Superheroes [AU] 5SOS

By PanicCliffordx

17.4K 477 424

What if... What if you were flying, but without wings to carry you? What if you communicated with words, with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 14

530 15 13
By PanicCliffordx

*A/N: The second update of this double update :D Also, the picture is the pie I bought, since I promised my other friend to buy us a pie if I got to the 1K. Maybe I shouldn't promise so much. Buutt, I added the pic because I actually wanted to share it with you guys, but that's not really possible, so I guess this is the way then... Anyhow. Enjoy! And comment please (Like who you suspect or something :D)

I caught myself mumbling some curse words as another bird flew by, chirping happily.

"Hm, who's phone is that?" Michael asked, his face in his pillow and voice rough from sleep.

"That, was a real bird." I told him, groaning as I stretched.

"Wha... Oh yeah, outside." He rolled over slowly, rubbing his eyes and opening them slowly, before quickly closing them again. "Ugh, the light."

"M'sorry." I mumbled, feeling as if I could fall asleep again any moment.

"Hm." It became silent and I was about to go back to dreamland, when another bird, or maybe the same, decided to fly by and chirp as well.

"Fuck these birds." Michael grumbled, grabbing one of the extra pillows and putting it over his head.

"Meh, now I know why I stopped sleeping outside when I got older." I sat up slowly, stretching once again and looking at the mess we had left last night.

We had watched one movie before I was too tired to even keep my eyes open, and we had easily eaten all the food Michael had taken outside. The empty packages where at our feet, which was the opening of the tent, and there were some crumbles here and there.

"I'm almost considering skipping breakfast since we ate a lot last night..." I mumbled pulling my hands in the sleeves of Michael's sweater again.

"Can you bring me some?" He mumbled from underneath the pillow.

"No." I simply told him, starting to get up.

"Wait." He grumbled, slowly getting up himself. "I'll come."

I smiled at him, opening the tent and stepping outside. The sun was not too high yet, but it was already getting warm outside. There was a faint wind and more birds flew by, as I made my way to the house and entered it by using the back door.

It was silent inside, which probably meant all of the other boys were still sleeping.

"Do you guys even have stuff to make breakfast?" I wondered aloud, making my way to the kitchen, followed by Michael.

"Not sure, but I think there's a big chance we do." I nodded, entering the kitchen and immediately opening the fridge, inspecting the contents.

"I think... Yes, you guys have bacon!" I grabbed the bacon and put it on the counter, before getting some other stuff to make eggs with bacon and toast. Michael simply sat down on one of the stools, laying his head on the cooking isle and closing his eyes.

"So you're just gonna sleep while I make breakfast for us?"

"Oh, was I supposed to help?" He asked sarcastically.

"No, but still. You could at least talk to me or something."


"Okay, never mind." I sighed, getting out some plates while the eggs and bacon were in the pan and the bread was in the toaster. I had made extra, because I knew the others would come down if they knew there was food and with the smell that was spreading, that would be quite fast.

"Ugh, is it done yet? It smells so good." I turned around to see Michael hadn't moved an inch and rolled my eyes. "No."



"Please?" I just rolled my eyes again, not responding and continuing with the eggs and stuff.

"I already thought I smelled eggs." I turned to the doorway to see Luke standing there, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, Alaya's making some." Michael mumbled, still not bothered to move. Luke simply nodded and I turned back to the cooking, biting my lip as I wasn't sure how to act towards Luke. Should I just act normally? Should I be more careful or something? Maybe even introduce myself?

"Food!" Calum scared me a bit as he jumped into the kitchen.

"Yes Calum, that's right, this is food." He rolled his eyes at me and stood next to me, looking at the eggs, which were almost ready.

"Smells good enough?" He nodded and backed away, taking place next to Michael as Luke had first poured himself some juice and then had sat down on one of the other stools.

As everything was finished, I took the plates and filled them, putting them on the cooking isle and pushing them towards the boys. Since they had a big pan, which they rarely used, I was able to make enough eggs and bacon for all of us at once.

I also made a plate for Ashton, though he hadn't shown up yet. Just as I was about to ask, he walked into the kitchen. "Yum."

