Demigods: In Paris (a Miracul...

By OoBooksAreLifeoO

74.2K 1.9K 1.4K

Percy and Annabeth take what they think will be a peaceful and romantic trip to Paris, only to find monsters... More

Paris is crazy
Chat Noir has issues
ChloƩ is a thief
Hawkmoth gets desperate
Annabeth is sneaky
Ladybug says no
Plagg loves cheese
Tikki is surprised
Percy has a friend???
Medusa can be helpful
Alya has a scoop
Superheroes plan a kidnap
Demigods are strange
Adrien is 'kidnapped'
Marinette has a realisation
Prometheus made mistakes
The Eiffel Tower is a good meeting place
Gabriel has a paddy
Well this got deep real fast
The readers make up a funny title here
New Book!!
Tidal Wave makes an appearance
Yes, I went with Bag Lady
Rena Rouge has a moment
Ah ha, there is finally a plan
Carapace gets a long(ish) chapter
Do the butterflies ever run out?
I need to stop revealing people's identities.
So basically now he's just copying.
Full circle
Mayura gets clever
Cheese and Uno
Don't look at me, I'm just the author 0-0
Ah yes, stuff happens.
Nope I didn't just do that
3 Hawkmoths, chilling in a hot tub~
How to say goodbye (I apologise in advance)
So I did a thing...hehe... plot twist?
The End... or is it?

Everything goes well, the end. Oh wait...

1.6K 47 12
By OoBooksAreLifeoO

Chat Noir was surprised when Ladybug didn't ask where Adrien was after all the fuss she'd made earlier. Still, he wasn't complaining. He hated lying to her, even if it had been her that insisted they keep their identities a secret.

Besides, Ladybug was acting really weird tonight. She hadn't made any sarcastic replies to his flirting, she even seemed...flushed. And when he snuggled up to her for warmth, she didn't pull away. If possible, she seemed to move closer. No, Chat thought, bad kitty. She's just cold and preserving body heat.

After a while, Ladybug closed her eyes and let out a long sigh, then got up and began to pace. 

"He's late," she observed, pulling out her yo-yo phone. "It's been almost 30 minutes since I arrived."

"Maybe he's not coming," Chat said, trying to disguise his sadness as disappointment. "That's a shame, I was looking forward to a fight."

"Maybe he got held up?"

"We checked his schedule. His last meeting finished 20 minutes ago. What could hold him up? He just doesn't care."

"Hey, Chat, that's not true."

"Not that I care, it's just..." Ladybug sat down again and put her arm around him.

"Shh, it's okay. Maybe he's coming up with a plan to attack us and save Adrien."

She still didn't ask where Adrien was. And why was she working so hard to comfort him?

This time, it was Chat Noir that pulled away first. "Be quiet."


"Look, he's coming."

"What?" Ladybug leant over the railing. There were no cars on the road below, so she followed his gaze to where a purple-clad figure leapt from roof to roof.

Chat Noir stared as he came ever closer. That was his father, the man who had raised him, the monster who had terrorised Paris. He did his best to keep his cool in front of Ladybug. What would she think of him, if she knew that his father was a villain? 

After a tense couple of seconds, Hawkmoth landed in front of them. Adrien had dreamed of this moment. Had dreamt of defeating Hawkmoth, his Ladybug by his side, and ensuring the safety of their city. The pride, the relief. But knowing that it was his father under the mask... he just felt sick to his stomach.

As if she could sense how he was feeling, Ladybug squeezed his hand. He hadn't even realised she was holding it.

"Where is my son?" Hawkmoth roared. Adrien had dreamt of this moment, also. His father, showing even a scrap of affection for him, was a rare sight. But again, the mask ruined it. 

Chat Noir realised that Ladybug was watching him, so he did his best to summon some of his usual bravado. "You know," he said, "for a fashion designer, that's a pretty ugly suit."

Hawkmoth snarled. "Tell me where he is."

"Give us your miraculous first."

"Give me my son first."

"We don't want to fight you. Give us your miraculous, Mr Agreste."

"How do I know you'll give me my son back. If you've hurt him-"

"Your son is fine. He won't be if you don't hand over your miraculous."

"Give me proof."

Luckily, Chat had prepared for this the day before. He pulled out his baton phone.

"What are you doing?" Ladybug asked.

"Phoning Adrien," Chat lied. "Gabriel - you don't mind if I call you that, right? - you might want to remove your miraculous."

He pretended to hit a button on his phone and tapped his foot as if waiting for someone to pick up.

"You mean- you haven't told him?"

"You're the villain, not us," Ladybug replied, shooting Chat a look that said, I hope you know what you're doing.

"No. This is a trick to get me to reveal where it is," Hawkmoth said, albeit a little uncertainly.

"Hi Adrien!" Chat said loudly, hitting play on the video he'd made earlier.

"Chat Noir!" exclaimed Adrien's voice. "Is it safe to come out now?"

"Nearly," Chat reassured himself. Ladybug looked like she was questioning her life choices. "Your dad's here if you want to say h-"

"Father?!" Adrien exclaimed. Chat winced - it was just a tad early, but Hawkmoth didn't seem to notice, too busy ripping off his tie pin as Chat turned the phone around. He braced, knowing what was about to happen, but the familiar face jarred him anyway.

"Father!" Adrien's tinny voice repeated. "What are you doing with Ladybug and Chat Noir?"

"Where are you? Are you safe? Hav-"

"Chat Noir told me another akuma was after me and I needed to stay here until he came to get me. I hope everything's going okay!"

Chat turned back around and pretended to hang up as the video cut off.

"Believe us now?" Ladybug asked, seemingly shaken.

"Fine." Gabriel sighed as he looked at the purple gem in his open hand. He took a breath, then clenched his fist, and raised his eyes to meet them. Maybe this was going to actually be easy for once.

"You can have it if you give me yours. A trade."

Nope, Chat thought. It could never just be easy.

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