The Royal Scandal *Book Two*

Da creativereader536

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What will the future bring for the young couple? As they defy the norms and fight back. As friendships and lo... Altro

Please read
The Tomb S2 E1
No Respect, No Position S2 E1
Such a Clotpole S2 E1
Merlin's Fight S2 E1
Mistakes were Made S2 E1
Beating Sigan S2 E1
Being Arthur's Mentor S2 E2
Arthur's Plan S2 E2
Letting off Steam S2 E2
What about my Chicken? S2 E2
Arthur Opens Up S2 E2
The Assassin Strikes S2 E2
One of those Days S2 E3
Flowers and Threats S2 E3
The Weight of Magic S2 E3
The Confusion of Sir Leon S2 E3
Pleas, Sacrifices, and Survival S2 E3
Ambushed and Acting S2 E4
Stuck with the Creeps S2 E4
Familiar Faces S2 E4
Karma's a Bitch S2 E4
Helping Hands S2 E5
T-R-O-L-L S2 E5
Damage Control S2 E5
An Unexpected Announcement S2 E5
A Wedding to Remember S2 E5
Hide and Seek S2 E6
The Right Thing S2 E6
The Big Reveal S2 E6
The Queen's Delicacies S2 E6
No Hugging S2 E6
A Date In the Woods S2 E7 *
Dum spiro spero S2 E7
Not to Blame S2 E7
Make a Wish S2 E7
Aredian's Downfall S2 E7
Morgause's Challenge S2 E8
Dualling Kisses S2 E8
Sneaking Out S2 E8
A Fresh Layer of Betrayal S2 E8
Only Time Will Tell S2 E8
Bullseye of the Heart S2 E9
Drinking in the Tavern S2 E9
I Will Fix this, I Promise S2 E9
Dignity in Death S2 E9
Arrival of the Five Kingdoms
It is Destiny, my Love; Destiny and Chicken S2 E10
To Prove my Love S2 E10
I'm Your Cupid S2 E10
Anything But the Windows S2 E11
Morgana's Prophecy S2 E11
The Battle of Chemary S2 E11
For as Long as We Both Shall Live S2 E11
Gaius's Bedtime Stories S2 E12
No Fooling Around S2 E12
A Taste of Hemlock to Take the Pain S2 E12
I Don't Want to Die S2 E12
The Prophecy Foretold S2 E13
Unlike Father, Unlike Son S2 E13
Bitter Taste of Defeat S2 E13
The Suffering Ends S2 E13
Book Three

Gwencelot S2 E4

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Da creativereader536

After the 'feast', Gwen and I were taken back down to the delightful dungeons. I mean, they really could have at least added some colour down here. The only colour in the room was the green mould growing through the cracks on the walls.

I did find it slightly odd how Gwen and I had been allowed to share a cell. Most dudes would have split us up so we couldn't conspire against them. I guess they thought that we weren't smart enough for that considering Kendrick had 'forgotten' to mention how he had allowed Morgana to escapes thanks to our excellent plan.

Gwen and I were currently sitting on the poor excuse for a bed, cloaks wrapped tightly around us to try and trap in some warmth from the freezing cell. Up to the left of us, there was a small window with bars across it where people would walk past every now and then. But that didn't happen often. People were forbidden from coming down here.

So when we heard footsteps coming our way that didn't sound as boisterous as Hengist's, confused was an understatement. We both looked up at the small gap between the bars of the window and saw Lancelot's face peering down at us.

"Gwen. Chelsea," Lancelot smiled at us.

"Lancelot," I smiled back, nudging Gwen subtly when I saw her smiling widely.

She gave me a side glance before shrugging off her cloak and climbing onto the bed up to the window.

"I could not believe my eyes when I saw you both," Lancelot said, but I had a feeling it was mainly meant for Gwen. I mean, it was no secret that he had feelings for her.

"I thought my mind was deceiving me," Gwen replied softly.

Realising I might be interrupting a Gwencelot moment, I leant up against the wall and listened in instead.

"Why dies Hengist thing you as Lady Morgana?" Lancelot asked.

Gwen looked over at me, asking for me to explain.

"He believes he is holding me and Morgana to ransom. Clearly he is as stupid as he looks, cause as you can see, this... is not Morgana," I shrugged, gesturing over to Gwen.

