The Befragung

By SteveAct

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A story about love, Justice and corruption More

Part 1 to 8

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By SteveAct

Episode One...

        Moses park his car as he look through the mirror to see if Halima is coming already, he smile remembering the embarrassing experience he had with her father the last time he came to see her. He tried to rest a bit but sprang up immediately as the door of his car was opened and Halima enters. "Please go now before my father comes out" she said as Moses quickly put on the engine and they zoom off. They laugh and chatted on their way talking about the last experience they had with Halima's Father.
        Halima is from the northern part of Nigeria, born and brought up by muslim family and growing up to believe in the teaching of Prophet Mohammed but Moses on the other hand is from the Eastern part of the country, born and brought up by christian family and growing up to believe the teachings of Jesus Christ. They both attended same university and are both graduates. They started their love affairs from school not minding the situations sorrounding their different believes and customs. Halima comes from a very wealthy home while moses on the other hand was just well to do as he has hustle his way not minding his poor family status.They have both tried on different occasions to make their family see things with them as they both want to end up together but their pleas has always fallen to deaf ears as both families would not let that happen, not just because of their different religious beliefs, but different ethnicity too. On many occasions, Moses and Halima has been caught by Mr Shaibu (Halima's Father) and got embarrassed in the process. But all this made no impact on Moses or Halima as they both get stronger in their love Story.
        Moses park in front of an Eatery and open the door for Halima as she steps out. They got into the eatery still chatting and laughing. Moses made a funny posteration as she laugh and seat. He waves the waiter as she walks up to them. They were still busy going through the menu when Sambo (Halima betrothed husband) comes in with his mother.  He is shock to see Halima seated with a boy in an eatery. "Halima" he call her with anger written all over his face. His mother was also shock to see her soon to be daughter in-law there. Sambo leaves angrily as his mom follows him calling on him. "Who is that? Moses ask Halima. "The husband they are keeping for me" Halima said Jokingly. Please forget that one abeg she added as they continue with the list on the Menu.

Episode Two...

       Mr and Mrs shaibu were seated in the seating room waiting for Halima to return as they are both with sore face. Halima return but pass through the backyard and jump through the window to her room. She quickly change up and wash the make up off her face. She wipe the water up and began to look for a channel to get her parents attention to her room. She hit the glass cup on the ground, breaking it with heavy sound as she quickly cover herself the bed sheet  pretending to be asleep. Mrs Shaibu look at her husband as they both stand up and run in to check who that was. They were shock to see Halima sleeping on the bed. Mrs Shaibu look at her husband in disappoinment. "I told you she didn't go out" she said "That is not possible Mr Shaibu said and walk up to Halima tapping her to wake up. Halima roll a bit and finally open her eyes facing her dad. "Were are you coming from" Mr Shaibu ask in anger. "What kind of question is that, can't you see she had been sleeping" Mrs Shaibu tries to defend. Halima keep mute looking at them like she don't know what is going on as her father angrily walks out after some angry statement. Mrs Shaibu stand back looking at Halima for sometimes before leaving her. Halima smile to herself for a job well done...
        Halima and Moses kept hanging out secretly and gets caught on many occasions by Halima's betrothed. Sambo decided to follow Moses to his house on one occasion and took his address to Mr Shaibu that day. The next day, Halima sneak out of the house to meet Moses. Her father drive behind her gently till she got to Moses house. Moses was busy with his system when she got to the seating room. He hug her excitedly telling her he was just thinking about her. They were about to kiss when they hear a knock. Mr Shaibu shout Halima's name from outside, asking her to come out. They both get scared realising it was her father. "How did he know here" Moses ask. "I don't know" Halima answered. He keeps knocking and screaming her name. Moses decided to take Halima upstairs to hide her, as they are both going up, Mr Shaibu push the door which wasn't locked open. Halima who is climbing behind Moses turns back and sees her dad. She missed a step that moment and falls from the upstair right in front of her Father with her head to the ground. Moses and Shaibu get shock looking at at the almost lifeless Halima

Episode Three...

