Break OUT

By Stormy590

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Begin austism for Austin is a struggle everyday including high school no friends No help just him and his hi... More

First day of school
Beat down
Dad finds out
The attempt
Taken away
Im a failure
Begin saved
Trust issue
Reliving the past
Night terrors
Hospital visit
Im not okay
Telling my story
Ally is my name

The accident

4 0 0
By Stormy590

The next week I went to a home parish to talk with my pastor

I walked

Good morning Austin

Hi I'm here to let your know I'm Trans

You trans


I'm sorry but you kicked out

I'm baptized in the church


Just great

I went back to school planned an evil act upon the church

I found a glass vase I was going to throw it in the crowd at my church is this evil it does not consider evil when you hurt the person opening-up

Saturday morning mass was packed ever, Grandma and grandpa was their, and family

I snuck up to the choir loft right during communion I threw it the sheer deafening screams from the crowd they feel the pain but also I just hurt a ton of people

I heard people walking up I hid in the closet

The man who in charge of maintenance of the Church

Why you hiding in here

I got lost

You did this didn't you hurt people


He walked me down to the main level

I found are us a culprit

Austin why would you do such a thing

I was hurt by the way you rejected my gender

Clean up I'm done with you call her family

I say in the pews a d cried

After an hour my family showed

My heart was pounding

Austin would like to tell what happen or do you want me to do it

You can

She thew a glass vase which shattered and injured people

Why would you that

I don't know

You do know to stop saying your doing know

Then I looked back at the back of the church my teacher was standing there

Where the I don't have family comes in

It not what looks like

It looks like your lied to me

I didn't lie to you

Okay sure who all these people

My family

You told you were homeless you told me your didn't have a loving family

Well I guess

You lied

You  haven't meet my wrath

He stomoted away

Once again you tell a lie so you can get what you want

Shut up Zachary

Why should I believe you  can't even keep your month close in the first place

Pastor do you have anything to say

I'm shocked at what I'm witnessing but also not surprise like for the example surprise party wasn't a surprise you told me

That was a long time a ago stop bring things up that already happen

It true though

I left the church and I walked all the way to my house and I cried myself to sleep

On Monday I went to the school and I saw most wanted poster

Most wanted for lying

I took it crumpled it up and my face turned beat red

I went to franey

I'm sorry you kicked out of the play

This is bullshit

I didn't make the decision

I ran up the stairs

I busted my theology teacher door down

What the fucking is going on

Wow back up

You made me lose my spot in the play

I'm sorry I didn't lie to my school

Wow you did this on purpose do you like me

I do if you just don't lie to me

Wow the only reason I got that part was because I'm the only boy of the school we're doing Dear Evan Hansen as the play

Oh okay good luck

Thank you

I went and put my strip shirt and wrap my arm in cast

I stood behind the doors nervous

In 321

Have you ever felt so alone but no one noticed you my names is Evan Hansen this how my lie caused one of my closest friends to commit suicide.

I looked through the crowd I saw my dad

I just froze in place

You okay


I tense up

My teacher step in front of my dad

I suggest your leave it goes badly

No let me talk to my son



He inches forward

Get away from me

He handed me check

This money is for your transition surgery. After hearing what your classmate thought of you

How does mom feel

I'm fine honey

My dad handed me a teddy bear

I pressed it was my mother heart beat

Where is this mother heart beat

Your mom dead

You tell me now

What do you expect

I don't know

Good bless of fucking America do you really I want to know when I'm about to do the most important play of my life

Good luck

You know I'm done you wanted me off the cast this whole time I ran off the stage with tears streaming down my face


Get away from

Don't push me away

Oh like you not doing the same father I'm trans you need to accept I'm different

I know i messed up but come back home with me

No I'm sorry that house is a dangerous horror movie and you live there I can't even look at you I only see a dangerous devilish person who cares enough to love me and accept me

