Izuku Midoriya: Ultra Instinct

Por DefinitelyNotTKJ

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Izuku Midoriya... Some knew him as a nice boy, most knew him as a quirkless nothing living a dream-namely, Ka... Más

Entrance Exam
The New Succesor
Deku vs. Class 1-A
Declerations of War
Welcome To The Sports Festival!
Sports Festival: Cavalry Battle
Final Round.... BEGIN!!
Bakubum vs. Uraraka!
Battle of Beliefs
The Final Battle: Deku vs. Uraraka
Hatred Consumes
Gran Torino
Hero Killer
Meet The Daughter!
Final Exams
Deku vs. Class 1-A (Final Exams)
Breaking Limits
Half and Half
A Brand New Power
The Power of Ultra Instinct
Getting Back on Track!
Heading to Training Camp!
A New Technique
Training Camp Massacre
The Wrong Path
Welcome to the Prison Tournament!
Call Me Deku
Two Months
A New Symbol


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Por DefinitelyNotTKJ

I walked home, rather than flying home because according to Ochako it's "more fun" to spend time together as we approach our destination. I didn't really mind, although I didn't really see a reason we couldn't just fly. Nonetheless, I'm approaching home with Ochako holding onto my arm as I we got there and after a while we were in front of the door. I stopped as we faced the door and Ochako noticed.

"Deku? What's wrong?"

I turn to see her head tilted in confusion. I chuckle nervously while running the back of my head.

"It's just.... my mom can be a bit much." I replied.

"Don't worry I'm sure it'll be fine!" She said with her usual bubbliness.

I smile.

"Don't say I didn't warn you..."

I turn the knob to the door and not even 4 steps in we're enveloped in a bone crushing hug.


I chuckled a little but I sweatdrop as I turn to see Ochako blue in the face.

"Deku..... can't breathe.... help!" She managed to spout out whole turning a little purple.

"I warned you didn't I? I would've thought that you'd deduce my mom being strong as well as me. THIS was my training." I said.

"You're.... a beast." She said while turning a darker shade of purple.

A/N: Inko retains her figure due to Izuku's progress in training. Naturally, she would want to join and therefore is a lot stronger.

"Okay mom. You can let go now." I reminded her as she released us and Ochako started breathing very heavily and started clinging onto me in a hug in an attempt to gather herself.

"Okay mom. If you want grandkids then you probably shouldn't kill my girlfriend." I said.

"Oh! Right! Sorry." She said while nervously rubbing the back of her head.

Ochako on the other hand let go of me and looked at me with her face completely crimson.


I don't even try to hold in my laugh as I laugh so hard it could be heard for miles, I struggle to gather myself but then again I'm not trying to either. She turned redder, if possible, and immediately started punching my shoulder as hard as she could repeatedly. I have been training her more so it does have more of an effect.

"H-Hey! Stop that! I was joking! It was a joke!" I say trying to calm her down.

She turns around, crossed her arms and lets out a "hmph" whole still blushing.

"D-Don't joke about things like that!" She said.

"Okay...." I said with my head down, secretly hiding my smirk. "So you do want kids."

She once again turns red and I start laughing again. She growls in anger and annoyance, I see the look on her face and immediately pale. I never did go easy on her during training, because of this, she developed a "fierce warrior" type side. Great in training, terrifying in anything else. As she looks at me, with that side of hers on full display, I feel a drip of sweat go down the side of my head as I immediately run away from her. She of course chases me around the entire place, while my mom just watches in amusement.

"GET BACK HERE DEKU!" She yells.

"A joke! It was a joke! I thought you'd be use to this by now!" I said.

Now she just started running faster, so I pick up the pace as well. This goes in for about 1-2 minutes before I turn around and see Ochako charging me about to hit me, but I simply catch both hands she tried to hit me with and restrict them to her sides, so she looks directly at my face. I bring my face real close to hers and smile. She of course pretends to be angry and pouts. I however, can read her like a book. I can sense her desires and it only made me chuckle. So I kissed her, and not even 2 seconds later she melts into the kiss, of course after at least a second of half-heartedly resisting. I kissed her for a good 15 seconds. I slowly pull away and caught a glimpse of her widened smile before she puts on an angry mask and turns away with her arms crossed. I of course, can still sense her overwhelming happiness so I just chuckle.