"When no ransom is paid, he'll realise the truth, and then he will throw us to those beasts," Gwen added.

Lancelot looked confused for a minute before I looked over at me.

"Won't your father pay ransom when he knows they have you?" Lancelot asked.

"As if!" I scoffed. "He's probably having a celebration as we speak."

"Well, I won't let any harm come to you both," Lancelot assured us.

"What are you doing here?" Gwen asked. "Are you one of Hengist's men?"

"No," Lancelot answered bluntly.

"What became of you after you left Camelot?" I asked.

"There are few opportunities for men like me so I have been earning a living the only way that I know, with a sword in my hand," Lancelot told us. "It seems it is my destiny to entertain men like Hengist."

"I don't believe that of you. You were so full of hope," Gwen reminded him.

"I was wrong. The world is not like that," Lancelot muttered.

"I still see the hope in you," Gwen said, taking a hold of what she could, his hand through the gaps in the window. "I do not accept it has gone." Lancelot held onto her hand tightly, making me awkwardly glance around at the cell door, making sure no one was coming as I could have sworn I heard footsteps.

"I have thought of you often," Lancelot continued. "Have you thought of me at all?"

"I thought I would never see you again," Gwen replied, and then I heard the distinct opening of a nearby door.

"Hate to break up the reunion but someone is coming. Lancelot, you should leave. You don't want to get in any trouble," I said, walking back over to the bed.

"No matter what it takes, I will find a way to get you both out of here. I will," Lancelot promised us before reluctantly letting go of Gwen's hand and leaving.

Gwen sat back down beside me, a faint blush in her cheeks. The footsteps were getting closer and closer so Gwen put her cloak on again and we resumed our positions of 'Damsels-in-distresses.'


Minutes later, Hengist's ugly face appeared at the door before he swung it open. Gwen stood up from the bed but knowing that this man did not deserve our respect, I remained sat down.

"I have not yet received word from Uther that he intends to pay your ransom," Hengist said. "I was informed that the King was extremely fond of his ward and daughter. Are you not surprised he is content to leave you here to die?"

"How can we possibly know what is going through my father's mind when we're locked here in this stinking cell?" I asked harshly.

"If I do not hear from Uther by dawn tomorrow, this stinking cell will be the last place either of you ever see," Hengist threatened.

"Well then," I began, standing up finally, and walking over to Hengist. "Let us hope that he gets his fastest messenger sent out soon."

"For your sake, you had better pray that does happen," Hengist replied.

He then turned away from us and started laughing maniacally. Once he had left the room and the doors had been locked again, Gwen held onto my wrist, watching the door like I was.

"What are we going to do?" Gwen asked.

"You heard Lancelot. He'll come up with something, and if not, I guess we can fight our way out," I replied, but I had doubts in my own quickly formed plan, doubts that I am pretty sure Gwen noticed.


A couple of hours later, and I had dozed off against the cold wall of the cell when Gwen gently shook me awake. Turns out we had another visitor.

Lancelot had returned with a semi-made plan.

Once again, Gwen climbed up to look through the window. While I stayed curled up against the wall.

"I was terrified I might find your cell empty," Lancelot admitted. "Is the Princess still there?"

"Yeah, she's just still half asleep," Gwen replied.

"I'm awake," I muttered groggily.

"Told you," I heard Gwen whisper to Lancelot. "But onto more pressing matters, there has still been no word from Uther. Hengist is growing suspicious."

"You must keep up the pretence. I will not allow you to die here," Lancelot said.

"What about you?" Gwen asked.

"I have little to live for," Lancelot replied.

"Ouch," I muttered to myself. Was Lancelot really that oblivious to Gwen's feelings?

"Do not say that," Gwen told him.

"It's the truth," Lancelot countered. "For all my words, for all that I believed, I have come to nothing."

"You are everything that is right with this world," Gwen said.

"I didn't know you felt that way," Lancelot admitted, and even from down here, I could hear his smile.

"I didn't even know I could feel this way about someone," Gwen replied.

"Then you have given me a reason to live," Lancelot responded. "Be ready. I will come for you both before nightfall. Rest up, Princess Chelsea."

"I'm one step ahead of you, Sir Lancelot" I replied to Lancelot.

Gwen came and sat back beside me. She leant her head on my shoulder and rested her eyes as well. Lancelot was right, we were going to need our rest if we wanted to escape in one piece.

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