator and Aoi was already waiting there, once they got there the elevator moved down. Both Makoto and Sayaka went to ask her about the darts.

Aoi: "I don't think the darts were used. I went back and counted all eight."

Byakuya: "Darts? The murder weapons are hammers not darts."

Sayaka: "Actually, when we investigated Taka's body. There were several skinny stab wounds in his back. Our theory is that someone killed Ishimaru with a dart from the game room."

Byakuya: "So the hammer's just a red hearing is that it?"

Makoto: "Could be." The elevator doors opened and Monokuma was eating a jar of honey and stuck his hand in his mouth.

Monokuma: "Arigh, you voe ve rill."

Sakura: "Hm?"

Monokuma: "Sorry, I just love honey. What I said was you know the drill, so the trial can begin!"

Celeste: "We already know who did it? Right Naegi?"

Makoto: "Huh?"

Sayaka: "Hold on! Why are you pinning the blame on him so fast? He was attacked by the killer too!"

Celeste: "But unlike Leon and Ishimaru, he was knocked out. Why do you suppose that is? Though there might be two killers in the mix."

Aoi: "Two killers!?"

Byakuya: "You didn't mention this before, why now?"

Celeste: "Because the other killer was guarding Leon's body."

Chihiro: "Are you saying I killed him!?"

Celeste: "Let me explain. Makoto was knocked out instead of killed on the third floor where his only witness is Leon who was killed. He probably had Chihiro knock him out to make himself less suspicious. And Chihiro was able to kill Ishimaru because he went to go get her a drink and Chihiro followed him. Why didn't he return Chihiro?"

Kyoko: "Wait, was Makoto actually knocked out?"

Sayaka: "Yes, I was terrified he wasn't."

Kyoko: "So the blood packet would have no use..."

Makoto: "What blood packet?"

Byakuya: "Celeste took a picture of where blood packets were stored in the infirmary. One of them was missing."

Kyoko: "If Makoto was knocked out by the hammer, he wouldn't need the blood packet."

Celeste: "I suppose, but that doesn't actually change anything."

Aoi: "Makoto... did you really..."

Makoto: "No! I could never do that!"

Celeste: "And yet, here we are. You even managed to drag Leon down to the first floor."

Makoto: "Wait! How would I be able to do that?"

Sakura: "He's right. A trip from the third floor to the first is quite the stretch. And if he was knocked out there's no chance of him dragging the body!"

Celeste: "Well... so he is innocent. But what about Chihiro? She followed Ishimaru downstairs right? And we don't know what time Leon died. All we know is that Ishimaru died first, and that he was killed with something skinny."

Sakura: "Most likely, a needle. But all the girls have needles in their sewing kits."

Chihiro: "I didn't actually meet up with Taka! I saw that Togami and Kirigiri were discussing something in the library and confirmed the body discovery announcement!"

Byakuya: "That may be true meaning you declared innocent for Leon's case. But you still could've killed Ishimaru." Chihiro felt like crying but she was getting pissed off at this and started clenching her pedestal.

Celeste: "See, she did it after all. Though I never expected such a weak girl to actually kill someone." Suddenly the words 'weak girl' echoed in Chihiro's head, she remembered every insult people gave her. They rang in her head continuously.

Boy 1: "You're weak!

Boy 2: "Pathetic."

Boy 3: "Such a waste of life."

Boy 4: "Can't you stand up for yourself!?"

Boy 5: "You'll never accomplish anything!"

Boy 6: "You're no boy that's for sure."

Boy 7: "Such a weak girl."

Chihiro suddenly snapped in pure rage and slammed her fist on the pedestal causing everyone to jump, even Monokuma.

Chihiro: "I'M NOT WEAK!!!"

Byakuya: "What the-"

Aoi: "Chihiro are you ok!?"


Celeste: "Don't be ridiculous, your shouting isn't convincing anyone."

Chihiro: "YOU SURE ABOUT THAT!? YOU WERE FAR TOO QUICK TO SUSPECT ME AND MAKOTO, ALMOST LIKE IT WAS PLANNED!" Celeste started to get nervous, and was even sweating.

Kyoko: "Planned?"

Celeste: "What makes you think it was plan-"

Chihiro: "ANSWER ME THIS WHY WERE YOU ON THE THIRD FLOOR IN THE FIRST PLACE!?" Now Celeste was panicking a little because she never had a reason to be there.

Celeste: "Umm... I was just... checking out some of the rooms."

Makoto: "You stuttered just there. You didn't actually have a reason did you?"

