
By Ruby_FreeInTheSky

356 9 1

It's different, having Hibara Kyouya as you childhood friend makes you grow quite different than how it was o... More

[Chapter Two]
[Chapter Three]
[Chapter Four.]

[Chapter One]

130 3 0
By Ruby_FreeInTheSky

A/N: So hey people who decided to read this fic, wanna say thanks for giving this fic a chance and all! So, I want to make this a long story, but I'll be honest, I mostly write for fun, I prefer reading fics over writing. This story idea was in my head for so long and I wanted to actually publish it after finishing it, but knowing myself that's going to be impossible and I really didn't want this story to stay in my drafts forever. I want other people to read it, even if it's currently incomplete, and who knows when it's actually gonna be finished, even though I have so many ideas for it, it's kinda hard to write everything into a story. Now, without any further rambling, you can start reading. Good luck and to those who don't enjoy it, don't worry, you don't have to force yourselves! Sorry for any grammatical errors.

You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending. –C.S.Lewis.

[Chapter One]

It was a quiet day in Italy, the day was going on normally, especially in the Vongola mansion, no explosions or yelling were there, and that's how it has been for a long time, but this peace wouldn't last for so long, not when the boss has already decided the next boss for their famiglia.

"You want me to go to Japan to tutor a civilian?" A small figure asked, looking through a file in their hand.

"Well, Yeah," The current leader of the Vongola replied, "This civilian is actually Iemitsu's child, thus the direct descendant of Primo and since there are no more... heirs, I request you tutor Iemitsu's child."

The small figure nodded, flipping through the file, showing all the information on his soon-to-be-student, "Is this 'Sawada Tsunayoshi' aware of the mafia?"

The old boss shook his head, "No, Young Tsunayoshi-kun doesn't know about the mafia; however you can inform him of anything that you think he should know."

"Hmm..." The small figured hummed, "Alright, I'll do this."

The elder man smiled gratefully at the figure, "I'm grateful for your help, Reborn."

The now identified 'Reborn', smirked, pulling on his fedora, "Of course, so rest reassured, Nono, this greatest hit-man will turn this new student of mine into a great mafia boss."

"I'm sure."

And with that the number one hit-man turned around and left the room.

A few moments after the dismissal of the hit-man, Nono spoke up, "Are you sure Iemitsu? Don't you want to inform Reborn of the truth regarding your child?"

The man, 'Iemitsu', came out of his hiding spot, laughing, "Nah, this serves as a nice prank!"

Nono sighed and messaged his head, 'Forgive me, old friend, and good luck,' he thought.


A young teen couldn't help but shiver, feeling an upcoming headache, 'I have a bad feeling...'

"Tsu-chan? Are you alright?" a gentle voice asked.

'Tsu-chan' looked up at the person who spoke, smiling gently at the elder women, "Hai, Okaa-san."

The mother smiled back at her child, "Alright, Tsu-chan, by the way you should hurry up, don't wanna be late to school."

The teen nodded, getting up heading towards their room to get ready.

The mother looked at her child's figure, 'You're so grown up now Tsu-chan...' she couldn't help but feel nostalgic, 'I wish your father could see you like this,' this seems to remind her of something, "Oh! Tsu-chan!!" she called out.

"Yeah?" her child shouted back.

"I talked with your father recently; he said that he's sending a tutor for you!"

Then there was a noise heard from the teenager's room, the mother walked over to the door and peaked in to see that her child, already wearing the school uniform consisting of a white button up shirt and navy pants, has seemed to drop some books on the ground.


Snapping to their sense, 'Tsu-chan' immediately crouched down to pick all the books, while stuttering, "D-d-dad? T-tutor?"

"Mhm...' the mother gazed worriedly at her child, 'Tsu-chan' never acted like this, "Tsu-chan, is there an issue?"

"N-no!" The young teen exclaimed, shaking their head and got up, shoving the books into a bag, slinging it on the shoulder and passed their mother by the door, avoiding looking at their mother.

The mother watched as the teenager ran towards the house door, on the way snatching two bentos and shouting "I'm going!" Then left.

The mother chuckled, "Tsu-chan is really energetic!"


