~•.:Sacrificed To A Sex God:...

Par VampireRoses1223

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---But you see, the villagers couldn't find a special sacrifice to please the God Alexander, so they suffered... Plus

~•.:Sacrificed To A Sex God:.•~
Chapter One - One Year Ago... Part One
Chapter One - One Year Ago... Part Two
Chapter One - One Year Ago... Part Three
Chapter Two - The Present
Chapter Three - Sacrifice
Chapter Four - Evil Plans
Chapter Five - Am I In Heaven, Or In Hell?
Chapter Six - "Traditional Celebration"?!
Chapter Seven - Echoes Of Sealed Words
Chapter Eight - The Trial
Important Message, Please Read
Chapter Ten - Faking
Quick Little Update!!!

Chapter Nine - A Plan..?

43.6K 1.1K 148
Par VampireRoses1223

*Chime's P.O.V*

It was dark. I was all alone in the dark, sitting there, waiting...

"Chime..." I heard a male voice call out to me. I opened my eyes to see something bright in the dark distance.

"Chime..." It repeated. I got up, and my flowing hair was raised around me, as if there was no gravity. But it looked beautiful...

"Jacob..?" I asked quietly. It slowly approached, and I squinted my eyes, trying to see who it was.

"Chime..!" He called again, coming closer. "Jacob..?" I called out to the male figure coming closer.

He appeared to be running towards me in slow motion, but I could see someone... Someone who looked familiar...

"Jacob..? Jacob!" I called, running out to him. It looked like Jacob now, with his long brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Oh Jacob!" I cried, my cheeks wet with tears. "I missed you so much Jacob! I was so lonely, and scared and-" I hugged him title and his arms wrapped around me securely and I cried into his shoulder. "Chime..." Jacob whispered quietly, as if he was longing for me, missing me as much as I missed him. "Oh Jacob...." I cried.

Suddenly his hands fell to my side, and then he let go. He was no longer hugging me. I loosened my hug too, but I was still clinging to him. "J-Jacob?" I sniffed. Suddenly his body started shaking, and then he started to laugh. But this wasn't Jacob's usual warm and fun laugh, it was a dark mocking laugh.

I let go immediately, and back away. "Jacob, your scaring me..." I mumbled, backing away. His hair covered his eyes, but I could se a deviant smirk on his face.

Suddenly his eyes flashed, and his hair fell out of his eyes. He had vividly dark purple eyes. This monster standing in front of me wasn't Jacob anymore, it was lord Alexander.


I gasped, and shot up from my dark slumber. My eyes darted all around me, my entire body feeling hot.

"I see you've woken up..." A smooth male voice whispered in my ear.

I screamed, and tried to push myself away. I suddenly fell off of whatever I was lying on, and my face hit the hard floor.

"I take it you don't like surprises?" The same voice chuckled, and I shot up from the ground, clutching my cheek.

My eyes darted around the room, and I saw that we were in a common room, with a bed against the wall, a couch against the other wall, and a bookshelf across from the couch, filled with ancient looking books, lit candles everywhere, oh and also a very, very hot guy sitting on the bed, looking at me amused.

He had black hair, and blue eyes, and his smirk was starting to assure me that he was enjoying my confusion, that bastard....

"Where the hell am I?! Why am I here?!" I started spitting out questions, spinning around, looking for an exit.

Suddenly my back was against the wall, and the guy's finger was gently pressed against my lips. "Hush..." He whispered into my ear, and I instantly pushed him away from me.

"W-What the hell you manwhore?!" I blushed a deep red, and my fingers touched my lips, right where his soft touch was.

"Haha manwhore?! Honey do you see any other females in this room?" The guy chuckled and I just kept blushing.

I glared at him, and he just smirked at me. "I don't think I've mentioned who I am..." He said coming closer.

"Oh really? And I don't think I mentioned that I care." I replied angrily, turning away from him. "You don't seem like a raging horny manwhore, and I wasn't completely naked when I came to, so I can assume your probably not a horny bastard looking for his next female meal..."

He burst out laughing, and I just glared at him. "What's so damn funny?!" I asked angrily. Right now I was as confused as I ever was when I first woke up in an unfamiliar room, and a sexy stranger laughing at me wasn't helping.

"I knew that I liked you when I first saw you." He smirked at me and but his bottom lip gently, looking me up and down. "That dress by the way, incredibly sexy." He smirked at me.

My dress..? But last time I saw it, it was dirty and torn and---

"WHAT THE HELL?! THIS ISN'T MY DRESS!" I screamed, covering my body with my arms.