Chihiro: "YOU WANNA BLAME US FOR THE MURDER!? Everyone here... Show. Us. Your. Sewing kits." Celeste was paralyzed at Chihiro's statement but easily came up with a counter.

Celeste: "How do you know that the weapon was something from the sewing kit? You'll just have to show us yours."

Chihiro: "I wouldn't have one because... I'm really a guy!" No one could believe it. The entire trial room was in shock except Monokuma who already knew.

Sakura: "Fujisaki, is this true?"

Chihiro: "I was a guy the whole time, my E-Textbook testifies for it, both Mondo and Taka knew, and so does Monokuma."

Monokuma: "Yep! Believe it or not that was actually his motive I handed out before the second trial!"

Makoto: "So Fujisaki wouldn't have a sewing kit."

Sayaka: "You would have a tool kit instead!"

Chihrio: "Exactly... now I'm not going to say this again Celeste. Show. Us. Your. Fucking. Sewing kit." The way Chihiro said that was seriously intimidating and Sakura was impressed.

Celeste: "Oh well... seems I lost."

Aoi: "You really did kill them? Why?"

Celeste: "I thought they'd be easy pickings and I wanted to escape. Though if I wanted easier pickings I should've killed Makoto instead like I originally planned." Sayaka was now pissed off after hearing that Celeste actually considered killing Makoto and grabbed hold of the voting lever quite fiercely.

Sayaka: "You should be glad you didn't..."

Celeste: "Because I'd die?"

Sayaka: "Because I'd kill you if you did..."

Monokuma: "You knew an idol could be so fierce? Time to place your votes!"

Monokuma Vote

Celstetia Ludenburg


Monokuma: "Correct! The killer of Kiyotaka Ishimaru and Leon Kuwata was indeed, Celesetia Ludenburg!"

Aoi: "You snake! You'd kill two people to escape, then try and escape together!?"

Celeste: "Seemed like the easy way out. I'm a bit surprised none of them put up a fight." Everyone was mad Celeste at this point.

Chihiro: "Burn in hell you bastard..."

Monokuma: "Funny you should mention that. Cuz' this executions really gonna 'Heat Up' the room!" Monokuma took a whack at the button again dragging Celeste away to the execution room. She stood in a small field where Monokuma lit the field on fire. After some time a loud siren could be heard and a fire truck came out of nowhere and rammed right into Celeste. Then Monokuma put out one of the small fires.


Aoi: "Where did that even come from?"

Monokuma: "I made it. It's actually quite satisfying to drive. But that's all for today. I'll open up the next floor tomorrow. And your next motive is ready!"

Byakuya: "You already have another motive?"

Monokuma: "This one's quite good... only one of you has the motive in your dorm."

Kyoko: "Any particular reason?"

Monokuma: "Well the person who has it has to watch it or else you won't know what could happen..."

Sayaka: "But why one person?"

Kyoko: "So they'd be more suspicious then the others."

Monokuma: "BINGO! So, each one of you report to your own dorms for the rest of the night. It's almost nighttime. I'm gonna go play with fire now. Bye!" Monokuma then disappeared leaving everyone else to get into the elevator.

Chihiro: "I'm sorry for losing my temper there. And I'm sorry about not telling you guys I was really a guy. I only did it because I was bullied a lot in my past. I hid from all the bullies specifically by living life as a girl instead. The reason I've been training was to become stronger, because now I know, I can't hide from my past any longer. I need to become the man I should've been. It feels like a curse..."

Sayaka: "A curse? 

Chihiro: This game made it so wherever I go... death follows."

Sakura: "What makes you say that?"

Chihiro: "Three people died protecting me! Because I was weak, because I couldn't stand up for myself, and I can't."

Kyoko: "Actually you did. If you didn't speak up there, we'd all be dead except Celeste."

Makoto: "Yeah... you practically saved all of our lives." Chihiro smiled and then looked towards Sakura.

Sakura: "I'm proud of you kid. Someday, you could be quite formidable."

Chihiro: "Thank you... all of you." Chihiro then thought to herself about Alter Ego and remembered something. "That reminds me, I got a picture of something peculiar on my E-Textbook. Something Alter Ego found." Chihiro then pulled up a picture of everyone together in school uniforms outside in a grassy field.

Byakuya: "Where are all these pictures coming from?"

Chihiro: "Not sure but look here." Chihiro then zoomed in to where Makoto and Sayaka were laying in the field laughing but there was some girl with black short hair who was smirking at the two.

Aoi: "Who's that?"

Chihiro: "Apparently Alter Ego's trying to get measurements and any detail on her as soon as possible. The only thing she got was her name 'Mukuro Ikusaba'."