Arriving to school, 'Tsu-chan' first went to the disciplinary room in order to greet the school prefect, upon reaching the door, Tsu-chan knocked on the door gently then entered, not waiting for any reply from inside the room.

"Good morning, Kyouya," the teen greeted some other teenager who was sitting in the office, signing some paperwork.

Hibari Kyouya glanced up at the intruder and grunted, "Omnivore," the returned his gaze to the paper.

Grinning at their childhood friend, Tsu-chan walked and set down a purple napkin cover bento, "How has your morning been so far?"


The grin didn't falter but turned into a soft smile instead, gazing softly at the prefect, "Is that so..."

The said prefect glanced up once more at the tone of the other teen, "I take it yours hasn't been so good?"

Tsu-chan's smile and fell into a grimace, "Okaa-san told me that my father is sending me a tutor and I have a bad feeling about this."

The discipline chairman scowled, "Your father?"

Sighing, "Yeah..."

"And the bad feeling?"

"It feels like something is gonna change when the tutor arrives... Something dangerous..." Tsu-chan mumbled, but Kyouya still heard it due to the quiet room.

"Omnivore," Kyouya called out, "You are to inform me about this tutor the moment they arrive."

Tsu-chan nodded, "Of course."

Grunting, the prefect returned to signing his paperwork, "Don't be late to your class."

"Hai," the other chuckled at the demon prefect, turning around to leave, they said, "I'll see you in lunch break, Kyouya~"

A click, indicating the door closed, sounded, bringing silence with it.


Reborn didn't know what to feel about this assignment, but nonetheless, he will achieve what Nono asked him of.

The hit-man kept watch over the Sawada residence, watch and listening to what's happening inside.

He saw the mother of the candidate, Sawada Nana, a middle aged woman who still looks quite young, her cheerful attitude, and her bright eyes shining with affection for her child. The women had brown, chestnut colored hair, styles into a bob haircut, and a pair of wide brown eyes.

Those feature seemed to have also been inherited by her son too, the said teen having short gravity defying brown hair, wide chocolate brown eyes. If it wasn't stated that the teen was a male, Reborn would have thought that the child was actually female, his features are quite feminine, especially his body.

Reborn smirked, it might be fun tutoring the teen, and he just hoped that Tsunayoshi isn't like his father.

The hit-man noticed that when the mother mentioned the teen's father, Tsunayoshi has flinched and dropped the books on the ground, this made Reborn narrow his eyes, 'Does he dislike his father?'

Reborn continues to watch over the teen as he goes to school and enters the disciplinary office to meet up with his childhood friend.

Hibari Kyouya, from what he gathered that boy didn't like crowds and instead preferred to be all alone, how Tsunayoshi became close to this person wasn't written in the information provided to him, it was just said that they have been childhood friends, and due to this fact, Tsunayoshi has grown to be quite strong and wasn't able to make other friends as people feared getting close to the demon prefect. The prefect had short raven hair and a pair of steel grey, cold piercing eyes, that would soften just a small bit when he saw the brunette.

He listened as the teen asked the prefect about his morning and informed him about what Sawada Nana has told him.

'A bad feeling...' Reborn smirked again, 'Oh yes, tutoring this boy will be fun.'


After school, Sawada Tsunayoshi headed once more to the disciplinary room, on the way passing Kusakabe Tetsuya, Kyouya's subordinate and some sort of friend.

The man has raven hair styled in a pompadoured cut and dark brown eyes. His serious face melted to a gentle smile at the sight of the brunette.

"Sawada-san," he greeted.

Tsunayoshi smiled and nodded respectfully at the teen, "Hello, Kusakabe-san."

"On your way to see Kyo-san?"

"Hai, I wanted to see if he'll be coming over tonight for dinner," the shorter teen replied.

Kusakabe nodded, "Well then, I hope he will be free to have dinner with you tonight."

"What about you, Kusakabe-san? Are you free to join us for dinner?"

The teen continued smiling at Tsunayoshi, "Thank you for your offer, Sawada-san, however I have to reject as I have some work to attend to. I'll hopefully join you next time."

Tsunayoshi nodded, understanding that the male is busy, "Of course, please do take care of yourself."

The male nodded and with a goodbye, he left the Sawada to go to the disciplinary chairman.

