The dreamโœจ

By noir_frostx

1K 142 11

"I'm sorry jack, but it was too late" ~~๐Ÿ’ฎ~~ Elsa Collins, always dream to become one of the most famous mode... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Thank you!

Part 27

23 4 0
By noir_frostx


"Elsa..... Promises me you won't leave me again" he tugged my hair strands behind my ear

"I promise" I answered

He moved closer and planted a kiss on my forehead. Then we just stared at each other smiling until a pain interrupt

My breath is heavier, my chest and head attacked by a sharp pain

"Elsa, elsa what do you need" he panicked

I pointed at my medicine, he sprint off and grabbed a glass of water and gave it to me

I quickly gulped it. A moment later my breath went normal

"You should sleep now" he smile

I laid down he pulled up my blanket "night"


Soon my eyes become heavier and I went to a dreamland


I was staring at her while she was sleeping. It's hard, she's in pain and all I can do is watch, now I only have one thing on my mind

Find merida

I walked out slowly and walked to merida's office


I was checking my work and there's a knock "come in" I said

The person open the door and revealing jack, worried sadness all over his face. He looked like he would burst out crying in any moment

"Yes?" I asked

He walked closer and did something I never expect, no one in this world ever expected

He kneeled down like he was surrender, who are we talking about? We are talking about jack frost!

The most famous model! He never ever kneel down, only this once in my lifetime I saw it

I quickly jolted up and walked to him "stand up"

He just kneeled down looking at the floor. This time I kneeled down and put my hands on his shoulders

"Jack" I called

"Please save her, I'll give you everything, please, please just save her, I don't want to lose her, I just can't, I fall to deep with her" he cried out

"Jack there's nothing we can do" I wiped away his tears "spend her last moment with her, remember jack, if there's a meeting there's always a goodbye"


I can't, I'm so desperate, all I did is for elsa, I don't care if my pride was trampled on, I just need her

I did it, I kneeled in front of her to save elsa

"Can't you do something else?" I sobbed

She shook her head

"Jack, this is a real goodbye, make her last moment to become her happiest moment" she said

She slowly help me stand up, I still looking down

"Jack, look at me. Now" she demanded

I looked up at her

"Listen to me, make her last moment the happiest moment of her life, she has at least two weeks, that's the longest time. Make all of her dream come true. Remember the dream she always talk about?" she said

"The dream... " I whispered

"Yes, make that dream come true"

I sighed "thanks merida"

I walked out and went to elsa's room

I sat next to her and grabbed her hand and caressing her cheek "I'll make your dream come true" I kissed her back palm



"Elsaaaa!!!!" I heard a high pitch voice squealing

Seriously? This is still early, I bet it is waayyy toooooo early to wake me up

"Elsa wake up! Wake up!" I don't even know who is that

One thing for sure whole gang were here

"Elsa wake up!" that person shook me

I groaned and muttered "what?" sleepily

"Wake up! We'll going" a person said

"Where? I just need a sleep here, you know a sleeping beauty model" I replied sleepily

"Hey agreste, your friend" and that is alya I knew that haha!

"Just open you damn eyes! All of us being forced early in the morning to fetch you"

"Let me handle this"

That person lean closer and whispered in my ear "love you hun, wake up now" and that is jack

I slowly open my eyes and jack's face on top of my face. I shoved away his face and sit up rubbing my eyes

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed

"Get you out from this white freaking room" astrid said

Wow, all of them are really good at bad words even anna, just me the one who still afraid of saying those kind of words

"Where?" I asked

"Someplace" punzie said

"Go and change hun" jack gave a quick peck on my lips

"Jelsa moment is over, now elsa" anna handed me a clothes

I just groaned and go into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and get out

"Now let's go?" mari asked

"Yep" I said


So now we're at a big apartment and there's a name tag for each room. A couple name tag, it's cute

"So what's this place?" I asked

"It's a gang apartment" adrien answered

"We gonna spend a whole week here and hang out together" hiccup ruffled his hair

"Oohh, it's nice, but I don't take any clothes" I said

"Don't worry we packed all of your clothes" astrid said

"What? How?"

"We have kristoff here, who is good at hacking things" anna said

"So, we asked him to hack all of the hotel's CCTV near here" jack continued

Wow. Just wow

"Insane" I said

"Let's just relaxed a bit and we talk a random things or whatever" mari offered

"Sure" all of us went to different direction

"Elsa! Your room with a 'jelsa' name tag" adrien said


I took my suitcase from them and walked toward the room and began to unpack my things


"Guys! What do you want for movie!" I asked

"The BFG" anna replied


I found the disc and insert it on the DVD. I took the remote and sat on the couch in front of the TV

I turn on the TV and saw something. It's really creepy, wanna know what I saw?

I saw a villa, a villa where they set a double date for us. They put a camera?

Oh my god! That's why they know what are we doing this whole time! They are done, sooooo done

"Frost!" I whispered yelled

"Hmm?" he turned to me

I gestured him to come to me and he came and saw the screen

"Hold up, what?!?" he said

"I know right? They are crazy" I said

"Purincess" I whispered yelled

How funny, the rest of the gang seem not to be notice, all of them are at their room and I don't know what they are doing

She came to me and looked at the screen

"They are spying on us this whole time?" she whispered yelled

"I guess?" I asked

Right on the time, elsa came to us and speak louder "hey guys we-"

Jack cover her mouth and pointed at the screen. Her eyes widen as she saw it

"They are looking at us when we're at the villa?" she said louder

We all shushed her

"Sorry" she whispered

"You know what, let's just distract them out" I offered

"Sure" mari winked at elsa

Jack and I both looked at each other not knowing what they'll do

"Guys! Help!" they yelled really loud

All of them rushed outside

Either 'what happen' or 'what's going on' filled the apartment

Both of the girls crossed their arms on their chest looking at them

"Spilt out now!" alya demanded

"No you guys spilt out" jack said

"What?" flynn raised an eyebrow

"This" fourth of us said in unison and pointed at the TV

All of them walked toward us and gasped, all of them whispering to each other

"You guys spying on us?" mari started

"Well maybe, I don't know" punzie said

"Yes or no?" I asked

"Yes ok? Yes! We all dying to know about it" alya spilt out

"You know what? You guys are crazy" jack said

"Yes, we crazy to put you guys as a couple" astrid said

Right now, they're like a five year old kid being scolded by their mother

"And you guys are high level" elsa complimented

Mari, jack and my eyes widen and looked at her

"What?" she looked back

"You're on their side?" I asked

"Well yeah, if you guys are on their place won't you guys be curious too?" she asked

Well emm I hate to admit it but she's right

"Let's just settle down and watch the movie" kristoff suggested

All of us agreed it immediately



"Night!" we all said in unison

Jack and I walked to our room. I threw myself to the bed meanwhile jack is searching something

"What are you looking at?" I asked

"Something" he answered

I turned around and face other side. Jack laid beside me and handed me the dolphin

I smile and grabbed the dolphin and face him

"The dolphin lose her mama" he said

I giggled and kiss him

He wrapped his arm around my waist as I hugged the dolphin and buried my face on his warm chest


𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲'𝐚𝐥𝐥❤
𝐂𝐲𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭

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