Danganronpa 1 (Six Chambers)

By Absolan

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15 high school students with talents from across Japan have been selected to attend Hope's Peak Academy. Unfo... More

Prologue (The Beginning)
Chapter 1 (Monokuma)
Chapter 2 (A Way Out?)
Chapter 3 (The First Motive)
Chapter 4 (What Becomes of Us)
Chapter 5 (To Defend your Friend)
Chapter 6 (The Game Begins)
Chapter 7 (Investigation)
Chapter 8 (Class Trial)
Chapter 8.5 (Tragic Flashback)
Chapter 9 (Secrets Among Us)
Chapter 10 (Devils Within)
Chapter 12 (Mass Hammer Attack)
Chapter 13 (Lone Bear)
Chapter 14 (Mystery Murder)
Chapter 15 (Lucky Reunion)
Chapter 16 (Who's the Mastermind)
Epilogue (Secrets of Hope's Peak)
Completion Status

Chapter 11 (Our Newest Member)

714 11 11
By Absolan

9:23 p.m.

Kiyotaka's dorm

Kiyotaka still couldn't believe that Mondo was dead. The worse part was he couldn't do anything about it. Especially if Monokuma was the killer. Someone then knocked on the door.

Kiyotaka: "Who is it?"

???: "It's me, Chihiro." Kiyotaka walked over to the door and opened it to see Chihiro standing right at the door.

Kiyotaka: "Come in." Chihiro nodded and walked in.

Chihiro: "I... need to apologize for Mondo's death..."

Kiyotaka: "No, it wasn't your fault. Monokuma is the one who just killed for just no reason."

Chihiro: "I'm sorry Ishimaru... but that's not what happened."

Kiyotaka: "What?"

Chihiro: "I'll explain the whole thing but you have to promise to never tell anyone."

Kiyotaka: "I swear."

Chihiro: "Well, thing is... I'm actually a guy." Kiyotaka was intensely surprised to hear that Chihiro was actually a guy all along.

Kiyotaka: "Seriously!?"

Chihiro: "Yeah... it's how I got into the boy's locker room and accidentally encountered Mondo in there. I had to tell him my secret which Monokuma used as a motive and asked him to train me so I could be a man again, to a point where no one would make fun of me for looking like a girl. He started to have some kind of mental breakdown and screamed saying he was stronger than big bro. He nearly hit me with the dumbbell he picked up, he hesitated and tossed the dumbbell at one of the cameras."

Kiyotaka: "Which was against one of Monokuma's rules."

Chihiro: "That's when he appeared and Mondo punched him and tossed me the jacket telling me to run. A few seconds later I heard stabbing noises, I looked back inside to see Mondo dead and Monokuma was gone."

Kiyotaka: "It was because of his secret."

Chihiro: "Was it that bad?"

Kiyotaka: "He caused his brother's death."

Chihiro: "Oh my god..."

Kiyotaka: "The both of them were in a biker gang where Mondo's brother Daiya was the leader. The both of them got into a race where Mondo nearly got himself killed, but Daiya saved him."

Chihiro: "I... feel like this is all my fault. If I didn't tell him my secret-"

Kiyotaka: "No, it's not your fault. And I promise I won't tell anyone your secret. I'm your friend after all."

Chihiro: "Thank you. Ishimaru." Chihiro suddenly got up to his ear. "Tell everyone to meet me in the changing room at 7:45 a.m. There aren't any cameras there and Monokuma can't know about what I show everyone."

Kiyotaka: "Alright."

10:14 p.m.

Sayaka's dorm

Sayaka: "I feel like my fear is getting worse..."

Makoto: "Hm?"

Sayaka: "More of our classmates are dying because of Monokuma... and something doesn't seem right... I mean why would Mondo just randomly hand his jacket over after opening the door?"

Makoto: "Come to think of it... something does seem off."

Sayaka: "I guess it's a touchy subject..."

Makoto: "I could only imagine... they must've been good friends..."

Sayaka: "..."

Makoto: "Something wrong?"

Sayaka: "It's just... you really want to protect me. Is it because of my reaction to the videos a while back?"


Sayaka: "..."

Makoto: "Sayaka... what's wrong?"