Reborn who has been watching, hummed, 'Sawada Tsunayoshi has manners, and seems to be respected, and I haven't seen anybody treat him in any disrespectful way the whole day.'

Nodding to himself, satisfied that at least he won't have to teach his student any lessons about respect and manners.

Back to Tsunayoshi, he knocked on the door, and once more just like in the morning, he entered without permission.

And once more again, just like in the morning where he found Kyouya sitting on his chair in front of the desk, but instead he wasn't signing paperwork, but gazing out of the window on the students.

"Omnivore," Kyouya said, not even looking in the direction of Tsunayoshi.

"Kyouya," The brunette replied back, chuckling at the perfect.

Hearing the chuckle, Kyouya turned to Tsunayoshi, "What's so funny?"

Tsunayoshi just hummed with a smile and walked over to Kyouya.

Hibari just kept staring at the small teen as he headed towards himself and stopped in front of him. He raised one of his eyebrows questioningly.

The brunette's smile turned into a grin, "Do I need a reason to be happy?"

This seemed to make Kyouya smirk, "Hn."

"You free for dinner tonight?" Tsunayoshi asked.

The raven seemed to ponder for a while, trying to remember if he was required to do something, then nodded at the brunette, "I'm free."

The grin brightened even more if it was possible, "Alright!"

With Reborn, he was rethinking his next actions, he was originally planning on visiting the Sawada household tonight, but it seems he can't with the young Hibari over there.

And for some reason, his instinct has been telling him not to show himself to Hibari Kyouya just yet, not until after he explains everything to Sawada Tsunayoshi.


Reborn watched how the two teenagers acted with each other, how Hibari was gentle with the brunette, how Sawada would look at the raven with his beautiful kind eyes, filled with affection and love.

Just by these actions and gestures, Reborn knew that the feelings that this pair had for each other exceeded those of friends, but he wasn't sure to what extent, and if those feelings were familial or romantic.

But one thing for sure, as Sawada Tsunayoshi gets involved into the mafia world, Hibari Kyouya will follow suit, probably as a guardian.

The hit-man could sense cloud flames from the prefect, 'How ironic, usually cloud guardians are the last to be found and bound to a sky, but here, Tsunayoshi attracted the cloud guardian first.'

The sun arcobaleno watched the pair walk into the residence, his partner turning into a listening devise in order for him to eavesdrop on what's said in the small building.

"We're home!" The gentle, smooth voice of the younger Sawada rung though out the house as he entered.

"Ara~! Welcome home, Tsu-chan~! Kyo-kun~!" Nana replied, poking her out of the kitchen, smiling brightly at the sight of her son and his childhood friend.

Tsunayoshi smiled back with equal brightness while Kyouya just smirked.

Reborn hummed at this, 'Seems like it's a usual occurrence for Hibari Kyouya to come over.'

As the three moved into the living room, Tsunayoshi pushed the raven a chair near the dining table, requesting him to wait until the pair of mother and son serve the food.

The older teen raised his eyebrows, "Omnivore, I can help you-"

But he got interrupted by the elder Sawada, "Nonsense, Kyo-kun! You're a guest!" She scolded teasingly.

"I thought I was family?" Kyouya smirked, making both the Sawada's laugh lightly.

"Ara~," Nana gained a slight devilish smile, "Please marry Tsu-chan first, Kyo-kun."

This made the said 'Tsu-chan' blush and squeak, "Okaa-san!"

Nana just giggled at the blushing mess known as her son.

"Of course, Okaa-sama. One day, when the time comes, I'll ask for the hand of your child, I just hope I have your approval at that time," Kyouya continued smirking, enjoying the sight of Sawada Tsunayoshi all flushed up and embarrassed.

The mother just continued giggling, "Ara~ Kyo-kun, you already have my complete approval~," she replied, playing along with the Hibari.

Tsunayoshi pouted, face all red from the teasing, "Mou~! Okaa-san! Kyouya!"

He turned around, marching to the kitchen, grumbling to himself about annoying people who just love making fun of him, leaving a laughing mother and an amused Skylark.

The arcobaleno couldn't help but find the interaction between the three quite amusing and sweet, 'This day just keeps on getting better and better.'


