No Hesitation - Villain Deku...

By Snizzors

20.4K 854 719

This story follows a certain green haired boy around during his first encounter with death, and murder, and t... More

Swan Dive
Home We Go
First Kill
Home Hunting
Experimentation and Hesitation
Crater and Deflation
Douchebag With a Cigarette
Killing to Gain Favor
Trailing Smoke
Data Anonymization
Loosing Consciousness
Resurrecting Once Again
Transcriptions Transcriptions


1.5K 67 40
By Snizzors

"Normal" - speaking
'Italics' - thinking
(Bold) - author speaking/ author notes
<Normal> - calling/ audio
(Normal) - texting

(Third POV)


Izuku was sitting comfortably on the stained couch in the living room, watching the news.

The troubled teen was contemplating what to do with Inko's body and where to go after when his thoughts are interrupted by his phone ringing.

Izuku sluggishly stands up, muting the TV.
He walks to the kitchen before picking up his phone, looking at the caller ID.

Izuku's face twists is confusion as he reads 'Aunt Mitsuki' clearly labeled on his phone.

"Why the hell...?" Izuku questions, accepting the call.

<Hey honey! I know you might be wondering why I'm calling, but I just wanted to know if you're doing ok...> Mitsuki asks, clearly concerned.

Izuku shifts his weight from foot to foot, uncomfortable with the question, wondering if she knows anything.
"Y- yeah I'm fine, just in the kitchen doing the dishes," Midoriya responds, nervously.

<That's good... Oh, but are you watching the news right now?> Ms. Bakugo questions.

"Oh ummm... yeah it's on, let me see..." Izuku responds, walking back to the living room.
He watched as the local news plays a clip of himself peacefully walking home, still with his bloody uniform on. The video seems to be shot on someone's phone.

'Someone must've decided to record me...'

The title below clearly states:

"Teen boy walking through town covered in blood"

"Ooooh shit..." Izuku mutters quietly, lowering his phone.
Midoriya immediately shuts off the TV, not wanting to hear anything else said, before placing his phone to his ear once again.

"Yeah... ummm... I don't know what to tell ya," Izuku mutters, flopping onto the couch.

<Well Katsuki and I noticed this boy looked a lot like you, and we wanted to know if it was, and if you were ok,> Mitsuki states, slowly.

Izuku opens his mouth to reply, before hearing angry yelling in the background, that he suspects are Katsuki and Aunt Mitsuki arguing.

Izuku waits a few seconds for the yelling to fade before speaking.
"Yeah... th- that was me, but I can assure you that I'm okay," Midoriya continues, frantically thinking of an excuse for all the blood.

<Were you injured or was someone else? Or d-> Mitsuki interrogates.
"I'm sorry Aunty, but I need to eat my dinner,"
"We can finish talking another time," Izuku interrupts, stressed.

Izuku quickly hangs up before Mitsuki could reply.
Midoriya's eyes nearly miss an unread message he must have got while on the call.
He glances at the name, before nearly choking on air.


<                               🩸Reaper🩸

(Congrats on your first kill!!!
٩( ᐛ )و)
(Woot woot!)

(Thank you... ??)

(Oh! Have you created your information journal
thingy yet?)

(No, not yet, I'll do it soon though)
(I forgot to ask before, but how do I
cloak myself and/or others?)

(Good question!)
(It's not really a quirk, but you can activate it as such)
(I guess, you should start off by imagining an area surrounding a certain spot closed off by other people that may be passing by)
(If someone were to enter the area you masked, they would just faze right through you)
(It would seem like no one's there, including your victim ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

(Thanks... I probably should have asked this before you left ( ̄▽ ̄;))

(Yeah! I mean like, what made you think walking on  a sidewalk where multiple people are, while your clothes are still covered in your own blood?)
(How stupid are you? (/ _ ; ))

(Yeah thanks ...)

(You also may want to find some way to earn money! (⌒▽⌒))

(... and find a way to get some money...)

(Anyway, I got to go! Things to do, souls to reap, you know the drill)

(Yeah, bye)



Izuku shoves his phone into his pocket, letting out a long sigh.

