My forever

By Ki_imagines

3.4K 64 3

Third book to 'No one knows' series. If you haven't read the others DO NOT read this one. More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twentyfour
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Chapter forty-eight
Chapter forty-nine
Congrats you get to read my rant
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty-one

Chapter twenty

69 2 0
By Ki_imagines

Mabel's POV

"Hurry up!" I yell.

"I'm coming sheesh. You'd think the woman and definitely the pregnant woman would take longer." Harry says as he walks up to me.

I'm standing in the hotel room doorway doing a little jig.

"Stop being sexist." I scold.

"Stop being so impatient."

"Stop being-"

"I knew they we're here!" A voice shouts down the hall.

We stop walking and turn toward the other end of the hall. A group of four teenage girls stands by the elevator that's on the right of the hall.

"Hi girls." Harry says politely and they scream.

I flinch and keep walking toward the other elevator.

"Can we get some pictures? Maybe a kiss?" I girl asks and I stop before turn song back to the them.

They look up at me and smile cheapishly. Harry chuckles and signs one of the girls magazine.

"Excuse me Mabel, can you sign this to?" The girl asks.

"Sure." I smiles and I walk back over before signing it.

"How's the baby?" One of the other girls asks.

"Doing good." better than my last pregnancy.

"That's good. I bet the baby will be as beautiful as you." the girl says and I blush.

"Thank you."

"What about me? I bet it'll have my amazing looks too!" Harry says as he ruffles my hair.

"See what he does to me?" I ask as I swat his hand away.

The girls giggle as I fix my hair.

"We ought to go girls, we have to be somewhere in...." harry checks his watch and looks up at me. "Ten minutes."

"I can get there in five." I say and he shakes his head.

"You are now going race at driver on me." he says and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah I'm going to put the baby in danger along with you and me. No! I know some back roads we can take." I shake my head and the girls giggle again.

Eww. I'm sorry but I hate bubbly people. I mean for real who giggles like bubbles from powerpuff girls? Apparently these girls.

"Bye girls." Harry waves as he takes my hand.

"Bye!" They wave as we get into the elevator.

As soon as the doors are closed I turn to Harry and lean my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me and I sigh. He's shaking a little bit. He takes a ragged breath and I look up at him.

"Don't be nervous. You've met some of my family at our wedding. You just didn't meet my cousin Knives, kylea, and Caleb, and my Aunt Karen." I say.

"Knives?" He questions.

"Yep." Is all I say.

I want him to be surprised when he meets Knives. Which he will be.

We walk up the driveway and up the steps to the door. I ring the doorbell and after a second Kylea, who's fourteen, answers the door. Her brown eyes light up at the sight of me.

"Mom! Mabel and... oh my Jesus lord." she blinks when he sees Harry.

"Aren't you going to let them in?" My aunt asks as she pushes her way past Kylea.

She pulls the screen door open and we step in.

"Oh how's my niece doing?" Karen asks me as she hugs me.

"Great, I've missed you guys though." I say as we pull away.

"I bet you did." a voice says from down the hall.

I lean over and see my cousin Kierstin also known as Knives standing to the side.

"Knives!" I smile and she walks up before hugging me.

"How's my big cousin?" She asks.

"Honey I'm only a year older than you." I say and she shrugs.

"I like to make you seem old." she winks and I punch her arm lightly.

My aunt looks up at Harry who looks really nervous. "Hi my name's Karen. I'm Mabel's Aunt." they shake hands.

"I'm Harry, it's nice to meet you." he smiles.

Caleb comes down the stairs and turns right around before going back up.

"Caleb! Don't be rude!" Karen shouts at him as she steps toward the stairs.

He comes back down the stairs and shoves his hands in his pockets. "Hi."

"Hello Caleb!" I pull him I to a hug and he tries to push me away.

"I can't breath Mabel!" He says as he tried to wiggle away.

"To bad. I'm going to hug you until you hug me back." I say as I hold him closer.

He hugs me back and after a second I let go.

His cheeks are light pink and Kierstin bursts out laughing at him.

"Shut up." he says and he walks down the hall.

"Don't mind him." my aunt says as she turns to us.

"He's just shy about his love for me." I say and Kierstin snorts.

"He's shy about his love for anything." She mutters and Karen shoots her a look.

"Well Anyways, come on in! I'll take your coats and you can make yourselves at home." Karen says and Harry helps me take off my coat. Karen walks down the hall and turns into the kitchen.

"I wish I had a Harry Styles." Kierstin says and Harry smiles at her.

"I could set you up with Louis but your cousin here might bite off my head." Harry says as he leans on me to take off his shoes.

"That's actually a good idea." I say and Harry looks up at me with a shocked look.

"Umm are you feeling okay?" He asks.

"I'm serious. Louis and Kierstin would be a great match." I nod.

