Hostage | Vᛕooᛕ

By Neko_ssi

89.4K 4.3K 975

Jeon jungkook who lives a simple and subtle life. Still, deep inside he wished well for someone... still... ... More

Bonus -
New story: Completed
Other stories to try


4.2K 218 116
By Neko_ssi

Jungkook's shift ended half an hour ago and he... Well, he was currently sitting in his car and was deciding whether he should call Taehyung or not.

'Of Course I should because that's why he gave me his number.' He reasoned with himself.

"Well sooner the better.." he nodded.

"Whatever will happen I promise I will not regret this... I promi-Whoa, I'm still behaving like a teenager..." he chuckled at his too-old- to-be fluttered habits.

He typed Taehyung's number in his phone and fiddled with his fingers, nervously.

"Well get a hold Jeon... for god sake stop being nervous..." he scolded himself, I mean who doesn't, right?

He clicked the option 'call' and breathed anxiously as each ring was taking long enough to make his heart beat sync, it rang for a few times,

'Maybe he is busy?' Jungkook concluded and decided on ending the call but suddenly the call was received.

Jungkook slowly gasped at that uncertain situation.

"Hello?" He heard a deep husky voice that came from the other line...

'So it must be,





Jungkook gulped.

'It's I did it, I called him." He presses his lips together. 'His voice is now huskier and manly' He mentally cheered.

Before Jungkook could mentally drool more over Taehyung's voice, another wave of sound came.

"Hello? Who's this?" Taehyung said again.

Jungkook squeaked at the tone of the voice, it was like Taehyung was out of patience, so he decided to talk.

"It-s Jung-Jeon Jungko-ok!?" He at least managed to say his name.

"Jungkook..?' Came the soothing voice from another side.

"Yeah" Jungkook sighed in peace.

"oh hey how are you doing?" His voice sounded like he was really all happy to talk to him.

'His voice is even better than my expectations...the first time where expectation is crushed by reality.'

"Yeah, I'm good" Jungkook said. 'Now' He parts his lips to speak. "And yo-u?

"Yeah me too so-oh right I was thinking we can meet this evening you know if you are free, let's meet what you say?" Taehyung offered.


Taehyung sighed when he got no response from the other side. So he decided to explain a bit. After all , he felt weird that he was asking Jungkook out of the blue.

"Well I'm really not connected with my friends and I'm so happy to see you. now I come to realize, It's we-we never talked before right,you know? but how about let's catch up to that?"

Did Jungkook just got, jungshook?

No, he didn't,

He just got -

Jungshook ultra pro max...

'He is meet me?'

He felt warm tears pricking his eyes.

'Not now stupid'

Jungkook quickly banged his hand on the steering wheel with an adrenaline rush. 'It hurts again...' But this time a smile plastered on his face.

Soon a wide grin fell on his face.

"Jungkook? You are still there on the line right?"

"uh yeah yes... I am... and.. free yeah I am?"

"Well, then that's great...Let's meet in a coffee shop at eight?"

"Eight pm? I think it's qu-ite late isn't it?" Jungkook checked the time, it was still 3 pm. 'I can.. wait more like 5 hours for you after all 6 years but I don't want to...'

"oh if you say so then how about seven..? sorry I'll be busy before that." Taehyung apologized.

Jungkook sighed. 'Fine only a few hours...' he was about to say something but before him Taehyung spoke.

Jungkook panicked listening to Taehyung's words.

-"It's okay if you are not free we'll meet nex-"

"no it's fine.. let's j-just meet there at seven then." Jungkook cut his words off. No way in hell he is going to refuse to meet this time okay.

"Well then see you there."

"wait... well you kinda didn't tell me which cafe.."

"I didn't? Okay then how about I'll text you the address?"

"That'll work"

"Then bye"

"Mm yeah."

Taehyung ended the call first, and took a sip from his rosè wine.

He hums and cranes his head towards the window, seeing the cityscape he mumbles

"Told you." And smirked.

"Well, I have to agree... V" Hoseok responses as he also sipped from the wine glass. "Well, then I'm reporting it to them."