'I know if someone were to find Inko's body and notice me missing, I'll immediately become the main suspect and I'll have multiple people after me,' Izuku ponders, walking to his poorly decorated room.
'So leaving her body here is not an option.'

'I could use Inko's legal problems to my advantage and make it seem like she bolted, attempting to run away from the cops,'

'It'll take a while to clean and set up but I think it's my best option,' Izuku concludes, pacing back and forth.
Midoriya pauses suddenly, remembering his conversation with The Reaper.

'I should create the information grimoire he talked about,' Izuku reflects, slowly walking to his broken bookshelf filled with multiple old notebooks.
Most of them contain his detailed notes about multiple heroes.

Izuku gently pulls out a brand new notebook, before placing it on his old desk.

'I think he said I needed to drip some of my blood onto the cover or something,' Izuku thinks.

Midoriya summons his large scythe, briefly admiring its deadly beauty.

He raises his arm up, before grazing his index finger along the sharp blade.
It only takes a second before blood slowly seeps out of the small cut on his finger.

Izuku waits until a good amount of blood makes its way out of the self inflicted injury, before rotating his finger downwards.
Izuku let's multiple drops of blood rain down onto the previously clean cover.

After a few silent seconds, Izuku notices the notebook seem to absorb the blood splattered on the cover.
Each splotch of crimson liquid seems to glow briefly before slowly disappearing.

Izuku sighs, disappointed.
"That was quite anticlimactic," Izuku voices, picking up his notebook.

Midoriya opens up the book, flipping through the pages. The greenete immediately notices the lines that used to be on the pages are missing.

'Must help organize better when information shows up,' Izuku concludes, placing the closed book in the palm of his hand, concentrating.
He successfully de-summon's his notebook, happy most of his things he needed to do are finished.

Izuku struts out of his room, not minding the copious amount of blood splattered all over his clothes.
Grabbing a large black trash bag, Izuku walks into the guest room.
Before even walking into the room, Izuku is enveloped with the smell of pure iron.
The overwhelming stench only grows once Midoriya opens the door.

Inko's decapitated body lays the same as as he left it.
Izuku plugs his nose as he walks further into the bloody room.
Izuku sighs in preparation for the oncoming cleanup.

Midoriya starts off by untying Inko's limp arm from the chair, letting her stiff body fall to the ground.
Izuku summons his scythe, before using it to cut up her limbs, letting the blood flow into an empty black bag.

-Time skip-

After one seemingly quick hour, Inko's body has been divided into eight parts, including her head. Before placing her arms and torso into the bag, he pulls out all the nails that were sticking out of her body using the back of his hammer.

All her divided appendages have been shoved into a second black bag.
Another smaller trash bag was shoved to the side, containing all the bloody nails, needle, the rope that Izuku used to tie up Inko, and the stained hammer.
Midoriya also breaks down the damaged chair before shoving it all into the previous trash bag.

(Izuku's POV)

I eventually was able to bundle all of the bloody bags I laid onto the floor into another trash bag, being mindful of the wet blood covering the surface.

It only took twenty minutes to finish rearranging the room back to how it was before.
Any contaminated items I found, I stuffed into a trash bag.

I sluggishly walk to Inko's bedroom almost excited to see what it looked like.
'I was never allowed to go anywhere near her room.'
'The last time I even stepped foot into her bedroom was the day I urged my mom out of bed to get to the doctor's office, only to find out I was quirkless.'

My previous enthusiasm immediately plummeted as I opened the creaky door.

Inko's room looks as if it was hit by a tornado, the floor is barely visible, multiple pairs of clothing are strewn about. The potent smell of cigarette smoke permanently lingers in the air.

Her bed looks like it hasn't been cleaned in months, the sheets having yellowed, becoming a bacteria breeding ground.

"Ugh, disgusting," I mutter, the look of discomfort ever so present on my face.

I hesitantly make my way throughout Inko's room looking for anything that looks important enough to remove.
I snatch a couple shirts and jeans from her closet, throwing them over my shoulder.