I smiled, standing at the other side of the cooking isle as there were only four stools and only one was left, which I didn't sit on since first, it was for Ashton as it was their house, and secondly, it was next to Luke and I wasn't sure if he'd want me next to him...

"Ah, Laylay, you can sit down, I'll stand." Ashton immediately offered, as he saw me standing, but I shook my head. "It's fine, just sit down and eat."

He looked at me for a moment, before sitting down and pulling the only plate that was left towards him.

We all ate breakfast with some small talk, occasionally laughing at something stupid or a joke.

"So, I'll be gone. I need a shower." Calum told us, getting up and putting his plate in the sink. "Yeah, I'll take the one upstairs." Luke then said, doing the same as Calum before they both took off to go and shower.

"You guys go and change too, I'll clean up." I told the remaining two boys.

"No, I'll help. I need to talk to you anyway." Ashton said, as he got up and took Michael's plate as well as his own, putting them on the counter.

"I'll take that as a hint to leave you two alone." Michael said with a nod, disappearing out of the kitchen as he mumbled something about the tent. Probably that someone needed to clear it away.

I simply started washing the plates with water a bit, before I would put them in the dishwasher.

"Lay, will you please tell me what happened yesterday?" Ashton started, taking the plate I had washed off and putting it in the dishwasher.

"I... I tried to get into Luke's mind to see if I could get his memories back." I blurted out, not turning to face him.

"Then why were you crying?" Ashton asked me softly, as if my reason would be very personal and embarrassing or something.

"What? I... Oh." At first I had no idea what he was talking about, but then I remembered the tears that had been on my cheeks. I hadn't thought about it at that moment, but I had probably cried, which made sense as Calum and Yade had been looking at me very worriedly.

"I don't really know. I didn't know until I was outside that I had cried." I told him honestly, but not wanting to elaborate.

"What happened exactly?" He asked, taking the last plate and putting it in the dishwasher, closing it afterwards and then turning to me. I let out a sigh as I turned to look at him.

"Remember when Michael told you to keep an eye on me in case of headaches?" He nodded, keeping silent as a way of telling me to just continue. "Well, those headaches were caused by me trying to get into Yade's mind, but her mind seemed shielded by some sort of jelly-like wall. But I tried it every time and one time I got through, which I saw as some sort of sign that I could control this stuff good enough to go and try it on Luke. But the problem was, he had this same jelly-like wall and I couldn't get through, which made me frustrated, so I kept pushing, but it hurt too much." I rambled, not sure if he got any of it or if it even made sense. He bit his bottom lip as he looked at me sadly.

"And I know I should've told you I wanted to try out my Mind control on Luke, but you might've stopped me and I wanted it so badly because it hurts that he can't remember me!" I said, almost crying, suddenly feeling vulnerable and tired.

"I'm sorry Laylay." Ashton whispered, pulling me into him and hugging me tight. "It's not your fault Ash." I mumbled, sniffing.

"I know, but I just... It makes me sad to know you're sad." I slowly let go of him, knowing I had to tell him something else, since we were alone and talking anyway.

"Ash, can I... I have been thinking about something and I think it isn't fair if I don't share it with you, since you're a part of it." He raised an eyebrow at me and I bit my lip, leading him to the stools, sitting down myself. He followed me and sat down as well, knees touching as we were turned towards each other.

"Okay. So. Eh... How to tell this..." I fiddled with my fingers as I tried to think of a nice way to drop this idea.

"Just say it." He told me, grabbing my hands to stop me from fiddling.

"I think we could be related." I blurted out. I didn't think twice, I just said it, now biting my lip as I waited for his reaction. He raised his eyebrows again, looking at me in confusion. "What?"

"I think-"

"Yeah, I got what you said, just... What makes you think that?" He still looked a bit confused, but now also curious, interested in what I had to say.

"Well... That one day, you told me you were adopted and... It's really stupid to base it on that, but told me your mother's name and, well, mine has the same." I mumbled, looking down and biting my lip again, knowing it sounded stupid, even more now I had said it out loud. Of course it could be just a coincidence, a lot of people have the same names. Why did I even think we could be related? This is so stupid...