"Alright Hyung." He smiles at Hobi as the latter soon calls his boss to inform.

Taehyung played with the glass of half-filled wine as he stared outside the window.

'Nice to meet you again, Jeon Jungkook'
he smiled.


"How come.I.didn't.realize.that I don't have anything to wear until now?" He sighed. 'Come on Jeon It's not a big deal' he sadly smiled. "after all, it's not we are going to a date"

'But he said he is happy to see me...And he..looks damn hot with his blond hair?'

Jungkook stayed still remembering the scene earlier.

Even though he was in a daze, he did notice Taehyung's outfit.

OMG Kim Taehyung with blond hair is really and literally will be the cause of Jungkook's insanity.

'If I get crazy by seeing that ethereal sight, I will drop my Bluetooth speakers for him. And I won't even complain' he smiled.

He looks at the time. 'I gotta get ready with whatever now'

He bites his lip and looks in the mirror. 'I look fine right...?'

He was always conscious regarding his looks, his body, his features. He was a fine looking lad, but to him he felt nothing special. Just a guy who lives his so-called perfect life, of course according to others...

'Okay, Kook If you don't want him to call you an ambulance. Just breathe. Gosh, I don't want to faint in front of him, but wait...that would be a good situation... then he will take ca- wait Shh' Jungkook shook his head to silence all the thoughts...

Which eventually didn't but that's okay because finally after six years he is really going to meet him now officially and it was Taehyung who asked him to come.

'Fuck yeah'

Jungkook was on the clouds for now like who wouldn't be right.

"Finally the Universe heard me.. I'm gonna thrive this time..'

'Hell...Im meeting him again after six...fucking after six years. I'll have him tell me why he... suddenly.. left... me all there alone.' He frowned as he remembered the memory.

A memory, around the time when he heard a rumour that Taehyung changed his school, but also some rumour floated that the School Captain didn't just change his school but even shifted to another country.

Sadly, according to Jungkook he thought because of his luck,

The second one happened to be true.

Jungkook broke after knowing that...

He was angry at Taehyung. Moreover, he was angry at his fate.

Cause everytime something's finally going to happen between they get more distance..and that time it was the least thing he had ever expected but instead got shot with.

He sighed. 'But only if I survive looking at him.' A soft smile crept on his face again.

'I wonder what it will be like when I will see him..or...How would he react to me?' He widely smiled.

Jungkook went to his washroom to get fresh and stood in front of the mirror with only a white towel gripping his abdomen.

"What does he like in a guy?" He tilted his head and scanned himself head to toe.

"What type of guys does he like?"

Jungkook knew that Taehyung likes boys, thanks to him that inspired and motivated Jungkook to come out of the closet.

He sighed. "Can't believe I had loved him for like years and i still don't know what type of things he like...but"

He furrowed his eyes as certain thoughts passed. "what if-what if he is already dating someone. What he is already committed to?"

Jungkook's heart sank when he realized this.

"No no.. It's not like I'm gonna confess to him right then and there.. I'm just going to see him..yeah. Only going to see and to know how he was doing all these years after..he left me" he softly giggled. "Without knowing himself...that he left me."


Currently, it was five in the evening and Jungkook was all ready after trying thousands of outfits before he settled on a particular outfit.

He wore a Dark blue T-shirt with a low-neck and grey sweatpants combined with his black timberland. His collarbone peeked out of the material and again got all hidden when he tripped in a jet black shirt, on the bright side it made Jungkook's muscle more on display. But As much as he wants to make Taehyung show how he changed,  he doesn't want to die at twenty-three by getting a winter shock.

It was still 6 pm.

He huffed in annoyance and out of impatience.

He clicked on the message in which Taehyung just sends the address and it will only take 10 minutes from his locality. He smiled to himself, 'only ten minutes left till I see you again Tae.'

'No wait.. eh! 1 hour later.'

He decided not to go by car as still there's plenty of time left.

Finally out of patience he decided to walk towards the cafe.

'Alright, it's time to go.'

Even after reaching the venue, he was almost 15 minutes early. After waiting for enough outside.. he finally decided to enter.

'This is it I don't care if he thinks I'm so desperate to meet him.'