'This... Is this a baby?' Sawada Tsunayoshi sweat dropped, crouching down, "Hello, little one. Are you lost?"

The toddler smiled at the teen, "Ciaossu, I'm your tutor."

Tsunayoshi tensed at those words, narrowing his eyes at the toddler, 'An arcobaleno?' "Ah? Is that so? Are you a friend of my father?"

"Of some sort, he's an acquaintance of mine," the arcobaleno said, eyes glinting.

"Hmm..." The brunette hummed, staring blankly at the toddler, 'A yellow pacifier... So this is Reborn? The world's greatest hit-man?' then suddenly smiled at the hit-man, "Well then, Tutor-san! Will you be coming in? I need to go to school."

Reborn stared at the teen, for some reason, he felt something amiss, 'He still hasn't asked for my name... Is he oblivious like his mother? But he didn't act like this yesterday...'

"No, actually I'd like to go with you to school today."

Tsunayoshi raised an eyebrow, "But babies aren't allowed at school, Tutor-san. What am I supposed to say if a teacher saw you?"

"Don't worry, I won't get caught," the suit-wearing toddler reassured.

Tsunayoshi felt like arguing with Reborn will be pointless, so he just gave up, not wanting to waste time.

Sighing, Tsunayoshi nodded, "Alright."

"Ara~ Tsu-chan, thank God you didn't leave yet. You forgot the bentos!" Nana appeared behind the brown haired teen, holding two bentos, one orange, the other purple, when she saw Reborn.

"Are~ who is this, Tsu-chan?" Nana asked, she crouched down, handing the lunch boxes to her son.

"This is my tutor," 'Apparently...'

Nana blinked innocently at the chibi hit-man, "Ah! Then you must be Reborn-kun! Iemitsu told me that's your name," she smiled.

"Yes," he nodded.

Tsunayoshi just watched, 'This confirms it then...this is the bad feeling I had yesterday,' he could feel the upcoming headache, 'oh god,' he rubbed his temples.

Glancing at a hanging clock, Tsunayoshi got up, "Okaa-san, Reborn-san, I should get going now."

Nana nodded at her son, "Have a safe trip, Tsu-chan~!"

Smiling lovingly at his mother, Tsunayoshi leaned in, kissing his mother's cheek, "I will, thanks, Okaa-san. You as well, please stay safe."

The mother giggled, "Tsu-chan is so sweet," then hugged the teen lightly, "Don't worry, Tsu-chan, I'll take care of myself, now get going before Kyo-kun gets mad at you for being late."

Chuckling, he nodded and got up, looking at Reborn, "Reborn-san, you said you'll be coming over right?"

The hit-man nodded.

"Alright, then let's go."

"Good bye you two~!"


The teen walked to school with Reborn following, both silent until a squealing noise.

"How cute!"

A female teenager with short blonde hair went to Reborn, "You're so cute! What's your name?"

Tsunayoshi halted in his walking, staring surprised at the female.

"Ciaossu! I'm Reborn, the world's greatest hit-man," the sun arcobaleno said, making Tsunayoshi tensed, 'How can he say that so carelessly?!'

Glancing wearily at the female blonde, who just giggled at what the baby said, "Oh how cute," she turned to Tsunayoshi, "Oh! Good morning, Sawada-san," she smiled gently at the teen.

"G-good morning, Sasagawa-san," the brunette said, awkwardly shifting his legs while running his arm, not used to someone greeting him besides his mother, Kyouya, Kusakabe-san and a few other individuals.

Reborn watched this with interest, he didn't see Sawada Tsunayoshi act this awkward before, the teen was comfortable when conversing with his childhood friend and mother, he acted confident and respectful with the member of the disciplinary committee, he was clumsy and could trip over thin air (proved by today morning when he fell from the top of the stairs), he could get flustered easily from the teasing, but never awkward.

'Is it possible that... Sawada Tsunayoshi is interested in this girl?'

"Well, look at the time; I'll be going to school now. See you later, Sawada-san, Reborn-kun!" The girl smiled, running away.

Tsunayoshi gazed at the back of the leaving figure, "Who was that?" Reborn asked, even though he knew, but he wanted to hear his student.