"It could be." He muttered, still looking at me, but now more as if he was studying my face. "We do have the same eyes." Ashton told me, as I could see a hint of a smile.

"B-but, it's stupid. I can't just assume we're related because of a name!" I exclaimed, a little surprised he didn't seem to argue with me, but seemed to go along with it.

"I know, we can't base it on a name, but still, it could be. I mean, look at us. We have quite some similarities. The boys tell me that enough, but I never really payed attention."

"Well, a lot of people look alike." I told him, now suddenly trying to take back my statement.

"I know, but... Just think about it. Wait, you already did that. But really."

"Why are you guys still in here?" Calum wondered, as he entered the kitchen, seeming completely oblivious to the fact that he had walked into a conversation.

"Eh, we were just talking." I told Calum, shooting him a glare that he hopefully would get as a 'go away'. He didn't though, as he just nodded and went to the fridge, taking out the juice.

"I'm gonna get dressed." I mumbled, getting up and leaving the kitchen to get upstairs.

I quickly showered and then dressed, slowly making my way downstairs again to see Michael frowning at his laptop.

"What's it?" I asked, plopping down on the ground next to the couch as Michael was lying on the whole couch on his stomach, his laptop in front of him.

"I got an email from school." I frowned as well, since school never emailed us, unless there was some sort of party coming up or whatever and sometimes not even then.

"What does it say?" I wondered aloud.

"It tells us that we have to get back to school." Michael told me, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Why on the last Friday of the break?" I looked at him, not really getting why they would want us to come.

"The mail doesn't say. It just says we have to get back at school asap and take some stuff to be able to stay there. And that's about it. No explanation, nothing."

"Oh." I nodded, not really understanding school, but they could do things like this. They were this 'awesome super school' and they were only that because of the kids that went there...

"We better get going then, right?"

"I guess... I'll tell the boys and all, you call some people to see if they got it, yeah?" Michael suggested, closing his laptop and sitting up as I nodded. "Okay."

We both went different ways, he to the rooms the boys would probably be in and me to the kitchen to call people, as the kitchen provided a bit of privacy as well as a comfortable place to sit while leaning on a table.

I sat down on one of the bar stools, after I had pulled my phone from my pocket. I let the screen light up and was a bit surprised to see I had a message. Especially since it was from the stupid unknown number. I opened it nonetheless.

Be prepared.

My heart skipped a beat, and not the good thing, as I thought of the possibility that this message had something to do with school asking us to come.

I shook it off me, deciding I had to go and call people, which actually were only three people, but okay. I started with Maya, since her name was the first to come by. She picked up immediately and the mail was no news to her, so we were quick to say goodbye as we had agreed to meet each other later at school.

Next up was Victoria, but she didn't pick up her phone, which could mean she was already at school and didn't take it or just missed it or whatever.

And last was Yade, who didn't pick up either, so I just assumed everyone I knew, not a lot of people, knew about the mail and was either already at school, or on his or her way.

"Only Ashton was still in the shower, he'll be down any moment. You coming?" Michael informed me, to which I nodded, following him to the hallway where Calum and Luke where putting on their shoes and coats.

"Wait, I haven't packed yet!" I realized, not wanting to go to school without stuff to stay there. That'd be extremely uncomfortable.

"We'll wait for Ashton, you just go and run ahead to your house. We'll pick you up there with the car yeah?" Calum said, which sounded okay, so I quickly put on my shoes and coat, quick to make my way home. Yet, as I opened the door, I ran into Yade.

"Yade! I thought you were at school already!" I told her. She shook her head. "No, I came by to train again or to see if you wanted to... But why would I be at school?"

"We have to go there as soon as possible." She looked confused, but shrugged, turning around.

"Good thing I took my car then."

"You have a car?" I was a little surprised, no idea why, but she just seemed like a person that would walk anywhere.

"Yes, I do."

"Oh, well then. Can you take me to my house so I can pick up some stuff?" She nodded, getting in the car already as I turned to the still open front door. "Guys, I will ride with Yade! I'll see you all at school."

