By rinaiya15

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"Where are we?" "THE FUTURE!" More



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By rinaiya15

After a while Tsunade calmed down, to their relief as she sat back down.

Shikadai put his hand on his chin"Come to think of it, I saw my mother summoned a weasel once."

"I won't mind a dog."a girl with brown tied in pigtail's said.

"A cat would be nice to!"exclaimed a girl with cat like features said to the girl.

"A cute animal would be better, huh?"

"What's wrong with this girl's"Deidara grumbled.

Sara and Sera came behind"Hey, Namida! Summoning animal's are not pets you know."Sara scolded the younger girl.


Namida look at them a little confuse"Oh, is that it?"

Sera look at Namida"That's right, summoning animal's help you in fighting."then she look at Wasabi"Good choice Wasabi, cat's can be a tracker, like dog's."

Wasabi smiled at the red head and thanked her.

A boy with a looking long staff scoff behind them"The twin's are right, summoning animal's are not pet's."he scolded the two"It doesn't matter what it look's like!"

"It can be ugly, as long as it's strong."Inojin voiced out.

"Then how about a snake? They look strong!"Boruto exclaimed"and cool to!"

Denki look at them"Then a scorpion!"

Sasori look at the boy with interest.

"Nope. I have to go to power, so gorilla!"Metal disagreed as Shikadai just look at them both since his in the middle of them.

Lee cried in happiness"My son, such youth!"Gai-sensei cried with him.

Tenten and Neji just sigh at them.

"If you want to creep them out with appearance, then how about spider's."Shikadai said.

Sera seemed to be dissaproving with Shikadai"Like I said summoning animal's are not pet's."then gave Shikadai a look"And their not for prank's either."

"What's wrong with that?"Naruto asked which earned him a glare from the other rookies.

Khairo then scoffed at her making her look at him with a glare"Your just affraid of spider's, that's why."he teased the red haired Uchiha with a smirk.

Sera can feel an angry vain in her forehead"That's not the point, Khairo!"she exclaimed at him.

"Oh really? Then can you explain why did you clung to your older brother when a spider appeared on your shoulder when we were kid's? Do you remembered Boruto's prank when we were five?"he said taunting her.

"Eh? What happened!?"Naruto asked excitedly.

Boruto, Sara, Shikadai, Inojin, Kiro, Nami, Cho-Cho, and Metal who saw that years ago sweatdrop'Why did he have to remind her that!'

Now this peek everyone's attention especially, Naruto"What happened!?"he asked.

Flashback 7 years ago~

Kankuro raised an eyebrow"7 years ago?"

The Senju park appeared on the screen and children running around.

"The Senju park?"

But a certain group really stands out,  it's the past rookies and their former sensei's with their husband and wife,(Just so you know Sasuke is not here.) and together with their children.

A little red haired girl and with her raven haired twin run up to their mother with their older brother following behind them, Saito, who is 7 years old that time and just got promoted to chuunin.

"So this is the time where he got promoted to chuunin."said Kakashi, impressed.

"Mama, can we play with Cho-Cho and the other's?"asked a five years old Sera looking up to her mother who is with Ino and Kurui, cooking.

Sarina stopped what her doing and smiled at her children, she knelt down to their height"Ofcourse you can."then she look at her son"Watch over them, okay Saito?".

Said Uchiha nodded and followed his sister's who ran up to Cho-Cho and started playing with them as he watch them, while leaning on a tree where he can see them.

While playing 5 years old Boruto found a medium size spider and decided to prank the girl's, so he told the boy's about his prank and agreed, so they helped him.

"So that's where it started."Sasuke glared at the blonde knucklehead, because his son pranked his little girl.

5 years old Nami noticed that the boy's are gone"Hey guy's, where are the boy's?"she asked Cho-Cho, Sara, and Sera while looking around.

With that said they look around for them but just like Nami, they can't see them either.

While Saito is up on a tree watching the boy's pull their prank to scare the girl's.

'Those kid's.'he thought as he sigh.

When Inojin saw the girl's approaching with Sera infront, he signaled Boruto, who is ontop of a tree just below Sera while holding the spider, the blonde boy grinned wildly while Inojin, Metal, Shikadai, Kiro who is with Akkeru, and Khairo watched in anticipation as they waited behind a bush not far from them.

"Where are they?"Nami asked the girl's with a worried look on her face.

"I don't sense them anywhere."frowned Sara as she tried to sense them again but as expected, she still can't feel their chakra"How about you, Sera? Can you sense them?"she asked her sister.

"How can that be?"Kankuro questioned"They are sensory types, right?"

Sarina hummed"Unless they hid their chakra very well."she thought outloud"And besides they are still five that time, so it's possible that they are still inexperienced in sensing."