"Sorry to break it to you but the last thing I need is a guy to get in my way. And besides in seventeen. Im still a minor." she points out.

"You won't be in a...." i trail off.

"Month." she sighs.

"I've made my point." I nod.

"Mabel I don't want a relationship that won't last long because all he wants is a good fuck?" She asks and I stare at her.

"Where did that inoccent girl that I knew go?" I ask her.

"She's worn away." she answers. She turns and opens the coat closet before grabbing her coat and slipping it on.

"Where are you going?" I ask her.

"My fuck buddy is here," she nods her head toward the door and I turn around to see a Blond girl walking up.

"What the fuck?" I say outloud and Kierstin laughs.

"Just kidding. This is Jamie." Kierstin says as the girl opens the door.

"Hey... whoa when you said you we're cousins with Mabel Styles everyone thought you we're lying." The girl says as she stares at me.

"Nice to meet you too." I mumble.

"I have to get a selfie!" Jamie takes out her phone and poses in front of us before snapping a picture.

"Chill out Jamie." Kierstin chuckles.

"What im just... OH MY GOD HARRY STYLES IS STANDING IN FRONT OF ME." Jamie exclaims as she hugs Harry tightly.

Harry hugs her back loosely and I look back at Kierstin who has her phone out videotaping it.

"Kierstin." I say and she looks up at me, briniging her phone up to me. "Can you tell your friend to get off him?"

"Oh yeah sorry. Hold this." She hands me her phone and then walks over to Jamie and Harry. She pulls Jamie off of him and JAmie straightens herself out.

"Sorry. Im just a huge directioner and couldnt beileve it when Kierstin said she was releated to you." Jamie says and I nod.

"Well we have to go." Kierstin says as she pushes Jamie toward the door.

"OKay?" I say as they walk out.

"Thats some cousin." Harry says as we watch them walk to a mint colored voltswagen.

A group of three guys with grocery bags walk as Kierstin gets in the drivers seat. Jamie gets in the passenger seat and the guys open the back seat before climbing in.

"I'm so tempted to go through those bags and just-"

"Babe, chill out. Shes just having fun." Harry says as he massages my shoulders.

"I feel like she's my little sister, I grew up with her. I used to be closer to her than I am with Kesha." I sigh.

"It's just a faze." he assures me.

"It was a faze I never got out of." I turn to him and he pulls me close.

"Let's go in and chat with your other cousin than." he says.

"Kylea or Caleb?" I ask.

"Either. Or we can talk to Aunt Karen." he shrugs.

I nod as I step out of his grasp. We walk down the hall to the kitchen. Aunt Karen is cooking on the stove humming a tune as we sit down at the table.

I look over to the family room to see Caleb and Kylea have headphones on, playing some game that I don't recognize.

"So how's life?" Karen asks as she turns around.

"Good. You remember the house by the Catholic Church that uncle Curtis goes to?" I ask.

"Yeah the really big one that we all used to live in?" She asks.

"Yeah. Harry just bought it back." I smile and her eyes widen.

"Really? That's amazing! We've all missed that house. it's good to know it on good hands again." she says and I look over at Harry.

"Once we get it all set up your welcome to visit it." harry smiles.

"I will. I promise you that." Karen chuckles.

"So what's been going on with you?" I ask.

"Nothing much. I've been so busy with Kierstin though. She's a trip." she chuckles. "Shes going to states in the spring for track."

"Whoa." I say and she nods.

"She broke two long jump records, she was undefeated in 200 meter and her 4 by 1 team was undefeated so she's going to go run against the top teams all over America in Washington." Karen says proudly.

"That's amazing." harry says and she nods.

"She's always wanted to run track, hasn't she?" I ask and she nods.

"Ever since she was little." Karen smiles. "But I really think she needs a break from it all. She's been going crazy under stress and I think she should have a little vacation time or something."

"She could stay with us." I volunteer.

"Really?" She asks.

"Yeah. She could do online schooling for canal like i did for awhile while she's away and so when track season comes she can jump right back in." I say and Karen's eyes light up.

"That would be wonderful! But is it okay with you Harry?"

We look over at Harry who rolls his eyes. "of course that's fine with me."

"Thank you!" Karen wraps her arms around me and then Harry.

"It's no problem. But just so you know we leave in three days." I say and she nods.

"I can get a plane ticket tonight." Harry says.

"Oh no! I don't want you paying for it. I have it covered." Karen nods.

"Okay but my offer still stands." Harry pulls his phone out after it buzzes but I look up at Karen.

"I hope Kierstin won't mind living with us." I sigh.

"She won't. She misses you so much it hurts her." Karen says.


"She just missed you really bad. She used to cry sometimes." she admits and a pang of guilt hits me.

But it wasn't my fault. None of it was.

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