Nevermor - (Book 1)

By Lani_Lenore

21.6K 575 50

Epic, mind-bending, and as sweet as it is vicious, Lani Lenore’s Nevermor is a dark fantasy based on the lege... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four


12.3K 179 20
By Lani_Lenore


Author's Note: Hello readers! For those of you who have been waiting for this, I'm pleased to announce that it's here! For those just stumbling upon it, please take the time to read these notes.

Some of you may have read my FORSAKEN DREAMSCAPE story (Watty Awards 2012). This is a prequel to that - a story that's based on Peter Pan, without actually being a Peter Pan fanfiction. The characters you knew in Forsaken Dreamscape are still the same; they've just been renamed. This is the story of how it really began.

Please give it a chance, because I really think you'll like it. I ask that you approach it with a clear mind and try to see these characters as different people, and this story as a new tale.

This is a preview of a book that I have written and will be self-publishing on Kindle on February 12th 2013. The whole book will not be available to read on Wattpad, but I've put up a few chapters for you to look at.  If you'd like to read the rest, please purchase it. You'll be glad you did!

You can follow my blog as I work on the rest of the series here:

And the book is available now on Kindle!

And Smashwords!


*WARNING* - If you read Forsaken Dreamscape, you know what to expect from this story. It includes horror themes, violence and blood, harsh language, mild sexual themes and situations. This book, however, is probably a tad milder.


Nevermor - text copyright Lani Lenore 2012


Remember, oh child; do not forget

When storms roll in and darkness sets,

Though truth be heavy, keep it still

As fire will burn and swords will kill,

What happens once comes ‘round again.

As it began, so shall it end.



The sea was calm, glittering beneath the moon like an endless sheet of diamonds.  Often, it was rocked with the turmoil of violent dreams, during which the black remnant of nightmares washed up onto the land, but on this night, the waves lapped gently at the sandy shore and the wind was steady.

The Rifter was pleased with this, even if it meant that his sword would not taste blood tonight.  The cool breeze rushed through his hair and he felt at ease, for the world was also at rest.

Finding that the beach was safe, he brushed back his coat of leaves and sat down on the rocks that were jutting out toward the ocean.  From here, he took in the silence – breathed it in like the salty air.  The dark water stretched as far as his eyes could see, fading away until it met the blue-black sky.  There was not a threat to be seen – not a nightmare or an ominous cloud – and to see nothing at all on the horizon was better than noting danger.

Though if danger had approached him, he would have laughed in its face as he cut its throat.

The Rifter often brought the others with him, but he had come by himself tonight.  What he had to do, he had to do alone.  The weight of this choice was on his own shoulders.

A small orb of light drifted lazily over his head, staying close to him always, as per their bond.  Though it was uncommon to see a fairy wisp keeping so close to a human, this one rarely left his side.  As he was the guardian of this place, she had made it her personal duty to watch over him – yet her consistent hovering led him to forget that she was there at all.

She dipped low now, flicking his ear to have his attention.

“Yes, yes.  I’m awake,” he told her with a hint of annoyance.  He didn’t like it when she fussed over him.

The boy lifted his eyes toward the sea again, observing the calm beneath the light of the large moon.

“Think there’s anything out there?” he asked her.

His only answer was a steady stream of whispers, spoken in a language that not many could interpret, but it was as clear as English to him.

“I guess we’ll see,” he responded.  “Why don’t you go scout; try to bring something in.”

The whispers swirled nastily as the fairy zipped around him, cutting bright streaks through the air, but the Rifter gave it no attention.

“I don’t care,” he said, uninterested in her complaints.  “Just do it.”

With one last curse, the wisp shot off across the sea, keeping low, until she was only a tiny pinprick in the distance.

Left alone, Rifter whistled briefly to himself.  This night needed to be fruitful.  He was like an unlucky fisherman, tired of coming back with empty nets.  His pack might start doubting his skill if he kept returning without what he came for.

Reclining lazily, the Rifter took out his flute – row of reeds lashed together – and blew into the end to produce a long, melancholy sound.  The music flowed out over the dipping sea, disappearing into the further reaches of the universe.  He paused, hearing the way the water carried the sound over it, passing it from one wave to the next.  Yes, it was a good night for this.

Closing his eyes and listening to the sound of the ocean to inspire him, he began to play a slow, haunting melody.

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