"I'm sorry okay. I just like to have fun with you. That's why I tease you, it's just that I don't normally interact with a lot of people and so I usually do what keeps me entertained, in hopes of being interesting enough for people to stick around. I didn't mean to make you upset." I explained as I stepped forward and hug her from behind. She holds onto my arms as she starts leaning back into me.

"Plus, your reactions are priceless!" I whisper.

She turns around and flicks me on my forehead.

"Ow~! What was that for."

She smile at me before she pulls me down to her height and kisses me for a couple of seconds before she releases.

"Thanks for telling me that Deku. I know it's probably rough for you because of your childhood. But I'm glad I can make an impact in some way." She says as she brightly smiles at me.

"Awwwww!" I can hear my my mom say.

Ochako blushes and I chuckle a little.

We then proceeded to make conversation so mom gets to know Ochako better. She explains her overarching love of mochi and her ambitions as a hero. We eat dinner and make more conversation, the occasional "light" teasing to Ochako and the thump on the forehead in return. We get ready to leave as we say our goodbyes.

"Bye Mrs. Midoriya! Thank you for having me." Ochako said with a bow.

"Oh please, call me Inko." She replied.

"Okay Inko, goodbye!" She said.

We walk away and I start lightly flying Ochako to her place, Ochako seems to be clinging onto me especially tight. The notion is confusing since she's already used to me flying at my higher speeds, I just chalk it up to affection and continue focusing on flying. We get to her place as I drop her off, her parents seem to be out for now. I turn to leave before she grabs my arm.

"Wait..." She said while her voice was trailing off.

I turn to her and she starts staring at me, intently. She then just pulls me into her house without saying anything. I'm a little confused, I could simply read her thoughts, but then that wouldn't be interesting, I like mysteries!

She then pulls me to the couch, while not even minding the fact that she basically dragged me there and now is throwing me on the couch. Before I can even adjust, she sits right in top of me, my stomach and torso in between her legs as she sits on my lower abdomen. She keeps staring at me, almost as if she's hesitating, which is weird considering what's already happened. Before I can even say anything she immediately interlocks our lips, she's clearly not holding anything back because she starts going deeper and deeper into the kiss, leaving no space between our bodies, so naturally I reciprocate, her tongue reaches my mouth trying to get in, once she does she wastes no time in initiating a battle between the two tongues, after she won she marks her territory all over my mouth. We stay like this for about 15 minutes before she releases with a string of saliva connecting from both of our mouths. She never broke eye contact once, she simply just waited until she caught her breath and then did it again. I had no problem with it, in fact I was ecstatic! It was an interesting experience, one I'll never forget. She asked me to stay so naturally I said yes. Once we got to her room, I lay down but she takes her place on top of me instead of the bed. She said something about it being "more comfortable" I honestly didn't hear or care. I was tired from the constant workout she put my mouth through. I slowly start drifting off to sleep, before I do I can feel Ochako kiss my cheek and start whispering.

"I love you Deku. More than you could ever know, you've done a lot for me. Today was only a taste of what I feel. Thank you for everything." She said as she got comfortable straddling me and went to sleep. I of course, heard the whole thing and went to sleep smiling.

Likewise, Ochako.

We both wake up with huge smiles on our faces and this continued all the way up to school. Our classmates were looking at us weird but didn't bother trying to investigate, they were still a little afraid of me because all they remember was me pulverizing the grape on the first day. Unfortunately, school was pretty boring. The only slightly interesting thing was how Ochako refused to sit in her seat, making an argument that my lap was once again "more comfortable" and it would "help her focus better" Aizawa seemed kinda annoyed but at the end he simply didn't care and went back to the lesson. After school, I take Ochako to the beach for daily training. I was stretching when I noticed she looked a little down.

"Something wrong, Ochako?" I asked while stopping my stretches.

She looks up at me with a sad smile.

"Well it's just that... I feel like I'm not getting stronger." She said as I rose an eyebrow. "I mean, I'm getting better control of OFA and if I push myself, I can get to 30% but it doesn't seem to matter when I go against you." She said with her head down.

"Ochako. I get that you want to be strong, but, your being too hard on yourself. Your making excellent progress! But your trying to compare yourself to me, when I have been training for 11 years! Baby steps." I said trying to reassure her.

She lightens up a little bit as she looks at me.