When he entered the coffee shop... He was awestruck cause this is the first time he came to this coffee shop and it was really good. It smelled of coffee beans which are of course. It looked really aesthetic and Jungkook mentally noted to come here often.

'Even the thing he chooses is perfect.' He smiled but soon went flat in shock.. 

He walked forward and saw Taehyung in a white shirt with loose black pants which always made him look good, and he was talking on the phone.

(Pls He's ethereal-)

'He still wears loose fitting clothes' Jungkook's eyes glitter when he saw Taehyung smiling. 'How much I missed your smile as well as you Tae..'

The lights showered over his pretty face making it look almost out of the world. 'He is too good t-' 

His thoughts suddenly stopped when he shifted his gaze from his outfits to his face to his  shoulders...and that well built chest...the arms..and the way he held his phone...with those long fingers...

Guess Jungkook was so busy in his school with all this puppy love and crush which soon turned out to be more strong and more unbearable to notice how Taehyung actually grown up in those years and how he looked now, hell! ....and hell was also a mere word in front of Kim Taehyung. 

Jungkook gulped.

But something clicked when he saw him sitting already with a glass of half filled water.

'Strange... he's here even before me. I didn't see him entering' he checked his wrist-watch.

Somehow he's feeling something is weird. He always trusted himself and never once ignored his gut feeling and for now it was telling him ? away from Taehyung?

But that stupid fucking organ which goes by the name Heart literally begged him to stay.

He mentally groaned.

Before he could think what to do, his eyes got locked with Taehyung's and for which the latter straightened his face and Jungkook knew running is now absolutely not a good option if he wants to be with Taehyung. 

So he walked casually to Taehyung's direction but to him, that was the hardest thing to do even more than getting enrolled in his dream college.

"He's here," Taehyung said slowly to whom he was talking on the phone and pressed the end button.

Taehyung smiled his infamous boxy smile, at Jungkook. Which was ethering but somehow it was kinda weird to Jungkook of nevertheless he still couldn't think anything else, believe me.


He was having hundreds of ideas about how he could dissolve in the air, or make a hole in the ground and jump in it. Or just he could have the power to faint whenever he wants.

"Hey," Taehyung said when first seeing Jungkook is still stiff as a stick.

"He-llo it's good to meet.. you after ma-ny years.." Jungkook mentally facepalmed for stuttering.

"Yeah... how are you.. I can see you have quite changed." Taehyung casually stated as he looked down the menu.

'He noticed?' Jungkook was mentally squealing. "I'm good."

Taehyung motioned Jungkook to sit and while the latter sat in the opposite chair of him. 

"I guess I don't have any right to say that you are early" Taehyung teased but Jungkook's brain had already stopped functioning the moment he saw the elder.

"Why?" Jungkook asked seriously.

Taehyung flopped. "Um..cause I'm too..?"

Jungkook blinked and realized. "Ah..yeah"

"Anyway, what do you want?"

Taehyung asked being a gentleman.

"Whatever yo- I mean Coffee?"

'Why the fuck he's getting so nervous...?' Taehyung mentally huffed but kept a good and perfect smile on his face.

"Alright, then anything beside?"

Taehyung asked again. 'I'm already irritated by this case, please let me get this over already.' he thought.

"Uhm.." This time Jungkook looked at the menu but his mind was somewhere else. He felt something was wrong. Everything is different from what he had thought about their first meeting after six years. 

Taehyung was all cold and ignored everyone and only used to stick with his only group of friends from junior school and of course Jungkook was not in that friend circle, which is why Jungkook never decided to talk in school cause most probably he would have gotten ignored, let alone his confession.

'There's no way he will-'

"How bout cheesecake?" Taehyung suggested it after running out of patience.

Jungkook blinked twice to admire how Taehyung's voice is now more nerve wracking than before...

"Yeah sounds good" Jungkook relaxed when Taehyung suggested something. 

"Alright, then I'll go and order." Taehyung suggested.

"Hmm okay, I'm-I'm going to the washroom."

Jungkook managed to say and to which Taehyung replied with 'kay'.