Sweetheart you are great

Why didn't you tell me this when you were abusing me how is that love

I was stupid

How am o supposed to know you probably going to stab in the heart again because I mess every fucking day

You not mess up

You make me think with your abuse of me so why acting so sorry when I know you aren't sorry

I'll change

How do I know you'll change dont verbal abuse me just because you god damn well you aren't going to change you never will so just go leave me I have someone to go to

Who you replace me

Yes I did because I couldn't fucking trust me

Who the fuck is this guy

He a teacher and it non of your fucking business

It is you my daughter

I was your daughter until you started abusing me

Tell who he is now

My father grab my wrist

Tell me now

I'm good

He shoved me into the wall

I thought you changed

As he pinned my teacher knocked as fucking as off and I fell to the ground in tears

Hey it okay

No it not

It is

I'm done I ran to the nearest bridge and stood on the edge and jumped off the bridge and landed on the water so hard like concrete my body floated to the shore faced down

I used the last of the strength I had to climb the shore

Someone called the police and I woke serval hours later in the hospital

Where am I

The hospital the nice nurse said


You tried taking your life

Oh no

Do you have someone for us to call

My School

Do you have a parent

I shakily handed my mother number


Hi is this Mariah

Yes this is she

Hi I'm a nurse at a hospital your daughter tried taking her life

Omg I'm on my way

See you there


Your mother will be here very soon


Will you call this number

Who is this

My school

Yes Of course

School POV

This prep High

Hi my name is Katie I'm nurse at Mount hospital


I'm here to tell you Austin attempted suicide


I dropped the phone

I ran to the hall everyone at the assembly my heart racing five thousands miles per hours

I went to the teacher

Please come with me

What happening

I just got a call that Austin attempted suicide

Yes serious


Now what

Where her father

In prison

You put her father in jail

What was I supposed to do she was begin abused and non of you guys believe me or her

You took her father away from her

I was protecting a student from begin potentially killed thank you very much

Let go past that what do we do with this her dad prison she in the hospital

We need to tell the school

No don't


She did this attempt for what I presumed from when I punched her father for abusing her

You saved her from her father but couldn't prevent this horrific thing that happen

I'm sorry but I did protect and serve

Let's go another suicide attempt

Attention one of our student attempted suicide if you know anything please come talk with the grief conselor thanks

Back at the hospital

Oh baby


Hi baby girl

My mon hugged me

You feeling better

Great awesome amazing

You hiding your true feelings

I'm miserable and feeling pulled by people

Pulled by who

My father that bastard monster who didn't believe me and left right when he started abusing me

Sweetie I would never leave you

Well you did you left me and my mon

Austin I left because I couldn't handle the stress of your father

Why did you take me or my sister to safety you only cared about yourself mom you self centered bitch

Hey stop screaming

I will not stop voicing my own opinion I was sexually abused by my own father who should love you let happen did you and you loved you don't care that I'm struggling with my sexuality and my mind dosent make my private part you think I'm perfect deep inside I'm heart broken person

Austin I'm your mother I loved you but I'm you are not trans

I'm a girl my name is Anna but no one gives shit a mother should love and support not bash them for what a different brain

No you not stop begin crazy lunatic you are not and stop going to the slut school who corrupt you into thinking of different gender

My sister is the best mother I have you are the worst

The only fucking reason why you don't understand because you been married to that fucking lunatic monster asshole

Don't you ever talk about your father that way

He a pain in the ass who dosent love the family

She left

Hey great for the support

Fuck me I screamed

My doctor walked in

You free to go

I ran to my school

I broke in

Why are you here I thought you were in the hospital

I was but I left because my mom visited me and told the truth she manipulates my father to abused me so she get his money

You telling your dad actually loves you


Where is he

He in prison


It kinda the teacher job

The teacher job to rat her family out you have just stirred the pot of boiling revenge

What you taking about

Miss treating me

I have nothing but show you love at this school I paid for your transition money out of my pocket don't you dare say it my fault he in prison

Will help me get him out

Sure why not

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