"Sasagawa Kyoko, she's a popular girl in my school, well-known for her kindness, the perfect kind of girl." Tsunayoshi mumbled, 'I wish I could be like her, so comfortable with others and able to make friends...'

"So you admire her?" Reborn asked.

"Obviously, how can I not?" The defying-gravity haired teen said.

"Then confess to her," Reborn stared, Leon turning into a gun and pointed it at the teenager.

Confused and cautious, he turned around to look at the toddler, seeing him holding a gun which was pointed at him, 'WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON NOW?!'

The teen seriously felt like hitting his head against a solid object until he losses conscious, "What?" He uttered blankly even though he was a freaking mess inside.

"I said 'confess to her'," the hit-man repeated, "Now, die."

He shot, and before Tsunayoshi knew what's happening, he felt something hit his forehead and he blanked out, his last thought, 'If only I was like Sasagawa Kyoko, if only I could have friends, if only I could be friends with her.'

Then his eyes sprang open, his body rising, his clothes being ripped into shreds, leaving his with a pair of boxers and a sport bra around his chest, a flame lightening up on his forehead "REBORN! ASK SASAGAWA KYOKO TO BE MY FRIEND!"

Then he bolted away, in the direction that the said girl went to.

Leaving Reborn behind.

A very confused and astonished Reborn.




Reborn stared, confused, at where the young teen stood just a moment ago.

'Sawada Tsunayoshi... Is a female?'

Because Reborn clearly saw it, he saw his student, his supposed to be male student.

Sawada Tsunayoshi was wearing a sports bra.

An item that is worn by females.

A freaking bra.

Reborn really felt confused, and he hated it, he's the freaking greatest hit-man! He has a reputation, damn it! His pride just got hit so badly.

He was supposed to be informed of everything.

He had a freaking file filled with information regarding Sawada Tsunayoshi! But there was nothing there saying that Sawada Tsunayoshi was a FEMALE!

This... 'This smells of Iemitsu... That bastard kept this a secret, probably thinking that it's a good prank.'

Killing intent could be felt leaking from the sun arcobaleno.

'I'll kill him.'

(Somewhere in Italy, a specific blonde haired idiot shivered.

'Someone must be planning my death...again,' The CEDEF leader thought, but just shrugged after a moment, 'Oh well, that's normal, I am in the mafia after all...'

Totally ignoring his upcoming death in the hands of the number one hit-man.)


Tsunayoshi zoomed by, racing to school, by passing the person the teen was aiming for, and when noticed, she halted, turning around and once more ran, this time stopping in front of the target.

Sasagawa Kyoko, alongside her best friend, Kurokawa Hana, stared surprised at the figure of Sawada Tsunayoshi, half naked, standing in front of them.

Tsunayoshi, holding both of Kyoko's hands, exclaimed out loud, "SASAGAWA KYOKO! PLEASE BE MY FRIEND!"

Then in less than a second, the flame on the forehead of the teen, diminished, leaving behind a confused look on her face, before turning into a bright red color.

"Oh my god! Sasagawa-san! Kurokawa-san! I'm so sorry, I don't know what made me do this," Tsunayoshi rambled, "Please forget this ever happened!" Then ran off, the pair of female teenagers staring at the back of the half-naked teen.

A moment passed then one of them spoke, "Nee... Hana-chan," Kyoko started, making the other glance at her friend, seeing a smile on Kyoko's face, "I'd like to become friends with Sawada-san... she looked awesome."

Hana, the teen with long dark brown hair and with matching dark brown eyes, sighed at her best friend's antics, then chuckled, "Yeah, sure, why not, at least she's not actually a bad person....just a little weird."

Kyoko grinned brightly; face flushed slightly, "Do you think Sawada-san will be fine with us calling her Tsuna-chan?"

Hana shrugged, "You never know unless you ask her."

"You're right."


Tsunayoshi bolted away from the two, hiding in a dark alleyway, away from the public eye, lifting her hand to her ear, checking to see if her earpiece was still there, sighing in relief that it was there.

'I'm so glad that Kusakabe-san suggested that we all keep an earpiece with us in case we don't have our phones.'

Clicking on a button, she spoke, "Call that contact 'Kyouya'."