Kyoko: "She must've been with us in Hope's Peak."

Makoto: "So the sixteen desks wasn't the size of the courtroom. We've had sixteen students all along."

Sayaka: "So why haven't we seen her?"

Chihiro: "There's more things but... I'll tell you tomorrow." Everyone nodded and made their ways to each of there dorms. Though now there were screens exactly like the one's in the A/V room. Except Makoto had a DVD in his room now that said 'Play me Naegi'. He knew he didn't have a choice so he put the DVD in expecting to see the same thing as last time... but it was different. It was a girl in a school uniform with green hair with a string of hair sticking up and green eyes who had duct tape over her mouth and tied up. The girl was Komaru Naegi, Makoto's sister. Makoto started to panic.

Komaru: "Mmf! Mmmff!" Monokuma then walked up and tore the duct tape off her mouth. "Wh-Who are you!? What've you done to my family!?"

Monokuma: "Quiet. I'm making a video to your brother."

Komaru: "M-My brother. How do you know-"

Monokuma: "He's in a killing game right now I created. I'm just making a motive for him to kill someone."

Komaru: "N-No! He'd never do tha-" Monokuma then pulled out his claws and held them up to her face. Komaru jumped in fear and Makoto was panicking.

Monokuma: "I wouldn't be so sure. I've seen him put his life on the line for his friend. What do you think he'd do for family?" Monokuma then turned to the camera. "So here's the motive. If someone doesn't die in the killing game the next day... I'll just torture your sister." Komaru was mortified struggling to escape the rope. Makoto grasped the screen in a panic begging this wasn't true. "But if two days pass and no one dies... I'll bring her to Hope's Peak, and give you a front row seat to her own execution!" Komaru went completely pale and so did Makoto, because he knew what the executions were like.

Komaru: "E-Execution!?" Komaru was in true terror and desperately trying to escape the rope. "N-NO PLEASE!" Komaru was even more terrified and was now crying. "I DON'T WANNA DIE! SOMEONE HELP ME!!! SAVE ME PLEASE!!!!!" Makoto couldn't believe what he was seeing and didn't know what to think, he had never seen his sister or anyone so terrified in his life, and then the screen glitched out. Makoto threw the headphones in terror and starting having a panic attack and started tossing things around in a panic for a while.

Makoto: "D-Dear god... n-no... th-this can't... n-n-no... KOMARU!!!!!"

7:07 a.m.


Sayaka: "Naegi, are you ok?"

Sakura: "What's taking him so long? "You don't think someone..."

Aoi: "No way. Why would any of us kill Naegi."

Byakuya: "Is his door open?" Everyone was now seriously nervous and Kyoko then pushed the door open and sure enough the door was partially opened and they saw that Makoto's dorm was a complete mess. Sayaka was seriously nervous.

Sayaka: "Naegi! Are you ok!?" Suddenly everyone heard faint crying from the bathroom and a voice.

Makoto: "G-Go... away... *sniff* g-get... out..." Sayaka then ran right to the bathroom to check on Naegi and opened the door to see Makoto curled up in a ball in handcuffs, Makoto started panicking and began backing away from Sayaka.

Makoto: "Get out... GET OUT GET OUT!!!" Makoto hit the wall in the back and started crying. "Get... out... pl-please... she doesn't deserve... to die..." Sayaka tried comforting him but he couldn't hug back.

Aoi: "What's going on?"

Sakura: "And why is he in handcuffs?"

Byakuya: "He had the motive." Byakuya pulled out the DVD that was in the DVD player.

Kyoko: "So he got the motive."

Aoi: "Who put the handcuffs on you?"

Makoto: "I did. Hold on..." Makoto walked over and sat down on the bed, still a nervous wreck. "The motive... my sister's in Monokuma's custody. If none of us die today... he'll torture her but in two days..."

Kyoko: "He'll kill her."

Makoto: "It's worse, he'll bring her here for execution. And he'll force me to watch it."

Chihiro: "We have to find a way to escape. Monokuma wants despair and we are not going to give it to him."

Aoi: "Though why did you handcuff yourself?"

Makoto: "I don't want to kill anyone, but after that video... I can't trust myself."

Sayaka: "Where's the key?"

Makoto: "I tossed it into the incinerator."

Byakuya: "Are you really that stupid?"

Makoto: "I'd do anything to protect my family, especially my sister. She's the only friend I've had growing up. But to kill someone, one of you guys... I can't do that."

Sayaka: "We need to find a way out now!"

Makoto: "Thank you."


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