
By SleepyNSantaJimin

155K 6K 183

Why me. Seriously.. It started with the best concert of my life. Now everything is upside down. Off the rails... More

Unexpected News
We Fan-Meet
Fall Rain
What part of...
Planning and the Impulsive
Needful 😳
Details and devils
😳...And Then Some
Schedules Keep Changing
😳 Pain and Pleasure
Missed One!
Meeting in the Middle
Things don't add up
...Makes Perfect
New Things
Dance Partners 😳
Work Before Play
😳 Distraction
Unraveled 😳
Interruptions and...😳
Step Three
Consequences pt 2
In for a Penny...
... in for a ₩
Unexpected Sadness
It's Always in Threes...
False Negatives
Morning After Pills 😳
😳 Advice From an Expert
Experts: Dul
Faux Expert(s)
...And The Results Are!!
That's What He Said!
A Line Drawn
A Line Moved
Sample Tracks
The Ties That Bind
I's and T's
The First Introductions
Forward Planning
😳 Silky Moves
Aftercare Goes Both Ways 😳
Happy Be-Day/V Day!
Yoongi's Adventure
It's in the Jeon's (Genes)
Kim Line Represent!
Park Party 😳
😳 Finish and Begin
Tests and Trials 😳
😳 Highs... and More Highs
More Test(e)s 😳
Conductors and Transitions
Next up!!

W.T.F. pt 2

5.1K 169 5
By SleepyNSantaJimin

Looking around I notice that while I am the only fan in the room I am not the only person here. At the far end of the hall, I guess it's the door to the hallway as the one I just went through is the conference room that BTS is currently meeting fans in, is two more guards, one quietly talking into his shoulder walkie talkie, the other just stands his post. 

There doesn't seem to be any other doors out, and I figure it's a bad idea to go back into the fan meet from the out door, so I walk over to the guards on the door at the far end.

They snap-to as I approach stepping closer to each other, essentially forming a physical wall to keep me from leaving. Pausing I try to figure out what's going on. Pulling out my phone I look to the text my sis sent me again. 

Hmm...  my phone is at 93%... wasn't it in the 80s before? I haven't plugged it in or anything. Strange. Looking to call out I realize I am in the middle of the hotel and my service is just not reaching. Instead I work on logging into the wifi here... I need a hotel room to do that. Fricker fracker fudging... Frustrated I look up at the guards again. They're still in the blocking position, barely moving enough to breathe. I go to the tower of chairs against one wall, pull a chair off the tower, and sit down near an outlet, prepared to plug in if I need to charge up. Opening up a game of sudoku that I know doesn't need service I prepare to wait and find out what the fuck is going on.


It's been hours. No one has come in, no one has left. It's a good thing I didn't need the bathroom. Heck it's a good thing I found those cough drops in the bottom of my bag. I have no clue how long they were in there, but I had a heck of a time removing the paper wrapper from them, and instead of it being hard they were soft and chewy. Actually, I kinda like them being chewy. The hard candy versions are always slow to dissolve... I wish they came in the soft and chewy version instead of them evolving into that option.

My phone is back in the 80s percentage range again when I hear noises getting louder from the door I came in. I don't know if I am pissed off or just anxious, but I stand, ready to deal with whatever happens next.


I am not ready. I am not ready. FUCK I am not ready.

Holding the doors open are the guards. In steps seven men, stretching, yawning, laughing, rubbing their eyes. It seems I am not noticed until one of them suddenly stops, making almost all the others trip and stumble into him.

I am just standing there, wide-eyed, in shock. Why did BTS just come in here? Did I do something wrong?! 

A flurry of Hangul goes between them. Yoongi shouts to one of the guards, and there is more chatter on the walkie-talkies. Hoseok and Taehyung quickly come over to me, their legs eating up the space between us. The rest come over at a bit slower pace, but eventually I am surrounded, my back up against the wall.

I know my eyes are wide with shock. I know my hair is a mess. I thankfully don't have to worry about makeup, I never wear it anyways, but I can't be looking that great after tiredly staring into my phone for hours. Why are they all around me?!

Namjoon is the first to speak to me. 'Sorry if this is confusing. We're actually not very sure ourselves what is going on, but it seemed best to talk to you privately.'

'Huh?' I ask, cleverly. Jimin giggles at this, and the rest chuckle in response. I smile faintly, not sure what to do or say.

'So you experienced the lights too, right?' asks Yoongi. I nod. 'That first night at the concert we saw you like you were on stage, each of us. We asked the lighting crew why they had problems with the spotlights, and they confirmed that there wasn't a problem.'

'We don't know what's going on,' Hoseok continued, 'but we need to make sure that nothing goes wrong in the rest of the concerts, and you're our only link to what happened.'

'Please bear with us as we figure this out.' Namjoon says before quickly turning away to speak to their manager. I think I read his name is Sejin? Hmm, hafta check that out later... when I get wifi or service.