Hearing a soft sound, indicating that her command has been heard and the contact was found, she heard the start of the call and not soon after, she heard her childhood friend's voice, "Omnivore?"

"Kyouya," she started, peaking out of the alleyway, searching for a sign that shows where she is, she read out the name then continued, "Come get me now, and bring me a pair of clothes."

Without anything else said, the prefect hung up.

Putting her hand down from her ear, she glanced around the area then leaned back on a wall, heaving out a long breath, recalling what has previously occurred then groaned loudly, "They probably think I'm so weird now and the whole school will just find out sooner about what happened. Oh look! It's the half-naked Sawada!" She slid down, hiding her into her knees while hugging her legs to herself, "What the hell am I supposed to tell Kyouya when he comes?"

"Yes, you certainly have a lot of explaining to do, Omnivore," Tsunayoshi lifted her head at the voice of the person she was just thinking about, "Speak of the devil..." She muttered quietly, but from the blank look she got from the prefect, he had heard her.

She sighed, getting up, while Kyouya glanced down at her half naked form, pausing for a moment at her chest then looking up at her face.

Tsunayoshi narrowed her eyes at Kyouya, she totally caught him checking her out, but he just smirked at her, "What? It's not like I haven't seen you like this before."

The female rolled her eyes, "Hai, hai. Now where are the clothes?"

The raven took out a spare uniform he has for the brunette, in case of any incidents, handing them.

He watched as Tsunayoshi wore the shirt, buttoning it up then wearing the pants, she then stared down at her feet; seemingly just noticing that she isn't wearing any shoes either. He could hear her curse and grumble under her breath about crazy toddlers and mysterious bullets.

He raised an eyebrow, "How did you end up like this anyways?"

She looked up at him with a deadpanned look, "Long story short, my tutor is the sun arcobaleno, the greatest hit-man," and even though it didn't explain much, but since Kyouya heard of the craziness and sadism of the number one hit-man, he perfectly understood that what happened to her was all because of the arcobaleno.

Kyouya smirked, "Oh?"

She glared at him, "You seem to be enjoying this way too much, is the thought of me getting tortured that amusing?"

"No, but the thought of seeing you like this often is," this made her blush and shout, "You're a pervert!"

"But you're the one who loves me," he retorted back, actually chuckling at the brunette, making her blush darken.

(She always loves to hear her childhood friend laugh, it's just so deep and makes her heart beat faster. It always lifts up her mood when he laughs his quiet, low, deep chuckle. It makes her feel like melting so so badly. And she can't help but want to kiss the life out of him.)

"Asshole," Tsunayoshi grumbled, which only just made the prefect chuckle more.


The day went by fine for Tsunayoshi, it seemed like no one found out about what occurred in the morning, and Kyoko had smiled in her direction all the time.

When they had to group up for work during class today, instead of all the students avoiding her, Kyoko and Hana went to her, suggesting they group up.

They haven't mention anything about today's morning, but Tsunayoshi felt that they just kept quiet because anyone could overhear them.

Tsunayoshi was grateful for their consideration, and agreed to work with them.

This would repeat if they had to work in group in their other classes, and Tsunayoshi felt a bit happy for their company, even though she kept stuttering when they talked to her. She didn't know what to do in this situation, this never happened to her, everyone kept away from her due to her close relation to their school's scary prefect, and she knew and understood their fear.

So when classes ended, she felt relieved that she won't have to embarrass herself even more, excusing herself first, she sent a quick text to Kyouya, informing him that she'll be heading home first, and exited the school building fast.

She knew that the school Idol and the boy hater wanted to talk to her from their expressions, but she was afraid, she didn't want them to think more weirdly of her than they already did.

Without glancing behind her, she stalked out of the school grounds, ignoring any shouts of her name from the same people she was avoiding.

Tsunayoshi didn't expect them to catch up to her at all, so when someone held her wrist, she snapped her body around quickly and yanked her arm from who ever caught it.

There she saw two breathless girls, the same two girls she's been trying to catch up to her and to her surprise, and they did succeed.

Both looked relieved that she stopped, but Hana had a tint of annoyance with the relief.

"Sheesh, Sawada, at least listen to us will you?" Hana grumbled, folding her arms, "Don't go running like this, it makes it look like we're going to hurt you."