I heard some agreements and quickly got in the car with Yade, who had already started it and was tapping on the steering wheel with her fingers. She backed out of the drive way, quickly driving us to my house, where she didn't bother to get out of the car as I ran inside and took some stuff. I didn't take too long and made sure to lock the door behind me. After I had ran by the neighbours to ask them to take care of my cat, since I already had had trouble reminding myself every day I had a cat to feed with all this drama, I made sure I had everything and the door was really locked.

"Took you long enough." Yade teased, grinning at me as I got back in the car.

"Yeah yeah. Now... Wait, don't you need stuff?"

"I always have some in my trunk. I think I have some clean clothes in there and that's all I need I think. We won't be there for long, right? And otherwise, they can't stop me from going home if I need something."

"You have clothes in your trunk?"

"Yeah, I sometimes leave things in there and I'm too lazy to get them out. Sometimes they are things I bought new, so yeah. My trunk-story." I shook my head, leaning back as Yade drove us to school. I had no idea if the boys where there yet, but I did know Yade drove quite fast and we were at school way earlier than I had thought we would.

"I think I might get some fines..." Yade mumbled, getting out of the car and walking to her trunk. I followed her, my backpack with me, and watched as she grabbed some clothes that were everywhere in her trunk, stuffing them in some old backpack she had in there as well.

"All set." She said, closing the trunk and making sure the car was locked, before turning to the building. I had spotted the boys' car already, so I knew they were somewhere in school, now I just had to find them. And Maya, but we had chosen a place to meet up, so that wouldn't be all too hard.

We walked to and into the building in silence, looking at the emptiness of the halls. Soon enough there was a teacher coming from a classroom, who approached us as he had seen us.

"Good you two are here. Just go to the gym hall, yes?" Yade and I both nodded, walking to the gym hall, where a lot of people were gathered already.

"Ally!" I looked to my left to see Calum making his way over, soon followed by the other boys.

"Hey guys." I greeted them, before standing on my toes to look over the crowd in the hope I'd see Maya. Soon enough I spotted a head with blonde fluffy hair, which was definitely Maya.

"I'm going to tell Maya I'm here, you guys coming or staying?" They all shrugged, so I just made my way to Maya, soon followed by Yade and the boys.

"Maya!" I shouted over the loud talking of the others around us. She turned around and immediately hugged me as she saw me. "Alaya!"

"Hiya." She let me go and looked behind her briefly, where Harry was standing, trying to see over the crowd like I had done earlier. "Do you know why we were asked to come back?"

Maya shook her head, pointing vaguely to Harry as she answered, "we were wondering the same thing, but haven't heard anything or whatever." I nodded, looking around for a moment, seeing Yade waiting patiently next to me, as the boys were all talking to each other and looking at a table a bit further, which the headmaster and some teachers seemed to crowd around.

"So- Oh, hi, I didn't see you here." Maya said, looking at Yade as she tilted her head a bit. Yade smiled as if she felt a bit uncomfortable, but Maya didn't seem to mind as she smiled widely again. "I'm Maya."

"Yade." She simply answered, her smile widening shortly as she nodded.

"Do you go to school here too? Because, I mean, I've never seen you."

"Yeah. But it's a big school, you know, so yeah." I stayed silent as I followed their small conversation, which made Yade a bit less uncomfortable, as it seemed, and Maya even more happy. Soon enough they were interrupted by the headmaster yelling for attention.

"Can I- Hell- CAN I HAVE ALL THE ATTENTION PLEASE?!" It fell silent immediately, everyone turning to look at the headmaster, who was standing on the table in front of the crowd.

"Thank you. God." He muttered the last, rubbing his temple momentarily, before straightening his back and speaking again. "You are all wondering why you are here of course and I will tell you. We needed you all to come her as fast as possible, since we need you to train and help us build up a defence. We've been informed our school is being threatened with an attack by the anti-heroes."

*A/N: CLIFFHANGER. Okay, no, not really. In my opinion. Yeaaahh... So, anyway, this is where the real action will start. Sort of. I hope I won't disappoint y'all. BYE.

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