Sera also tried sensing them but like her sister, she can't sense them anywhere"No, I can't either."she frowned.

Ontop of a tree Boruto dropped the spider in Sera's shoulder making Sara, Cho-Cho, and Nami look at the spider wide eyes and pointed at it.

"S-Sera, there's a spider on your shoulder!"Cho-Cho shouted.

Sera freezed and look at the spider on her shoulder.

"Uh oh."Kankuro and Kiba murmured.

"KYAAAAAAH, ONII-SANNNNN!!!!!!"Sera cried running to her older brother who jumped down to his little sister and removed the spider off her shoulder.

Everyone winced.

Sasuke glared at the blonde knucklehead who is laughing and rolling in the floor"You dope."and punch him in the head, hard.


"It's fine now, Sera."Saito comforted his red haired sister as he carried her"The spider's gone."

Boruto laughed out loud at the success of his prank as the girl's glared at him.

"BORUTO!"Sera attempted punch him in the head but he dodge it causing her to punch the ground making a small crater.

"Yikes!"Deidara exclaimed as he flinch back.

"Is she f****** trying to kill him?!"Hidan yelled out in fear looking at the crater.

"T-That's some strength for a 5 years old!"Naruto yelled who is pale as a ghost.

Sasuke smirk'That's my girl.'he thought proudly.

Boruto, Shikadai, Inojin, Khairo, Kiro, Cho-Cho, and Nami flinch at the sound of the ground cracking.

'If she succeeded to punch me, I would be killed for sure!'Boruto screamed in his head while he paled looking the crater.

"NO KIDDING!"yelled the noisy ones.

Before she could punch Boruto again, her older brother stopped her fist, as Sera is still in her brother's arms"That's enough, Sara."he calmly said, Boruto sigh in relief.

Sera just pouted and turned away"Hn!"and she comforted her twin.

Everyone, but the Uchiha's who just smirk, sweatdrop at that.

"She's Sasuke's daughter alright."Shikamaru said.

But Saito slightly punch Boruto in the head, but not hard like his sister did, it still hurt's though"Enough with your prank's, Boruto."he scolded.

Boruto pouted"Gomenasai."he apologize as he rubbed his head.

The girl's also punched the other boy's head for not stopping the blonde.

From that day Boruto stopped pranking her with spider's, in fear that he would be ten feet underground if he continue with it.

Flashback end~

The boy's shivered at the memory.

The class watch as Sera and Khairo bicker back and forth, Shino-sensei and Konohamaru just sweatdrop at them.

"So what if I'm afraid of a spider! Your afraid of a girl!"

Kakashi nearly choke in the air"My son? Afraid of a girl!"he exclaimed.

While the other's laugh at her insult.

"I'm not afraid of a girl! Especially not to a girl who cried just seeing a tiny spider!"

"Nice comeback!"Deidara laugh with Hidan.

"I did not cry! Bakairo!"

"Yes, you did, stupid Sera!"

"And for the record, that spider is as big as Boruto's palm when we were kid's!"

They continue to bicker until Shino finally had enough.

"Ok enough!"he shouted getting in between them.

Khairo and Sera turned away from each other with a huff and crossed their arms over their chest.

The whole class sigh in relief thanking their sensei in their mind for stopping the two from engaging to a fight.

After that 'incident' the class got back to their line and suddenly when the boy's got back to their old conversation about summoning animal's, the other girl's accused the boy's for being an idiot and careless.

"You boy's are also the one who messed up the training field, aren't you?"Wasabi frowned at them.


"Were alway's the one who fixed your wrongdoing's because of your idioticness."Sara said as she narrowed her purple eyes at her cousin who is infront of her.

Boruto returned the favor by glaring at her"We are not doing anything idiotic!"he exclaimed making his cousin scoff obviously not believing him.

Sera raised an eyebrow at him"Oh really? Then can you explain the thunder train that destroyed Uncle Naruto's face?"she retorted, daring him to talk back.

"She called me uncle!"Naruto jumped in happiness.

Inojin then huff"You girl's are not innocent either."

Some girl look at him with narrowed eye's"What do you mean by that?"she said, getting angry.

Inojin closed his eye's in a mocking manner"Alway's gossiping about other's."

Cho-Cho flipped her bangs"Atleast were not ruining anything."she emphasize the 'ruining' directed to Boruto.

"Ouch."Kankuro laugh.

Shikadai sigh"Women are such a drag."he voiced out while he have his hand's behind his head.

Shikamaru sigh"They are such a drag."

The girl's and boy's are looking each other with angry gazes, ready to fight.

"I can sense a fight going to broke in."Sarina said with a worried look.

Before anything happens Shino and Konohamaru already stopped them, much to the student's dissapointment.

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