Canvas | Jikook

By _Yoongies_

493K 26.7K 14.4K

"Why won't you ink me?..." ".... I don't want to ruin what's already perfect..." Maintaining a high and respe... More

Pretty Boy
Devils Whisper
Heated Blaze
Carnival Mischief
Baby Doll
Eliminate, to Reawaken
Explosive Desires
Carnal Instincs
Authors Note/ New Book


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By _Yoongies_

"Smile for me baby... just, smile.."

Jungkooks POV

To say my body wasn't hot and heated all over would be the most blatant lie I could ever tell. Not to mention my insatiable hungry, and not the kind that food can solve. Might I add, it's all clear as day, evidently displayed on my features.

I glanced over at him from the corner of my eye. The cause and source behind my lack of self control and slowly crumbling composure. Yet I cannot, for the life of me blame him for it. His beautiful subtle skin that glowed elegantly under the dewy horizon light, his soft blonde curls that graciously fluttered against his forehead, slightly covering his eyes.

I wanted to weave my fingers through it, caress it with so much compassion. Yet I also wanted to tug at it, watch as he moans and trembles below me. His body bucking towards me helplessly. I should feel guilty at such lewd thoughts, however I can't help but revel in them. Wanting, needing, to make them a reality.

I smiled to myself slightly, sighing at the painful throbbing of my crotch against my jeans. Luckily it had calmed down a bit compared to before. Seeing him strutting in all his glory. Which, in fairness, was the most pleasurable sight I had ever witnessed. Yet it was also a punishment, as I couldn't do anything about it. Well, nothing too intimate...

I genuinely cannot comprehend how riveting and astonishing a person can be. But he's living proof of it, and even then I cannot come close to understanding it.

"Tired baby?" I asked, eyeing him as he fought to keep his eyes open.

I was currently driving as we made our way to our new home. Which I had no idea about until Jimin brought it up.

"No I'm fi-

He yawned, catching himself mid sentence. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at his adorable nature.

"You say something, when you mean another" I reached over and ruffled his hair. He instantly leaned into my touch, my heart fluttering in response. "At least your body is honest"

A rosy blush painted his cheeks, a pout residing atop his lips "I-I'm just a little tired..."

"Why don't you take a nap while we get there?" I quirked a brow, my voice soft and low.

"I c-can't fall asleep..."

"Why not?"

He hesitated a bit, biting his lower lip. I sucked in a breath at the sight.

"Keep biting your lip like that, and i promise you it won't be you biting it next time" I husked out, smirking internally as I watched his eyes dilate lustfully and cheeks redden even more.

He slowly drew his luscious bottom lip from the confines of his teeth, allowing the rush of crimson blood rise to the surface without actually breaking through. I held on to the last strand of my sanity, watching as his lips darken in that enticing crimson shade.

"S-sorry..." his eyes wavered for a solid second. "I just can't sleep without hugging something"

"Awh..." my eyes instantly softened. "Guess I'll have to do something about that"

I grinned as he gazed at me with confused, lost eyes. I turned on auto drive, before pushing the button which caused the gear shift to retract, allowing a seat cushion to replace it instead. This way the passenger seat and the drivers seat were fully connected, nothing in between to separate them.

(A/N: for anyone that's confused, there is now no spacing between the passenger seat and the drivers seat! Looks like a long seat, like a couch I suppose 😂)

I looked back at him, smiling at his wide eyes and his gaping mouth. He looked so fucking adorable. I just wanted to keep him to myself, away from the world so that he'd only see and witness beautiful things. Just as himself.

"Come here" I patted my lap, my voice as low as it gets when I'm around him.

He took a second to recollect himself, before smiling gratefully and scurrying next to me, resting his head on my lap. He's so small, which only makes me adore him even more. Makes me want to protect and take care of him like it's the only thing I'll ever know.

His small plump hands went up to the hem of my shirt, clutching at it for comfort. I weaved my hands through his soft blonde curls, allowing them to wander aimlessly. I marvelled at the sight of his tired eyes fluttering to keep awake.

"Thank you, kook"

"I should be the one to thank you"

"What, why?..." his voice was the epitome of calmness, laced with a hint of confusion. I wonder if his voice has always been this soft, so soft it could put any sleep deprived person into a deep slumber within seconds.

"For such a pleasurable start to my day" I smiled down at him, brushing a few strands of hair away from his eyes. "Although I'd like to be the one photographing you next time"

"I'd love that" he giggled, in that sweet angelic tone of his. I couldn't help but awe internally at his sleepy tone seeping through his lips whenever he spoke.