Sayaka: "..."

Toko: "What's the matter? Hurry u-up and tell us!" Sayaka's face had become even more pale as well as her eyes.

Sayaka: "..."

Junko: "I think you made it worse..."

Sayaka: "...s-stop..."

Makoto: "Sayaka... are you ok?" Makoto had gently placed his hand on her cheek causing Sayaka to reach for his hand.

Toko: "Just tell us already!"

Sayaka: "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Sayaka burst right out of the room with tears in her eyes leaving everyone else in shock.

Chihiro: "Definitely made it worse."

Aoi: "Maybe we should all follow her."

Makoto: "No, let me."

Byakuya: "Any reason?"

Makoto: "No offense but I feel like she'll be better off talking to me."

Chihiro: "Makes sense. He's the only one she actually knew."

Junko: "Honestly, i'm not the biggest fan of these kinds of romance genres. I prefer Twilight."

Toko: "Honestly I don't care what happens to her."

Leon: "I think you established that..."

Makoto: "He's right... just try not to hurt her more than you already have Toko." Makoto was definitely ticked off with Toko for causing Sayaka to panic. He then tried looking for her and found her in the same classroom he first woke up in. She was sitting in the corner hugging herself in fear.

Makoto's head: "I can't tell what she feels... it's like... her emotions have just been... wiped away..."

Makoto: "Hey... are you feeling alright?"

Sayaka: "How could I... my idol group... they had nothing to do... with any of this. Why are they in danger? I need to leave! I NEED TO MAKE SURE THEY'RE ALL OK!"

Makoto: "Sayaka please calm down! Believe me I feel the same way about my family but those videos, they have to be fake. I mean, people would have to be searching for us as well as them. There's no way anyone wouldn't notice if you went missing. But this is what Monokuma wants, he wants us to lose composure, our pride. Make us want to kill, do anything to escape. We need to stay calm because if we don't then Monokuma gets exactly what he wants, by losing ourselves and our sanity!"

Makoto's head: "Did that... really come out of MY mouth? That was actually some Captain America stuff there."

Sayaka: "But what if no one comes to help us?"

Makoto: "Then i'll get you out. I don't care what I have to do but I promise you, you will see the light of day again!" Sayaka was astonished by Makoto's speech but wasn't feeling much better. She then started crying and buried herself in Makoto's chest. Makoto felt flushed that Sayaka was hugging him but he still felt bad.

Sayaka: "Please... help me... I don't anything to do with this. To kill or be killed... *sniff* I don't... I don't wanna die!" Makoto hugged her and started rubbing her back.

Makoto: "It'll be ok... I promise... I won't let anyone hurt you."

*Flashback end*

Makoto: "It's... not just... that."

Sayaka: "It's not?"

Makoto: "It's... a-also because..." Makoto was blushing and panicking a little about what he was about to say. "I... f-feel like this is obvious but... I... l-l... uhh..." Makoto was getting even more nervous at this point.

Sayaka: "Are you alright?"

Makoto: "I l...like how you're my friend. I know... you're far out of my league and you deserve someone bett-"

Sayaka: "NO THAT'S WRONG!"

Makoto: "Huh?"

Sayaka: "You're a wonderful person Makoto, you've done so much for me in the past and it wasn't because I was an idol... it was because we were friends, I mean... you carried me to my room after me and my group did a karaoke rehearsal at my house after I fell unconscious from a fever."

Makoto: "I remember... you invited me to come so I could meet your group, I don't think they really liked me that much until I took care of your fever."

Sayaka: "Well Satomi thought you were cute."

Makoto: "Should I feel bad?"

Sayaka: "No, believe it or not she thought we were already dating."

Makoto: "Really?"

Sayaka: "Yep, you wouldn't believe how much she would tease me about it."

Makoto: "Been there... my little sister Komaru... she would tease me about the two of us as well."

Sayaka: "Honestly I wish I could've met her."

Makoto: "She's a huge fan... probably would've passed out the moment she saw you at the door." Sayaka giggled at Makoto's joke and started to lie down on the bed.

Sayaka: "I'm glad you're by my side Makoto... and I don't want that to change." Makoto then lied down next to her.