Jungkook entered the gent's washroom and started to wash his hands. It was all his habit, whenever he used to get nervous he used to wash his hands. 

'He looks hotter than I imagined him to be...even if he wouldn't I would have still drool over him. Well bad luck cause he is now even way out of my league.'

He looked into his reflection in the mirror and rested his arms on both sides of the sink.

But something still felt weird. Like something was not fitting in the picture. The sudden appearance of Taehyung, calling him in the cafe to talk about old memories?

Jungkook was honestly freaking out because he was already aware of this fact. Maybe just maybe something was really weird?

"Something is definitely wrong.. no...ugh wait everything is wrong..." He tensed up and by this moment he knew he was wrong and Taehyung could never harm him but still, one part felt the exact opposite.

He shrugged his thoughts. 

He wiped off the water from his hands and walked out of the washroom and saw Taehyung was already back with their order which is even weirder for Jungkook. 

'I was inside for like just 5 minutes or  over time because I was overthinking?' Jungkook shrugged.

He joined Taehyung and sat in his chair facing opposite of Taehyung's.

"Hey.." Taehyung said in hope to at least start the conversation.

"Uhm hey.. how you..were in this years?" Jungkook forgot how to breathe as he waited for Taehyung to answer his question.. well for Taehyung it was something his every friends or relatives will say but to Jungkook that was the to know how he actually was all this years without seeing him, well whom is he kidding of course he knows the older never felt anything towards Jungkook even if he was right in front of his face or in a different country.

Taehyung breathed and looked at the wall clock behind Jungkook before he again looked at Jungkook. "Quite well..." he said with a plain smile.

Jungkook nodded. "That's..good." 

'At Least he was fine ... without me.'

Tae - "How bout you?" 

Jungkook looked outside of the window because he couldn't answer this question right looking at Taehyung's eyes...he would have broken down before he knew it.

'I was fine before because at least I could at least see you even though I knew you weren't mine, but you didn't even leave me that option so you just choose to just disappear even without a word. So i was dying all these years and hell I don't even know why I was just fucking waiting for you! Because yeah maybe I'm really a weirdo just not to move on yet from a guy whom I had loved for like 11 years and he just disappeared. Thank you so much but no...'

"I was fine too.." He smiled seeing the leaves fluttering by the winds just like his heart..well it was more like an earthquake...

"So Jungkook I can i ask you..why you ran earlier when I called you in hospital, in the morning?" Taehyung asked, although he planned not to ask him because he doesn't care anyway but he still asked Jungkook which is weird to himself. 

'Why is everything so weird today..' Jungkook thought. 'It's so weird that I'm feeling the coffee is also weird.' 

"I-t was an emergency. A patient had an operation and I was asked to check his vitals so.. I had to.." Jungkook mentally patted himself because he made an excuse for his weird behaviour...but wasn't that true either way? 

He looked down at his weird coffee.

'I don't wanna drink this..' 

"Oh.. is that so" Taehyung stopped to chuckle and but Mann how Jungkook swears why he is still not recording Taehyung's angelic voice yet.

"-well I thought you might don't want to meet me so I thought you ran away.." Taehyung dryly laughed. 

Jungkook's lip curled in a smile..he looked up straight at Taehyung "No of course not.. It's great to meet you again..Taehyung '' he softly murmured his name.

Taehyung stared at the younger and nodded while smiling "well that's good cause same.. let's start getting cold?" Earning a nod From Jungkook, Taehyung sipped his coffee and took a bite of the cheesecake.

Jungkook was not feeling it, he was nervous, he was happy, he was blushing constantly but there was another feeling, an eerie type of feeling. He glanced at his coffee again but not having any intention to have it.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook and quirked an eyebrow but quickly fixed it.

"Jungkook, why you're not drinking it?" Taehyung smiled.

And this time, that smile made it more clear for not having the coffee at any cost. 

"Hmm just going to.." he gave a assuring smile that he actually wants to take a sip but...nope.

Taehyung took another bite of the cheesecake.. thinking when will Jungkook drink the coffee and so he can finally leave taking Jungkook with him, cause he may or may not have mixed Rohypnol in Jungkook's coffee.