I would love to speak with him longer, but I'd much rather him getting a nap, which he's trying his best to prevent.

"Sleep" I commanded softly, to which he instantly complied, allowing his body to completely ease as he snuggled in closer to me, his head nuzzled in my stomach.

I admired his sleeping form, my fingers delicately combing through his soft locks as a fond smile etched its way on my lips. He looked so peaceful.

Angelic.... there really couldn't have been a more befitting name.


3rd Person POV

It hadn't taken long for them to reach their destination, which wasn't quite short either. It was a 45 minute ride, in which served as the best nap Jimin could have asked for. He hasn't slept so comfortably and in such a tranquil state in so long.

Despite all the plushies he had and the various yet soft orchestral music tracks that played in the background to help him sleep, he never fell asleep satisfied and it usually took him a good hour and a half to fall asleep.

However feeling Jungkooks strong and calming presence next to him as his hand trailed through his hair, while his soft humming resonated through his ears, had Jimin knocked out into the deepest slumber in the matter of seconds.

It was no surprise that Jungkook could sing well. It's like he was born to be talented at absolutely everything. And what made him even more perfect, was his humble attitude towards it. It truly was baffling.

Jungkook peered down at Jimin, admiring each and every soft feature that sculptured his angelic face. He swiped his thumb delicately over Jimins cheek, enjoying the feel of Jimins soft skin gliding against the underside of his thumb.

"Jimin, baby" Jungkook cooed

Jimin stirred slightly in his slumber like nap, nose scrunching up cutely as Jungkook softly called his name, not really making an effort to wake him up as he knew Jimin was tired.

Jimin buried his head deeper into Jungkooks stomach, despite his rock solid abs and well defined sculpt, Jimin felt extremely comfortable. Relishing in the warmth that radiated through Jungkooks body and seeped into his own.

He whined in protest, the sound travelling through Jungkooks body and shaking his very core. Jungkook took in a shaky breath, clenching his teeth in order to restrain himself.

"Baby boy if you don't get up, I'll have to wake you up myself" Jungkook leaned his head down till his breath was fanning against Jimins ear, sending a wave of shivers trembling through Jimins body. "And I can promise you, it won't be sleep that you'll be begging for"

Jungkook leaned back, but not before his lips skimmed at Jimins ear teasingly, his tongue gliding against the rim of his ear.

Jimins body shook at the contact, his face warming up and body feeling heated as he bit his lip to stop a whimper from escaping.

Jungkook relished in the sight, suppressing his own groan that urged to rip out his throat. Instead he smiled fondly at Jimin who peaked one of his eyes open and gazed up at him sheepishly, as if testing his words and checking whether he was being serious or not.

Once his eyes fully focused, he gulped thickly at the desire filled gaze burning in Jungkooks eyes. He licked his lower lip, nibbling at it nervously. Jungkooks eyes instantly shot down to his lips, eyeing them hungrily. He clenched his teeth, which Jimin took as a sign to instantly release his bruising grip on his luscious lips.


"What are you sorry for?" Jungkook quirked a brow, his voice husky and low, laced in a raw burning desire that had Jimin trembling. "Hm?"

Jungkooks hand cupped Jimins cheek, before trailing down, lingering on his jaw then stopping at his smooth neck. His fingers coiled around Jimins neck, applying the slightest amount of pressure.

"Mmm..." to Jungkooks pleasure, Jimin finally let out a whimper, which caused his cock to twitch painfully in his pants.

His eyes latched to Jimins neck, wanting to desperately scatter the porcelain like skin with bruising marks of his own. He licked his lips dryly, sucking in a breath before removing his hand.

"Let's go" Jungkook smiled, restraining his need with every shred of sanity he had left.

"O-ok" Jimin beamed with a flushed face and deeply tinted cheeks. He removed his head from Jungkooks lap, ruffling his hair with his own hand in an attempt to somewhat fix it.

Jungkook watched in awe, before reaching his arm out and snaking it around Jimins waist, then pulling him in closer to him. Jimin gasped at the sudden motion, his hands going up to clutch at Jungkooks shirt.

"Your hair looks adorable no matter what way you do it" Jungkook chuckled, his fingers dancing at Jimins side and forcing giggles out his mouth, warming his heart.  

Jungkook reached up with his other hand, tucking a few locks behind Jimins ear. He smiled down at him, before they both got out of the car and made their way towards the house. More like mansion...

Jungkook walked ahead slightly, extending his arm out behind him for Jimin to hold. Jimin smiled to himself, a cute blush painting his cheeks as he grasped Jungkooks hand in his own.