"Ah..." Tsunayoshi uttered, staring in surprise at the pair, "W-why do you want to talk to me?"

'What am I supposed to do now?!' The brunette wanted to run away, or bang her head against something, probably even die. She knew that she was overreacting, but what happened today was too embarrassing; she wanted to forget that she actually ran around half naked.

"It's about today mornin-" but Kyoko was interrupted by Tsunayoshi's yell of: "Please forget what happened this morning!"

Kyoko and Hana gazed, startled by the yell, "B-but-" Kyoko began, but then saw how uncomfortable Sawada seemed.

"I'm really sorry for disturbing you two today, but please understand that I didn't know what overcame me when I did th-that today...so please...forget it..." Tsunayoshi muttered, staring down.

Kyoko and Hana glanced at each other; they didn't expect that talking with Sawada will turn into this.

Kyoko then returned her gaze to the fidgeting Sawada, she opened her mouth and said, "Tsu-Tsuna-chan?"

Tsunayoshi snapped her head up.

"Is it okay if I call you 'Tsuna-chan'?" Kyoko asked.

Staring blankly, the awkward teen didn't know what to say except to nod dumbly at the school Idol, the school Idol who beamed brightly at the brunette.

"Then," Hana said, "If she gets to call you that, I hope I can call you 'Tsuna'." This seemed to snap Tsunayoshi from her trance.

"W-wait! Why are you asking me that? I mean li-like! I-i-" Tsunayoshi slapped a hand to her mouth, and then just covered her whole face, but the other two could see her ears are red.

Kyoko giggled at this, even Hana cracked a smile, and they never saw the normally composed Sawada Tsunayoshi act like how she acted today at all.

The laughter seemed to lighten up the mood, while Tsunayoshi just continued groaning into her hands.

"Tsuna-chan," Kyoko called out, making the said girl look up at both the teens who were both smiling gently at her, "Can we be friends?"


This just made Kyoko and Hana grin, "We'll take that as a yes."


Reborn saw everything.

After snapping out of his... moment, he followed after his student, watched her ask the school Idol to her friend, watched her run away, how she contacted her childhood, her very interesting conversation with the said prefect, her classes, and her awkward talk with Sasawaga Kyoko and Kurokawa Hana.

Reborn just then understood where he went wrong, he had thought that his student had feeling to the Sasagawa female because Tsunayoshi was being shy, which was his mistake, he had a feeling he'll be making more mistakes if he doesn't start understanding his student more.

Sawada Tsunayoshi was a shy and awkward person from the very beginning, she was just confident in front of those who she needs to hold the image set for her, and comfortable with who she considers as family.

He could work with that, at least she wasn't dame like his former student.

Sawada Tsunayoshi's grades aren't high, but average, from the reports, it seemed that the brunette actually had a hard time studying; she would spend so much time drilling things into her head because no matter what, she is unable to understand anything.

While not a complete klutz, she was still clumsy, if the girl wasn't in a fight, she could still trip over thin air, but that seemed to have decreased over the years, it seemed when Sawada Tsunayoshi was younger, she was as bad as his former student.

Speaking of fighting, it's said in the reports that the fights she get into is when she's with Hibari Kyouya, since her childhood friend (possibly lover) gets into many fights, and many people hold grudges against him, it's no secret that Sawada Tsunayoshi is important to him, thugs used to target her, thus Hibari has trained the female in self-defense, and a bit more, as there has been reports of Tsunayoshi getting into fights with bullies, trying to protect some students. And at the rare occasions where Hibari Kyouya needed help, she would aid him; this shows that the pair trust each other with their backs, and that they can work together well.

(As he saw this, Reborn felt a surge of anger and disappointment, the reason the teenager is struggling with her studies and is clumsy is because her flames were sealed at a young age, a reckless move in his eyes.)

Reborn stared into Tsunayoshi's eyes, the teenager has been weird around him, the hit-man didn't notice it at the beginning, but as the day progressed, he thought of how the teen was relaxed when she first saw him until he spoke and said he was her tutor.

Like she knew about him the moment he opened his mouth.

But that shouldn't be possible, he hasn't even informed her about the mafia yet, that's why here they were, in the room of the brunette, both on the floor, Tsunayoshi sitting, her legs tucked under her, while Reborn just stood.

