Captain Amelia x Male reader

By Jet_The_Knight

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You all remember that old movie Treasure Planet? too. She's the reason I'm so picky about women... More

Chapter 1: Hired able body
Chapter 3: Ready to make way.
Chapter 4: Dinner for two.
Chapter 5: Solar
Chapter 6: Mutiny
Chapter 7: Delirious desire
Chapter 8: A lonesome navigator.
Chapter 9: Captured
Chapter 10: Captain Flint's Trove
Chapter 11: Songs and revelry
Chapter 12: Goodbyes and New Adventures
Chapter 13: An Able Crew
Chapter 14: The newfound passage.
Chapter 15: "Where all things are forgotten"
Chapter 16: Nightmares
Chapter 17: Memories
Chapter 18: Special moment
Chapter 19: The Nemesis

Chapter 2: Attempted desertion

6.6K 181 96
By Jet_The_Knight

*Here we go another round then?*

(Y/n)'s eyes widened in fear and he gulped before attempting to retrieve his cool demeanor.

"Greetings Captain what brings you to my favorite tavern in the universe? Did you miss me or something?" (Y/n) with a cocksure grin.

Captain Amelia's right eye twitched in anger.

"Oh quite dreadfully Mr.(L/n) so much so in fact, that I came to remind you that I told you NOT TO LEAVE THE SHIP!!!" Captain Amelia yelled out startling (Y/n) and the woman in his lap.

"Mr.(L/n)? Whose this? Yer wife or sumthin'?" The woman asked making (Y/n) freeze up and Captain Amelia's cheeks flush red.

"I-I am not-" Captain Amelia began to speak until the clearly drunk woman interrupted.

"Yer a poor excuse for a wife of ya treat yer husband like that. He'd be happier with me. Especially if I show him the proper amount of 'love' he needs." The strumpet said in an annoying Irish accent.

Captain Amelia gritted her teeth in anger.

"See here You Floozy! I am allowed to treat him how I need to if he fails to obey his captain's commands. Also I'm certain that amount of 'love' you say, would have to cost something would it not?" Captain Amelia retorted with infuriated temperament.

Captain Amelia smiled smugly as the Irish woman stood up and got into the good Captain's face and growled in anger at her both daring each other to fight.

Finally, (Y/n) attempted to break the tension.

"Soo I'm just going to leave now if you ladies don't mind-" before he could finish he felt Captain Amelia grab his wrist tightly holding him in place as she kept eye contact with the Irish woman.

"That sounds like an excellent idea Mr.(L/n) let us be off, this strumpet can go find a sozzled drunkard's pants to get into." Captain Amelia said with a smile as she turned around pulling (Y/n) along as she shoved past the tavern's customers.

The Irish woman seethed with anger and grabbed a bottle and broke the bottom over a table and charged at Captain Amelia.

With not so much as a glance Captain Amelia spun around and extended her arm pointing a Pistol directly at the Irish woman's head stopping the woman in her tracks.

"We are leaving so please, leave us be. It would be quite the hassle for the tavern owners to clean up your brains from the floor wouldn't you say?" She mused as she pulled back the priming hammer.

The Irish woman nodded nervously and dropped the bottle and backed away.

Pulling the trigger and holding the priming lever then easing in back into it's resting position she holstered the pistol inside of her blue coat to where it was unnoticeable on her person.

"Now Mr.(L/n) let's get back to the ship to discuss an appropriate punishment for abandoning your post-" 

Amelia turned around to find no one there 

Where did he go?

Running out of the tavern door she spotted him running off into the crowd.

Captain Amelia growled in frustrated anger and gave chase. 

With feline agility she managed to catch up to him at least, but he was still quick for a human.

"Mr.(L/n) I demand you stop at once!" She shouted as she pushed past aliens in pursuit of (Y/n) who weaved in and out of the crowd easily she had to have chased him for about forty blocks or more by now.

Making a poor choice he turn a sharp turn right into a dead end alley as he turned around to leave the dead end he found Captain Amelia standing there in her prim and proper posture seemingly not even broke a sweat.

When in reality she wanted to pass out from exhaustion.

Looking at the wall to his left (Y/n) took a running start and climbed it easily and turned to Amelia smugly.

"Every fingers a fish hook captain now if you'll excuse me I'm off." (Y/n) said and turned to walk off and before he could even make it twenty feet from the ledge Captain Amelia had climbed the Wall with feline agility.

(Y/n) eyes widened and he backed up cautiously.

"Don't You dare..." Captain Amelia said she didn't feel like chasing him all over the damn planet.

Ignoring her warning he turned around and began to run only to slam into a metal wall knocking him unconscious.

Captain Amelia let out an amused chuckle and retrieved his unconscious frame.

A few hours later...

(Y/n) awoke feeling very uncomfortable and confused and went to move only to find himself restricted the ability to do so, why you ask?

That was because his whole body was tied to the main mast with rope. 

(Y/n) groaned and fought against the ropes yelling in anger hoping to get someone's attention.

Hours passed into darkness when he finally was annoying enough that someone came to the deck.

This person's attention was not the one he was hoping for.

"Comfortable Mr.(L/n)? The rope isn't too tight is it?" Captain Amelia asked amused as she carried a bowl of soup and a spoon in her hands as she approached.

"You fucking bitc-" 

"Language please Mr.(L/n), I will have no cursing in my presence." Captain Amelia said as she toyed with spoon before lifting the food to her mouth and tasting the spoonful.

"Hm, this soup is quite delectable if I do say, would you care for some?" She asked with a teasing smile.

(Y/n) glared at her then at the soup thinking.

"A simple yes or no would suffice Mr.(L/n)." Captain Amelia said impatiently.

"...yes.." (Y/n) stated softly

"Very well."

Captain Amelia then stepped closer to him and dipped the spoon into the soup then raised it to the man's lips.

"Say 'Ah' Mr.(L/n)."

(Y/n) raised a brow then opened his mouth allowing her to spoon feed him.

"Your wondering why I have tied you here instead of in the brig don't you?" Amelia asked softly.

"That's one of many things- mmmph!" She shoved another spoonful of soup into his mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full Mr.(L/n), it's rude." She said with a playful wink.

(Y/n) chewed the solid bits of vegetables and meat in the soup and swallowed only to have more waiting for him hovering infront of his mouth.

"Now, as I was saying, the reason why your out here and not in there is because I wish to keep a closer eye on you during this voyage. I think we both know you would find a way out of that metal cage when no one was looking. So what better way to keep eye on you then when I'm at the helm?" Amelia mused.

(Y/n) furrowed his brows.

"You will be kept here until the end of this voyage and you will continue to work under my service even after the rest of the crew has be relieved of this voyage. For you still owe me a voyage under my command."

Scooping the last bit of food from the soup she raised it to his lips then before he could eat she pulled it away and ate it herself.

"Now Mr.(L/n) do get some rest for we will be spending QUITE some time together aboard this ship." Captain Amelia said as she turned on her heel and walked off to her stateroom.

Leaving (Y/n) there with a stomach full of butterflies.

Little did the two know a mutiny was being planned in the decks below...

*still don't regret a thing. Tell what you all think!*

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