Instead of the wearing the dress I was wearing last night, I was wearing a new dress. A new, SLUTTIER dress, with spaghetti straps, and a vertical slit all the way up my right leg, and it was very low cut, revealing my perfectly pushed up cleavage!

"Please dont tell me you took off my other dress and put me in this whore outfit all by yourself... Why am I even in this thing?!" I asked angrily.

"I thought it suited you better. And who could have guessed, I was right... And no, I didnt undress you, unless you want me to." He said smirking. "My name is Corbin, but you can call my Coby." He winked at me seductively.

I rolled my eyes, a slight blush still covering my face. "Like I said, I don't care. I... I just want to go-"

"Back?" He asked doubtfully. "You want to go back to Alexander's whorehouse, so he could use you in any way he wants, anytime he wants?"

I was about to protest, but I shut my mouth. He was right...

"Why am I here?" I repeated, changing the subject, looking away to avoid eye contact.

"I want to help you." He replied, all of a sudden sounding serious. I looked at him shocked, and my mouth was almost left hanging open.

"You're serious..? You want to HELP me..?" I asked surprised. "Why would you want to help ME, a human, about to become a concubine..? Well, technically, I'm already a concubine..."

"I have my reasons Chime..." He said standing up, and walking over to me. I cautiously watched him as he came closer, picking up one of my curls. "I've watched him pick up many innocent girls, and take their innocence away, by seducing them. By getting seduced, your getting tricked, and forever bound to him until he disposes you..."

I just stood there, shocked. He could be lying, but then again who would want to help a human with nothing to gain for himself.

"But what does that have to do with you..?" I asked confused. "What would you have to gain..?"

He remained silent, just scanning my face. I could see in his eyes that he was thinking about something, and was probably deciding whether to tell me something important or not...

He sighed, and let my curl drop back next to my shoulder. "That doesn't concern you... But I am offering to help you right now, you would be very stupid and foolish to reject." He said sitting down on his couch. "I could help you get away from him, but it might take some time and effort..." He said distantly.

"Okay, let's just say I accepted your offer to help me, what could you possibly do to a god? And to a god of war especially..." I crossed my arms, and stared down at him questionably.

He smirked, and winked at me. "It's not ME that's going to do anything to him, it's my potions." He said proudly. "I'm a warlock."

I gawked at him in amazement. "A warlock? You mean your actually a warlock?!"

He just laughed, and I started to glare at him again. "No, I'm a fairy. Yes I'm a warlock!" He joked, laughing at me.

"Shut up you idiot! I'm human, it's not everyday we get to meet a god and a warlock in a short amount of time!" I yelled at him embarrassed.

"Oh right, sorry, I forgot you were human." Coby smiled at me flirtatiously. I just rolled my eyes, and mumbled words under my breath.

"So how do we do it? Take out lord Alexander that is..." I mumbled shyly, looking away.

"Simple." Coby said in an amused tone of voice. I turned around to face him, and suddenly his lips were on mine.

Shocked, I tried to smack him away, but his hand grabbed both of mine, and before I knew it I was against a wall, with my hands pinned above my head.

And suddenly Coby's tongue entered my mouth, and I tried hard not to moan out loud. I started squirming nervously, and then suddenly he pulled away.

I quickly wiped my mouth angrily, and glared at him yet again. "W-What the hell Coby?!" I yelled at him embarrassed.

I saw him smirk, and lick his lips, satisfied. He suddenly came closer to me, and whispered into my ear. "That's the first time you called me by my name... I like it."

Shivers went down my spine, and I stepped away. "Stop changing the subject you manwhore! What the hell did you do that for?!"

"Open your mouth." He just ordered me cockily. My eyes almost popped out of my head. "Excuse me?!" I asked angrily.

"Just open your mouth and you'll see." He said smirking. Angry and confused, I gave in and opened my mouth. And then I felt something on the tip of my tongue.

I reached my hand up and pulled whatever was on my tongue out, and it was a little black pill.

Confused, I just looked at him like he had just grew two heads. Well, considering he was a warlock and I was in some sort of 'Magical Land of Make-Believe', I wouldn't be surprised if he did. "Uh, what the hell is this? A roofie or something?!" I asked confused.

Coby started laughing again, and I felt irritated and annoyed. "A roofie, you humans are hilarious! Haha, no, it's not a roofie, it's a drug powerful enough to drain a god's power. It has no affect on you though."

"So in other words, it is a roofie, just for gods... Great..." I said rolling my eyes. "I also hope your not going to crawl in through his window when I give you the ok, and slip into his bed when he's knocked out to 'divide and conquer', if you know what I mean..." I snickered at him.

