Mask of Glass

By McBrube

22.2K 740 157

Sequel to my book: Before the Truth Talon has always had a sort of moral code. As long as he can remember he... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 18
Ch 19
Ch 20
Ch 21
Ch 22
Ch 23
Ch 24
Ch 25
Ch 26
Ch 27
Ch 28

Ch 11

604 22 11
By McBrube

"Batman, fail." The automated computer blared as Bruce landed on the floor, flat on his back.

Everyone stood at the side, mouths hanging wide open. They watched Dick in awe as he offered Bruce a hand.

Their match had only lasted a few minutes, but so much had happened that it felt longer than it really had been.

The team had had trouble keeping up, mostly just seeing a blurred mess of punches, kicks, and flips.

Bruce accepted Dick's hand and let himself be pulled to his feet. He was still trying to wrap his mind around what had just happened. How had he been beaten so easily? One thought that had him even more concerned was how Dick had seemed to be holding back even as he easily dodged Bruce's attacks. 'Just what is Dick capable of?' Bruce thought to himself. He was extremely glad that Dick was on their side and not with the court.

"Thanks for your help team." Bruce said. "You are free to go back to whatever you were doing before."

The team filed into the zeta tube, waving and calling goodbyes to Dick as they went.

"You were holding back weren't you." Bruce said when they were gone, folding his arms and turning to Dick.

Dick looked up at Bruce nervously before shifting his gaze back to the ground and bringing a hand up to rub his neck. "H-how could you tell?" He asked in a whisper.

Bruce laughed and put a hand on Dick's shoulder. "Come on Dick, you don't have to be afraid of your skills."

Dick looked back at him, uncertainty shining in his eyes. "I... I just don't want you guys to think that I'm some sort of monster." He muttered, staring at the ground again.

Bruce's eyebrow shot up. Dick thought they would see him as a monster because of what the court had turned him into... Bruce was immediately uncomfortable. This territory was something he was definitely not comfortable with. He wasn't the type of man who would offer reassuring words and hugs. His general policy was just to let his children figure things out by themselves.

A tear made its way down Dick's face and Bruce struggled, trying to figure out what he should do. He was about to just walk away when Jason's words echoed in his ears. 'A second chance.' Dick was alive again and Bruce had a chance to do things right, to help his son.

Dick was surprised when Bruce wrapped his arms around him in a comforting hug. After a moment Dick returned the hug, letting the tears he had tried to keep bottled up spill onto Bruce's shoulder. "J-Jason already thinks I'm a m-monster, and everyone f-flinches when they see my e-eyes." Dick sobbed, feeling a bit childish once he had said it.

"Shhhh... it's alright. I'm sure Jason was just joking bud. His mouth has absolutely no filter. And I think that your eyes are striking. People are just taken aback by them because of what an unusual color they are." Bruce said, rubbing Dick's back and trying to calm him.

"Every time someone sees my eyes, or makes a comment..." Dick's sentence was interrupted by a new round of sobs. "I-I just t-think of the years I w-was trained to k-kill... W-what if I really am just a m-monster." Dick looked at Bruce, pain and sadness filling his eyes.

This whole situation was extremely awkward for Bruce, he honestly had no idea how to help Dick, but upon seeing him so distraught a protective fire started burning within him.

"We are all given some level of power in this life Dick. What we choose to do with it is up to each of us. Every single person can use their influence for either good or evil." Bruce paused, sending Dick a small smile. "As long as I've known you, you've used your influence for good... Being turned into a talon by the court doesn't automatically make you like them. You can still choose what to do with these new abilities. Nobody else can make you a monster just by telling you that you are one, or changing your looks. The only one that really has that power over your life is you."

Dick shifted his teary eyes back up to meet Bruce's, relief was clear in his eyes, as was a glimmer of hope. Bruce tightened his grip on him, holding on tightly for the next few seconds.

"When did you get so good at inspirational speeches?" Dick asked with a small smile and a sniffle.

"Hmm." Bruce said in mock thought. "I think I've been spending too much time around Superman."

This earned a genuine laugh from Dick.

"Dick, you are my son, and I love you. There is nothing that anyone could do that would ever make me give you up. Ok?" Bruce said in a serious tone.

Dick's smile widened and he nodded.

"Now..." Bruce trailed off, releasing Dick and typing a few things into the phone that he pulled from his pocket.

Music suddenly filled the cave. Never gonna give you up was playing on the bat computer. Bruce started dancing, singing along to the extremely catchy song.

Dick stood there with his mouth hanging wide open, until Bruce grabbed his arms, dragging him into his random dance and encouraging him to sing along.

Joyous laughter burst from both Bruce and Dick as they danced around the cave, singing a bit off key like maniacs. And for a moment they could forget about everything, every sadness and problem. They could simply be two normal people. Just a father and his son.

Sorry about the shorter chapter... I was just trying out something with a bit more fluff. Comment what you liked/disliked.
- McBrube

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