Right then a couple entered the cafe with an adorable dog and sat on the table before Taehyung and Jungkook. 

When Taehyung saw the dog his expression turned caring and soft. Which Jungkook did notice and his heart melted, when subconsciously he picked up his coffee to drink..

Taehyung crouched down a little but still being in his seat he played with the dog.

Jungkook noticed that Taehyung's attention was on the dog so he decided to throw his coffee in the pot which was right beside him, or left..

As fast as flash he threw his coffee and though that it was quite a stupid act. But yet again he trusts his institution. 

Taehyung was still playing with the dog so taking this chance Jungkook took a sip from the empty cup and made it like he just had a whole coffee in two sip.

"Ah.. This was great.." Jungkook said, taking Taehyung's attention... 

Taehyung raised one eyebrow.

Because first Jungkook just drank in two sips which was unnecessary, and second cause he Just called that the coffee was great... Well then Third cause the coffee was everything but great.

Quite the reason why no one comes into this shop leaving people who are new and who of course won't come again.

"Ah is that so..?" Taehyung smiled and titled his head. "I'm... glad you like the coffee..." Taehyung smirked. 'One can't play with this bud..!'

"Yeah of course.." Jungkook smiled too. 

Not knowing why Taehyung smirked at him. But damn He looks so fucking hot while doing so and Jungkook gulped.

"Well.. so how's life after graduation?"
Taehyung asked, leaning his back comfortably.

"Uh it was weird?" Jungkook laughed. "I mean how we just graduated and right after we had to go to college and then the next we got a job and we, ah we're an adult now."

'And just how fast I thought I lost you forever and yet you are sitting out here, baby just in front of me..'

Taehyung hummed, whatever Jungkook said just made complete sense to him.

"So what did you do after completing school?" This time Jungkook asked with anticipation.

'Come on Tae breaks the ice..'

Taehyung smiled, "after school I had to go to the States to handle my father's business, he was admitted in the hospital and as I was the only son I had to take care of it."


Taehyung continued, "Well it all happened suddenly. I didn't even get to say farewell to my friends." He didn't dare to take another sip of the coffee cause it just tasted so..ugh

'So that's why he just disappeared' Jungkook thought.

"I was really not in contact with anyone until... I finally decided to come back after all my dad and his business are both stable now."

"Oh when you come back?"
Jungkook asked.

"Umm it's thr-Yeah three weeks ago..." Taehyung replied. 

"Oh.. and you were in hospital.. So you were sick?" Jungkook innocently asked Taehyung almost had to control himself not to coo at him.

"Uh.. yea-h I had an appointment yeah.." Taehyung awkwardly smiles.

"Oh you're okay now right?" 

"Mm I'm fine.. it was nothing just uh Malnutrit-? No wait! It was uh Insomnia.!" Taehyung mentally pale face palmed but relaxed seeing the ravenette nodding his head.

"Okay I see..well take care of yourself.."

The blonde hummed as a response.
"So you work as a nurse right?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook nodded. 

"'s been three years now.."

"Oh that's great" Taehyung smiled and Jungkook's heart fluttered even though his hands were all still shaking under the table from being nervous.

But hey it was not that bad. He thought Taehyung looked actually interested to talk or that's what Jungkook thought.

"Umm it's getting late.. Did you bring your car?" Taehyung asked. 

"No I didn't.. I will just walk. It's just 10 minutes from here." Jungkook said 'is it the end now'

"Well sorry, but I'll drop you and you can't say no. Okay?" 


(•Jungkook's brain: say no say nooo!)

Jungkook consoles himself at the unexpected gesture and speaks  "O-okay thanks.." and smiled at the thought. 'He's such a gentleman...'

(•His brain: Fuck you!)

Taehyung gave a honey dripping smile. "Then let's go.."

And with that Jungkook nodded while collecting his phone and house keys from the table.

'What can go wrong? It's not like he is a human trafficker and will kidnap me. Well... from where the fuck I'm getting this weird thoughts?' He shrugged his thoughts and smiled at Taehyung. 

(•His brain: You bet!)


:) hv a nice - ....year-?

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