"I'll reintroduce myself; I'm Reborn, the greatest hit-man and your tutor. I'm here to make you into a mafia boss."

The girl just stared blankly at him for a bit then face palms, groaning out loud.

Reborn narrowed his eyes, this was not how she's supposed to react, where are the shouts and shrieks, or the possible fainting, she was supposed to panic, not groan out like this, but he continued speaking nonetheless.

"The name of the mafia famiglia is Vongola, it is the strongest mafia famiglia there is, and you are to be the tenth boss, the Decima."

Tsunayoshi stopped groaning the moment Reborn continued, now that he stopped she thought over what he said and asked, "And why am I supposed to become Decima? Is there no other heirs or something?"

"The current boss, the ninth or Nono, had four children, three of them died and the last is unable to succeed the position, thus you're the only candidate available."

She hummed, "How am I connected to Vongola exactly?"

At this, Reborn took out a paper; on it was a family tree, "You are actually a descendant of the first Vongola boss, the Primo, Giotto, who changed his name into Sawada Ieyasu once he migrated to Japan. You are the direct descendant of Primo, thus the heirs of the Vongola."

Tsunayoshi nodded at this, taking everything into her mind, "Reborn-san," the hit-man raised his an eyebrow at her respectful tone, "Okaa-san said that my father was the one who sent you...that means that he's in the mafia, isn't he?"

Even though she asked that, Reborn knew that she was already aware of this fact, he sighed, no use of hiding it, "Yes, Sawada Iemitsu, your father, is in the mafia, he's actually the CEDEF leader, the external advisor of Vongola, also known as the 'Young Lion'."

She nodded, but didn't say anything, "Are you mad?"

She stared at Reborn, sighing, "Yes, but it's not your fault, so I'm not going to let my anger on you, I'll just wait until that sorry excuse of a father pays us a visit. I'm... I'm just kind of relieved that... That reason he isn't with us isn't because he's cheating on Okaa-san, she wouldn't deserve that."

Reborn felt his heart twinge at her words, 'She was worried that her father is cheating on her mother and that's why he was away... This girl...' he thought as he stared at the girl somberly, 'That stupid Iemitsu, your daughter doesn't trust you, and she has every right not to, if you continue leaving your family like this, you continue choosing the famiglia over your family, then you will lose this family.'

Then suddenly Tsunayoshi bowed, "I'm sorry, Reborn-san, but I won't become a Mafia boss."

His interest peaked, "And why not?"

"For many reasons really... First that I don't want to kill, I also don't want to endanger my mother or friends."

"Is that all?" Reborn raised his eyebrow.

"The mafia is a cruel place, and I would like to avoid that," She said.

He nodded, "While that is understandable, I must also apologize, because you don't have a choice."

Anger flashed in the brown eyes, and they glowed orange for a bit, "And why is that so?"

"That is because I was tasked to train you to become a Mafia boss, and I don't fail in my work."

'And because, according to Nono, you'll return the Vongola to its original aim. I didn't get what he meant at first until I saw you, I get what he meant now, if there were to be anyone who can bring Vongola back to its roots, it's you.'

"Now then, another thing to mention," Reborn said, before his student could get mad at his earlier reply, but it seemed like his student didn't get mad, but she just sighed, "Your...'father' seemed to want to prank me, and has informed me that his child was a male."

Tsunayoshi face palms once more, "What the hell is wrong with that man? Do tell me how the hell informing someone that his daughter is a boy will be a good prank?"

Reborn nodded in understanding, "I don't blame you if you feel ashamed of having that idiota as your father."

"I feel more than shame..." Tsunayoshi sighed, "So, do tell me; what was my male name, since my real name is quite feminine."

"I was informed that your name is Sawada Tsunayoshi."

She nodded, "Then, let me introduce myself, Reborn-san. My name is Sawada Tsunahime, not Tsunayoshi, very much female, thank you very much. But you can call me Tsuna," said Tsunahime with gentle smile to the hit-man, but behind the smile hid the anger she felt for her father, and Reborn knew this perfectly well.

'Oh how exciting this will be~.'

[Katekyo Hitman Reborn!]

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