I was suddenly pulled into Coby harder, and his hand traveled down my back smoothly, finally resting on my ass. "I'm not gay, if that's what your trying to suggest... I can prove it too." He said squeezing my ass.

I let out a surprised squeal, and pushed him away. "Haha, no no, that's alright, message received, not gay, got it..." I said flustered, blushing hard.

Coby smirked at me, and chuckled. "Anyway, that pill takes months or maybe even years to make, but luckily I had all the right ingredients, and right when you came along, I knew you'd be the perfect partner to work with..." He said taking my hand and spinning me around gently, and then pulling me into him again.

"Your in this right? Are you going to accept my help?" He asked flirtatiously, his face mere inches away from my own.

"I... Well first I want to know how I do it, and what you will do after I give him the roofie- I mean pill..." I said trying to contain my chuckle, but still eying him suspiciously.

He looked down at me, and his face got closer to mine. "Well you would either need to put it in his food, or put it in his drink, or you could always French kiss-"

"You know what I think putting it in his drink is good!" I said embarrassed, looking away to cover my blush.

"Haha, yeah I thought so too. But Alexander is clever, so you must do it cleverly as well. I will send you back into the woods, and I will point the way back. When you finally get there, act panicked, as if you just escaped from your brutal captors. When asked, you will tell them they knocked you out, covered your eyes and head with a black material, and dragged you through the woods for a day, until you escaped at night when they were asleep." Coby explained to me carefully.

I nodded, and let out a shaky breath. "Yeah, and what do I do next?"

"You wait for a couple of days, about three to be exact. After that, you will wait until diner is finished, and then say that you aren't feeling well, and tell only your friends that you don't feel well and that your going back to your room. When they believe you, take a glass of wine, and tell them it's for feeling better, but be warned that the pill will not be seen only in wine. And once your out in the hallway, carefully slip it into the drink." Coby explained, suddenly pulling away and pulled out a book from his bookshelf.

He started flipping through the pages, and then showed me the book. It showed a picture of then lunar cycle, and letters I didn't understand.

"Uh, what are those?" I asked confused, pointing to the weird looking letters. Coby scanned through the letters, and smiled at me. "This is written in warlock, you wouldn't understand. But the lunar cycle and the words next to it explains what time the gods are in their most vulnerable, and their strongest. During a full moon, gods are their strongest, and when the moon is gone, they are vulnerable to spells and potions, only if they enter their bodies though."

"Alright, I get it, but what happens to me and the other concubines?" I asked. There was something in Coby's eyes, but it disappeared. "They won't be harmed, I promise you that. They will be released in another realm, where the other gods seeking a concubine wouldn't be able to track them."

"And me? What happens to me?" I asked nervously. Coby looked at me gently, and smiled.

"You can do what whatever you want to. You'll be free, and safe." He answered, smiling.

"Free...? I'll be able to have my freedom?" I asked happily, tears almost falling from my eyes. Coby smiled at me again and nodded. "Free as a bird sweetheart. Do what your heart desires."

I felt my heart overflow with joy, but right before I was about to thank him, I froze.

"Wait, if I'm free, does that mean I could go back to earth? Go back to my village?" I asked hopefully.

I still intended to find my mother, help my father, and save Jacob from whatever trouble he was in right now.

I saw pity flash in Coby's eyes, and he frowned at me, gently running a thump over my cheek. "I'm afraid not dove, you might still look human, and feel human, but your not... Here you have a physical form again, and able to feel, smell and taste, but back home however... You'll be nothing but a spirit, seen by no one, heard by no one, felt by no one... I'm sorry dove."

My happiness disappeared, but I still felt hopeful. At least I would be no ones slave anymore...

"I see..." I mumbled dully. I felt Coby's thumb run over my cheek again with sympathy. "There's nothing I can do, even as a warlock..."

I nodded, understandingly. "So are you in?" Coby asked me, and when I looked over at him, I could see a twinkle in his blue eyes, made visible by the flickering candles next to us.

I hesitated a moment, and chewed on my lip. "I'm in."


A sexy hot stranger? :o

Pick me up any day, I'm here 24/7, hehe...  ;)  Giggity

So anyway, sorry this chapter couldn't have come sooner, but I hope you enjoyed :) typing with one hand is easy at first, but gets very hard after an hour of typing to only get a paragraph -. -'

Also, I dont know why my story is rated R, I didnt change it to rated R, but for some reason I cant change it back to Pg-13...

Continuer la Lecture

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