"Do you think... do you think that I once I master OFA I can be a match for you?" She asked hopefully.

"No. Not even close." I replied nonchalantly as she looks down with tears threatening to escape those chocolate brown eyes of hers.

"To be honest, that was never the point." I continued.

She looked up at me confused with a glimmer of hope.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well you see," I say while rubbing the back of my head. "Mastering OFA was kinda you're pre-training."

She looks at me dumbfounded.

"You mean everything you put me through... was just practice??"

"Pretty much."

Ochako looked like she was about to faint but I continued.

"You see once you mastered OFA I was going to teach you how to use level 1 of my quirk which I like to call: Instincts!" I replied.

"Instincts, is essentially just an enhanced version of your body, that relies on your senses and instincts. If you didn't know, your body is capable of much much more than it is with a quirk if you rely on your senses and instincts. Be that as it may, it puts an incredible strain on your body, strain that you would most likely die from."

She paled at what I said.

"Don't worry! You'll be fine! Maybe..." I whispered that last part, but unfortunately she heard and it definition didn't help her nerves.

"Come here." I said whole gesturing her to follow me to a bench. I get there and sit down, while Ochako sits on my lap and leans into me as I wrap my arms around her.

"There's a lot you don't know about my quirk, Ochako. I don't think I gave you a proper explanations, did I?" She shook her head in response. "Well my quirk is 'Ultra Instinct'. At its full capabilities, it allows my body to move and fight without thinking and manipulate and control energy and heat, whole also giving me incredibly enhanced senses. With my quirk you need extreme power, with even more extreme control. Without that control, the power leaks out, and you'll either destroy the area around you or yourself, sometimes both." I explained while she noticably shook at the thought. I try to calm her down and I squeeze tighter and kiss her cheek, she seems more relaxed by this, so I continue.

"There's a reason I never use my full power, because even I can't handle it yet. If I tried, I could go about 30% maybe 40, without it leaking out, of course I can leak some out to intimidate the opponent. If I went any higher, I would most likely destroy the earth." I stated as her eyes widen in shock.

I smile a little bit as I comtinue.

"That's why I stress control so much, so I can be able to control my full power. So naturally you can understand why I haven't taught it to you yet, I wanted to make sure your body couple even begin to endure the stress Instincts puts you through. Besides, you'd get amazing power if you were able to tap into Instincts, but if you lack the control, one of two things would happen." I said. "One: you would burn yourself to a crisp. Two: you wouldn't be able to hold the power and you would simply blow to pieces." She paled once again at this.

"The good news is, since you don't have my quirk, you wouldn't burn to a crisp." I explain as she seems to relax a little. "...The bad news is, there's still a high possibility that you would blow to pieces." She stiffens again.

"Instincts is very dangerous, right now you lack the control, speed, and power that your quirk won't give you. So instead of OFA training, we're going into Instincts training. That way you can at least be capable of tapping into it." I explained. I can see a determined look in her eyes and it makes me smile.

"With that said..." I say as I gently take Ochako off of me and reach into the bag I brought and give her some clothes. She takes them, but immediate falls to the ground with them as I laugh. She starts grumbling something about "stupid boyfriends" as I laugh even harder. I finally compose myself.

"You're going to be training with those weighted clothes to sharpen your speed and strength." I explain as she attempts to put them on.

"Train? I can barely move!" She exclaims while struggling to stand up.

"You better hope you can move or else these rocks might come in contact with your skin one too many times." I said with a smirk a her eyes widen. I grab a rock and throw it at her, she narrowly manages to dodge but then I just keep throwing them and eventually I start pelting her.

"Okay! Okay! Stop throwing rocks!" She said as I obeyed. She seemed confused, before she asked something. "Why don't they hurt that much."

"One: because I'm not throwing it as fast or as hard as I can. Two: because I had those specially made from the support course which helps increase or decrease the amount of weight and or damage it can take." She nods in response. "You'll be fine as long as the settings are safe, but I don't feel like letting you off easy, especially since we're technically skipping pre-training. Be prepared to work, or I'll have to spend a lot of energy on trying to heal you." I say with a smirk as she audibly gulps.

You are gonna be stronger than ever, once we're done!

Sorry it took so long for this chapter to get out. I had ideas I just needed to put th m I'm the right order, don't worry, I already have the next chapter in mind so hopeful you won't have to wait too long. Til next time!

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