       Halima was rushed to the hospital by Moses and Mr Shaibu, Mrs Shaibu came in later with some family members crying as Moses parents came to the hospital too hearing what has happened. Mr Halima kept speaking his language with angry tune as the doctor attend to his daughter while Mrs Halima kept crying profusely while they are all outside waiting for the doctor. The doctor finally comes out and told them that they could go in and see her. When they got in, Mrs Shaibu cried more seeing the lifeless state of her daughter. Mr Shaibu fold his hand looking at her while Moses and his family stand Still confused. Sambo and his parents came later and he got really pissed off seen Moses there.  He tried to attack him with a punch but they hold him back...
       The doctor called Halima's parents to his office later and told them that she has just little chance of survival and even if she survives, she might have mental issue or loss of memory. When they came out of the office, Shaibu family stand a distance away from Moses and his parents as they are all speaking their dialect while looking at Moses and his parents. Mr Shaibu finally approach moses and his parent. "If anything happens to my daughter, anything. Consider yourself a dead man" he said and leave. Moses mother began to cry knowing how influential Mr Shaibu is in the society. They all went back home that day leaving only moses and Mrs Shaibu in the hospital. Mr Shaibu and other muslim friends went straight to the mosque that night to pray to Allah to forgive Halima and bring her back while Moses parents on the other hand also brought in some church members as they prayed interceding on Moses and Halima's behalf.
       Moses had a dream while sleeping in the hospital that night, and in the dream Halima was about to be hit by a car. He calls her name waking up immediately. Mrs Shaibu who is awake look at him as he also look at her and at Halima who is still not yet awake. Mrs Shaibu stand up and walk close to him, she gives him the wrapper she is holding. "Cover yourself so you don't get cold" she said as Moses took the wrapper and she is about to go back to seat down. "Am sorry ma, am so sorry" Moses said as she turn back and look at him. "This was never my plans for Halima. Am sorry i brought this pains to you and your family" he added. "It's not your fault moses. Let us just pray she gets better" Mrs Shaibu answered...

Episode 4...

     The next morning, there was a sudden reaction from Halima as Mrs Shaibu rush to call the doctor. The doctor comes in and ask all of them to stay outside as he attends to Halima. Mr Shaibu, Sambo and other relatives come in immediately and see Mrs Shaibu outside. she explain everything to them in their dialect almost crying. Mr Shaibu look at Moses wickedly and shake head. Sambo moves closer to Moses. "Just pray nothing happens to her, just keep praying to your God". The doctor comes out as they all rush to him. "Doctor how is she? Mr Shaibu ask. "Doctor how is my daughter Mrs Shaibu cut in crying.
"Uhmmmm... Am sorry, we lost her" The doctor responded as Mrs Shaibu scream immediately and falls down. Her muslim friends tries to hold her as Moses parents run in that moment and move straight to Moses who is already crying. They understand the situation immediately as his mom start weeping too. Sambo suddenly rush towards moses and give him a punch as everyone immediately tries to hold him. "Kai... igbo man, are you okay now. Are you excited now" he keeps screaming as they are still holding him. Mr Shaibu look at Moses for sometimes and walk out immediately as crying continues. Moses run into the hospital ward and see the nurse trying to cover the lifeless body of Halima. He push the nurse away and quickly grab Halima crying and asking her to wake up, he hug her tightly reminding her of the promises they made to each other's, he kept crying as the nurse tries to pull him off. Sambo and others come in as sambo drag him out with force and start beating him again, rendering him with punches. They tries to hold sambo again but Moses wasn't bothered about the beating, he stand up and run to Halima again and still uncover her crying and asking to stand up. He was drag out still crying...
       Mr Shaibu comes back to the hospital with some policemen and point Moses asking the police to arrest him. Moses parents tries to beg but all that fell on deaf ears, the police drag Moses to the van as he is still crying. The drive away not minding his crying mother.  Mrs Shaibu kept crying as her husband watch the nurse cover the body of thier only child. Moses was taken to jail that day, he began to act like he was going mad not because of his arrest, but because of the death of Halima. He kept calling her name while crying as the other cell mate look at him. "Aboy you better shut up there o, no day make noise anyhow" one of them shouted but that didn't stop Moses from crying and calling on Halima...

Episode 5...