'To properly stage a runaway scene, I should take some necessities such as clothes or some non perishable food, things that you might take if you were going on a long car ride,' I ponder, walking into the hallway.
'To make it even more believable, I should take the few family photos scattered throughout the house,' I think, snatching a dusty photo of me off the wall. The photo showed myself when I was an innocent toddler playing with a small toy All Might figurine.

"Before I was diagnosed quirkless," I mutter softly, gripping the frame of the photo.
'But oh how wrong they were...'
After eventually snapping out of my thoughts, I continue searching the house for any items of value.

-Time skip-
(Third POV)

After about twenty minutes, Izuku was finally satisfied with the amount of items he chose to remove.
'I could hide everything at Takoba Municipal Beach Park, no one goes there anyway,' Izuku concludes, grabbing the multiple trash bags strewn throughout the house.

"I'm not sure how I'll get there without being noticed though," Midoriya questions, one hand ruffling his green hair.
Izuku's head shoots up as he remembers the masking technique the Reaper talked about.

Izuku sets the four large trash bags down next to the front door.

'I have to imagine myself disappearing from sight... concentrate...'  Izuku thinks, closing his eyes.

After a few seconds of pure silence, Izuku slowly opens his eyes, silently hoping it worked.

Izuku reaches out for the four trash bags he set aside, picking them up without fail.

'I expected to phase right through them, but I guess I can interact with the world around me,' Midoriya ponders, struggling with the immense weight the bags carry.

'But Reaper said I can phase through people? Maybe I can only touch inanimate things,'

Before opening the door, Izuku closes his eyes once again, willing the four bags and the contents to enter the large area he masked.
'Now when I walk to the beach, no one will see four random trash bags floating in the air,' Izuku continues thinking, dragging the bags out the door.

"I need to seriously strengthen my body... I'm already out of breath," Midoriya mutters, taking in a handful of air into his lungs.

-Time skip-

Izuku reaches the beach known for its gorgeous view in the past, only for it to become a place to dump your unwanted trash.
He walks down the wide stairs, still dragging the multiple heavy trash bags with him.

'This stuff has to be buried under tons of garbage.' He begins in his mind.

'I can't leave it laying out in the open,' Izuku concludes, walking to a large mountain of trash.

Midoriya notices a beat up refrigerator supporting the rest of the junk from falling over.

"Perfect," Izuku mutters, carefully opening the refrigerator door, before stuffing the trash bag containing Inko's remains inside.

Izuku tosses the three other trash bags next to the broken appliance.
'If I tip the refrigerator over, that should cause the huge mound of trash to fall over, completely enveloping the garbage bags,' Izuku estimates, summoning his scythe, letting the small blade at the bottom of his weapon pierce the side of the broken, beat up refrigerator.

Izuku pushes the broken appliance away, letting it fall to the ground.
He backs up quickly, watching as the mountain of junk falls to the ground, kicking up a large dust cloud.

Midoriya quickly looks around, making sure no one is near. Once he is sure there is no one nearby, he releases the masking technique.

Exhausted, Izuku leans against a cracked desk, letting out a long sigh.

'Today was one hell of a day...' Izuku reflects, playing with the sand.

After a few minutes of relaxing on the polluted beach, Izuku stands back up to stretch his non existent muscles.

'It's almost completely dark out, Ill have to find a new place to stay tomorrow. It's Friday after all,' Izuku contemplates, beginning to walk back to his apartment.

-Time skip-
(Izuku POV)

Once I made it back home, I immediately trudged to my room, exhausted.
As I lay my head on my pillow, all I could think about was what was to come in the future.

'Maybe Kacchan was right, I really can't become a hero.'


This chapter is a few hundred words shorter than usual, sorry. 😅
I wanted to get this out before Christmas.


Anyway, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

I hope you have a great holiday, or if you're not reading this during the holidays or don't celebrate any of these holidays... have a good day/night! ✨🌟


I would love any feedback, like ideas for future chapters or any grammar, spelling or punctuation mistakes!

This is a LGBTQ+/ BLM safe space too! Any discrimination or harassment of any kind will result in a permanent ban

Word count - 2243


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