The Forgotten Member...

By Luna_The_Chihuahua

107K 2.4K 1.7K

Okay tell me I'm gonna do this- Welp yes you used to be apart of the dream team. As everything went well. Un... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
πŸŽ‰!Special Chapter!πŸŽ‰
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - ΒΏLast Chapter?

Chapter 1

24.8K 467 422
By Luna_The_Chihuahua

When I woke up and stretched to get the sleepiness out of me. I got dressed and do my morning routine. I wore a f/c hoodie, black jeans, and a mask on the side of my head. I was an Youtuber and a mod.

My friend Berry, Proxy, and Galaxy were playing. Trying to get the hacker out of the server like every day. I would normally help them. I sigh and walked to a bird cage.

I smile and let Gojiro out of his cage. He was a cockatiel. As I was about to open my door I get a discord notification. I looked at it and saw berry name.

Hey y/n. We may need a little help. Proxy is trying to find the hacker in the server. Galaxy is looking for the hacker as well. We need you right now!

I groan about it. It's annoying to see this notification. I simply texted her

"look I'm busy right now. You know the command to get rid of the hacker. Now will you please leave me alone for an hour?"

I was seen by her. I guess I was a little harsh on her. I read the message again she only said "okay." I felt bad but ignore it.

I walked to the kitchen and didn't even notice that Gojiro was with my brother. I laugh at this. My brother yelled "y/n! Can you please tame your bird to not peck me!" I stop laughing and just said his name.

"Come here Gojiro." He flew to me and started to sing. 'Oh lord-' until I heard my brother say "hey how's your Minecraft server is going?" "Eh I don't know my friend just texted to help with the server." My brother nodded and went in his discord to text dream something.

I couldn't see because he doesn't want me to see stuff. Soon I was taken a picture from my brother. "OI! You can't just take a picture of me without my permission!" My brother smile and send it to someone.

I groan and soon Gojiro grabbed my brother's phone. I laugh and my brother ran after him. Soon he plop his phone onto my hand. I looked at his message and saw a message from someone.

I read it until my brother tackle me. "HEY! Wai-" I started laughing as much. "Nope! You can't see that!" He grab his phone and runs into his room.

I chuckle a little and walked to the kitchen. I got an apple and took a bite. It's been an hour now and I walked to my room. I began to turn on my pc and stuff. 'Okay let see what my friend want me to do today.' I didn't hesitate and just clicked on discord.

I join my friend's group chat and we got to play and get rid of hacker. Soon George barge into the room and said "Y/N! We are going to meet my two friends I been talking about!"'I face slam myself and simply say "alright."

He looked to see what I'm doing. I roll my eyes and kept playing Minecraft. I didn't bother what he's going to do. My brother runs to his room again. Now he's back again.

"Hey lil bro! Is it okay if we play in your server?" I looked at him confused. "Why not play your server?" "We'll about that.... someone destroy the land and hacked everything."

"Fine. You have the command on my server. If you want you can have my private server." I got up from my computer and was push back down. "You are playing with us!" My brother said. I sigh and nodded.

My brother smile and walked to his room. Soon he added me to a group. I was confused first. My brother texted

Author: Just pretend this is the group chat >_>

Hey Dream, Sapnap, and Badboyhalo!
Guess who's here!


Who is here?


You may know I have a brother right!

Yeah? What about him?

Well! I have added him to the group chat! Brother say hi!


What's up!


So what are we going to play? Also my lil brother let us play with his server or private.

Ooooo! Let's play in his server!

Yeah! Let's do a voice call!

Heck yeah! Let's do it!

I than got another group message from my friends. I sigh and looked at the message. They are basically talking about the weirdest things. I chuckle and clicked back to the group chat I was in.

I than accept the call and wasn't expecting that. My brother arguing with SapNap over the stupidest thing. I put myself on mute and saw Gojiro flew to me. He was eating his bird seed like always. I smile and soon heard my brother said.

"HEY LIL BRO!" I unmuted myself and spoke "god your so annoying-" "HEY! WHAT CAN I SAY IMA GO TO YOUR ROOM ANS HUG YOU!" "Oh lord- please don't!" Everyone laugh and SapNap spoke

"Dang you and George get along so well!" I roll my eyes and heard my bird sings. 'Ofc hes follow the Minecraft music' I giggle a little by his bird acted.

Soon when we are all at my private server. It wasn't much just a peek for a new server will be made. There was two map. One if for speed run or hide and seek. I wasn't expecting but Proxy joined the server.

I saw what she typed in the chat.

~Private Chat~
Proxy -> WolfieMix
Y/n -> YT/N

WolfieMix: hey y/n. We may have accidentally went into a situation...

YT/N: what is it this time?

WolfieMix: well one of the hacker destroy the server. So we may need help with the building.


WolfieMix: Woah calm down we did. Just we need you to shut down the server. Since your the owner.

YT/N: fine I'll do it.

WolfieMix: Great! See you later for tomorrow to rebuild the game again.

WolfieMix has Left the Game.

I sigh 'great... just great stupid hacker decided to break the building and server. ' I groan and didn't know I was still in the call.

I heard someone say "hey George's little brother. Are you alright?" "Yeah yeah just fine." "Lil bro it doesn't seem like it." "I said I'm fine." "You sure Muffin?" I sigh and heard my door slam open.

"Tell me. Why are you sad or not being you today?" I was speechless and didn't realize George was muted and so did I. I explain what happen. I sorta cried because my friends and I work hard to make them.

"Shhh it's okay brother. It's okay. It happen to dream's server. So your not alone. We will be busy. It's okay." My brother kept petting my head. It works when I cry or anything.

It made me calm down a little and soon got up. He walked to his room and I walked to my gaming chair. I unmuted myself and so did George.

"Okay we are back- WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN?!" "If BadBoyHalo didn't do anything this wouldn't work!" "Okay will you guys stop acting like an 5 years old?" Everyone went silent and began to laugh.

We all were laughing and played my server. I saw the chat said "George was slain by Dream." I laugh by that and George said "hey! You think my death is funny?! Im gonna get you!" I ran and soon I was killed by George.

George and I were laughing as the BadBoyHalo, SapNap, and Dream was killing one another.

To Be Continue....
Words: 1214

Updated: March 21, 2021
Words now: 1354

Welp that's it for this chapter!
Hope you enjoy this ^^
Have a lovely day/night/afternoon
Bye lil Chihuahua Friends!

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