      Moses was transferred to different cells within a short period of time as Mr Shaibu wanted to make sure he ruins his life completely. His parents tried on different occasions to beg Mr Shaibu to release but all fell on deaf ears. A month after Halima's death and burial, Mrs Shaibu approach her husband to beg him on Moses case but he totally refused to listen to her. She tried to make him understand that Moses was not even responsible for the death of their daughter but it still didn't change anything. He placed lots of charges on Moses, accusing him of wanting to run away with her and even pushing her off the stair case.
       Moses was interrogated on different occasions to confess to the fact that he actually pushed Halima off the stair but he kept telling them that he can't kill the one he loves. He was brutalized and injured by the police during the interrogations, on most cases, he even got his face deep in water. Mr Shaibu kept visiting him in the cell with Sambo and they kept threatening him that they were gonna stop at nothing till he dies. The police who were hugely paid by Mr Shaibu tried to make Moses accept the blame of killing Halima but not withstanding the brutal treatment, moses stood his ground. His parents came to see him in cell and his mother wept seen the condition of her son...
       Two days after visiting their son in prison, Mrs Shaibu drove down to see Moses parents, they were shocked see her as they felt she has came to make things worst. Moses father stand up immediately to confront her but she calm him down explaining her reason for the visit. "Am sorry for all your son is going through, if i have the power I woul have stopped this but am just a woman and i have little say in my house" she said facing the angry man.  "I've come to tell you that the only way you can save your son is to take this matter to the court, I don't blame him for what happened and no matter the bruises we inflict on him, I know it won't bring my daughter back. I'll advice you get a lawyer and take this matter to court to save your son". she added. Moses father accepted the idea but tried to make her understand that he has no big lawyer and can't afford the whole court stuff. She felt bad for them and decided to give them a reliable lawyer she knows. Though a muslim, Barrister Kazeem promised Moses parents that he will make sure justice takes it place in the case not minding their religious differences and different ethnicity.
       With the help of Barrister Kazeem, the case was taken to court after the barrister has seen Moses and spoke to him in prison. Mr Shaibu threatened his wife and threw her out of his house after finding out that she was the person behind the case in court but Mrs Shaibu stood her ground that the innocent boy must be set free.  Moses parents were surprised to know that the lawyer Mr Shaibu brought was a christian, but Mr Kazeem kept assuring them that there was no reason to be scared as victory was already there's...

Episode 6...

        "Your honour it's a clear fact that the victim slipped and fell from the stair on seen her father, my client wouldn't have pushed her for any reason" barrister Kazeem said in court facing the Judge. Barrister paul also tried to defend his client Mr Shaibu claiming that Moses has pushed Halima down from the stairs based on an argument they had and his client has saw that coincidentally.  Barrister Kazeem invited his last witness in and most of the Muslim folks in the courtroom was shocked to realize that it was Mrs Shaibu. There was an uproar in court as the clerk calm them down. After taking the oat Barrister Kazeem ask about her relationship with the victim and she claims she is the victims mother. Barrister Kazeem ask her more questions as she tried to make the court understand that her husband has told her everything that day when he got home, he has told her about how their daughter slipped and fell from from the stairs but has promised to put everything on Moses to wreck his life. Barister paul tried to object on many occasions but was overruled by the Judge. Mrs Shaibu kept confessing the truth not minding what the consequences will be. After some interrogations from Barrister paul, the case was adjourned again as everyone exit the courtroom and the police takes Moses away...
       Media personalities crowded Mrs Shaibu and Barrister Kazeem to ask them questions about the case and while they have choosing to side the accuse. "I am a Muslim and many people might be expecting me to take side with my muslim opponent. But my quaran never taught me to pervert justice, you have to do what is right not minding your religion or tribe" Barrister Kazeem explain to the Media. Mrs Shaibu said thesame thing making them understand that justice must prevail and she must see to it. Barrister Kazeem and Mrs Shaibu kept recieving threat from some of the Muslim folks who were taking side with her husband while others believe she is doing the right thing but dare not come out openly to support her.
       The next day, Barrister Kazeem visited Moses in prison and was happy to see that he was looking better than before. "It's obvious that they are really against you because your tribe and religion is different from theirs. He is trying to use his affluence in the society to get the support of the masses but am assuring you that justice must still prevail. What i want from you is to say the truth, tell the court all that has happened and try not to hide a thing as that is the only thing that can save you now" Barrister Kazeem tells him. "Thank you a lot" Moses responded.
       The night before the final appearance in court, Mrs Shaibu went to the supermarket to get some stuffs, as she got out she realized her car has been messed with as the tires were punctured. She shake her head looking around as the street looks empty. She open the door of her car and take some few things but as she turns back, some rough looking men approach her immediately. They Began speaking Hausa with her in a harsh tone as she tries to respond back challenging them. one of them slap her as they start dragging her to their car immediately. she start screaming as an incoming car flashes it light on them. They look at the car and got scared it could be police, they entered their car quickly leaving her behind. Then incoming car got to Mrs Shaibu as it stops and a man dressed in suit comes out. "Please help me" she cries. The man quickly took her to his car and drove off...