Makoto: "Same here. I promise we'll get out of here and we'll find out what really happened with our friends and family."

Sayaka: "Thank you... Makoto." The two of them got under the sheets to cuddle for a while and eventually fell asleep.

7:03 a.m.

???: "Wakey wakey Mr. Ahoge. You two get steamy in here?" Makoto wasn't recognizing the voice he heard (mainly because he was half asleep) he turned over to see Monokuma himself laying right next to him causing Makoto to shoot wide awake.

Makoto: "GYAHHHHH!!!!!"

Sayaka: "AHHHHH!!!"

Makoto: "WHAT!!! THE HELL!?"

Monokuma: "What? Can't a principal come to each dorm to see their students in person? Though it seems like instead of just being the Ultimate Lucky Student, you actually GOT lucky! What a naughty boy you've become." Both Makoto and Sayaka were madly blushing considering Monokuma was either teasing them and assuming they did something naughty or the fact he was technically right.

Makoto: "GET THE HELL OUT!!!"

Monokuma: "No fair. I wanna join, I mean Maizono's probably used to it now."

Sayaka: "HUH!?"

Monokuma: "What you're telling me that the two of you didn't already go at it like a couple of wild animals in heat? I mean you're flagpole's even standing up!" Makoto then looked down at his pants and well... he wasn't wrong... "I bet that flagpole was used last night and he burst all of his clear, pristine, pure white... stuffing!"

Makoto then started emitting some kind of red ki around him (just like Sakura and Ultra Instinct Ishimaru) and picked up a pillow.

Makoto: "GEEEEETTTT OUUUUUUTTTT!!!!!" Monokuma then jumped around the room and vanished just as Makoto tossed the pillow. "Why do I have a feeling he's gonna falsely tell everyone we actually... y'know..."

Sayaka: "Well it's gonna take a lot of explaining..." Makoto then looked back down again. "Don't worry, i'm sure it wasn't standing up." Makoto was pretty embarrassed about it but no one else had to know. The two made their way to the dining room where only Kiyotaka and Chihiro were. Ishimaru had informed everyone individually for meeting in the changing room that Monokuma can't know.

Monokuma: "Congratulations all 10 of you for making it this far! The third floor is now opened for the rest of you included with a recreation room, a physics room and art room! And now it's time for your NEW MOTIVE!"

Sakura: "Do any of us wanna know how personal this one will be?"

Monokuma: "Not this time! Your new motive is whoever survives the killing game wins..." Suddenly multiple stacks of cash appeared on the stage right in front of Monokuma. "Ten million dollars!" No one was actually moved by the motive this time.

Leon: "Well at least it's not personal."

Aoi: "Yeah."

Monokuma: "I know some of you want all this moolah up here. So have fun! Zoooomph!" After that he disappeared.

Leon: "He gets weirder everyday."

Kyoko: "Yep."

7:37 a.m.

Dressing room

Chihiro was still waiting for everyone to join her until Sakura had arrived.

Sakura: "This is where we're meeting right?"

Chihiro: "Yeah, but can I ask you a question before anyone else gets here?

Sakura: "Go ahead."

Chihiro: "After our meeting... can you teach me to become a martial artist?"

Sakura: "Hm?"

Chihiro: "It's just... want to become stronger. The motives about our most embarrassing secrets really got to me and I want to try to overcome it. So can you please teach me to defend myself?"

Sakura: "Hm. Sure I'll teach you."

Chihiro: "Thank you, I promise I'll do my best to live up to your expectations."

Sakura: "Can I just ask... Mondo's jacket is like twice your size. How'd you manage to get to fit perfectly?"

Chihiro: "I had to cut it short by a lot but at least if fits now. And I can see why he liked wearing it."

7:45 a.m

Byakuya: "Is there a reason you brought us here?"

Kyoko: "Clearly for something Monokuma can't know."

Chihiro: "Exactly, there isn't a single camera in here so Monokuma can't see or hear us in here."

Celestia: "The point is?"

Chihiro: "This." Chihiro then opened a locker with a laptop and turned it on. It pulled up to a digital screen with a moving image of Chihiro's head.

Laptop: "Hello! My name is Alter Ego. Pleased to meet you."