"Shit, I don't have the keys" Jungkook cursed under his breath, to which Jimin scrunched his nose at the profanity. He didn't like cursing, which Jungkook found so precious about him. Especially his reaction to hearing such words.

"My Appa already gave me keys to the house" Jimin looked up at him with doe eyes, his face instantly beaming once Jungkook smiled down at him.

"Were you that excited to move in together?" Jungkook teased

"U-um... is it bad if I say yes?" Jimin tilted his head to the side.

Jungkooks breath caught in his throat, a low groan escaping his lips. "What am I going to do with you"

"Keep me!" Jimin giggled, his infectious laughter striking through Jungkooks body. "And feed me too if that's ok... cuz I'm kinda hungry"

"Oh trust me baby, I'll do more than just feed you"


"Cross my heart and hope to die"

Although Jimin couldn't quite make out the mischievous look in Jungkooks eyes, he smiled up at him brightly.


"Hereee" Jimin patted each of his pockets until he found the keys, then whipped them out and held them in front of Jungkooks face.

"Thank you baby" Jungkook grinned as he took the keys.

He unlocked the door then closed it behind them once they both stepped inside. Jimins eyes widened at the modern and classy appeal of the mansion. The interior was exquisite and complimented the refined aesthetic of the home.

"Do you want to look around first or eat?"

"Can we look around? I don't think I'll be able to wait till after we eat.." Jimin bounced on the balls of his feet, looking up at Jungkook expectantly.

Jungkook smiled at him affectionately, ruffling his hair. "Of course we can"

They walked around the ground floor first, checking out the living room -which in itself looked like a ball room-, the kitchen, the dining room, various bathrooms, game room -which was a whole separate en suite- before heading up the grand stairs (which Jimin couldn't help but twirl on as if he was on a red carpet).

Jungkook chuckled at his child like behaviour. He seemed so carefree and laidback. Jungkook wanted him to always feel that way, to never feel anxious or scared. To love himself and feel comfortable in his own skin. Which thankfully he is, well, maybe not necessarily the loving himself bit, but he sure as hell is comfortable in his own skin.

That thought in itself makes Jungkook relieved, although disheartened by the thought that Jimin might not fully love himself, he'll make it his job to teach Jimin how to come to terms with loving himself, and appreciating himself as a person. To love and cherish himself, as he would anybody else.

"What are you thinking about?" Jimin peaked up at him through his lashes, his doe eyes wide with curiosity.


"M-me?.." Jimins eyes sparkled briefly, a pink hue residing atop his cheeks. "What about me?..."

"Curious?" Jungkook quirked a brow at him, enjoying the flustered expression lacing his soft features.

Jimin but his lip before instantly releasing it, his face heating up at Jungkooks lustful gaze.

"What's that room?!" Jimin speed walked towards the master bedroom in a rush, using it as a form to escape Jungkooks heated gaze.

Jungkook chuckled as he watched him bolt away, before he also started following after. "Kitten slow down, you could get yourself hurt"

Jungkook easily caught up once he entered the room, carefully making his way towards Jimin.

"I'm fi-

Jimin clumsily slipped against the bed sheets which were draped against the floor. Just as he fell, he grabbed onto Jungkooks shirt, causing Jungkook to fall along with him.


Jungkook cursed, wrapping his arms around Jimins waist as they flopped on top of the bed. Jimins eyes were shut tight, his hands clutched against Jungkooks hard chest, fisting his shirt.

"You look good like this" Jungkook smirked, his voice dark and lustful. "All heated and trembling below me"

Jimins blush grew even deeper if that was even possible at that point. He hesitantly opened his eyes, his heart racing against his chest uncontrollably once his eyes met Jungkooks own.

His breath hitched in his throat as Jungkooks eyes bore deeply into his, a fuelling desire and need swirling in his chocolate orbs. Jimin trembled at his heat filled gaze, his body feeling overly warm and exerting a need unlike any other.

"I want to kiss you so fucking bad" Jungkook groaned, clenching his jaw and drawing a needy whimper from Jimins luscious, crimson lips.

"Then do it..." Jimins mouth moved on its own, the words flowing out his lips like smooth velvet.



Hey babesss!! I'm so sorry for the late update! My internet has been lagging like bad and it's been literally annoying the crap outta me. Because this update is so late, I'll be updating again tmr as an apology and to make up for it!

I'll be adding the photos to jikooks new home in the next update as I just wanted to upload this. Thank you all for being so incredible and patient! And happy birthday to all the December babies! Stay safe and healthy, loving yourself like no other! BORAHAEEEEE 💜💜💜💜


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