Sitting back down on the chair I pulled out I relax as best as I can. The guys, noticing that I have the only chair on the floor, quickly pull out their own chairs and sit in a round in the middle of the room, but somewhat near me. I go back to my sudoku, trying my best to not just stare at them.


I get sucked into my game, and only notice Yoongi looking over my shoulder when I pull my hand up to rub my eyes. Shocked I almost fall out of my chair. He quickly grabs my elbow to steady me, and the lights flicker brighter. We both look up, then at each other. Frowning I look at the other guys. Even while he's touching me they all seem to have the lights a lot brighter above their heads. As he lets go the lights dim back to their normal level.

Closing my eyes I swear. 'Fuck.'

Yoongi just chuckles, folding his arms over his chest. 'You noticed it too then?' He asks. When I nod he continues. 'You mentioned it happened when you shook hands, was it with everyone?' 

'Well I didn't shake hands with everyone, but I was touched by almost everyone... except Jungkook.' With his name said he looks up from whatever game he and the others were playing and smiles and waves. I nod as he goes back to focus on what they are doing.

An eyebrow raised, Yoongi just stares at me, waiting for me to continue. 'I know he's hesitant around females, so I didn't want him to feel like he had to touch me, you know?' Yoongi nods, being patient. 'Hoseok touched me on the shoulder, Seokjin touched me on the neck,' at this Yoongi's eyebrows raise up in a bit of shock, but I continue, 'but for the most part it was just hand shakes... until you touched my elbow just now.'

'What did you see when I touched your elbow?' He asks slowly.

'The lights brightened like earlier, but just above you.' I pause, thinking. 'Since you didn't let go immediately, when I look at the rest of them... they also looked like the lights were brighter.'

'Not the guards? Not the staff?' He asked. I shake my head. Yoongi looks up at the group in the middle of the room, and barks out something to Namjoon.

Namjoon's head pops up from the game they're playing, shock clearly written on his face. He quickly stands, knocking the chair over, and strides over to us. I quickly move to stand, but Yoongi just puts a hand back on my shoulder, forcing me to stay seated... and brings the brightness back.

Namjoon looks like he's in command of a stage again as he approaches. I find myself struggling to remember to breathe... and then Yoongi removes his hand, and the brightness fades to normal. I sigh, take a deep breath and steady myself as they talk to each other in a rapid fire conversion.

Looking back at the group I see them curiously watching from their seats. Jimin smiles and waves, Taehyung and Seokjin shoulder-shove each other chuckling, and both Hoseok and Jungkook look at Namjoon and Yoongi talking, waiting for an explanation.

As I cannot follow what they are saying I just smile and wave back at Jimin, which seems to summon him as he hops out of his chair, quickly grabbing it before moving it towards me. 

After settling his chair on the opposite side of me from Yoongi he looks over my shoulder at what is on my phone... currently my lock screen. No it's not of BTS, but rather of an inspirational quote I love. 

'What does it say?' Jimin asks.

'Do more of what makes you awesome' I reply. Looking confused he looks at the two men who have suddenly stopped talking. Namjoon thinks for a moment then translates. Jimin suddenly smiles, beaming like he's Hoseok. Both Yoongi and Namjoon also smile at the understanding of what the quote means.

I think that got everyone else's attention, because I am again the center of attention.

Yoongi wanders off and Seokjin takes his chair to see my phone's lock screen. I know they are just guys, but I have never been comfortable with people in general, and the idea that these famous people are focusing on me makes me suddenly aware that I have a bit of claustrophobia.

As I stand up they move a bit away, and I walk out from being surrounded by them, pacing a bit to calm myself down. Yoongi walks up with the man I think is their manager, and Namjoon joins. A quick bit of conversation and Namjoon speaks up in English so that I understand.

'This is going to take longer, and more resources than we have here. Let's leave and get a bite to eat before meeting up with someone who might know what is going on.' Looking at each of his members they nod, standing and gathering their stuff to get ready. 

I bow, putting my phone back in my bag before heading towards the doors out... and I am still blocked. Turning around I huff 'hey, I thought you said we could go.'

The manager speaks up this time, in almost as good English as Namjoon. 'We need you to continue to stay with us for a bit, please. This is not figured out yet.'

Thinking about this, he is correct. We have a few clues, but no real answers yet. Nodding I respond. 'Fine. That makes sense. But I need to let some people know what's going on so that they don't worry.' 

'That's fine. I just ask you turn off your gps locator before leaving. We don't need you to be followed because of us.' Namjoon responds. I unlock my phone and do as he asks, showing them that it's done.  Nodding they all line up to leave. The guards start surrounding us, and while I am feeling a little hemmed in Taehyung makes sure that I have a walking buddy in him, offering his elbow like he did Yoongi on that one stage. I hesitantly take it, and suddenly we are surrounded by light again. His eyes widen, looking around at everyone, then back at me. I put my finger from my free hand to my lips in a shushing motion and he nods. I don't think his eyes stop being wide until we're in the hotel they are staying in.

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