Leon: "Woah. Now I see why your the Ultimate Programmer."

Sayaka: "Why would this be a problem to Monokuma?"

Chihiro: "Because this is our ticket out of here." Chihiro started typing to talk to Alter Ego.

Chihiro's message: "Did you find anything on the hard drive I gave you?"

Alter Ego: "Yes actually. I found something that could end up quite interesting considering your situation. Take a look at these pictures." An image of Mondo, Leon, and Chihiro bonding in a classroom popped up on the screen and everyone seemed confused.

Leon: "That's weird... I don't remember taking a picture like this."

Chihiro: "Neither do I and that might be the problem."

Chihiro's message: "When was this photo taken?"

Alter Ego: "This picture was taken at Hope's Peak Academy April 23rd 2008. It is currently currently 2 years old." Everyone was shocked to hear that. Even Kyoko had a surprised look on her face.

Makoto: "Wait two years?!"

Kyoko: "Something's not right here."

Leon: "Yeah no shit! How could we have possibly taken that picture two years ago!? We just met not even a week ago!"

Chihiro: "I think we should spend time trying to get behind this because of Alter Ego said we've been here two years then there's a huge mystery that's been under our noses this whole time."

Kiyotaka: "What about Monokuma?"

Chihiro: "One crisis at a time. We can't come here often but i'll make improvements to Alter Ego and see if there's anymore to be deciphered."

Makoto: "Got it. Just tell us when to visit."

Chihiro: "Will do."

Kyoko: "Wait. We need a cover up story for for why we're all in here."

Celestia: "That's true. If we all leave at once Monokuma will get suspicious."

Aoi: "Rock paper scissors!"

Leon: "Huh?"

Aoi: "We can do rock paper scissors for which gender uses the sauna. That'll be our cover up."

Chihiro: "Perfect."

Makoto: "I'll represent the guys."

Sayaka: "I'll go against you."

Momokuma: "What's going on here?" Chihiro flinched knowing that Monokuma was in the same room as the key to escaping Hope's Peak.

Byakuya: "We're determining which gender uses the sauna."

Makoto: "Alright." The two stared each other down for a few seconds.

Makoto & Sayaka: "Rock, paper, scissors, SHOOT!" The both of them picked paper.

Kyoko: "One more time."

Makoto & Sayaka: "Rock, paper, scissors, SHOOT!" The both of them picked rock.

Kyoko: "One more time."

Makoto & Sayaka: "Rock, paper, scissors, SHOOT!" The both of them picked paper again.

Byakuya: "Someone start writing this down because this is going to take a while."

5 games later...

Kyoko: "One... more time."

Makoto & Sayaka: "Rock, paper, scissors, SHOOT!" The both of them picked scissors.

Kyoko: "Do the two of you share a brain?"

Leon: "Ok how about two other people do this."

Monokuma: "Agreed." Leon & Aoi then went up against each other.

Leon & Aoi: "Rock, paper, scissors, SHOOT!" The both of them picked rock.

Leon: "OH COME ON!"

Aoi: "HOW!?"

Monokuma: "Y'know what, just flip a monocoin. Imma head out of here." Monokuma then disappeared and Kiyotaka pulled out a monocoin.

Kiyotaka: "Here I'll flip the coin." Leon than flipped the coin to where it said heads. "Heads."

Leon: "We need to assign heads to something."

Kiyotaka: "Oh yeah." Kiyotaka then flipped the monocoin again.

Aoi: "Heads!" Kiyotaka grabbed the coin and looked at it.

Kiyotaka: "Heads again."

Aoi: "Yes!"

Leon: "About time we got to a conclusion." The guys all left the bathhouse along with Chihiro and Sakura who went off to the Gym and set up some mats on the floor so neither of them (mainly Chihiro) wouldn't hit the hard ground as Kiyotaka spectated. Makoto and Leon took the opportunity to get to know each other better. Byakuya just isolated himself from the rest of the group (as usual) to read in the library.

11:43 a.m.

Chihiro: "Ishimaru! Where'd you go? You know I'm not gonna hurt you right?" Chihiro then came to the dining hall and opened the door which was creeped open. "Ishimar- *gasp*... no... no.

Students Remaining 9?/15

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