π’Ύπ“‰π“ˆ π“Žπ‘œπ“Š || dream x read...

By letterboard

256K 5.2K 9.8K

*cover photo belongs to its rightful creator.* When you find yourself bumping into someone you never thought... More

0 || preface.
1 || coffee.
2 || cat cafe.
3 || arrival.
4 || shirts.
5 || dancing in the rain.
6 || apple.
7 || the boys.
8 || bad news.
9 || christmas.
10 || new year.
11 || him.
13 || macaroni.
14 || letter.
15 || ghost town.

12 || pain.

11.5K 233 332
By letterboard

hey y'all, so almost 1000 reads. oh my, that's crazy that people are actually interested in this story LOL. i honestly just made it on a whim, just wanting something to write out of boredom; but i didn't actually expect people to read it so i never put much thought into it overall- for example not using capitals because i'm way too lazy, AND not putting TWs. i'm sorry if this bothers you, so from now on, i'll try my best to add trigger warnings to the beginnings of chapters if needed. thank you! <3

tw - physical abuse, panic attack.

i stood, pacing back and forth in front of the door, not knowing what to do. "y/n, please come out i just want to talk." mike called through the door calmly. i took a deep breath, and turned towards the door. obviously he came all this way for a reason. i was not with him anymore, so even if he wanted to try and get me to go with him, i could just say no. it wouldn't hurt to just go out there for a second i guess. i slowly opened the door, poking my head and arm through, however this gave mike just enough time to latch onto my wrist, yanking at me with full force.

i yelped in fear, trying to pull away, elbowing the door behind me really hard. i made a small noise of pain, still trying to get my arm away, "mike let go of me!" i spat, shoving at his chest with my free hand, but this only caused him to hold my wrist tighter, sinking his nails into my skin. "no y/n, you belong with me and if you're not going to listen, i'll just have to make you." he told me, in a weird, calm voice.

i resisted with all my might, trying to reach for the door that was a few feet away, but he was dragging me too fiercely. i struggled to scramble away from him, pulling back aggressively with all the strength i could muster, but this just frustrated him. he smacked me in the face with his free hand, leaving a stinging sensation to remain on my cheek. "you're coming with me," he muttered, his hot breath hissing against my face, "don't you know how sad i've been since you left me?" he went on, "you've caused me sadness y/n. it's all your fault, the least you could do is let me take you back. i need you." his voice cracked with sadness, making me feel horrible, however the throbbing soreness in my wrist overpowered the feeling of regret i felt for the hurt i've caused him.

"let me go mike, talk with your words!" i snapped, trying to pull my arm free. he just held on tighter, pulling me further down the hall. i looked back, wanting to scream for help, but my throat was so tight to the point i could barely even catch my breath. i looked back at him with a sudden confidence for my life, kicking him in the knee. hard. he fell backwards, swearing at me, but this freed my arm from his grasp, allowing me to back away quickly. he tried to reach for my feet, catching my ankle just in time, causing me to trip. i panicked, unable to catch my balance until i felt hands wrap around my torso, lifting me off the ground and swiftly pulling me from behind.

i gasped, my vision was blurred with pure terror at the grip around my waist. i sputtered weakly, trying to catch my breath to pursue my new attacker, but when i gathered myself, i realized it was clay, pulling me safely back into the apartment, away from my crazy ex.

he pulled me behind him carefully, blocking me from the door as he leaned out the doorway, "don't even try to move, bitch." he barked at mike, closing the door and quickly dialing on his phone. i stood there, shaking aggressively, rubbing my sore wrist. i was trying to contain my breath, it all had happened so fast and i did not want to go into another panic attack, those were scary. my throat burned as i bit back tears, trying to force my shaky breath to be normal, i looked up at clay who was now on the phone, grabbing an ice pack out of the freezer. he walked it over to me, placing it on my wrist gently, and leading me to his room while explaining our situation to the person on the phone.

he sat me down on the bed, grabbing a blanket from the closet, wrapping it over my shoulders, his phone pressed against his ear. i gave him a thankful nod, but i couldn't speak. i was shaking so bad, and my throat was so tight from holding back tears that i wouldn't have been able to talk.

he finished his conversation on the phone, and hung up with a deep sigh. "the police are on their way." he told me, but i wasn't paying attention, i was too focused on keeping my breath steady, and the pain in my wrist. he placed his hand over mine, wrapping his free arm around my shoulders. "are you okay?" he asked, "i mean of course you aren't, that idiot.." he muttered in hatred for mike. i opened my mouth, but all that came out was a shaky stutter. tears started weakly streaming down my face; i could no longer keep my breath steady i was shaking so bad. i turned my head away from clay, not wanting him to see how shaken up i was, but it was no use-- my whole body was quivering violently.

he scooted closer to me, wrapping his arms around me, holding my head into his chest. he mumbled, "its okay," over and over, pressing his face into the top of my head, wrapping the blanket tightly around the both of us like i was buried in a soft cave around him. i was eventually able to calm myself, still gripping onto his shirt taking in all the comfort and security in the moment. "i'm.." i gathered my breath in a swift gulp, "i'm sorry you had to wake up to all of this." i let out another breath, reaching up to wipe my eyes. he gently lifted my chin, brushing the strands of hair out of my eyes. "don't worry about that, y/n." he murmured. i took a deep breath,

"clay what are w-" i was interrupt by a loud knocking at the door. we both stood up, quickly rushing over. i slowed to a stop a few steps behind clay, letting him be the one to open the door this time. on the other side stood a tall man in a blue suit, holding up a badge, "police. we were called here due to an assault report?" the man questioned in a monotone voice. "yes, there was a man by the name of mike, who harassed my roommate. he came by and grabbed her by the wrist, and hit her." clay explained, glancing back at me reassuringly. i nodded to the officer, holding up my sore, now red wrist. the cop nodded, taking down notes and looking back up to us.

"i'm sorry sir, but we couldn't find anyone out here. our officers are still investigating the building, but so far, there's nothing," he looked up at us. oh no, he can't be on the loose.. "i'm going to need the both of you to come with me to the station to file a report please."

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