Episode 7

      Barrister Paul is seated in court with Barrister Kazeem and every other person, "Can the Accuser provide their witness" the Judge says as barrister paul invite Mr Shaibu to the locker. A quaran was placed on his hand as he promised to say the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. "What is your name" barrister paul ask him "Alhaji Shaibu Abdukareem" he responded. "What is your relationship with the victim? he asked further "Am her father" Shaibu replied. He went on to ask Shaibu what happens at moses house that day. Mrs Shaibu walk into the courtroom that moment as she and her husband eyes met immediately. She seats down looking at him. Mr Shaibu confessed to have gone to Moses house that day as he was against his relationship with his daughter. He claimed that on getting there he heard thier voices from the door as they were in a heated argument, he quickly open the door and caught moses that moment pushing his daughter off the stairs and before he could do anything, she fell down with her head to the ground. There was an uproar in the courtroom immediately as the Judge calm them down. "This beast, this murderer killed my daughter" Mr Shaibu said pointing at Moses who is just looking at him. "Objection my Lord, we can't let him insult my client". "Overrule" the Judge responded and urge Barrister Paul to go on with his questions. Barrister paul thank the Judge and went on agreeing with what Alhaji Shaibu said and bringing out more fact that Halima was actually pushed by Moses.
        The defendant, Mr Kazeem also ask Mr Shaibu some questions and tried to get proves that he was lieing but Mr Shaibu stood his ground. Moses was later invited to the locker as Mr Kazeem ask him to explain all what happened that day. Moses said his own part of the story looking at Mrs Shaibu, His father and his mother who is already crying. He kept on with his word that he had no reason to push Halima down and they had no argument that day. Barrister Kazeem looked at him for sometimes and nod as he goes off to seat while Barrister Paul stand up to interrogate him. He kept placing charges on Moses and Barrister Kazeem tried to object on several occasions but was overruled. Moses became confused at some point on the charges Barrister was placing on him and this gave barrister paul the liberty to speak further accusing moses of murder....

(Final) Episode 8...

      Your honour, Barrister Kazeem speak in conclusion. In 1960, we got our Independence from the British claiming that we are ready to live together in peace and harmony. Since then we have been living in direct opposite of what we promised ourselves, we keep fighting each  other and hating each other's because of our different believes and ethnicity. I stand before this courtroom to say that it is that same hatred that lead to this. An innocent man who wanted to marry a girl with different believes and cultural practice from his is been called murderer today because of a mistake that led to the girls death, a mistake that emanated from this same hatred we have for each other's, a mistake that would have been avoided if the parents of the two parties had let  them loved themselves like they hoped to. A mistake that we are still practicing even in this courtroom. Your honour even without much evidence, it is clear that my client is innocent and it will be a slap on our face and a shame to this federation if we don't let Justice have it way in this case. Barrister Kazeem seats down after the conclusion as Barrister paul stand up for his. He further put it on to the courtroom that many innocent girls will pass through the same fate as Halima if they let men like Moses go scot free...
       After the conclusion, the Judge pass his judgement. "With clear evidence and proof from the accused and the accuser, Mr Moses Nwachukwu. You are found guilty for the Murder of Late Miss Halima Shaibu. And according to the section 306 of the Nigerian constitution, you are sentenced to death by hanging" The Judge said dismissing the case. Moses look at his mom with a smiley face as she couldn't control the tears from her eyes. Disappointed, Barrister Kazeem look at Moses as the Police led him out of the courtroom. Mrs Shaibu hold Moses mom trying to console her as everyone exit the courtroom. Outside the court, lots of people gather with plagues and some write up raising it up with the inscription "Free Moses",  "Justice must prevail"  "Stop injustice". Moses watch as the protesters scream and raise their banners up. He smile sadly as he is been led into the van. Barrister Kazeem and Mrs Shaibu look at him in pity...
      That same day, barrister Kazeem decided to go visit moses with Mrs Shaibu just before his execution the next day. "Am so sorry, we tried our best. My husband used his connections to win the case" Mrs Shaibu said looking at moses. They were surprised to see him smiling. "Am not afraid to die" moses responded "I will be proud leaving this earth knowing that i have met people like you" moses added holding her hands. Tears rolls down Mrs Shaibu eyes as she look straight at Moses eyes seen the sorrows that is been covered with smile. Barrister Kazeem promised him that everyone related to him will be fine but Moses only urge him to always hold on to the truth not minding his tradition or culture as that is the only thing that will make him die a happy man...
      Moses was led to execution the next day, as the rope was placed on his throat, he smile as he sees Halima's standing and smiling back at him. The stand was removed as Moses choke from the grip of the rope to death....

   (Though Moses died, Barrister Kazeem and Mrs Shaibu never stop to preach justice not minding the religion and culture)....

                       THE END🤝🤝🤝🤝


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